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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Dec 1969, p. 2

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ORONOWEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER, 31st, 1969 ORIONO W EEKILYTIMIES Secon~d O1Aem 1Nuber 0368 PuMbl-inbed every Thut-sdnay at th.fe i 0f publiton Main Strteet, Orono, Otauo. Plione 983-52,01 The year 1969 is lofw alnuis't an ena of the past and as we Mook back it appears to be no ýmore ex&dtng or dul flian ni" prerviious y"ars. Rt was the ycaa-, howevier, thât mrm made hi.s firaýt fodtpinits on the moon and this incident sioes poit out the f act that there are St01i mary' dhaRIlenges olhead od us andi maniy new goals, sitili uhrheard ,of, to be conquered. Trhe yeiar 1969 las seen a connuing baàttiebetweueL OtJtiawta ai the prointes ansi wth ineaing viig»r. Tlhis, miedsouibt, cmi be reporltcd agâin n the enid of 1970. I aur oewlnmnic-ipality of Clake Townsblip we havé iwiiitncssed a fusthorn seeded surge i Towisbtgp planning. 71he reeve of CLia0e, RGy Foster, ssas Wardein i othse United Counnties. The clectors; have ha[lted for cocktail bars an-d dfiiln< iudeswý,th the result thàt these carn ow 'se oper- ,tcid withidn the munlicipaKhty. And, as usual, taxes'fToim ag ]ieveiLs 0f govemnnint d'îd aigin inreage. The inuniicdpalltty bas shoîwn a iodesit iinýcre(ase in r,ýdealtii devetlotpnenlt but sIgnis do show a grelàter inter- aet in tlhe area by doevelopeals. One suiNdivisior lias been apprýoved nïomth cd the ern eteny ard therg are beng' sub miiited for approval. Paa-s have been submitted for the-4ast twVo Opein spaOesisnlaOronio (one west off Man Stret nos-li ansd thse other in the open spaceeagt of Mill Street). Regioiaf govemnaent xil ikely be thse bigissue for le eaily seventies. Already opinions are flying froan rop- re5sentaives lin these Provindial Gowrnïent andi froir muni- cipl eadrswost of Ibis centre. Clarke Towvnship cana-ot but help beelome involvesi in thse issue. 1969 in tihe Village of Orio ffid witnese 1the coir- pltonof the ron(d ptogralm xvbich bas enhanicesi tie aven- aIlappasunîe f thie Village. There still e xi1sts tise prvib- ,cleîm f. paawing ansi the ease of ns-vinig traffic over these trn ts n jsebusimiess section, In tiselxv si I 55wold somne chanîge bas been nioted , atthe bank and-lat Lunn's I-Ian-diware. We aow look f os-wrd to 1970 xvth ail exectation for a brigîht future coolectively ae-c nd àivid(uîaally. This is noit an impossible d1reair even in, thie fields ýofpouio ainci îd7rugs ý-Wh h are very mnuih into the, fore- grouind iii 1969. The destiny of ou-r nationi, our mu-niipalitY ai-c thelndidia lies la, tise bauds of tise indîvidual whoy iust becoaneknowhedgeable ir those lshappenling, that con- cern uis ansi wihso mstsltasyoice hLs opinion. As marýiY are saydue'The sent miadîowaiy must, now speak up." To overyne a Happy and, Peosperlous New Yeuan. Whlat "Others, Say IT IS OUR FLAG Sp)eakýiin a he, legislature recently, Ms-. Alex Càr- ruthers, PC mensber for Dlurhamu, macle some ratlher suaili- is-g rees-atrl,,5 regarding tise Canaian, flag. In part ho iîs quoi- ced as' saî'i-ng, "The prescrit flag býas lle significaïnce or meanng, funher"Onso msaniy occasions tihis tatteresi Jfadesi banner ouly signifies thse lack oe£ national pnideansi unity. Wiive beiiieve that every nsan lias thse ight to bisopnos we feel tihere is nîotising to ho gan(ned by aI- akngtise Caisadan f1ag jin ise Ontaru legislature. TMatasy of us have our ýown 'feçâilngg about the fiag, and * vroehad a chantre 10 express his opinion it he tùnie 0f tise flag debate inLu e Fedenai bousie. The fiag Was ac- cepted lbyte g-rc-n anad wisethes- we like tise deigu, colours, sha-ipe, si;ze or wîfat.-hsave-you, iut Is the Canadian flag andscl as sucli deserves respect. We cairis-rtlagree with Mn. Carruîtlensison he says isat the flag bas holpreddIvide Cânada, rOther than unnite il. No flaîg Or aiy ailier sfynsbol is going to unite a people tisat do nt want to aoiied. But, before 'wedecide ltsat Onnagd)a ne eds to be umntedu, there mu-st fiTgt be proof thsat thse people thenaselves fela they are nult unted. Cewtainly, there is ýa siaiR mn-arity group la, Quebec Whic'h las causesi a lot of fuiss -amd boither andi is- doing so halq rerceives fas- too sxsuh puîblicity on inhîch to f ced is 'ego. Tis igroup is asol representaive of Canadians, an is-ln-st 0f its acKtis sisould' lie -radastlise crinial acùs they are. Tise Carnadian flag b as Jbeen accepted, andi wil gain iii prestigýe ansi dignily ais the years piogress, but niot i-f we have Publicte me sascli as tisose made by Mr. Carrtath- ers. If Mr. Carn-uitiesss soc eoncesned about "tIs-la ttereid NEW BOOKS - JANUARY 2Z, '70 Adit- Face to Face 'by Ved Melita - the auorogalyof a ylung ica, hisel ainanid tberatlbon. - Flower Makng by Pt~il Lubiey an inxsmaluable guide for- aiàl thoste Whio enj'oy &or whio would lidke to enjoy, this fascin(afiig hobby. Judas, .My Brother by Fmonk Yerby - controveiebil re-cretton of the, be)giinwning of Chtxisîiaunty - tb~e toiry of ýthe, thirtee*nth Dis- Anîd Now Tomorrïow by Rachel F&debd - aniotlh,'er delhtaul novel by the author of "'Ail thi, aind heaveia too."1 Live and Let Die by Ian FlIem- ing - ainother Jiames Bond thiffer Junior- ModieJ Car Handibook by Paul Pleeain a coniplete handbook of slot raicînig cars. 1G(nnàe anid the Mystery H1oSse by Catlherne Woolley- another excitinig talie vof Ginine aind her, friievds, Desert Dog, by 3dmin Kjelgoaard wdth a bacd-kground of the Aràzona deÉsert,th author pays tribute to the gvey-hoinid - the f altjelst dog of theim al. Kindergarten and Pre-Sehool- Debble IHersellïf by Lotis Lenski - a sÙmPle ýstorY of the dgiifW hIe of a smail l. Jamie ani the Leopard by Rob- ert Allen - a snalli boy akes a triP to bis favourite place andi meets a nuanber of piiayful juin;gle ceatures. Stonie Soiup b J a)', Brown - an'old tale retold. Why Cati 1 by Jeanine Bevidck -explores theanina wjrjdand shOws h10w tlieY can do-the £ascin. atilag and puzzling hings hey dû. MauneenJolhnsoin OPP REPORT, Thie NevvocastRe Deibclaent- of the Onta!cio Provinîicia Police dur- ing the week of Deeernlmber 21st to 271ih, 1969, inivesltigated 17 motor vehtiale collisions linxvhIclh 3 per- sons were injired anid il charges laid. Inw&etigated cluring the aune pernid 0of tir e Wee 31 Genierai Cccurreuices. Ejglht cf theste ociur- retnccs nesultted iin býst ofpop emety by -theft One person lias been charged xý,th irnpaired dryv- ing. Local reridents andi business establishments are asked to keep, observatIon for counte.pfielt $1).()o bis being dtstributed in the, areia.. and STEAMI BATH We have a Saunla and Whiirl- pool Iready for you1ruse. DroQp ipi and giJve them a try Group Rates Available Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sun. 8 aà..- 1 p.m. 16A ONTARIO STREET 728-2460 OSIIAWA Fetv:Sio in O~n anic over twenty zinowino- cd jla cidnson h ub CIom1lm,'- P..saa abld!e by the rotes set fooef h for notorizecl s0lw VefceCOtLd reI-suLlt ill a is net a ýýplaýy ito, ad eui HeIpBeat lWilnter' s Dreary Months Meet your friends at Neone's for a dellejous meal ini a warin friendly atniosphere. We enter to lunch and dinner parties. Snnday Dinners at Famiily rates. Phone your reservations now Noone'.s Motel - Restaiurant PhOne 983-5536 m/uie north of Kirby on" 115 Available at yoUr store or at your dor GlenRae ~C< <Management and Staff r Real Estate Ltd. k

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