ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TUInSOAY, DECEMBER l8th, 1969 The o.k Stacks ýEW BLOOKS ., DECEMBER 18 cbsk-nlenfor Adopton by Pe '3. Bnok - a igreat novetist and ;authcî,îfwyon iadcpUien, LYpe2eks' £r tih~ ew malionîs cf niiated Aie Ot F~ honed h:is'tirna3 by îes àf p~tO~ita' :read- erstdiy The ne' ofYsrr b~ byDoi ,the <arly daybs ,-f eolonîieaÈcon, Tis ls he soy favLeyard, anîd QuzaLlty Electrical lleating and Lighting installations and Repairsî by Certified Electricians W. FRANK REAL ESTATE Li MTED Realtor 21 King St. W. 623-393 Toronto 923-9174 Prt Hope Office 885-4543 Fojr prompt, coudteoRks, effici- eut service when buYing Or Zs _eliing and for the largest sel- ection of properties in thé area Contact Roay Foster 9350 Dàïne Found 623-3965. Andy Sutch Rov Stron~ 983-9119 52 ri Spealiingin ail kinàds of STONWORKand Weaise o lchinine-v Iei>ars the people whose Aiostdýomin- The MVian Whao Sold Dcet by James Munro - ýa f ast naoving thriluler whieh fakes place in Lon- don and the South of France. Jujiior- Al arouind fthc house Art anud Graf t Book by Pâtrû.cia Z. Wlrrteas- jberg- lots of idas for snaking ,somelhing ve'ey spacilapl f rom the many inexpensive and commem- p3ace e tes a sP--ft f me- ery ihouisehoid.-, The 14y: 5 ~hOà'[r I j'ý by Karin Arkî an exnt The R ou s f Sîlver Chef bh, 0'13 nIOO'B<im rtale oif o ien f îIhcý Meiunt Es w; n his Is 'ri hske fCkng 'Kindergarten and Pre-Sdhool The Nijst Bel oire Ch< ùSiUmcs by Clemenf C. Moore- an, old fav- ourite, beauti fuly lutatd Babar Cocae-sto irnuer,.oibhy Lairent de iJeunhof - ano'fer ad- ve'nýture for the w i favour- ite elephîari;" The Catis' Whiske- s by Bi Charmatz - the, stiary of a girl aird a veryj unusuad. cat. TheiBear ;Scouts by SIi'n 21-1 Juan Breeinsidein- Papa Bear and the.four Bear Sinuis go on a Camping tnrp. There wlll be a Suaday Scihool1 Concert in thc Kendiai Ohurch on ,MoDicay evening, Decemnber- 22 ait ,8 p.m. PvacUce wlill be lield Sun- dary mornl;unig amter the Church servce. 9lhee~ wiil l e numniers by fthe ,dhllren 'an'd laaaern sildes puit on by Mr. D'on Tansley of ono. A fine Chlistmas enterutain- ,ment was h'eld li Nevtonv!lle .Cuîrch un Suniday eveninig. There were two new organs on thae plat- laorna anti the anusic ppoduuced On uthem was wandexuful. There wcee several vocail nurnbers mai carols ,by the Suniday Sehcol. MVany ftom the adjacent churches, attendid. The liniteid Chu'rch Women, met ait the home of [Mrs. H. Foster Of Kendaaa.,on Wedniescuay afteurnoon, Doemnber 10tuh wîtb ujine mem- bers, presont. Thc'[Presidenât gave ia sipeolial message for ChrulstImas J.969. The sepptre reading rnas Tühe siory ofl the coniing of tihe .WMlse men f Bethlelhem. lIf was road by -Mes. T. ;Steuvenus. Sise ailsuo gave the devotiunal. 'The roi cali was, "A Chiristmaas I reanember." it was moveýd by Murs. H1.'Poster and securynded by Murs. T. Stevens fI at tihe f olloýwihg sumns le paid ouf: One hundred 'dollars ta fhe, Board cf Kenidal Ghurc1h; Wwenfy- fîvo dollars fo thse missIonaury and .maimnteniannoe fond; fen dollars to thle Bible Society and inn dollars ,to Street 'Haven in Toronto. Gar- ,eied. A new siafe of officers was gb.uoson. Lunuch was pruovuded, hy Murs. A. DownUs and i Mus. J. uCaseaàdden. The nuexut meeting MIvl le in Ken- cial on, January 7., The Kenudaq Oranige Lodge held a EncIhre, pah'y in the Ovanige Hlall on, Saturday niLglht, Deeem- ber lS3th. Mes. [H. Lowc'ry won a ..dooar pvuize, a candffe bolder ani Me4s. R. Beiten ýwon accUler door ,prise, an, crnment. Miss Irene .Verce'r won thbe faiCles hilgh prie rihile Mr.,Joe JilluUson was the hiighiiman. The twio consolation p1nIees were ýgiven te, Mrs. J. Jili1 son and Alfr. E. Couiroux., The next Euslre party will ble jheld In the hall on December 27 ou atedyevening. Mef. anid Murs. Freld Foister of West 011~ visiti d wit'h Mr. andi Mrs. R. Batten on Satreday. Miss Anc Fo'st-r is home from HoId Successfulý Excelsior Choir To Yuleide Party Presenti Concert 0f The Clarke Township Citizens ,Commliittee and Ratepayers Ime. held a most succeessful and enter- t'ainng eveninîg on Eld'ywith theïr Yaletide Part.y in the Orono Townshî'p Hall. 'Close to one hun- eed couples were present t0 en- joy the neighboîurly en'd friendlîy es enkig. The hall was decorated with hue 1r dis of stars ar d individual tzbie's were placed around the ~dee loor providilnîg a nigihtlub aimosphere. A buff et style lunch ,xvs avalable throughout the ev- n-ring. Speclali entes tainment was pro- vided by the Country Pour Quaar- tette, Messrs. Donald Staples, mVerrili Br'own, Jarck AII-in and Glen Ailii who as'usual held their audiençe spellbound mwth their harmoious tunes. Added f0 this wisan iexhibition of balro'om da'igby MVr. and Mrs. Leonard Guy cf roo. Music for daning wasprvîedbvForrester's or- uàesira. Mr. and MDs. R. D. Morton were in charge of this dcligh2ful 'even- ing axrd provled the plainLng and wor-k linolved Lin its promotion. Snowlobiles are to be prohibilted on schüontpropcri.y. 'Ihe Nor'huirherlaaad - DwiaM Count~y Board of Educatlion -made the deiciion to ban the véhiLcles alfter the board members were tdd about di mage f0 o oig treocs, broiken femnies anid damage to otiher equbpment whIch had brc twisterid b-ý ond reipair. The report stated flot the groundîs used by the vehieles lad beesa subjceteld f0 conisliderable damaege >but the warst f etture was the ptnla 1zr cf injurinîg cuhîldren who coud be p1ayingin ' 'bhe sicho'of groundivs. Tha board eecîommenicd lhat signaÏ be poste'd at -all sehools t>rohbiliig fie use cf mnàuwm'o- billes. H. W. Sturrocik asked wffat the board woul'd do in ànstances where the scihoid1 groundas and tihe commtrnIty parklaud were all in one. *J. M. Rolph sâaid tha(t an effort should be nýàde to get fhe partlie- ular cocmiuity to cou peralte with tihe board. "The f act that these machines can go anyrwhere confusefs the is- sue," he saâd. "I"m sorry to se the ban bcdng pleced but we have to taike inbo eonsdcrafion the damage whieh Ès béing done." The police delpÉvrtnents in the various aceas wlibe n(,ilfied of, .'he board 's deiclson'. Christma's usiýàc The Exceilslor ChoIrwill present ifîs' annual Christimas concert, on Saifurday. Decemuber 20th at 8:15 p.m. a theli Town Hall, Bowmiaae ville. ;Inbsutead of the Mestila, whh ile ehoir has pcrformcd for many yçars je Bowmanvlle anui Oh- saa the- Director nIMusI-b and Choir Conductor, Mcil MeCoay, las a-zanlgcd a p-ograrn of music WWth musaIc loyers w'M ied meosti interestqing andi splrîitualIly inspii ng. ThIe popular ExrS4mioýCr Choix will present works frona Haîndel, ilynto open the conicert. Spec- !Al arrangements cf 1the spiritual 'UHe's Cot île Whoglc Woïrld ie Hlis Hanids' and "Kum -Ba Yauh" (Afri- pan spiritual), "Corne By Here Lord" are Ïnclud'cd on flic pro- grac A special seetion of tle peur- formance -wiE i e devotecd ta spc- 'li tGarols, Uki-anian, Englisî and Polsfi tunes. Mr. Bob FinIaysfon, mainager of the Lowery Gegan Comapany, Oslhawa, ouMihinstail a Theuare Console for flic ovemýng and le will play speciltCheiistmas music witl 'a lent for îlie youunug who like f0 ftepone's toces. ThIs wiil le an eveniung of pure deihghf. Cn-inas Garols wil l e sung by tIc audience. ttome ici us bairmondze! 'Vickeibs wil l e on sale at the door.i speed - stability strength ...safety THE iRELIABLE ONE Available ait Watson 's Marfine & Cydle Orono, phone 983-5343 Clarke Public HOLRS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 - 8:30 Thursday 6:30- 8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30- 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - >12:00 a.m. *Van Belle Gardens Highway No. 2, West of Bowmanville 1 -à The f olowiýntg are the sviýLnrs: Class 1 - A Chelistimas Mobile - a figurine tD be long up - Senior ,group, lst. Elaine Vagg; 2nd Jiaurie -Schnmid. Junïor grloup, ,Rlihaed DeVos, Denise Chaflhlle, aenAfhins. Class 2 - Mlfiiture Arrange- ment - Seuior, 1sf, Yvýinne Sehoon mpaker, .2nd Lausie Schmid. Jun- lors, Marlon DeVos, Karen Aulkns, Jjnef Schoenrnaaker, ,Class 3 - M antel Arrangement - Senlors, Yvonne Schocumaiker, jla5ume Seihmi d, Elamne Vagg. Jun- lors,- Jennlfer DeVous, Janet ,Scihcocîinmaker, Denise Chaillice, lass 4 - Chiristmas Tree Decor« alleon- Seniors, Laurie Sch,.milid, -yvonn.e Schoenmaker, . ElaWne Vagg. Juniior"s - Laura Bridger, MVaiùn DeVos and Janet Schhuan- mnaiker. Gl1ass,, 5 - CJmistimas iCam41 - Sen- joes, Yvonne Schocnm)aker, Laur- le Sdhmid. Juniors Karen Aikints, Laura Býridger, Marion DeVos. Glass 6 - Scrapbook - Scnliors, Lauriýe Schuidi, Yvonne Sc-hoenh ,make. Jnos- Karon Atins, Mariln DcVoîs and Dc-niise Chai- lire. lWdnners are listed ini order of thoir awuads. The