ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY- DECEMýBE'R, 3lst, 1969 Cobourg Armouries £fI. 2d îe l4t(h Fieiid Batr ofth StiiFL'-,d R'gàminat will ci~~~i b ai 1970. M~rJ.A. Ileezan em f ;twjat ihlarly i !ticto ake an ~ ~ i- no urte h -dloAnutho "Th eos~g f tc~e to ii - ta~~~~~~~J i)-("shmno ~tk i thu h'a4rns frm VL toi," i ail Bt- e c- Mu o hc'in 00 Yfd thit Co- d bourg d becn a n 'teTy Fo intheorld a"s c "lts, Md II hhJng bei t,)dde a s . Tùlni ar qnounes n dluuf cwas failtiasttnteeyonngcad- ets. Morý e -n10 ynu iýîe d wou'd e affeteci b Vi lsre autcdet orp, add- lhr seumd oï e mx-ui Ja on- wlien ihe amourisawec Vo eboIs otlherat Stpember ofe a ho bx. Clo , cî he bidug ia t' uere availail of~,rooie "We args te trILUngb ai n theus bisoys lof tbe oesft iatizYu hequ sidi.lewntY Mre Vli n 100 bas unci ythe afrecdnr ofteci in b oilthVe CAr Cadet GiorusfCoor or li LjeoutrgIs'ntDe id tsey41am-Vi ,wosieg ofithe arrourVes aud aus- cd,,o a grca(t deal ofisappinunin Iun aingst hemit& n l e e,ûaiy, eloTr1& Cloug O si was oe 0ftheoldee miit'a '~fredo oufticeity Vothe r réoraiou0f obuR fr seife *Ooourg 1 ou ftic 41 tansu- aunesqrouhut tic e auntry atuenof 45,00,0g wie anuaclfl-eWUt foa theuxsaervetsh. mv souuu ,offec ,Tbytc; feueu beéV cistr's bdit arbu.ud Metro aelo gets the niad of opprovail f rolm the mayor. Mayor lVtckey - said if Oshawa foOllowvs Mr. l[Koghs sugge st- ion of taklng in evas porti ou of Pickering Towahp in a reg9- i 1govermumets ee sav wcî)tld have to b- wary of a ax b( ke beceuse off blhigi reciden- tial dv'4o.prnient iii Pick&rlng Township. 1, wycr Mackey sad the com- ments by Mr. iVIKeougli were coa sistenit witlh carlier statemenbts by him and he was, PI'az,d by tirsa. Thle minster's comments made niio dire-ct reference to the Osh- nWvvabascd ireCyainal governnnt Study %,btwereuoniplime.nfftary to one oif thc sch es under consid- enaionâ~ hc tud -a mediuan szc7P 1i-on which -woutbd include r i Piokerig Township -excepit the We Fl Rou-ge area aýnd Whtby, ville pamrd Dalington, Township. AY2LMER 4 TINS AYLMER PEAS 4 TINS*9U IRA SALAD DRESSIN JAG 4 ClTheDairyCase KRAFT RECULÉR Cheez Whiz MIO RNIP OZ. ARs JOM ARIN ?RIWIRflE OR TRIANGLE BE,,EF STEAKETTES 59 SUNNY MORA RINRLESS SIDE BACON L 9 REEF AN PRK (STORE PACKE) kBREAKFAST SAUSAGELB.O , BOUNDARY BATTLE (Conitinied frôul Page, 1) opmeunt in thie sauth part of Piick- erinig and around Bowmanile; -Centrai City, formned by con- cuatingurban growth un Osh- awa and WWitby; N1ew CIty, an urban centre either 'In Nort'lh Pickeing Town- ghip or ar'ounýI, Eowmanvàrle; -Celilular 1Centre!s. a eoncept under which Pa number oâf inidiv- idual coinmumiVes would be est- ablish§hed, ecdi wihtha populafion mu-j ng from 50,000 to 150,000. TUhe c onsultants, who spent thme ie-iths ýon the prelimioary report, ýsay t1heare is am uýgemt need fo a 30 yeiar deveilopmelrt ptaan and regliniailgoverinmemt structure for the 445-square ile are a. The report says tihe Oqshama- W'iUtbyi-Pickerling area wdi Soon face raipid urbancizaàion, aind such proilems as traffic coacgesbion, aiir pcllution an;d pour land use. Arm strong's IGA ROPHDoiminon HARDWARE I N I J -ORONO, ONTARIO TELEPHONÉ 983-5207