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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Dec 1969, p. 2

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~-N~ ~ - -~--~-~ ~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,, TUESDAV, DEEMBER 23rdl, 1969 ORONOWEEKLY TIMES Second Cass Mal gistiaton Numbe)ýr 0368 Published every Thursday at the oefice ofe publication Nain Street, Orono, Ontaiio., Phone 9û,3-5301 POLLUTION! We were takig hepe that our legisia(tiive bodîeoS were beglrnàng totake a stroang stanad on palluitton anid trat in the inear future destrwdtikrn bymain througfh poalu- tibi a wuld le a thiÉg of the ipest. Appaireiniffly thils i. not to lie ilf proiPosed ijegW.iatilni s to lacl< the, delhntte eElimination ofpo i TheFcedai GovrernfmeMn1ts ew water pollîuion is a disappo!ntiment,@n that ftwoîutbd five soime the righit to poil- late on the paymen1t 0fa fee. This is hardîly 1egiSlaitmt that will elinmte pollution. Dr. A. T. Pinîe 0f the Department 0f JVlines, Energy Anid Resoures, exip!ains theicinttcnts andi purposes of tihe .New Gainiada Water Act. Dr. Prince, an expert ina water resouinces, 4aid.îhndus- tries and munîlipaldtibes anid other sources of waterways paluion wou1d hbccharrtl f ees for the r1glht ta poalirte. Hie saic, teo, ùhit poElutboîn avuld ait bhe deiited by the Act, but woutlîd le detenrnined instead by regilirail watier quality management boards. These boardswould deterîne hiow mach polllutilon waîs acceptable tira anyj of their areas ojf rederea0ee. If peiopleare nit pretpareîd to put any sulistaînte, aîny part of the Gnoyss Natîmrïal .rodîuct into tiheir envirora. ment, then tihey ican walblow in tîheir dâwn juices untiil bing- dam -come," hie sîatd. MisevafluaMîon of the Act, whdîclh has yet to cotie be- ,fore Parllainent, cauaed shock and diisappointmenît ammng anany at tire conferenice. Mr.. Kelly saiid, ire hand aniiiipated tha[t Ottaiwa Plan- ,ned tougir, ni-nonserise ýand nio4deil1egislatilon t ftigiht tihe prublem. But as Dr.,Palinice erxpladined ît, polliuters will lie â1iMe to conitnie podUutdng liy paiyiing fees Ùiatire reglonall wateir boarid "commrenisuraite With tre . degree axf pollution." ~The regtinial hoards - whose cîmpeion heisnx>t been detîemined - WoulId declde huw muc4ir tihe evy woîuh lie aînid hoiw d wouldble use'd. lie arntieipated that the morrey wuuld be used' by Ilihc huards te figbît the potitioîn iaused fby thre f eepaywr. H1e suîggecsted tefei ces wouMd be hiigh enougir to make thre poalhuter laok tto nstýaiing ibis own contriolis. The eglantboards ukould jaliso hve tîhe nîlghlt tio prosecuite offeidars - and would have the nigilt ta de so with degreeos 0f discriùmtnatian. They coud not, hoîwever, f once offlenîdens ta foîstail Pollution cîitrOl eequipimelat or get out af business.. Whîit tis imeans, Dr. Prince adnaitted, ils thait one regioniil boaîrd gaiîng on, its selif-esttahished defi"ntOr0f jpoilhltiýn, doulid force a *flrm jInto m'ajor expeinse or evei ouit f bufS'ýIness, hile a-1m arfirw eould poInt'e wi hdih punaity In anoýth.Ier ireÏGÉn. Dr. T. R. Lecý, also of the Encrgy, incis and Re- souLrces Depailtneint, said lpjier that ýthe new W:ter Re- ,ources Act was, among ailier thýngs, a tru' atemp at Hle s'Iid t hait in ren2- -n nd",he'vlyon or majo>r inidustivry o -1-elyrî ets igothael choose pjolutýji PioeTepsbity httt nïuty woqiuld ceuse prv o ahrto ota t îîleîs "anelias itogeittîh cnsesu ai t w ,at aca'aa preîpared Uo liack," lie saî«id. "We mu;t sel1 tibý deia to the mnan in the sitreet, who musit put bis taxes a h ehaNilour tuward a letteîr eaiviînîoement." Mr. 'Kelly attaeked the 'requkirm.ents for conitc&o as uinequaf ainîd a'sked: "sShouild anyoine hav,,e the rigiht ta Pal- ijulte a2lýtWing. Dr. Prince said ihey did, if they wanted ta pay. PESTICIDES IN ONTARIO SUBJECT 0F SYMPOSIUM A (yiposilum,ûn the use of air biast equipmeait anid pestieiMes, wil'l be sponsored 4y the Ontianilo .Repartmeùt of Heilith, thie Ontar- io Departient of Agrlcuiltuire and Fbood and the Uniiversdity of Gudlîph. 1it will taike place ini Room 130 of the Biolagy Buiing, U'nfiversity of Guelph, Jauuary 6, and 7, 1970. Continental, Sauna and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN ... We have a Sauna and Whirl. pool ready for yeur use. Drgpi and give them a try Group Rates Available Mon. to Sat. 1 pan.- i a.m. Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 pan. 16A ONTARLIO STREET 728-2460 OSHAWA NESTING FURNITURE Orono. Ontario

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