ORONO WEEKYTIMS, TomUsDAY. jANUArY St, 1970 Sub-divisi"On Development Costly Proposition The devetopmeeit of sutb-dMws- ions wtith ie- Townîsip of Clarke cornes under strict controI govenued by a sub-diveom agree- mnent Whieh was finisit passed ýin July of 1969 andi later reviseti la, Se#temnber- The agreemýenit fonn is laid out on forty ffutisbape sheets and is nDow the guide line foir eli subivliions withàin the The agreffie¶nt places th& re- spotnslirbqUily on the owner for -the intalation of certaidn pubhc ser- -vices inludig dralnaige anti stonm sewers, waiter distributdi syitesn, roada and si'demmalW-, ;stré- t sigws, couservation - orks andi plaetàsigs andi such appurtenl- ,anlces to aniy of thse aibove, services. 'Mie ownter should àlso rctaiiu a Snmpeitent ProieÉLtional Esigneer for Vise punpo<se cd desIgn4 Vo pre- patre contrat diuuments, for sup- ervtiso«vandt o odtain approvMis. EverytAing is sudjeot to approvali by Vise Townshp. It is rcted in the agreemenit Vhit ret Ltigfhting ad the Hydro eleetriie sy§tetm must be an under- ground ingislatioe with the owe- er ceptinig ail! respotnsibility to iiteniîs dhjaaigetable dltrecitly to the mfier. taMta being develtopeti for a sub di'vioin must be properly drained by a system of storni sewers. Thetse sewers musit be so desiýgnie t o -oarry surhce xater and afso to Îniteceipt atnd carry rosm! maMer anti fouqieaitian weeping itle wiavttt from e.aeh building i thse ub-diivisWon. They are to be eOonsttutced otf cotncsee pipe wtlth 0-9tdh blrOi'ts a a anjiolleg alt sei t grithse aereemenit. Oontnec- sibjeet ti sibadard retgulations as tioto it lh buildings are Vo be of BEST BUY! - SAVE 9t. 6 Laa~h coincrote ppe tapédiato the sewer tmdmei. Th~e iater distnibutdnýg system wouM dbe ,sinildir t~to- t ýooý r»no hfavdng Vhe proper Valves, pipe sizes, hydcraàts and house coninec- tions. The agreemnent provides for the teeting anîd dduGinfettl2n. of the Ssstem. -Ail1 eosts are the resposi- sibiliitY of the owneir. MIl roeds in the subdiivisýnn rnUSt at leiast be 66 fecit in wicth aind 86 feeit for aateffiailaind coRIec- toIr ronads. Tihe roaýds are to be paved with a 28 foot sudface hav- 1ng coninrette curbs and gutteirs., The agreemnent provddes the type Of base, type of surface, grades etc.îats wefIJ as providiing for Sod!- dec! boulevardbs aM~ duste ontrol dujriasg eonstruetion, AI steetVs are to bc nlam ed andc properl-iy signed. Al! wo(rk isto be so des,,igned as to approe'd gliades which have to be submlitted linthe origi' iii subrnisson for aipprovai byî the Trywnohip. .The agreemuenit also statets thâat no buifdiig in the subd6-visfion, is ýo be occupLed umnttl agth ie noad work is etMOsuIettedini front of the pnoperty and servicing. streets wtih the' emeepiosn of pavdmng. The Cwnter mustEaliso be properly cov- ereti hy insurncee andc he aceepts the reaspoRvs1bitit~y oiopeirain da uindergmosnd servicees for aSe year aand aibove grousit services for a petdoti of two yetatr The agreemert contains many emc e uitioles whch cosioeri fir -ý *qel apects, easemenits, xght ù! etry by Townsihip ptffioiMts, appromal! of! war1s andi construe- tion regutirions. lit is tod thait Sunntydesie Es- taite and tihe Townishp bave sigu- ed such an a grement for a sub- divýisiocn deiveopaienit uefior o çLhe Oronio Cernetery. lin this a- greeumont thse owner muet pay a sm of $10,000 in caish Vo the Tovvnghlip as weill as payifmg the coi of services as previos.sslly out- linieî. Akso in thirs agreemcrnithVe Town9h1p has naceptoad co,-ve2- nc f two 1otùs at the south- eamt torner for a pGssile ]ink-up in the future with the Oronoi, strect stVe. At the preSeait time eutry Vo Vthe sub-d!vimiei wlll 16 Ounce Jar MIRACLE WHIP 'Salad Dressing 39C BEST BUY - SAVE 19e - Bathroom Tissue LADY SCOTT Save 19C 4 relis 59c FEATUBE- 15 ounce tins PUSS 'N' BOOTS Cat Food 5' for 99c Feature ftri-Vaiey Fruit Cocktail 28 oz.*tin 450 Feature - Choice Qualîty> TOMATOES Izq oz. Un 2 for 49o Reg. $1.43 Value - 10e off pack Maxwell House INSTANT COFwFEE 6 oz, jar $1,19 Feature - ROASTED Nabob Coffee 69ec RED BREAST Cohoe Salmon 71-w4oz._c Fresh Pienie PORK style shoulder, lbo 5 to 6 lbs. ROASTS Lean, Meaty, Wefl Trimmed Pork Butt Chops l.75c, Save 16e - For deep frying Crisco Oiu 38 oz.99 Best Buy- Pre-peced, 89c.-CRYSTALS 4 Env. to 'poly bag Tanig Orange, Crystals 69c P... NO. i Grade, Potatoos as Ibo. 93e OORNISH'S RED & WHITE jWe memre thse right toeIhnit quantities Phone 9835201, Orono, Ont. I g be fim the TauuVosn Road. Fuitther in,,Vhis agzreeni*et an aniout of land aloeig the creek vailley hms beesi osiveyed Vo the TeNngsIup whlo, we undeveaars, are hope-fuâ tihait lu Vthe future can be developeti as a park possibly by the Gatnaraska Conservationý Authority.1 Snowmobiie Derby In Flames Onie wlculIdint expect fl'imes iand ctotuds c ai acrid smsoke ait a snloxnnobiie race, but tit's ex- actty whatt sitoipped ithe Mazc's MUfk Strý,wmiotb*lle Derby ett Mos- port Par-k Sueili.%y after a, drarat- lefisiiap pifle-up. ",Idtoit kniîaw wiselt happenet, butt ut sitasted in front then 1 goît hit frotm biehinîd," stid veiteran Can,,Atm auto racer Johin Cordts of ToromMintledýescniýbing the m-e- lee. Cordts jumped from WIs wreeked stnowxuoUble snd over a guarc! rail and dcown a 20-foot eanbankmeuit Two siovarobiles colideti near the front ai the pack as Vhey leit ,the firsit turn, on the ficsit ap of tise feoiture race. One of tihe anlalhintes, driven by Keith Johinson of Mindee, upset and then the rest of! the 26 mm~o- mobiles behinc!ihn just pled up. Three of Vise macehines caught fire andc were destroyed wWhle severat otihers were badly damaigeti. ,Cordis, woiolest racec! at Mos- port lm the PItayer's Grand Prix ln Septemýber, s'aid, «Ait first I tbougultI kiiteti han," visesihe bit the macWsne in, front ai hdm. On the firat isp, tise niaiches are ýtigibîy packed togetVier sud wlben ssuiuetne got inito trouble tho'se behindc have Etttie conitaol aend .a dhtan reaction coillil on ifo- ,tee hi-,£pees. At tihe time o! the alcci'detnt the ietadding nieiee were travellinig ie exeess of 50 nipi. Nanof t!hie diveus wais serlîous- Iy isurt, 4lthlough severM w ere- treatec! by tihe track rdoctotrs for miinor btru&ses andc!aibiiýasils. Otihes iivved la Vthe casah were Eudulid Foueaulit eo Sudbury, Juidein Gazes of Pocaitiere, Que., andi Larry Pbliffips of Pm-ry Stounld Fb=nnult eseaiped serions iiàijury' because ise wais wesainig a, foot- hotu hedinet faee-guasid.1 The ýsùSmwbiles on tiseir firsi ai a sethekdeti 20 laps were Joai-, eti wtth gasolie andi on, mpaot tiietr tanks seilt openi. FoSituwte- ly Clanaditan Reae Commniea- tionis AssoaaVious'smaiohalg, wiso proviide siaïéety f aiities for auto racing ait Mosport,,were on Irand, Tlhe eladbomraibe precautioàs vere onllgiiaUy thoagt exceeiive for sinowniobile racing. Onice the wreeckage bac! been elteired, the race vas restaatted andi run over a shorteeed distance wdth PauI Preetice of! Mindien leiadllng a unie-itwoýVhree swwp for Ski-D)oo. Prenti,,ce vnas follow- ed by Rick Franka oi Barrie andi Cbnîlad Poftrails of Copper Chu. 'The: fetatre race for clams E niiocitied snowniobiles. rau over the full 2.5 mile MoÉport Grandr Prix course while smtjaller engin- et ima)chines rlau on a, spetcdalýly prepared oue-mnile track. Tise Mlac's Derby hi etlglit cd a two.tay pxrograincda raffes bhl attratted 357 estries for thie la evenits andc more tise 14,000 spec- 'Rob Shouidice of Oweni Soundi, dring a Ski4Doo woîn, the feaiture ,eeikiStur lyfor D mclified niâhines, fotlorwed by the Sfli Dotes of Da-c!i Cox of Oshaîwa andi Ciordts. SAMNS RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 1kmile south of Orono Specializing in Pzaand Spaghetti Ilce Cream Neilson's Golden Grade VANILLA Sgai.89 Regular $1.15 For January only Enter FREE Neilson's Hawaîian Beachcomber Contest Mliddletons iPhone 983-52 42 ORONO, ONT. Aibe rt's Texaco GENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 Oromo k I In the fight against disease, your registered. pharmacist works side by side witli yoar doetor. Von can trust hlm to f111 your Rx with the utmost precision. STUTT'S PHARKMACYlf Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5009 i lb. bag Now la The Tinte! To Order Your FU EL P1h,..' 668-3341 - Collect ON DX PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL Dx FUEtpL OR Cali Us Today For Prompt, Courmmos Serviee., îîrlý