ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSAY, DECE31BER 18th, 1969 O NOWEEKL>', Y TIMES SecdClams Mail isýtc Nuinber G0380 Fnlsed erery Tlhursday at the offieec, f uMe~ Mafýýn Street, rono, Onta-io. Phone 8-50 HAVING DOUBTS! There apipears to be some doulit by sume meimbers of the Oniono Police ýTrnsgteeis iover thle plan off inetituîtiig one- way Vaffic in prtionis of Centre, Park andi Churcli streetis in the Village of 0'roino. ýThe larguments agýainast 4he plain were well bse'd and cebany wojitlhy off serions consider- Oneýmay traffie as planned for the small seiutions off street i Orcno midI oell3infly priovian lacoiveaieniceani ,Wikll lisomewvhat confluàing. Although sornething lias Voalie lone Vo edImnate thle condition ithat now exdits on Centre Street, Park Street and Chrdh Streeit betweein Centre andi Park, it may wÈE b le that iorieway trafffic witl parking on bollh sLides js niot Vileblest answer. Mr. Shipsori srggested, and with good reasn that jparikiig lie aEIïowed only on orie sude of Centre ;Street mad Park Street ietweeun MainiantiChrdh ias wellilas cn, Churcli Street behind iebusqnügs section, andi that -two-way traMfl be conitinued on these streets. ille pointeti out that aliuhougl tWs voulid elliminalte isome ýparking ispaices lt woulld not mear a decrease ia parkiin(g fafflie due Vo the tfact that a Vwo ,hour parking turne lhnut would remove the day4lonug parker. Mir. Nicholson'suppoted this latter ,view andi more or lesg sabd Vthe key to the prolblam was enfonicement of tihe park- ing t&nçellilit by4uaws. 1 t appe(ars to nus tihat the best answer to the-prent plblem of raffiC cngesîtVon at peak turnes woufld lie the establishment cf paring on one side ofi the affected struiets Only aýd Vthe entâtùning off Vwouway traffic and of ocourse' thle enforcenlenit off the parking turne Ilmit. It Is (noti that an adequate parking lot aveaihais beeri deiveilopeld for areina cùstàcmers la tue fair grountis justoff Park 'Street andi thus ,should meet reiluiremientS for this buildiung and alluw Vthe more o parking on ,cne aide cif Vile street only, There is, of course, a need for further ôff Street parting for those who reguire mineParking È te iain two hoursand in this vein there mrsV le consideratlocn. It lso be hoped thei preseunt conditions cari le re- solved Riilorfty within thie business section off Onono. Orono Hockey Notes Hockey ,at Vthe Orono ninuk op- ened. la exeiteinent on Friday. eren&ung witil four local teamasse- inug-acotion andti iithIie fifth Or- runi teaim secng action on Satur- Aà. Fwîldauy niglit will again be ýjeckicke niglilt in ýOrono Vhilayear. Thie Orno Ty keus deýfeated Bowomvilie7-0 oun Frîday wti tile locti boys pnoiding serig p erby.,-Ron Talma 2, Tcriuny Gu 2a , Michael Mtchell 2, anti J,David H1-utnn 1. Assista went te Dany ithelRauTaîsma, Day- Id Ilutton 2, andi Bill Clark. ÀTOMS- SeotV We5t, assiateti by -Mat- thew Robinsori, scoreti Vie lone Orono goal In a 2-1 defeat by Bclwmanville hithis age group. PEE WEES- Thie Orono Pee Wees .seeretiai tÔtal cfM five goals Ocrntileir op- position, Port Hpon Fnidlayev- enitng. T'i Orono goals were ,secoreti by Ncky Ven Seglen 2, Doug B1acýkRobbile H-enuerson gnti ohn ornisl. Bb Breýnrin THE FARM FRONT CcmmecingFebiuairy 3 riext a orein niutrition wIl lie heli eaeh Wednes a atenoorifor fir weksaitOroo.Those wish- rng Vo Vke partshounluticontact tu. e MtiM.eparttcfariutueanti f ood office aitlovavile duction is Lbcirug4neea"'(u un dertaken by fue largeur scale produce-Irs wiluose needa"'for ne- placemnent bneeding sOws are sucW'1ti11tP11ey ust finti br2eeders 'Who car, oiffer large numbers cf higli!' uality dorisit1y liredt, testet a1ni diaeauefrc animais, organze temseleus rie ay or another real oor eserve tiosec kiiria cf arkct theywiillose them Vo oihe suplier, mybe avenmn 0.1tuer un'Mes sona- wîÇ ile erra cncuso Some 50 podurrs fo qu aros Caaaan urn ucýaiVsfo univrsitqs nti ovcfm rto- Barry ýWest, Nicky VanSe-gg-len anti Richard Robert§ were credit- ed sith assists.. BA NTAMS- The Orno Bantaums tock ai cie- sitiet 9-2 wiri over Boawmanvàlle on rMent ceennig wilen Rainiy Eastabrook soeithnee cf Vthe nine goals., te Orono goals were by Steven Boyd, Bn Black, Nico DeJonuge anti Warren Johnson. Assists wcnt to Nico de Jonge, Steven Bcyd 2, Cliff Fce, Warren Johnson, Bnian Black and Keîth PPowell. MIDGETS- i The fifth Orono team, Midgets,' etigeti a 4-3 win over Bowmanvfille ori Deçamfber '13th. 'The game was well playeti wIth the Ororo goals being score d by Robin WIunter uth asist Vo Blain Moffait; Dean Ces assisit ta Stevei Boyt; Duane Webster asgst Vo Steveri Boyd andi Jlm Sutherland assist Vo Randy Tennant. Thie Bownmanvlle goals were by llainidy AIliri. Wayne Sheehan andi which wil provde for the health ,statuus hIehds nequired for ef- ectU, iveand ficen roduction, and Whdeih becomes a langer issue as breirdherda inruease in aune. in ýDurdiam Couty 139 girls, beteen Vile ages of 12 anti 26 yoar-s, fhave comptedtihie4-1- llomem]akiibg Club Unit "Tile Third Meal." Their achievement day wias ilelti at Soina Commun- ity Hall. The afteýrnooni progrnm conigist- cid MfexhibiVa, àemronstrati,)niF>-anti sIlits. About 50 nuothers attendeti. AwarIds were- given witu Vile Dis-t- rMctWmes Institute presidenta Mrs. Gordon -IRuth (and Mrs. Raipi Davis.a-ssting din the prâseita- Vino county houer pins anti cen- tificates., Those wro receiveti pr-oviâciail honora for completing 12 projeets were: Carul Watgon cf Solina, Lyni SkMrof Tyilonu'- and Kair- en Ster offElizabethvilleý. Cuunty lin o7s for eonifltir- six nrojeets went io: Saly Larg,- ati, Elle-a Crytiermar Anne Hui. ariynKnox, Nancy Kniox, Ka - ie arid Brentia Yellow- leesail f Slina, Marge Murphy, Ty-r.Barbca-aiWilson, Ylver- Diae eatyFlizabetu-'lville, Kay Ponrlul Blakstek ntiMarrie awrates for Sumiimer." SCHOOL BOARD ANNOYED AT ANSWER To LETTER A letter frlom the Departumentý of Educaýton caused Vile rounuty srghool buQard cûn,5ideýalile antýey- ance at their recent reetfing in1 Port Hope. J. M. Rolpli, charman, describ- cd Vthe leitter as Mike an answer one wouludgive to a chiki. Thle letter from J.. F. Kinlin, aissiaat Deputy Minister of Eti- uoaition,, was i reply Vo thie board's propos al cf desilgnaitirg Rememibraunce Day an ordiniary scilool day wituh pupilss akng part in remuesbranue services Local News Mrs. M. H. Staiples lenteruaineti her musiuc pupilis aitlher home Sat- urday mnorning. Christhinas arols îwene enjoyeti, eaieh pupâl playing ,hi or lier favounilte Car&o, inter- sperseti wMh sinuging.. The party cliosed by aasty lunch serveti by their musule eacher. Miss Sally Stuales js home from Aima College, ,St. Thonias, for the (jirisVmag hoiclaiys. Mals. A. Flynn feal hast week on -the steur steps, breakîng ber lef t foot. The Qrono Timnes will be pub- ishÊid on ýTuesday instead off Thursday hs eoring weelk. Mr. aind ,Mrs. W. H. iCainnn andi family visitectin Picton ever Vile weekenid. On Saturday aftea-neon a gooti .nwowtf ehIltren were prescrit AthVie Sainta Skatirig Party helti at the 0rono Arena. Santa was presit te greet liis youunug ad- mironsiandt o give hem a gduft off ai candy cane and an apple. 'The party was sponsoreti by Vile Onono Chamrber of Commerce. Mr. and ils. Charte5 MUler aie- compalieti hy cousins Mr. andi Mrs. Everet CLyderàiari frcs Sauina recenfiy atterideti at im- othy E aen Memordal Chureil W Toronto an IpInterp were enteni.- taine i at the 'home of Rer. andi Mrs. Frankl Crydermari, assistant pastor off the churcil. Mn. LaRiry Miller returneti home receerily f rom an extentiedtrip tilrough Europe anti the Britàsil Islies. witblin Vthe sclilooyls onuVlat day. Mn. Kinlin ýsaid Vie le iiiter off Education,, MWiliaina G. Davis had asiletiihlm Vo replly tVo Vile board's letter Vo iïii lawhich tihe board "forwarded conmments off Vie Nortliumbetland and Duruham Board «f Education aibout the Re- membrane Day holiday in seilools. As you are mware, Se.ctiôn 4 ,f tile Seillol Adminisratdori Act provides that Remnambrance Day sha bec, oie of the sehool hoh- claIs. The Depaitmerit hais receiv- ed frlomtVine o Vine opinions £rom various soýurces that consid- eration should ble given Vo discon- tinulag Remembrance Day as ai holiday, but tue Cuanuadà"ai Leglbn, xvlacil is vitauly interestetid i the observance cof Remeumbrance Day, hais not capresseti itself as beinug i favruo f its eduinuaton as a adlool hoffid." Mnr. Ki itin went cri Vo gay thait a suuggestued, forum cf service for Remeumbranee Day for the scilools la Ouitarde hati h een isuseifor mlanly years by authcn-ity of Vthe MVinitcre f lucation. "You uwilfl have noted," the 1et- ter statedu, "'ile Munister>'s mes- sage Vto tadle anti students cf an apypropriate way to mark Re- miembrance Day that was lnefud- e-d in tie Reimnthraree Day bock- let for ý1969'. Mr. Ropl i ai tue board passu- Ad a resolution asing thait Ram- emibtauiee Day boeeimninuateti as a cioiduay for scilools 'and iastead servkces blihek! iwthùiVile school at tile Vttcf what svould be a normal aibol day. Iý "ThUis letter doesn't answer our question; aur resaIlution requireti a more direct ariswer," ho saii. I don'V thinil weshculd bho given Vile rn-aound" One of Vile meirbers commenteti tuait Vile letter "didn'V. even straidie Vile ferice." W. Frank Thom, director of éd- ucation, saîdi that sevanal letters from the departmerit were on tue same lUnes., Then he aiddeutithat he should noV generalize because it dependeti on who wrote Vthe letter, "We shoulti state tuait we are dissabiafded with Vthe dcpartmnent's reply," he saiti. C. P. Joiloston saiti that, the licard shou1d "vnie again to Vthe derartinent aiilI repeýat thle reisoli- ution, addîuing that t Vile b'oard was interestet iun the edùcatior of chllduren anti tilat they thouglit tihat Rernemrbraune Bey silould bc a normal workingy day CotnnaSan and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN .. . We have a Sauna and Whirl. pool ready for your use. Drop in and give them a try Group Rates Available Mon. to Sait. 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 16A ONTARIO STREET 7MZ.460 OSHAWA îis For HimHoehl Gifts Fer Her byBreck flair Sporay 66e b>' OLD SPICE - Bufern'flOs 'A.50 YARDLEY- BURLEYBrmSitr CHANEL - -ADE co3 TAJI - YARLEY- cop -VIVE LE'BAIN BLACK LABEL Col. T. Paste ..88e ___________ Dessert'Flower Camerpas lland Lotion $ 1.5 _________ Listerine....$34 kii ad Film Contac C...11_________ Modýýess 12s, 2 for 5 Vi k 'sRb .... 42e Rillold Phllis NM of M T 7 IGI q.75 Avalable at youir store, or a your door Dairy Rue