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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jan 1970, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TJIURSDAY, JANUARY 8th., 1970 Maranatha Church (Gloutiniuéd fraie Page 4) ,are, Ladies Society "Rciddam Het W'iod,' Bapitlsmal Fj -ý_a .- A1y of the coagrega.ouý; Hyîxn0ý- board VcljflR0( PainjLýng Comipai; Alpha anid Omega Sigi, a f amiiy cof the eongregation, Kneeting Bencih, a fanÉly of the cosigrega- Uion; Off es4o'g Plates, the Ios Furiaral Ohapl; For(aâ ArLange- niert, the Cai nâMion Flcuwer sâjp; Clock 'in the Conistory Roie, a family of Rehbofi Chtlimistiian Re- fowmed Ohtrureh; oàI painkang, a famàiy off the congreýgaition; chairs un thee Gonstistory Rom, Northi- cutt Eiott, Funeral HmSne; Table in the Con&Dstory Raosm, a f aeily an tihe ongregation; Curftaisis, a family off the congregation; kit- elhen uteesils, tihe Catering Cbei- mâlttee; Guestbook in the Foyer, Thonsp5on Heating Company; Sign of the - Clurch, a flamî1y of the coegregation; Plants in - the Oisurdh, families of the congrega- in; FiniiVng off off the Steeple, DeJong Costution; ýShtubs, Hisifde Landscaqping Service; cagh donabion. meesiers off the ongregatton and masiy frieinds; loans frees meeshers of, the con- gregatiom, tise Ohurdh Help Fund a.nd members oif the CII isian Reformed Churehes in, Canada aid thse U.S.A., and free labor from mnany meanhel off thse con- gregtIon, and nelgthbourqng chur- ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worsh'IP services -.930 a.m. Holy Communon- First and Third Sundays Morning Frayer- Second and Fourth Sunday iloly Baptism by appomntment with Rector 987-4745' The ftev. IH R&bert liayne, B.A.. L.Th, HANK'S BAKERY and Snack Bar Phone 983-5203 M: 13 Ken Gamsby lias retLurer-d afLter spend(ing two wpieks vaca_ New YeaUs Lay guee"s wi{,h Mr. and Mis. Usîllii werz Mcj,. and Mrs. George Cole, Mr. Jack Arceer, Ms rs. J ohe Sherry, Mass 1-1- Eufy,~ I 01Poit lHope,; Mr. B MioNrul, Iiss Aude. y BiIilings o£ Oslhawa; MVr. ami. Ms. Alex x l, us. C. S. MeLjarenu, Mrs. N. F. PoitLes, Mrs. JI. Ba lI, MIVr. aid Mrs. eail Kinsmmeiit, tvLiýs. Wayne Balley and Sliawn. Mr. F. W. Trulid spent Christ- nia-s ai New Years witih 1).s daugbIter, Mes. J.. Canling, Mvr. Caisn'nrg anfad f ami1y iin oshiawa., The beginningg cf tise congre- gatljoa were humble. Ie May, 1Q64 it was decicthiat tshe Re4hiboth Chiisti@na Reffrmed lChureis con. griegaitiicn isad grown toc lappee in nuinber aàd tisat a salter cisurcli wsouljd be advihalble. Classis Eat- ere Onitario grantedthis-request, ansd the new cigregattion niameri: Maroanàta was inopstituted on July 15, 19 64. Tise coueselor off tise new con- gregaion, the former paistor, tise Rev, J.. C. Vexbrumze led the ser- vice, reading Epliesiians 4: 1-6.- The fiirsit regular pastûor was the Rov. H. VaenAsdel, iMhio ar- îived in BowniasýIvtile ie April, 19î5. Due t4 lii hettcfh his service was very shûrt. He becaunethre mfInster enViitus on October 24, 1965. The presentt pastor, he Rev. J. Nulte-ra iarnived in Auzust 1966, Durnegthse intermittent, tinse the Ut4manatha congregatien was' sefrv- ed well by tise former niissliorary pastokr,, tise Rev. H. M»es, and sensiaary students, A. ]IbBerdt =nd H. Lunishof. At tise congregattiorval mfeeting offSetenbe l9uh1964, it vwas de- clded to buy tise presenit land for fr<ure uge off the paratetage and cburdh. Thse parsofnage was f!nÊih-, ed le 1965, -and the buildàing off tise new chureis began je April 1969. Ohureis services for tJhe Maranattha coangrelglatbon were held in Knox Chnistian Sdhtiogl Au dl- topoues fremGotober 2n'd, 1966 usotil Deceenber 14, 1969. Tise çoirerstteme layieg teck place on Mai 15, 1969.. The stome was. laid by A. Talama end the Rev. J. Nutma, xvhile M. Mostert as thse oldest memsber off thse con- gregatien, fllled tihe box beumn'd the stone with dDcumentsnetrtailn-. ing te Vise congreigatïofa, agssted by menibers off thse 0on'sdostory, the Coeuidttee off Adnilnistratlon, and the Building Comnsttee. Today the cengregation lias rôasarbs te be th&nkful, and, may reljoice because God his given tse fulflhlneht of its ideals ini this HSnrve off Worsfhip, ereeted to His Glory for thse use off IMs peoffle. -Thse Canpadchan Statesrnan per on taxation 'aÇîd tlie new as- sessmCIiàt at maiwket value; and th're VI S no'ltùng -we could dû eV cis ommerecýally in thse new yeair and added tsat we- eau look forward to nothing but growth. " ici -t hisnp-e that fit ils a sustain- ablie graidsal grovwth," Mr. Heen- an eonclideid. Cobo urg ayor NO i we Pce L' ý,-Iou identtdtY," Cobourg iVay or J. A. Heenan said reeen(tly-. Whein asked whatt is tise mot signiflecant event tisat wil Iikely Wrke pla.e in Icf7O, Mayor feL suLi. thct "it 1s ieostýimlportaàt thait at ieast onee major grýowtis a;cTa be developed ln Nortisuesier- lajid anid Duvhsam Cûirnties. " "We have rno )clty," co.tined tise mayor, "Ail we have is a peck- et - off smal1 municipaliies tisait can easiy be gobbled up by reg- iciaOý'u sncj. Mr. Heenan added thait tise biggest thing tisat hais happened in tis5awa in tise past deeade was the con-plete upilroing off ajunlicýpýal me itainanid du- ties. "I do't th"e we've seen the ,end off i," he ntiuýed. "We wîiJH sep nsany .morè amneineits te t0e lVunilipal Acf in tise nexit 10' yeari..' Mr.. Heernn suggeslted tisaîinl thé, laite 70's 4here nsoy be a swing back t0 local autoinacmy. "J aie strongly opposced Vo area govermmeef. *t has been seeniIn tise. patst tisat wisen tise size off a comnmuinity is doiUbled the cosit mdll inceea>se by 66 2/3 per cent."1 Mr. Heenian s'aid, "and I -do't thilnk the People . f thIs province cain stand it." 1"Locallly tise big tWing il tis area is tise spinrit off eo-operaiion bctweee, Port Hope anid Cnbouwg in our planining for devetopmeer," Mayor Heenjan said. "Certadtn probleins have beený created by other levais cf gov- cummenit but we hld no means of, stoppÉng, thees," confinued thse mnayor, "tise elosing off tise depoit and tise' armeen-,ies,, tise white pa- UNITED_dCURCi Oronto Pastoral Charge M1inister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, JAN. llth, 1970 Orono United Churcl-, Sunday Schcsol at 10:00 Service at 11 15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 a.m. Sunday Sciiooi at 11:00 Ladies' Dresses and Jackets Child reu's Snowsuits and Jackets ROLPH HARDWARE Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5207 DX Service Station llighway 35 and 115, just north off Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Products At The Most Reasonable Prices Sove oil may be picked up in any quantity 19.9c per gallon Phone 1087-4215 STOP IN AT NOONE'S RESTAURANT for Breakfast or Lunch Hundreds of miles of good Ski-Doo Country at our door step J SPECIAL RATES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Make this your Headquarters MEET ALL VOUR FRIENDS AT Noo0ne's Motel- esaurant 112 miles north of jKirby on Highway 115

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