f ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER, 31st, 1969 Takehi frorn a sermon prelached by TPhe Rev. B.. E. Long. ,Scnipture Lesson - Isadali 42: 1-8 St. John 1: 144 A f ew years ago iI re.ad a book Septic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 entitîrd "Depth Camip to'Eisten- ý'iaIàSm." it is an account of some people who camee duto the de eth camp C'liing the reigri cf Nazi power, lwent on and Iived month affter mont)h when they siionid have died, because oif' the torture, direase anid starvatlin, but they Jidd expectatioins about a date in the future wheri relief, change, or re5cue was cominig. Wheri that date woulïd core and îtheir expec- tations were uinfuiIfillcd, i a dhort timýe they wotild be dead. Mhs ilhistrrites the ipower of ex- piectation which lcai work both p)osdtively and, negativeay. The H-ebrews were a pecople ffhD kncw many generatione cf g3uffeaiing. They knew the cii n. The Power 0f Expectation spealling through tihe murderts, iugigingis and the dïsdaiin for life that we fdud sweeing the WoSild. God 'is speakingigin Vhe pollution and the thinigs we brdng into ur &ocety that destroy du any, way. lýe is also speiokimtg idu the forces-> and influeinces for good. God is acting toduiy du Jeale (cortinued o Page 5) ,ual march of ariniies âcross their Étny land, theïr country deviagtat- ed fÉoni lime Vo Elsieand Vhcn daptivity for immnl . But out of f heir suffering came lthe expeicta- ~tion iof a Messtah, a deliverer. Tliey are stili -a people wfth greiat expecitaibons. We beieve thait the eMesslah ýdid corne. The, Jewisdi tpeople did mot reicognize, Lm. We cari see theïr expeocVtiong ffViE led in Jesus Chrdist., For those twho could see that the Word àofCd fhad cone di the iflesh, power was gîven, to thern tio beicorne sonis of God. Then pe9ple hed new' expectatioas, Ille beyoind, far more extensive aMd conple'te thniouàh im. They ]ived ihopeiuUly and mandngfully in the expeCeaù on, of the fudifinent of what Cêhrdut could men in, thýeir Iives. But we live in a limie when there ig great aîpathy anid distress aicross the world aind God as dead for niany peoplte. The, Gospel -of John says, "lIn 'the begininig was the, Word." Sumeone ýe(lse trlan&s!Ëed' it, "lIn ,the, beginning was the Act." "And i the rtghtnes of (ime, the Act becaime îlesh and, dwelt aimorig us." God aicted, and (Lhe.MaiJes- us vaswihat we saw at the fuflfil- ment cf. the Act. Jf we put rnans expression and relaction to 14f e in the framecwork 0ôf John's twriting, niuy peoPle would -gay, fl'n- Vhrend is Vhe word and the word is mian andi the word 15 with imain.)'Not, "lin the beýginniing, was the Word." But "ýForget about God, ou hope is In mani.", d1i id yon.g have no reiai expectatioi. MaiY YO<Ung peop(le Pxvpr-ete the feeling there is not realy rnuch hope or future or depVh Vo liv'ig. WhY is the ,suicide rate Very high aniong ynoung people? Why do they tumi to druigs and liquor for fuiffinent ifjle. Because theire is a delso- laVe fee(ling about 14fPe. BeCause they have ne great expectation, there dis no Power. Older people hbave problems too.The'y saw, "bjf e used Vo have mneanilnig. We iad suCh good limes tog)ether. N'othiing is i ke ît used Vo. be. Even re)igion hisý chainged. TheY Vhrow ,away,, the Bible. There duoes net seer týo be ani purpose anY miore,," Because thcy jhave n;o re-ai expectancy, they, have ne power. W(hat do you expect for Christ- mýas? Do you have anly great ex- ,peetatiossof its f ulli neandng in ,relaýtions§hip to Christ? Or have ,ymn giveri up hope tand SaY,"'l be glad Wher! it is over. TheY got Jesus Christ about two thonsaind years ago. TheY fixed HEMi on a ,cross. Hie dierd. People believed Mor a wbile., But the world is Show- dng us tilat Christ dues i 0Vmat- ter ariy more. So whiat eau He do?", Without expectations nvoth- ing much isr goiag Vo happen.. But where, t%ýere is expectation of ,wlat can happen VhUnmgh the iÂiAnig Christ,, thlngs doý haippen. There is a hýopleissiniers, helpIes. ness about sci-ety that 15 devast- ating. But it ouight not Vo be for the Christiani, for God il stàR ind commamnd. Dietrich Bonhoeffer sadid, "Lif lin a prison ccl reimirids me a greiat deaïl of Advenit. One xvadts )and hopes ard potters about but in, the end what we do, is of little coinsequence for the door is shut and it cgi onlY bei openeid firorn the outside." We, potter around anid ray, IlWell, the dcor i shut, ,whait ean happen?" and notJhdug does happen. Certaàn1y God breaks in from outsâde but it is also froin witthin. The wrtter of Jobn is sayiirg that God us for reiali e 1ives. lHe acted dithe perron, cf Jesus Christ but IS uswn people rejected 1Dmn. JeSUS was ridiculed lanld put to, deat(h. But God was not finiished. We as Chrisitians ought to have great ex- peetaitioris becaulse âcif l. Jeasscime Vto H(isown anLd ws IHooper's Jewellery Il owmianville, Onta ria best wishes for the days aheud, Hopuy New Tear t agai A. H. Sturrock -,SoQns Limited VOUR ESSO DEALER IJ -Bowmanville, Ontario William C. Hall, B. CoMmm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday il HavPY New Yè~ *1 ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. Doeug Ferguson, Ted Miler, Harold Micholson,I Ace Richards HA~~~~ ILOSF U ESR VIc E