ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY Mt, 1970 R eport From Ottawa Rugseil C. loîneyT, Q.ýC.., M.P. Northiusnbertainid - Durham This week the Ilouse of Com- mons Stiandling Committee onlI- dian Affairs and Northern Deveà- opinenlt. gave a striong lelaicl to iLhe Canadian Goverumenit on.tti~e pa;t- ter iof soveureiginty in Cîanada'g Ar- The leport expressed cuijcerru over the idanger of pollutilon in- hereàt in amy maîrtitnle traîffic thirouigl Aretie waters ansd said, "lYour Conmittee iS conviced that the safeguards 'and polliution controlis leicelssatrîy Mo protect Oan4 inda.'s Aretic environ c'n eut and ec- oilogy wiIl ineither be possdbfe or enforceaible ,wîthout an effective exeroisie of Canàdian contîrrof over ejthe watersiaud the ships usang the waters of Uanada's Arcetic ,ArchàipedVago." The Committee eaid that waters aying befween Mhe Islîaacl of the Arctie Acipeiliagc have been, ~and aire, subject ta C;aiadhsain sov- tereîignsty histonriaUly, gâopniaphki- Mafly anf geologiealy.- "Your com- mittee rejeots tihe suggestion. that tan intetrnabLoùaf waterway exists through the Cantsisdlan Aretic ,Archýipelaglo," thue Report saliid. 1The CoWmnâittee sMatexd that in- noceft jaissaige, for ships of al Naitons, through the waters of flue adian Arcitire Avohilpeago us compatible wth the prottectios of funidameintal and essenfiaq Gain- jadluan inere,ss un her Arctic wat- ers. "lioeeÇb audt e -, mittee, "41any pasfage Wbîich poses a dange& to Caniada whether this' daànger taices the forum Mol.a tîreat of pollution 0,or Ohe;rWviSe, is niot The .reat, proYlbem the. Govern, mjent huai., .and it is motan easy, me. . . is whether or not the ,Arcutiesen beyond the hittern natircnafUy rcanze hree mlle Irimt is"internual" waters. If they,- are mot "lintieriial waters" tihe con- 4Spat of innocent passage droes flot rapply, and ships of aIl natodns mnaY u1se the 'waters, as 'of ng pur- ,uait to internalord'a lav. My guess, based on the cRePort ail tihe observatulons of tîhe Prime -Mdnluer. is that fthe Governnft wMil intloduce legisl-atioun Sbortly ta asserrt Canada's so.vereignty, paTirt uîi n jitîhO e aea cdpoIu- ,Mion control, and geneil user of AaiUtuc waters., kendal News lVàis Lilnda Greenwood has re- turnted Mo Trent Ilrniversâly after the ChhLiitmas vacatioun. Miss Ann Foster and Màiss Catuheruinue Tuiaau- sky havie rerturned ta bLondon Univeusty aifteaé three weeks at home wfh ther famkiles. Last weekeüd ias ideal for the 'wfiner ýpots fane. MoaiPot was a prefty place on Sunday wfth the trees féstooed rwth the new SIap In Face Says kruger "A slap sn lue face for Piecker- inig urluan* resideuits" s lhoW township councilulr, John Kruge r termed Munucilal Affairs lVlinit- er D'Arcy McK>ougl's weekcnd announcementflue -tdwnslhip should joain an siuuawa bused regionia1 gov- eumntseheme. "The muiLster lias madie sae manifs like uhis heuore. - hbât coring likeîtidid niglt affer our, plebisctif 15 f00 aiuh," saldflue Word Pive coillior.- "Tbiu â er cise of power by thiepovncil goveurament ignores' flue demociait- le _ûoncept ol tfle will of the peiople." 1Mn .kruger nted tubeinisteâr haîd alway s said lie woulld listen to thle peoifle's wislhes. "If lookus like fhey arec olngto lue ignnred now irreopeiv,e of the Oslhawa Airera Planuýnling antI Dev'ielopment Sfudyprpai. "For OAPDS f6 .prep-ane brefis anud reports isai finanteiail waste wluen the governumenCt afledy as it's conclusions dflerided," ýaid Mr. Krpger. "If power is fluenmgneouf tlue gauue - tien the province is makhung itscfff suprene."1 Mu-. fruër ,sali-the minister is saying that is flue way if's go- ing f0 be janrd that'uhlat. S"I feel strongfly that Pleckerâmg shmùuf iiaow cons,ýider :droppidng ouit of the OAPDS study if alif js is atfool offlue provLince," lue àald. 'Wulur should lue, or. Osbiwa, or any ouf the miuaiicipaities, lue fou-ced f0 parflcipate?" -Oshavwa Times sncow and 'the powertfl snromwrno- biles of right coours witih their driverls in theïr gay aftre. The Oslhalwa Sgki IÔlýihenst of Kýirby had 800 skiers on its sloues enjoying ideal conuditionus we un- deustani. Misus Clara Semer ,f, Peterbôr- ougil and Miss ivargaret Senes of Otta'wa were wuth . their, sister Mirs. Reg Elliot and Mrý. Ellioit for Christmîas., Miss Jouyce Ellioutt of Otbawa was wrth heu- parentus four ai few ilatys ut the New Yerau. Mrs. Wm. Jackson, is i Bow- manviille hospital reaoverlnrg fronu a foot operation Mr. Ucehard Wilson is aris a patient lui Bow- manuville Hýospltal. Mr. and Mus. Jeroume Reynaert' have reunted an aprautrent in' BowinanîilulJe amn au-e durvinug back anrd forth ýeacl day to their taubaeco f arum onflue sixth làne. On Tuesday tbýey had a machbine corne in to krnoek the brick wals drown. The bouse bas nuowbeen levelled f0 tthe arounrd. .The hisutory. f the Cobourg Ar- nioures was given at Cobourg town counucl last week by Con- cillor WUIhred IHusi&glson. The fiist Cobourg conupainy of garrison. artuilery, le saiid, was erganied, nluMary 1866, ta combat tihe Fenan Raids.. The mnortar in., the a=noury was theïr itlist weaip- OnM SSnie Cogourg gunneurs served lin the South Mfrican wua but the unfi was nef called ouf. Euary firfthe first decade 0f the 20thu entury flue marne ou the airtlery wlas changed tofthe Co- bourg Heavy Bttery wluich was mobUlized t fthe start of the First World War and sent . o. flte west coast to man the coast artilery. Lb'Ver the battery went overseas andi served aRl flrouglu fle 'Fîrsf World War as the second heauvy bâttery. If wa5 re-organized lunflue 920'% as 1the 22nid medumn Ba!tery of flue Militia anti equippeçi wth 60- pouaird guns. TiUs batterY Wo Ilhe Goveror-General's TrophY sever- ai *finies for gonerall pruoflenrcY. If was undew tfle conhmand 0f flue late Major F. P. IUOYd aurd F. Drewry. A eounty battery, thue 14th Field,-wâas organizeti En the 102's andI was mobirlized at tihe stauut of the Second Word War. It went overseas anud becaum pýart of tube 4th Field Regirnent. The 22nud wais mabiized in 1940 as part offlue 3rd andI 47Vh Field Battery, later conveRUxtng Vo Liglut The 36th Field BaItery was mo- bilized in Cobourg and all tbree batteries served with distinuction in thle Second Wold War andI whule fhey were overseras a re- serve baitery funutioned lu Co- bourg.. Affer tube war Cobourg became New nMaranatha Church Dedicated In Bwavl The impressive Dedicuation Ser- vice of Maranatuha Ciliaîn Re- fornmed Church, Bcwqnuanville, held ion Fridiai eve.ning was at- tended by speùia guests and the large congregatiton. The Rev. Nu'tmia, B.A., B.D., mnÊns-ter of the dhurch offici As the ourgnn preflurde the org- aist, Albert VainuBelle, plarye J. L. Bateman's "Prelude." This was fouibloweid by the sInging of the hyma '-I;ralse To The Lord" byý the Excelsilor Choir cQndadcted by Directon Mel McuCoy, mith MiVs Leta Bragg as thue pianrist., The f ornual presentation of the keys was macle by the archteict, Bae Delloed, Vo the Vice-Chadr- mnan ol'the Cansiàtory, G. J. Hart- emink. The Revi. J. Nutqna ob)ened, theý service with ,the Invoction "Our Help lisin 1tihe Niame of he Lord Wluuo Madle Heaven and Etaithl. This xas followed by the Sailtation "Graie,, Mercy and Peace be unito yrou from God thé Pallieriaid Jesus Chist Our Lord througth the operai of: the H-oily Spirit." The minister, Mr. Nutma, then oufàclated at thbe solemn, Ceremony of Dediuation with responLes in umnison .by thecongregation. Then Dîck Wouidstra wais organist for a hymn. The Rev. Arthur Vandener, paator of Reihobroflu Christijan R-. fomed CIurcih, said tîhe Prayer of Deciionfi. Theun tihe Exceelsior Cýhoiýr san,ýg 'How Great Thou Art'. on orgain solo "Eeiio Chorus" 'by Stewart Landmn was played by'or- ganist deorgo Oldjans. The Baptismual Fonat, donated an -nyumousuly by a familry 'of the ý,arrgregai0n, was presented ta the Miist r3. Nutnia, and fthe Commutnion Table, donated by thue Ladies Society "Be A Blessinug" wiaalso presen Teh e Commun- lion Slverwape was dostuaed by flu1e Ladies Society "Rondoum Rat Woord", and lits presehjtatiioný wais mýale by Mrs. M. Van Diyk and Mrs. H. Vandermeer. The Puklpt Bible, donated by thue Young PebpWes Socety, wuas preseinted by Simon VanderBerg. The hynun "God's Word A Laanp Uinm Our Fef," waus sung wIth Mr. Old,.ians as organisu. The Prayer orf Illumuination was given by Mr. Nutmua, who also gave flue Scipture Reading. The insp!ring serman wae prerie by MTr. Nuit- mua ansd histexýt was: "Let your- sed4ves be used as living stones in thee 1ousie of God." Mr. Nutma said fthe PraiyeT Of ThanksgiVlng. H-ymai "Now Thank We AU Our God" was stulng and the choir sang "Threefold Amen."' Grreurinu ,v ere preuseuted by lonary Pýeuor iiBowmanvitle, the Rev. H., Moes, formier Miss- laomaxy .Paister 'in Bowuainville the Rev. D.' N. Habermehl, Osh- awa, tri, beluuuuf of the, Classis Qjunfe; His Wloruslhup Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs and Alex Carruthers, MPP. >The o, cluuding hymn, -was "The Heavens Ar.,e Teffing" sunig by thue choir. After the ýservice there was a reception for Jspecl. guests in thue f elhoshfirp haill0fthé churclu. The congregat lion was nvitdto a receptmoîn to, be heird in fthe .fel-7 Iowship hall on SauÉuday evenuing, Jainuwy lOtuh at eigt,,ht o'clock. The mi ister, MAIr. Nutma exý- pressed sînere graitude for flhe oareujulplanning 0f ail finranclail arrangements by the Comiiittee of Administraýtion.: H1. Valduer- MVeer, W. Burnua, A. Munnek<e, S. Biersteker;, R. Bouwmeester, Ti. Kraay ',anudi for the cusuetin leaderaIuip -of the Bildling Cern- mittee:- R. Feddema, G. Engubents, M. Kuipeurs, P. Vogel, G. Oldionis. He also 'voieed his appreciatiin to the arehiteot. Blas Denoedfor dcd.igoing and smperviiig eoum struotulon' ofluhebuldling, ainudto the contra2tor an'd builder, P. Vo- gel amn his staff: 'M. Kuipers, P. Ljouws Jr. and S. Wbga Mr. Nutua' also VUhanked the Knox Chrl&isfain SeIheoul for the .use of its faeillties duu-ng tihe last three years, aind its custodians, M. Kuipers, and W., VuaderiGaast for thei;r co-operat!oon, and tlue R- hoboflu Chritian Rueuormned chinrehl for - the use 0f its'r faiilties for speclual services. The f oîlbowing gifrts wecue. 9tate- fuily acknuowledged by Mr. Nut nma: puilpit, donaited by fthe Re- ho1jotJi Christlan Reformed churcl pruýlpit Bible by tlhe Youung Pecu- ple's Sop-iîety "Éàtifl nud Readly" Communion Tabhle, Ladies Socrety the heaidquaters for tlue 33rd Medlum Regment Wutl bolh fthe 1«fh and the 22md as pat 0f fue reginent. In a furtuher re'organlzaUlm in flue ater parnt 0f the 1950's the heiadquiaters was nuoveti to Peter- borouigh but flue l4tuh Battery continued in CObourg as fthe- Field Arîtillery agaân. "Rf can lue seen fluaithfle fown has a long hlstory of arfinlerjy tradfition; its gunnuers are knoav Camaudua wide anaid even overseaus," Counillor Huskilson saitI. Tlhepresent armoury was bulht In 1904 anrd has housed several uni 'ts boflu in the daiys of house and meclanized artirlery. Cbuncillor Husukilsonsaîd fluat if was flue home of the air andI army cadet corps and in the summer was flue centre for recrut courses "The cadefs are flue b est source of militia that flue reserve bard," he slRûd. "Be A Bless,,ing"; CioVth oveir the GommunusTâble, a family of the' cngregationi Communion Silver- (Continued Page 5) Rubber S ta m ps are available on order aiso Daters and other special stamps OrooWeekly limes Orono: 983-5301 Septic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone '983-5266 or 983-5728 William C. Hall, B. comm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday Why not try the finest Florida juice while on sale. Be good to your f amily. »4~ . .y,, ..4.: . ... .. Tropi-cana OagJuice ,49C Save Se Reg. 570 (Home Delivery Oniy) IGien Rae Dairy Outline History 0f rFhe Cobouarg Armou ries moi ýloi q , 1 1 1 0 0 0 *W mi ý, 0 y wwdwç. . 1 . w ., - - - --- -- - --------- Il - "--- - - -- -- ,-- - -,-, Ili jà..r %ý-0 %ffl M.- amw ý vv v la& m %.-