ORONWEEKLY TIME Scoad CIai Mal -egisftration Number, 0368 ePblsheýd every Thursd-ay at the office cofpulcto *Main Street, Orono,, Ontai-,o. Phione 983-530ý1 TItOJAN HORtSE STILL WITH US The days of intrigue sucih las the Trajan hailse are lot oveir and lit has taken a saual[ nation !of soie 2.5 million. 13s1aell, Vo rove the Point. Ear1y ChiIstias mooeziaing sraekI craws sphuted five gun bouts out of the Frel hwhtbour of Oherebourge o the anlazemeint of everyone. The fuil story of thus dIcak anid daggeir mioe mjay flever be toici, but onie ctan be assured that the secrtet service ofl this country hais iorne of age. There are otler instanies where this smýIa nation hias won laurells. The lddalappinig of the Nazi War CVmiinîa, Ado& fâ Eonnnfrom Buen~os Aires, .to brhng hÉm se.eiy Vo lsnael for trial. Anda, of course, the calhiî of the Aralb nîtilins tladotdboth InVthe 1956 anid 1967 wars. One cianniot but feel that hl ies a country where in a femw short yeln a sense of patrinVism has been created wlteeiy now they stand unfted and unidaunted. lit Ï9, 0o course, ned sur-prising, for this neainni hais bl emnou1ldeid byV ho'te whohave knosvn the hals of Ie and n ot THOSE COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS AtVthe beginining of eal yela nn'iphjinust nilaike appoinhments o viadious'r-ommUntees anl boalrds vho funurj!lilo unider -the reguttVnis of the mnipaiy Theisie aonýiitmelis Indlude, in, Clarke Township, ithese Vo piaak bcarc, ihrary board, recreation. commission, plianriii,, board, mae f edjuqtxment, throse propertIes unider tihe Cioi- muicpty Centres Act, hopilnitboard and corîserval'tion areas. Trhiisgrloup s extendndi n oher rmuniuipa ditiaiswhere a greater number of lIlke bùardzs exaist. The aPoiPinibmensin mosýt oassýs.pre a C2arryover fron y0ar o year aniwe feel h<t cl toco ftein or> llittVle to~ieragt;-in s g9îen o these ap4tmns Ufetuîtly 1- q ~ eemý1nt wIh i{o the nronýedure oif ni cPtrormatsaufldthis eemý-ent aiwa MoUýrs asitting niber. Those îmakinig the 5appoiniment1feli there îs a maltter of offejd!nlg a )ohýie a'prree if he were un~ ~u~fulorif lhe wereered. Tis ii, owvea xxay ~be with as. fBrc~ls aiidcoimVeesjsliouild axtasbý-urd&ateod and new bilond eau stPark new enfthuiasni ili Vmuy of the nffliisear~dont on behalfai h mnci ty. This is n~ot te ay Vhîv~experie 'e os c i o v ' g bnt rliÇlrv ther Is a 1blalnce whc cardesign pr0grei,,on a; ta 0[bs1s it rVi intereisting to iiote thet Wbby' tlhiiS year, asicd reldrtswho were inteir-ested Vo Se'rveoisayo'.h armt~ned oadîs (îlhiehwne eliite(l) Vo Write te rd- pailtynakiinîg knoewn this f act. This <oeo lper o Vil te tairs oevervoné Man0iClouncii cah the" eenapietlsl for- the vdousPositions. !1 of couirse, like everylgeljse, there are weiak inrt j thVs reloal but we do0 believe tie weakneslsels àrre out:weîghcJ by the banefitsWhic9h cwutd resul Wh',iat Others Saýý'y BREATRALYZER BECOMES OMINOUS WORD SUDDENLY 'Breathiayzer bts qudcekly, become an ominnius word for mr ;'y In Oniarîo, espiceâalIly nýoùoists Who ipplle beil they drive. ]t's a word that quickly engendes, mixei emoîtons Svtme regard it derilveayylas la form ail frlontier justice, harsil and far tôoc sweepIng., Others speak cf à with arwe and respect. Wherever the truth may lie, breatbîlerhai quIck- ly ir- de Mits Influenire f cut under h new law. Its aCibi/î- ktsin its intancy da"s have, surprisei 1w enflorcement otificers. It bats sugceeded inapressive'ly where other inVtert- ed caiIbs on waywad nýotorIst have faIdulc nhe ol ciirlc of raffic vilaions in Oshawîa andi district oail ate eblaboa1aley spell outt hls mesae They were chewn 50 per cente in Oshawa on the New Yàars houl- d&Y and police neyer had V sol easy. Rareiy have local mot- A. Caon ter by Ahex Qarruthers, M.PP. Durham In a speecih deliverec i n tire leigisilature on December làth, 1 made referer-ce Vo whât'I consici- eci Vo be Viree civâime factons in aur nuatioealhIlle -- tihe flag, the BihinguoI amnci Biceultu!ra1 Conns- 'ien and the, Companîy of Youn-g An; editorial appeardng in theý Port Hiope Evenirg Guide ail De- ceimber l9th naakes partieugar referenice Vwo tateiets in the speech taken out of coatexit, but Wvhidh accoording ta the editorial donstituite an attaclc ou the Gain- adian flag. Tic two referencets weiie containîed ir the ff lawing, paragîraph ia my speedh: "I bellie\-e sIinlcerely, Mr. Speak- er, eirait thie people ail tItscouatry are prep-ared tfoa dopt a ruIy na- VVoîal liga fiag Viat will have signiificanî1ce aanti xviitruIY Syni- bolize the Caaia enitage andi the Canaciani way of cful. The pro- sent flag has itte siîgiiifioanie or meiau!ng, aci 1regret tire liack ail resýIpoLiet ltreceiveîs. On, sa mary üoasions this tttered faderd bar-- mer nW ignifie Vlaick of na- isoaa pridle aidiult. Perha'ps I dinoV miake myseaf dleiar, but mny cnticism was dir- 1ecteci Vo tire obionýs lack ail re- specît for the flaîg Voailosing it ta fly on se miaryý occasions ag a tatter cd faldc bnner. This dis-- respect for our natiio(nal symbe, Vin my opiin signifies ;a lack aof nainlpride anrd uno4ty, 'ant imV miy view is due in part ut lest' Vo the lack of incaaiaxg in tire de- sign of the present flag. My conteCntion 1 tà[lt the present flag hais been a divisive factw il, Cimadian l ife is supporiteci net on- ly by the aove sýtiateMeats, but ai-se by ~the foiÈowinsg factiors. a) Tjhe adoption andci wde use of prolnhiciaul flags padiiulianhy in Quebec. 1b) The rapici increase Vo the separatist naoveTaà niVQuebec sinîce Vile adoption of the preseant c) The official1 sù,teent by Vile MiLnisjter ailE4dUctiion for the pro-, %varice cd uee that oniy the Quebec Fleur cde Lis flag ste, be uised,,in Quebieit e shuals, In the pasý,tt.he mer-ýairchY, th£, flaig, Vthe liter.ature1 andc the tradi- tions ail the British kqsles, ati dte a dcgree thase ,of France, were unaiy factors ýir preserving Con- federfation. Gradutally the olci or- dec in cbiamging, howevcr, yieldt- ing place ta new andi tie ies that ibour-d us Vo pa§ti loyalticis are be- iE broken. Tire dhenginig ,attitudes anti Vthe influx of large nunbers of mews alizens fiom DJIl Parts aOf Vie worid have alterec tire faibrie of Canîdian society, andi as a matur- ing nation new natioÎMnIl sYmbots ar-ci nw ideals are in orcier. ,Mly concera is, ilowever, Viratita aidpinîg these mcxv symbols wo Clark. tPublic HOUES OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 8:30 Thursday 6:30 -9:30 Frlday 2:30- 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 a.m. Tlbe, Orono Tykejs were about t-hoernlly Oronlo team to mecit with any succes!s over ithe pasit week. This group etigeid a 2-0 victory over a simcilar tetam f rom, New- castile. The!. Orone goals were soreci by Tommy Gustiar andi BuiIy Clark. Assistis went Vo John West feçr twe, anti Davici utton. Tire Grena Atonmewere baîsnbed by a Newcastle isquati by a sicore cf12-0, The Oromj PeeWeies lacikeci one goal of .Vànrg a gaine with Powt Hope. The visItons won 3-2. Tire Vwo Orono goak;swere seoceti b~y Robbe HendeTstn with Nioky Vain Seggileà pdukog uîp an amssjt. LaaV nigWh the PeeWees weire de- ilcatei6-2 by Newc'ste. have faluled tec make Vlemi mean- Vogilui, andc in ithetir flormation have àgnoreci 16 a major degree bsli-ter-Y aind tradition,. From Vthe valuante of coirespyoudence 1 have received, particular4ly firomn Que- bec suppoa)" in y views, 1 atm couiirceti thiat this concern us ehared by a large nun-iber ail lay- ai Cariaditans. The Orono Bartaris were, de- ferate.d 4-0 by Nevwcîastle last Fr1- day evenàng et Vthe Orono rinrk. The Orono Midget hockey club, ýPlayeci a group of Orono menr ro- cent&y andi were defëeeci by ex- perince anci soie Young legs. Thie scDore 8-4 for the mer. .Dourg Taylor leaci the victors. scoring WVth hree goals wlth- singile countels geing *te, John Ma- ther-s, Robbîe Reic, Roîbbie Robin, son, Don Mercer andEriic Duvallî. The Mficiget goals were scoreci by Duane Webster, 2, "loin Wân- tiex aidR-cindy ladtaibroolie. Des. lNe"Vw#man To Speuk The Orbino Chanber of Cern- merceare holding their annual banquet andi ladies night on,,Jan- uiary, 20th, Tuesday, wlhen Mayor Deismonîc Newman, wËIi be the guest ýeaker. RItS Wiic ."Regiîan. al Governient. The, eveaing is being, heilt at, Noýone4 Restaurant, north otf Or- CIoa on Righway 115. A iinited nmrcer .'of tickets are avai1able f iom members of thei Orone Giramsber. Orono Hockey' Notes Tour Message Is Se.,, When Piaced Orono Weekly i le OBONO ,W.EEKLY TIMES,, -TJIURSDAY, JANUARVY 8th, 1970 1 Des