ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER, 31st, 1969 (Coinjtinued fron Page 1) iioenal" tal sde2d du~on lW'e wimpit in ihigh tak r tlhec lla:s p eýs ,bli e~fpeî, be c ci."Phe eflueit feantiïe sachs wn't aveaniyet~etoui scon(ýýdCi bCu. V. A. V~ug elud in he ~nnsfer tg insle- ville gcoeeatimg site vr i "o enueth at'Lthe ol cies l port Heape wevuhïd not becubet~ to polluticnon f iamy linitiaa WI. FRANK REAL ESTATE Realtor 21 King t.W Bowmnaniltell- 623-3393 Toroneo 923-9174 port Hope Office 985-4543 For prompt,coreus effici- ent service when IbUyinig or seling and for the largest sel- ection of properties in lthe area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster 983-5801 Dane ound 623-3965 And-y Sutch i 983-9119 Roy Strong 52 l- il Oxferd B ICKLAYES S TO0NE MASO S W. Seinai 983,560f specilizing in aU i inds of STONEW ORK and F 1RÉ,PLZACE S We also do cimcv Repairs reisult of this station. The Ounibaco Hytîliýo ehiaman s ci theýy alr'eaîdy hai a large ceai îtrîlg genier-.ting plaint ducwn kb L-ahbcîn that opIe.raited wi ,h suc h 11'f , ,uit cmi-nb edn thait mnsî of the, air pelflutants w remiove ci. Whcùn ,i questioneci aisut the prechlcm of gaseouýs si-tphiuric ac- icis thatiaire sitili wzîlieed ito the aitmsphe.ro in sn.lte of these pre- camitions whidh Oyif ,a2e flydro taýkes te remeive the fly ash by current ar1ti pdh!I Wtion m-lith4dýs, Mr. CGaithnroole niidOnitarie Hy- &,ïoehbard been wo)rking on i his prochlem *cînd waS conitioibutting te a projirt un i-Jrtaker by 21 cof 22 atinties in the Unstec Steies ini conjnoten i'h Imperial Oil 1'y thc'it ait the presenit turneithere is ne o~eo enllyf easi'ble wvay crf renmevig these glaas's so th o 1fe'.t ter tihe atmoiphere. "The Biii, he said "bad onae mrrýthod whîi oh remGvad the sl pi1hur diexîlde gas but causei oier gacI2,s te sa illi N evrerthe s'taek, wfhere ey were jýust as much a proibleni. "The equdipmelitil in the devel- opmnent stage," he soi. "We just havern't galitil yeVt. Fuel oi, he !rÉdlotcaecid, wars less of a polemr fer reanoývffg poRiutianits tihan, the otiher foissil-due1, calI lIn- December 1968, Onibari( ny- dre aaeunucedci cnîtruetton, on the plant xwculd be derlaryed by ait leasit Ive yerars. Hydre iunialUly salid tlhel prcrpoad planÉt was be- ig bal tte riaeeonmeoclaite a statIoin in the 2,000,000klciwâtt range. After InrItiail cite iweàtlgattinýs were satdtis ýoâpacdty ranoge torecait wasc revuised and Increas-ed by 50 per cernt te the 3,000,000 kiloWatt ranage. ,Mr. Gatýhereoe icenamernrtnd tJhoa The Big speed .-.stability strength.. . safety THE RELIA BLE ýONE Available at Marine & Cyrle Orono, phone -983-5343 fGor tihe firsi t uris cof a porwer plant to bec, creoatf naitW-es- Icyviltie iii six years turne, tihey- weald have te naalke a deelisoj nexît y ar. c TCwculdun'twaf-ât te, chose tlaedle on rt," he sai'd. "lit w'ldepe&rJ onr changes in the foceoa n of asiefuture hucrd arurd wh' cuetywe will rted." The O0t -ieoHydre dlinirmam, wnlh,ý n asec if th2re wais a poqsil Y, ('ty cf Onta-Ifo MHydre nef buijici- irc un thils s*itei, salic: "If we dîon't bulici un the Wie,,leyvi.lle site we wll ba vey isappodniteci." The chlidren enjoyerd the Sun- day &Iaeel concert ini the Qhurch on Mernday evenlag, December 22, The diurch was galikydecor- ated, complate wKituh Chrisitmas tre. This was done by the &un-, day ScIaoiol. MINr. Lpin Pal1, sutper- ic ndet arterd ais ellairnacai.The chîildocin entered carryinlg 3liltd candches andi siging "Aiwa inaa Man-ger" as 4the marohed amumuAc the ihîurch. More Garels were sung !in wich the audience ju- cd. Six lifle gris sang "A Christ- nias Lurllbye" with their doUies. There were reritpatiuens andi a boys' motion scng entitled "Hliere Cones Sadta." Mrs- Jack Eenk favoureci with a sdoe, '"O Holy Night.' The choir gave a couPle ar irumibers. Then Mr. Don Tans- ley of Orone sihowed sIhdag shaw- jing tihe hIanudng eof the astro- naugilts cri th.e ieen, ani a fihm on the great train robbeiry. Santa arrived (.comýplete wftlh pack andi belRs, te wisih all a Merry Christmas, 'and givreenueh dhld a bag of oandy -ariac nuts. One hfititte lad aisheerd fils svriter, .Can 1igo ulsîde and see-Sainta'rs rEýelder?" The KescaetArala las uRieowItuný aue/d beero swept by three bcdl tires. Mi. A. Thom/pson's berme wvvas burnei ciO'tober 24 on the secventhliY ne; Mr. Wm. Ferry Ilest bis home lin November ion the eàighth l'ie, en nDecerbe-r ih 20tL41, Mr. J . Rceynaiewt wlio IveciA on the telbcr-ce tarin on the sixthi Uine, lesýt lis home. These were tihýee beautiîful buig homes ina tact the tobaccilo arm loise bad a' new aninex se lt was large enuugI :fer two eamilles. The tlire sterted ini the niew an- nex W-here the hired helper, a cingle naan, hiverd. The men were drtvàlnrg over avilI a oard crf te- bracco when they eaw thlecmuoke pouringiout arouuald - p.a. The~y were unarbie to enter. They enter- ,d the brfick part andi phiec fer lie/hp. 0Orenl anl N5,iasd efire bnigae respendci. They halpeci te, save the brick partt brut a high west winid noriid the sciarrctyouf water made their task hopeless. The Women'is ilinîstltt met at the home et Mrs. W. Mercier on Tuesgdîàremening. Deesberr l6th vwith the Presidenit, 1V/rs. J. Hen4 decon in charge. The MVotto was, "lit is more blesiseitoe give tha te recelve" The reR ca/l was, "MVemueries cd ai dh/ilidhereld Christ- mnai' The minutes were reard. Server- aIdoniations hbacieenmarde at the Nrveanber meeingi t avas d&- cideiat filis mneetinrg thait $li0.00 be given te, the Redi Cross andi thbat the Institute pay lia/lut he cent oet the childrren's eandy bags enîc laulf t/e:ac cstai/fthe OhÉMrs- mas boxes tuerthe chut-4n telks. -Mrs. E. , Cuirrcrw led the lades in cne f ine g'aires. Prizeus were given. Gliflbs were excsaingerd. Lunch was served. NortwestTerr.e Nerx&ilunberMlandCDurhag MP., Rusiseal C. Hmrey, faasd s/hs. llorney aempaisei by their daughters Ruisai anrd RomaLie, w Il spenci Nerw Yeýas in the Nerthweil" Ter- riterlies. Tlhen trie crf (Yttawa Par- hiauUnuurtars acûomnpaunlid Iby their fmuie Who wMllvuisit the and 'Noi 'therniDevelcpMent MiViai ister, JeanCiu Lnr R. J. (Brui) Orange, -MP. (LN.WT.), and Mr. Honey, wthe lis Painiaaentary Sec- rertary 't')Jean Crtei The Norrlhwedt Tcrr&ùiiries wàH1 calebrate thedr cente.nni,'ly ini 1970. In Juliy t1hey will rcelýve a ,ist frDm the Queeii , Prince P'hihp, PinceOhread Priaii- cess Annie. Mr. Chretien wiRl aunch the ociniteinial ceaebrstlonîs at bhe cpitDj, Yiclliwkritf eait iffdiali f unoitiomns New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. The grouip wigi rDmâ,, a illte Noe-th unitil Jamnu- ary 5th, 1970 to viîît Irîdjian Miid Eskirne Scttments'. HOURS OPEN: Thesday 6:30- 8:30 Thursday 6:30- 8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 112:00 ai.. Corne see the Iieaer choielui 1970 snowmnobiles Choose the emodel right for you. For the man who wanfs, Iuxury> xhre's Ski-Doo Nordic. For the man who Ilkes his action f.ast, there's Ski-Doo T'NT. And for the man who wants more than one Ski-Doo, there's the low Priced Olymnpique 12/3. But don't wait too long. Better deal now for best choice. the sigr of the flnesi snowmoblles, sportswear, accessories, Skgn parts and service. Ski-Doc. 1-8127 *.Mi Orono Fuel & Lumber Ltd. LYLE WEST ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quality E1ectrlcni Heating and Llghting Installations and Repaira hy Certified Electriciajia One of the nicest things about- Christmas is the time- honorured custom ocf exchanging greetings with Although"- there have -been marvelcrus accomplisbments th,-su y ear in the canquest of sparce, mo§t of us are sti1*1 errthbo),und Jard we have to subsititute thewite word4 foi, the hearty lhandshake and a spokeni greeting. We e some o r friends practically every day but theýre are rnany others whom we see far ton seldom. As we send our greethsgs orut, therefore, we' hope that they aili bridge the gaps of tume and distance and carry our wishes that the holiday season aili be a happy one for youi and vours. A.nd we wlsh as, weil, that the New Vear iil be fiiled with good things. For Ail Occasion We supply flowers for ail occasions including Hospi- tai arrang-ements, weddings, funerals, gifts etc. We would be pleased to have you visit our show room at the nursery where, a completefime cof plants are always available. PRIINE 623-5757 VauiRelie %Gardens Highway No. 2, West of Bawmanville Ktendal 1News 1 ORONOONT. PHONE 983-916-1