ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, TUESDAY, DEEMBER 23rd, 1969 Queens Park Report Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham Bill 194 After weeks of intense delbate iinvolviing the Standing Ocamiîtee on Heattfb, the Ontaio lumane iSociety, tihe ceans ýcf Modioall Schools aond riumerou~s piviaie 194, An Act Respeic'thIg the Care and Provis'on of AniimAis for Re- search, is now belore lthe Commit- tee of the Wholc Hou ,e for final Tlhe 1cJ k iin bnci ts g1esiis in the year 1969-, whlendbsinu uhegan in Ontariete re&Oilve the W. FRANK REA-L ESTATE ucaltor Il 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 393 Torato e -9 rt Hope Office 885.4543a For prompt, oro.efc- eut service Mien buiug or seling and for the Iargëst sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives 983-5801 623-3965 983-9119 5i2 11i 623-3 Po: Roy Foster Dane Found Andy Sutch ,Roy Srn ,aeed for an aclequaite supply of anImais.for teac,1hg anid researcuh pu:ipoqes do the human and, ani mal Cae ie ds A nuuiber of related factuors ,ccIvLnneed the Ontario Govern- ment thuat legiglation dea)liing with researruband anîimal care was ur- gentiy needeci. These factors iný cuded: (a) The rapid increase în the ,papulatioin of Ontarjo râquiring Înirreuase~d t-naining of :f2',;h carp pela'sts. ('b) A grnowi-.ig pre3suire an vet erlýnary codiNges to train more vetr"nuaries. (c) The neeci to Rlicse inimaL supply faii,2tdes in order ýto end the pucsont 'unserupulous practice of dog andi oatnapping. 1(d) Thecotacuri arrange 'monts whidh 4he ýOntardlo Huanane Saciety lag with sone 90 municui- ipflids to penrferm andi the furie- iOin of anil conril for them has drastl 'Cally reduiceld the nua- ber of e in~usthcit iiht be a- wai1aeb1e for reséardh. BflMI194 pnuVtd-rs that on!y un- ,wanùod unclaimed animais cre to hae usec for re.seaproh ans, in ccd- er to enisure that the inteint is reý p~lizid, the foiloWving sfga are bullit ânto tihe logislatien. 1. Ai Supply fadilies, where dogs and cats are bred for re- ,siaroh faciitit'es, must be licensed and ,nspcted. 2. No person can be, licnsed as an opelafiar lef a stappIy f aciitY unleshe us expenienicesid i he Iseoper care of aninàls andi pos- sses ail fthe equilpmenit te ýptep- ucly care fer handiing the anium- ,lu on his preiises. 3. ARl reisearch faiilities must be registereld and must comPly w*bh the reiutlafionis .gervernàng sncb faciliies. 4. Anastheusia must be used in al sPeed .., .stability strength .. .safety THE RELIA BLE ONE Available at Marine & Cyrle Orono, phone 983-5ï"43 ,research practiecs where pairn to the ianimnal may Ihe, a pâssibiluity. 5. A licensing ansI RPegstraitiOr Review Biaurd, oonsisting 01 at least thbece membe(ts noene ,cf ,xvham cancbe membeurs cf tile- public Service in the emplOy of the Depaitment ,cf Agioultfre, is estabuished to hliensapp'eatls ansi regulate lleensflng. 6. Ail pounds are treqUirled te ,iE,-p aecuriate records of the dis- .Position of animais. 7. AIl reseaneh iaciiues are re- q uiredtIbo -p paccurate recoiýd, cf ail animais reeeivcd and their dispos ion. B. Inspectars appointed under the VetellinaflY Services Branch of the Department of Agiculture are autheriz7ed toeûeforce the reg- ùlations and telrms &f thbe Act. 9. A njjinimum redemPtion per- iod ouf Ibre days in mwhich atanm- ails May he reclaimned is e-stabÜS~h- cd. ýTlis peiriod dees not in0inde Sundaays end hàlldaYs and aeay be extcnlded for a langer peuriosi. jo. Where ýa og or cnt With a teu, ome plate, fine OOr othler i _4if, nticil tvis impounded,th ,aperator cf a pound Shall tak i rc,13onsbteSteps te find the cown- jer. il. AnImais May be disposes Of after the redemption peried in tiba fd7;w~ngakuenati~ve ays. (a) 'Returlneid t thbe original .ew'fer. (b) ;Adntpteld or souid t a newf c,-wniPT as a pet or wOrkinug dog. (c) 5odM ta the operâtlor of a reu,,ili2red 1researdh faeitity in Aal lainim alsh er wned and aperabc.,I lny the Ontarlo Humane ,SaociciY, are exelmpt ficm the leg- usilatiin. The 'Gtaiû HUMane Soniety fiocm the bc9gîrrrýg took the Pori- tien that: it was met'oppýosed tO the use of ianlimais for resenrch j'romf public penuds, but wag ad~- aimaàtn ttarfu g orelease an- imds frýom thir shieiters. Withowýti iA cion the staitutte bokts cf O 'o the practice cf -Cnt 'ainsidognppungwil co0ntinue and nee)ýspet will be safc f rom this unscrupisiuspiafceý. Thelgiitinw1th icensing, ,nspeletion, ans iafr fthc first türCi ia redemîption pe~iod wili no .doubt ha a mocLel f orsirniliar lg- ï4atîion in a ether juisdl'tions on Athe NOItb Amerlicaun continent. Certiuriiy fer suffering humanity .t May mean irekease froan Pain ansi a leàËigIhemng oaf the Idfe apan. Suggestion (Om. tàinued froum page 1) 6,412) -4The Town of cwumamalile ond Uhie TouwnsUhp of larlington; (pop. 19,462) --4The Village of Neuwcasble aüds the Towàshp of Giaurke (pop. 6,269). The Townsiuip cf Gartwâiglht (,pop. 1,891) is particularly prob- lemaitie ansi could be irnucudeud cuýither-withi the Manvers group or widb DaningtnBcowmanvile or even witih Reacb Townshup and Port PeTrcY. RY neluding if wth tube Maivers group that group wouùd havc a population of cver M8O00, W.lhc alfiisfiis lihe prov- ince's proposed mjnijmumj popu- ~lation cËiteion for (a oc-al munij- CipalitfY. This leaves enly the Newastle4Clarke comibuinain ap- preciably belew the 8,000 mark. The niost appropriate group to *whûdh àt might be att.dhed seems te ibe the Dalntn1Re.wiman4ile éarea, judgirug by iUhe studlies of funethia1 his. The conslt[ants are tiiaveâliicg fhriugh the Urnted Counties and ~eetMing wjth ecd, munieip ail %iounicil to âbùain thelir thcuights on the information andi proposal1s assenibled te dlate. Corne sethe liciter clice fin 197swownobfies' Choose the model right for you. For the man who wants, Iuxurv, there's Ski-Doo Nord No. For the man who likes his action fast, there's Ski-Doo TNT. And for the man who wants more than one Ski-Doo, there's the low priced Olympique 12/3. But don't wait too long. Botter deal now for best ohoice, 1h. slgn 0f 1hfines t ,snowmobllos, sportswear, accesso ries, parts and service. Ski-Doo0. Orono Fuel & Lumber Ltd. Clarke 'Public- LIBRA-RY HOURS OPEN.- Tuesday 6:30- 8:30 Thursday 6:30 - 8:30 Friday 2:.30 - 5; 6:30- 8:30 Saturday 10:00- 12:00 a.m. LYLE IWEST ELECTRiC Orono: 983-5962 Quality Electricat Heatiag and Lighting Installations and, Repaire by Certified Electriciana Oxford' BR;IZCKLAYERS W. 'Schmal 983-5606 $pecializing ini aul kids of STONEWORK and FIRE PLACES We saso do chimnrev Ienairs A fine selection, of plants ani flowers in artistic arrangements are avai1- able. Be sure 'to visit our Show Room PHO NE 623-5757 v anB£-elle Gardens Ilighway No. 2, West of Bowmanville "127 OT.A& i ORONO, ONT. PHONE 983-si6l The P-rj