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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Dec 1969, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIES, TUESDAY, DEEMBER 23rd, 1969 Respiratory Dis ;ese While the incildance of 'Tuber- culosis is, in the past few yewrs on lbbc de-tLine, tha inoideriCe 01 ýrepiraùary diseasas la rising salid Dr. ýC. C. r, the ExeoWuve Med- 4e il DireotaCtr af the Qnta la Thor aome Sodeiety. Dr. Gray was saak- urg 'ait a imeeting af the Exerutive Cajuâcil gfitihe No ibuntheiîasd- lluih voTu ,ulnl ai Rerspir etory D1iase Association hean ai &L. Pater's Cl'urch Hall, Cohourg., 'r ceintly. Dr. Gray gave detals on the hsalalbackground o(f the On- tanr-lia Tubereulosis AsSOCIaZtion hihwas foxmeld in 1M4 and w¶hidh in 1968 dhanged tts iPame tz lintlude Respratory ýDisease. Onttaio TB-Rih' Association con- )gratutated the Natthumb&lband- Durham n ¶fB'RD Asoaecfiation on its ipionee.r work in the fie'ld of anti- sma4<dmg. "We are hcping that fthis' experimertal work will prove ito be ýsu,,ih :a suOccss that it will I. the extended riO~t «arýs, CaMIda. The greeaftoïiam which you have, e2fd the progriam you have env'is- iged withthe B atmeaMt «f Ed- acation, DeparTnmenJt &«f eafth 'ani this' 1oal i1Assocaiion have ih- spred me" he said. n< oGovernment hav- irtg this year tàkert over the com- ptefinanciai respansibility wt .ýse-1 to case finldiug, trent*nent anlfdMIlo up of TBihe Associa, tic an .now turn the major Part ,of s attention and efinances ta ro,,piratffly diseases. This doeSn't ntean that they tare ,negedUing tihe .Problem « f TB however. Dr. Griay Pi ûvLàonf has been made In ;ive maedical scho ais for respira- tory unkis in tihe southwest and ,outhiast parts Of the Provicri ablhough the inortih and moïthwe3t aircas tare wthout a medicâl schooû1 as yet, bh - hsudbury and Port A,,rthur have interested physiecia.ns Whbo net as ja forcus point and re- late ta imeýdt0loà shO1s. It li hoped Ithat with four com- plète and seyera ineampletet uný .iits ýalready existing, that, within the tnee ,-8Years, 18 teadhing dhoptals will have resîpiraaOrY uflts. Thore is, said Dr. Graya neemi 'tao ecour1age iay eduoatbofl ritJh ,fins ta, pàay a leadàing râle i in evely.)Communtity. Their jo~b ,getting iformationta Uhe Peopf'ïe *Wgll be ta clleet i ma ion n-' teopret it and dîstribute lit in ,ra&dâle fahn ta diff erent arens. Reàferiufg ta the tant-smokiflg programg, Dr. Gray said these wvere best cari at the eadIy ,idoI level in, ian iaftemPt ta get ,dhliren ita undr'cta the prab- aem and nat start smnoicig. Tlbeme is, he said, saIne sueeess êviith adtts who are net bheing ne- gledbed i theae lcamp aigns, par- tioularlly when tthey want ta stop emQtkng and nant help in Cuis 4iredtiuon. There are 182 styed "ore"for stoppiîng smnoking, but no, one 1pro griarn las heen sald ta ha Ideal or perfect for ev- 4ery cermmunuitlY. Witlh regard ita air pffilution, Dr, Gray said peuple were ripe to stràke lon ihs 'tapie. They were anxiaus ta ù(akepart in eamunty prougrams ita exeruise some con- tool, aend every ýpnagDam is ineres- âng ini magnitude. Mr, E R. Lovekin, President Of Uheàý_ local Assaciaruion e<nphasiftd tencemi for co-opovatinbetfweèn xclhiniteers and i afesùall per- CANADA GRADE A EVISCERATED y UNG FROZEN OVER 20 LBS. SKINýýLESS SHORT SIIANK READY TO EAT WHOLE OR HALF, LB. HOLIDAY STORE HOURS Dr. Charlotte 'Hamacie, MOH re- tprted thititihe Nvhitefn "ad îDurham Couuis aie «, f ,EduCton lied innd would l, 'ie gLv- ipg every assIstance paid uopqr- ~aion with the Healtuh Unit and > fihe l~oai1Assoclation, ta the anti- ~DÉ. Graiy was int'naduced ý by Dr. J. W. ýRase of Coourg, ami MrW. ýW. Davfis, Dulnetor «f Proxgrams, 4 Ar m stro ngs IGA BEST WSHES fer the The Honey Family Anne, Russ, Risa and Romaine

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