ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TUESDAY, DEEMBER 23rd, 1969 N -D Board 0f Education Setting UpSfeyPatrol The Northumberland - Durham Boaird of Educaion hais accepted ,a report fnom Ithe acministiraion ifoz them to proceed with ta Bus £afety anîd Cirosinîg Patrols' ~proiam MUthoeigh the report excluded any ùnmiediiate actlon for such a prQgram fur kiindergafl-ens and senior public slhols the Board in passdnig the recommenîclaftion inluded these two groups.' The ~bcaircI nenbers desàreîd VIa ne- 'ion be tiaiken espeuially at the giadergairiten le'vel as soion ýas ,possile. Mr. Thom stîajed that it ~was the intenition to comupleùe the May we extend to Everyone Season's Greetiugs Norman Kennedy Orono Representative for C. J. Heslop Real Estate Broker Se ptic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HlOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone -983-5266 or 983-5728 p~ropeam for aIl students in el- ýeneiàùairyscihools but, thalt thne Lwas neeided Vo complete, the, study anid to institute the pragnaan. The Bus Saifey anid Crossing PJtrols' Program iýs a prognani Which utibizes t1he services Of sen- !or pupfls in cooDpeilai"in wIttl.ile baus operator and the local Prov- inclal Police Sofety Officer ithrough which younger pupils are asqisted during boadiing anîd un- 4ioiacding of buses. The report nioted tiat the pro- gram is eurrently in opeîraition in 'a liunited number oif sichools within the jurisifftioin of this ,Board, In certain instances the sponîsoving bodies are service ,clubs or other inteiresiteiff organÏ& ,zalouns: It is aIsoe noted that the Onitaïo Promincial PolIie bais eatioied Vhreiesaïfe'ty officer5 iwltihiin-tihe Unitieýd Countiies - ione ,at eaeh, of Bowmainville, Cohrour'g end Brighuton wàth direct reisipons- ibility for ooioperaition With scîhool ,vitfiotuuies: in the promotion of good safety pradticeýs amons Our .puvils. ;The cost of equlppiing onei stîd-ý ecnt wi'th badge, boit and rainàco at aps repu(ireid for bus safeity and Crossing ser'vice, would be aipprox- limiately $5.00 .Based on ive, pat- .roi members per roulte anld 237 r'outés, the iniial outIlaY would ,be appiioxjmatýely $6,000 xvhen aid- ditional routes probably neieided 4next Seiptember are inîcludeid. In viow of ýthie apparent success of this prograa n h e, areas' where, it has been instiiluted, coup- keid wiith Mthe assureiflce of excel- lenjt cooepération of local 'Preovin- ~ola1 Police Safety iOfficers, aind in 1congideriaition of thre loical pro- ,grams pre5ently in1 opertaton, il is reciouimenideid: (1) that steips býe tiaiken aI, once to insutilute a Bus Safely ani Cýrdsin(g Piatrols' Prograni for eadh rural public elementiary seheïoilin Vte Uhitedl Counties. (2) that thre Prograwn be des-el- op6d as rapLdily as reasonably ee"sie., (3) thiat funclfionrng Pliogslams be neût disturbed iat the presient' tire buit that discussions take- place with the sponsoriig bodies béfore the enid of the currieir.t sehiool year to deteimine suggest- ed procedure for 1970-71. (4) that no suggestions Wo rur- al municipalities providing aduilt cilossimig guamds be nmade aIt this MtIme. (5) ithat uniess this service ap- pem'.s tl be required for buses serving sohools for trainable re- itardeid chilidrcini, il not be insittu- ýted for tJhese pupoilýs. (6) thýaît the advisabidiity of send ,ing seleted patrol mombers tu the Dcminion Safety Weekend to hoe heiid in Ottawa on May 241h be decidcid aI a later date. that arn, tangible recognition (pieile, speolal trip, etc.) oR pat- ,vol mombers' servce ho consid-- ered ibofo, the end of May (8) that the Elmer Safety 'Proý- gram be nlot extended at the pres- enit Iine. (9) that the neeissary funds be provLded i the Board's 1970 biýid- get to niake the ýBus Sa fety iand Criosiing Pahirls' Program as out- jÂned above operablýe. William C. Hall, B. COMM. Chartered Accountant Phone. Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday and briht.y.wa. pe. gf.s . ., it.i.a.tim Chrstms, ihld ithlov an god hr andi the deep satisfaction of friendships renewed. Happy Ilolidays! (Ed, Ethel and Eleanor)(MtanNel aoy's Bam L rbso p Ann S Beauty Salon (avBon (Am and Margaret) Rolph Hardware H. H. arlow(Bud, Len, Betty, Jane, Ruby and BIR) Family)Lunn tHardware Orone Electric (Jake and Marg.Red Partner Plumbing - Heating (Harvey Partner) Carman Plumbing-Heatiug Cornish Red & White (Bill, Russellin Sm (Gary, 011e, John, Carman) Middletou's Confectinery Lyle West 'Electric (aeadWla Lloyd TyloAllen Transport Lloyd aylor(Ross and Doug) TO ONE AND ALL A Very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR from, ail of us at the, Orono .5c* to -$1,00 Store Tracy Boumne Ross Bourne, Toots Barrabail, Isobel Challlce, Grace Cochrane