ORONOWEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER lSth, 1969 Choice Plump Canada Grade "A" Eviscerated 20 lbs. and ever, Lb. RUM1ý-P o RUN 'SEAK Speeay seiected -Brande TSSupreme, Rich, Fut Christmas Cake Buirns Maple Leaf Fuily Cooked, Short Shank, Skinless2lbboc 4l.blk SMIOKED HA, jS Butt Portion lb. 79c$.5 Supreme in sheli -Maple Leaf Mild Seasoned MxdHt SAUSAGE MEAT Pure Pork lb., ý b.<slo69 Just heat and serve 'NO WASTE"I Z.HAM SLUCES fully cooked IL 99C E N T Blanched Spanish M-dSeasoned 45c 39c POLISH SAUSAGE Maple lb65 ~ ÇUALITY F lb L_65CRIE Save 6e. 12" wide, 25 ft. roll ALCAN Fresh Roasted NABOB iPound FPoil 1W rattp 30c COffee Ilb. 6 s NAVEL- The Christmas Orange, Sweet and Austral Faney Quality - Save Se., 28 oz. tin s Full of juice, new crop. dozen FRUIT OFranges 69e Cokaiu5 BEST BUY- Clark's Fancy Quality Use BEST BUY - Fancy Honey Pod Stokely,'s as an Entree for Christmas dinuer 48 o.ý %d Tomato Juice 2 m 591esY4o. -9 BEST BUY - Save 17e. Allen's Asserted BEST BUV Save 15c - Sweet Mixed or 48 oz, tin Special at e Baby Dut5s 24 oz. jars. Bik' Pckes2-819 Fruit Drink 3 fo9$ BEST PUY - Fresh Corn off'the Cob FEATURE- F.B.I. Brand from concentrate Save 9 cents 12 oz. tins 32 ounce botties$ Ni lts Crn 48 c Orane Juce for$ Madai, aksa deiejoqus desser,7 IlOZ Christmas Party Speelal 1/2 gallon Swfsîdeal for sandwiches or eold plate dinners Christmas Sale Special Orono Trustees (Continued from page 1) -tuning intbo places of buisiness and leven lnito the hyîdro gaîiiageý. Mr. Niciholson said, the tïwo- hour parking time liit thnouigh- out the area would keep cars' jnoing and it was posgsible that a parkiýng aioa could opei up. Hie .said, "leýt',s not maýke a inockery ourt of the parking cnýforciment.' Mr. Wuadyard held firm to the -onie-way toeaic ia n and sid he had. heard n oone oppDseid io, it. Hie sald i!t wais the onlïy 'answer and ljhat the Departmerit of Trans- port approveid of it. Report rom - aw RussellC Honey, Q.C., M.P. Northumberland - Durham The meýssaige thiat came ùirugh loud an-d clear £rom this week's corksti'iÀuio-nal confeireince is: that we (are stijî a long way from a- greemeint on C.amuiada's constitu- tional problems. PrIme, Mlister Truideau spoke of "very real progress" but some ,of thle priovfincial Premiers, par- ticuLarly thiose from the Wetst, werle not sýo o#tiimistie. The nmadn issuets discusiseid titis week wexe taxes, welfine, anid the divi§ion of legifilative aultlhorTàty be'tween tihe, federal' authority on oine haid and tihe provàncial authoûities on the allier hand., These iatters welre, referried týo comnmtttces of ofiiclais for fuitiher study. Long andI careful study dis required on these Issues b-efoire any gavern- ment eau talkef a firni stand. The Prime Ministeir is a reaist. Hie is, ýah-nong .oiher things, a noit- ed. conisttutbonial lawyer. ie real- àzes Vhat constitutkins are- not ,wrrtiten, or even re4wnitten, inaa dau or even a year. The ftact tliat ,Canadü's ,leaders are still taWkng with more end monre aimîcaitiei un, ,derstanding was in itself proigress kn tNhs incredih]y coniiplex task Mr. Trudeau saiîd. The réal erunch came on tihe issue af whietihËr or flot the feder- ai govemneniment should be >ail- lowed to, exltend its jurisjdiction olver goicial and cultural po[lcies., Quebec stolod alcone ontitis pint alithough on thle second day eher ipiroince,5 raeld to dts suppýor. Not bccause they àgreed tihat Quebec should have more power but because they wanted te defensI the, present divisioni 0 f powens. Prmne Minâstefr Trudeau appar- ently beflieveg ithat fladealinig with the government of Quebec's de- mand for more iautlority In the fieldc of socÊal, legislafion lie should mnieit it head on. As eoluninist Oharies Lynoh stateid, "Mr. Trudeau is gamling that lielias more support aimong fie people of Quebectihan dis en- joyed by Mr. Býentrand.", Quýbeic Premier lBertrand en- uimenated the beinefits reeedived by the people of Quebee froni prov- incial governtments. Prime Min- ister Trudeau reisponslad with a list of tfie tlingsth feil aevai gov- erniment lias donje for all Canuad- îans, includlig Queblecers, andI ha eiuphasdze1d thae as long as lie re- auainéd PriminMinister of Canada he feidra1 govemament wohld not abdieatbeits resp nsIiio athjs le goverament o0f Quebýec. Records, q99 Aise Xmas & Organ Records Watches Pipes - $1.00 $16.95 Lighters - 98e $99 Waiiets - $2.98 $12.'00 Xmas Plonts Arriving Monday Poinsettias, Munis, etc. Cut Flowers by order oniy Orono Phone 983-5242 WHEN. THINKING 0F Gft THINK 0F MATT'S We have a good choice of MEN'S, LADIES' WATCHES WALLETS, LIGHTERS, BOX CHOCOLATES PIPES, GIFT TOBACCO Many other interesting items MATITS BILLIARDS a nd urbersh.p Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orene o IsThe Tinte! ON D.X PREMIUM QU-ALITY FUEL OIL DX F-UEL OIL Cali Us Today Fer Prompt, Courteous Service