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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Dec 1969, p. 1

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TO 1Attend Training Program NinPiety -five Jehovajh'sWtess froni the Bowmink, iidrea ar'e n~akig preimira arragelents Vo lt'edid lhee-aytradnàng pro- grjaininPkrac-tlcail Chiistaiity un Osihàwa, ît was announiced recent- ly. The enet is to plae e inphas J1n delcgstîs servng the spiituali .aeerdgof oithers In their hie OoTnunnltes. To caooifnlnae this work, Wit- nie9ses from thoughbut Souïtth- Ceýntral Ontario are expected to CO.shawa January 9-11 tVo attend a seninar in telcbniiuetq of public TheCutc Sccondcary School %vil1l providle the scttâng for the gahain.About 1000 delegaites from 13 cougregatieuis çju South- Centi-al ntario are, expeoted te lr.BerisaveIfli, local presding m!initer, expiaîned the gaherln9 will be a~ shor-t inýtensi4ve training Program V o suppleneintt traînting given 1 in local enlgregaUltins. "MoV arangeent li e said, -'are designed to equip an average cocmdperson, wheither (house- 'wfeor stu 'den11t, to assist his nelghbours as weal asý hâaseUl bulild mental dete:m'?xton and a consetenccne kecnljy atdd oBible Theme of the ýthree4day pro-. gramn is, "Bifight Kind of Mlnis- eis.." n1cluded M411 be training ïdu setJhcdos of sadigaud con- cting home Bible studies, Bap- tisin'oF nîi-w ministers ý aaspec-, tal publice isers,"Truc Wor- shiÀp Verses the Palse" Hydro Plantl Ques- Nodeironhai ytbenreach- ed (nm, etler he peoe n for' the 730 acre aLteat the- PHope wil be nuilcar or fossçl.fueled aeoording to George GOitUeiole, 4ýhairni'ac1 of the Ontario Hydre-el- ectrie PowerCoemmlssin. Mr. Gathevoole, when asked -'vihetiher the plan wiufld be mu- iclear or fonlfudd said: "We hâv,-enýt decidcd tihat ycl. We have a1jw-ays looýked at what would be the type bc4t suited Vo the needg of the area and the eccndmlies of the tiýme. "lb mjight befuel 6,il, coal or ntiuelear," he sadd. "Et depends up- on the tiniing. It woüld aIsoe d- pond u 1pd;n econamices." Mr' Gath- ercode _stressed, hoîwever, 'that Ontarinl ' Hydre would take ail the precautiulis te ingtall the most minean devicég te prevent air poi- luton at Wesleymidle if a conven- 1 (Conbinued te Paie 6) your patronage. May every day bring you and ycur fanmily a full measure c'~ ' nigcdhc~ VOLUME 34, NUMIBER 1 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER, 31st, 1969 Hope Soa See Character Remain In Tact )Coiideraâble intetrest waW shown on Saturclay wien the Wad&cllpeoûperty In Orenio, ne- ccntly purchascd by tihe Çlarke Elbrary Board, 'was openid te the public te view. Many were paies-ý cnt o seie the interlor off tise, buIlding which hais been a land- mark in Oromo fer 5cm-e years. Others teck advantage of Vthe op- portunity te preseiit their wshes and! ideas on the developinent cf the ipropeaity as a library ans! te- ward 'ethea i eosunity services. Despite the cold iweatlhea mainy staYed toi admire the dharacter of the buIlding and te express their comments wfth others.. Most were amlazed with thse condition off the building Which hais for many years neyer been f ully ccupied. in the majoity af cases it was e»lpresscd that the present char- actea: cf the building should be preserved a'd mainjtained hough the tniaisPosLt!cn of the house te a library. Ton pergonfs toiok the opýortun- ity Vto me et with the librayy board f ol1o)wjhg the open house and at this time did express their vîiews and esires. Mis. flerothy Robinsgon states! that she agreed with the proposai! of the library board int thait the eas't side cýf the dowin stadrs (a tota of Three roins) be used as the library proper and! that the west front rooi be used as a reiad(.iig, rooso. Turne, she said, Bnoundary Battie Takes ShapehIn The Oshawa Region Leadlers of Oshawa, Whitby and Pickering Twnshlp, las Tuesdlay, reeTsed o be plies! doýwason propoised boundarâieo for regional govemnient. Four major boundary proposaIs - ranging frein a saMafiwara te a ihuge 445-square usle territery - wll beidlýscussed Deceniber 29 at a session off tise area's reigionaà goveaininelent executiveecoimmittec. "-The finaJl report ntay lie a cosnbnation off lteenýt(tves r a 13ert cf cesuproaise of suggested alýteiaitives," said Mayor Bruce lVlackey. P-ropoý,,sis fieor a regional goveru- mciaeexpectîtd te ble complet- ed by llJuly ans! "a rconnens!eld urýbýain develepinent plan prepares! by 1972. Public hearings will be iseld lu the spring off 1970. Witby Mlayor Deisaond New- inaasrefused Vo commnent an Vte major alternatives untài the Dec- ember 29 meeing whcn hie &x- pe-ts vas-bus aiUTnents- "Il be cexpïes.,sed. Reeve JoIn WilLIams, off Pick- erding Townshàp, was satisfied one of the aflteonatwivcces fer hig tewship te lie part ioff Metro- polain 'Toronto. "IV is enly a question cf time nosv before oither people în thse arceai recognize our argument." Alternatives ,Vie four âiltenia!ives fer reg- ieonal deveâopinent, revealed in a predininry report by consultants wevýrkiing on ise isaiw'a AMca Planning and Deelopmeienlt Study, are: ,~A swacl aréa whbsdh would ln- clude Wbtby iand , Oshsawa wâtls the we,-t'hiaIf ief DarllîngtouTown- ship ýains a large section o Fi aslt Whitby ýToiwnLuip. Tise study as- saines! p. kering Tovniliiîp would become part off Metro Toronito;; -A mrediuns-sîze regios whIsch would ýinclus!e iE,, Piýckenng Toiwnsifp with thse exception 0of tihe West Rouge aràa-ýwvhàch would be iadded Vfo tise Toronto iboro)ugisof Scüabwmogi.- and Whltby, Easb Whiibby,, Osisawa, Bcwanivlýe and Darlingteqi Teiwns>hip; -A flarge regien w1isch would Iiidlude al Pickering exeeipVt he Rouge River, Petticoat Creck and Freinchmain's Bay waterslscds.. Te area woùld, include the townVhip, of Uxbiidge,, SenltI, each, Scugog Rreýck, Citrgtamd lVahipuea withs tie own off Uxlbhidge, Vhe villages cf Canninjgton, Port Peai- ry and Woodville along sith 0isawa. Wfhnltby iand Bowmuaneille; and -A reion whiel wouAd Incflsie. e- entire 445-square imile area off ORhawa, Wbiltby und Plekerig, al caf Ontarie Ccunty, the wcsles'u raw of.. townshsips ffromssVictoria £uNe-ty )ans! isthewn f«. Cart- wnight. Urban Development Aise ûfffered by the repoýtare fouir patteras fur future urbain develtopsusent: , -The lakeshere corridor, Which would cncentrate devci- (OoainiUed os Page 8) shouild be taken in develophg the resit f tihe building in order tihàt ail aspects coufld be ceaiidered. She dis! suggegt that there coiuld be a gaimes or hobby rooim set up for the eom=mntity. Mais. Helen Schmid suggested îthe getting up cof an area for a type cf mus-eum fluet coil repre- sent the wfhole of thse- owniship of Clarike. She nioted thmt ann-, ber in, the Townshlp were inter- esteid. in forming a Cûnmittee for sitdh a purpose, Rer suggestions aliso included that a rooi be set as1Idèerfor the cataloguing ans! s7toiuisg af histonical records' per- taligte the 'Township of Clarke. lin this, she poined eut, that mainy hlstoiarecords are being destroyed and are beinig Ilt for those who may be interested. Mais. ScIhmid pointes! eut that thse prtop- er eataflogudng cf records and! stira shaould be a greait asset to the )eonununity. She notes! alse the nees! of sitorage ýspace and slimnUlar catale ,ging *of thse hiot'cry of 01-rono whieh was currently, in her possession. M'r. William Miller suggested a club oin for senior citizens w(ho may wiqh te play gaines sucis as carcis, criolnole, chiekers etc. 1-e was supportes! ln this by Mr. Charles Taylor.lin this vdew an- ailier suggestion was madle for a hobby reeus where youigpecople couid meet with supervision Vo study in parti enlar fields 'cf in- terests. This, lt was said, couki includre such items as eleectiioinË,cs ans! other such items where there Mr. M. Dcuwns esuggestcd 'the u se of the extra p:cpcrbwfer a senior citizenhs home whIle Mai. Boy Painmentiecned thesues! f or a parking arca. Mrs. Olga Beauchamnp noted thse nees! fer a istorage and work ronifor the, library ans! a decld- ed need for ta quiet study rotom fer students whe 'do asake use of the lilby laa a reference. Air. R. Forrester, cisafiusnn f the lbnary bio>aid, tisanked thas L ibrary Te Remove Old Bar.. At àa'sp-ciai meeting of th&e 01anke Public Library Boars! cn Satihday aftenon a motion by Ma. . ellocëll lans! Mai. R. Ftrwas passed ilu whIîch 'the LýhîarY Pdaalid is te raIl tenders if(r the renuova] of the cld bars ioc tise east side of their propenty on Centre Street. Tendrers -wîll be received up te January i9th, 1970 ans! removal off tihe ar 15îste be coiplcted by May 15, 1970. Tis is the first move by Vthe board Vo i"gPiove, the appearance c f their lpiorty recent'ly pur- ehased frein Mais.R. Waddell1. iMkProducer's met I lu gt~ About 150 milk rdcs frou tise area atteýndes! ýa meeing at tise 100F Haul in Bsiiîis o aiccenbly td h-car a presenutation off ,a plan by lise Ontanie MLk Mark- eting Bcard for' chaniges ilu tise marketing of industrïial iilk. Rfie meeting is one off sever-al te be heVl k vanlo Us inlkprodUC- ing regions off the pV4ovàce:, ans was cîafllald by the -executive off tise OMMIB in Toronto to brin~g mlilk pro!uceais' up to'date onpod- iCY disanges Planmed by the board. GCesge R. (lVLaughEln, chair- main 0f the OMMB, told tise gnoup ,hat after moire tisan ,three ye rsý o!' stuWdy, Vise board had ecouse Up wi4th a planfer the mnarketing of indubtrial milk. Detalils off the n ev plan were agrecai upitn, by board members at their mee.tiing, lest October f oîlowing the Genleva Park con- ference. Mai. Me',Lavghuin askes for tise suppor t off tise 18,000 nsilk priodueais inith)e province te Maken the p13ln work aitrouble-ffree a possib'le. Target date for tisesat off what wi!, lie klan s h Group Il Pools is April 1, 1970.ý He' sent tthe beerid had netL yet readhed âaga-cement wâti procesi- oais. Mn. McfLaughlin said tise board reýaMizes!Visatlimproveseits in marketifng inidastrWal milk rvvculd be more difficuit te achieve thain Visose whieh ceuld lie aocomplsis- cd for finis! mKlk. Hc said indus- trial ivk 'prucing is higisly in~flu- emeîd by tise fes!eral goverineint's pâice Support pragrans and isat pro&vâncial mnarketlng plan la On'. taitalo muîst ùot put processing plaints iu thse province at. a cons- petitive disaidvantaige iwitisplats in other provinces. Tise objectives off Vie new plan (Oostinued te Page 3) T. Protest Closing Armouiies Cdbourg town counicK lhlas decdid- cd , o pitest the closig off tise armourles ians tise disbanding of tise l4th Field Battery. Fofllowing tise readâng off a let- er frin mArmy Heaidquarters aie- 1garding Vise closi(g of Vise aras- ourles, Deputy Reeve Lenis Fisher askcd: "Do we have Vo t down ald ake V-iSs?" Sise suggested a letter he sent te tise fedesuail government hrougls Vise local MP, Ilusseli C. Hcney, sýtrongdly protesfing tise goveon- ment's latest action. Ti'e.mes

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