ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY Sth, 1170 Lette r To The Muitor »ear Mr. Editor: 1 wca1ld like to comieilt on the two edtorbals in you'r ~ week's paper. The first ine ends by sayâinig, ~"The silenit mai orilty mUjst nw spt!.,k ULp." Then luth, n,, le col- umri --iuiuse ïwt ediu jl fram the Port Hope Guide tlwit oeniJemr-is Mr, Alex Carruihers, our elect membu- to the L)tiýrio Leglsla- turc, for cIig just th11,t. 1 -comrne-n.d Ms. Çauthers for sayiî~ hatneeeidto be sgald, for haw oitemn dc, WCze fl his~ag beýng flowun whetnits ocrndition is nutýhln-g mDre thian a btt2ed fad- W. FRANK( REAL,,ESTATE LIMAITED 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 423-3393 ToroiinUi 923-9174 Port Ilope Of fie 885-4543 For prompnt, courteffl. effici- ent service when buylng or seling and for the fargest sel- ection of properties in the. Contact Orono- Area RepresentatAvefl Roy Poster 983-5801 Dane Found 693-3965 Andy Sutch 983-9119 Roy Strong 5U r il Beth anv Oxfsrd' BXICKL1ýA YER W. Scîmahi Specializing in AIl knds of STû;NEWORK a' n FIKEPLACESý We aisoe du chimnev Repairs ed banner? I egYee thait it has lYtile signf- icance or meaming for if even those fly i1ng it had any pridle in it, iit would not be allawed to be- come tatteredl and faded, I d.ýagree wth thiDs edut4al bhiat says everycine hid a chanice to expi ess his opInn1.mat the time of the flag decbei'e, but r&ther that we' had a flag foroed on us by the ,overnimcr.it in Otawa to ap- pclasc Quebec, and whuloh was aý fraid to gEt the opindon of thie people in the rest of Canada in g general plebiisy.ite, In My opinjun, Mr. Carruthers offered h.is ciics in the prukp- e pMacue, for Where else should an etected repreýsenitWUtve speiak out if ànit in the Legistature. May 1 gay further in regard to expr&esrng one's opeuion to the Gûvemment niOt.uiwa, 1 unaer- sb tha1it letters ýn oppositLom to exeiangiug inubasgaciors ta the Vatiaan wcre over-wneimngly op- posled. Many chuxoh leaders spoxe out in oppuesýmjnn andth te leaaer oit the opposiiturn said 'it would serve»nu, useifuul. purpose, yet Àt was anounced (AND FiUST) frein the. Vatcan - that ïamibaisa- dors wouud be exdhlanged. In dusig.-if I Maiy qwoite frosn your first eitounal l he deaktny of our Natîon, our MVuiniopalty and tee, individual, lies lla the haàcls of the umdivuiduatlwhomust beaeme kniowcedgea[ble in those happenlngs tubit eena us and Whbo must, aise volice his opxndum. Youxs truly, WuiMfred IHawke The Big SPeedi ... stabîlity, strength .. . safety, THE RELIA BLE ONE Available at Watson s Marine & Cycle Orono, phone 983-5343 Orono School News The big day lias passed and Cliistn~ashîl~cbys* are over. It's back to sciieol and tine to work for anoher term. A stuidy of wânter birds is be- ,jnîgo corfIuoted in ,the grade two dIjss. They are rlso buiddfing bird The grade four class is etudy&ng cars. Lockers are belig used in the grade eight ckasroom and the pulis are pre.pari.ng for hdigh sdhoel As a group the Senior GIee Club members wi1! be attendîng the O'Keeife Ceniitre in Toroynto to see "Fiddler On The Ru. Many of the grades are study- ing Nort'hern Canada so tihey wDill have 'saine kibowledge of theai area. There wiR be a speak~er Mt thie séool speaking about . hat parlt of Canada, Ass't EdItor - Bid Markce EAitor - Bomîne Dunio~p SNOWMOBILES BEWARE F!efld offIces report that ice oonditions are extremeily darsqer- ous rat the present time., Beiflore anyne attempts to cror a lake or river a thorou0i h ecik sihould .11 made of the ýthikes5 of the lier4.The, recent miiid weather and sàü«wtalls have prevented the for- matioin 2f good ice. -and thefre iýs " c1isoosder'abie vanianee in ice thleknes5 on the sainebo'diy oif of water. There is a olid proverb by main ,Who gotturn wet, "No w4se main trust ice withlut test Wîmsedf, anid theýn have faitih nly in lus O.P.P. Report Mie Ontaainiu PioùiIaI Poie, Newvýaeiue Detatblment, durrhig thbe we-eik of DeSeiner 2&h, 1969 to January 3rd, 1970, inve9âtgated 16 moter veid1ue Cû"Ofllsd in, whbh 2 peruons were injured eind 5 charges were laid. Invedboegaied durnng the saine peaïed cf turne were 43 Genevai Occurrences. Fbve ofthese uceur- rofices resuilted i os of puper- ty by thet. Theve have been numeruus côempiadnt abou tee erratlc thd careâles aperauion of snecwmoehules. ficavîler regthofms govein.g sboieaes are in- eviltaMbe if this type of practe contilnues. Dlriving Tips, Winter roads can be sIippery in spots, even when mosit of thbe roa(d is elear. Renember: wieth fer ice paitehes on uverpaoses, bridges, anud in shaded areau. Keep yuur headkËights dean.. Thrt iac,nuliaioîn lù nene day's drivlg eau, reduce headfîigfht cut- put by one4haff. .,NEW BOOKS JAINUARY 8, 1970 Adut- Gatidecis in Minature by Anne Ashberr (ExquWlste liule gard- denusfar uad"tdung ideurs as 'well aq Sutdeors) Fearlesse Adventurer (Sir Rieh- ard Ritmo) by Arthur Ormont (a swif t and engrasteing story) The Watl by John Heesey (a grisat novel of the Warsaw Glet- toý No0 Chuds of Glury by Marion FEngel Beaat by Leslàe Glacisun (Aiath- or of "Slaver" and King's Btiacks) The, Di'rty Dupen by E. M. Nath- anGon. Junior- Utow: To Make A Speech by Dav'lid Guy PuoVers Aiitoxnation biy- As& ew B4ueaxike (an eùglaging stery of diddrein, andùatls and birds) A Walk Out 0f The World by Rulth Niehuls, (a 1969 hon4our bo'ok) Easy Reading and Picture Books Mr. Miacca by Emaiine Ness, (Wihat happens te a chid whmn lie goes round the corner aifter bheing toili net to?) The Griuffin and the M4xor Clan- on by Frank R. Stooiton (la Fairy stury) The Story Gandmother Told bY Mrthia Alexander The King ;and His Fii«nds by Jose Aruege (a-s'pecnal worl of Dragons, Grdffim'?s and KIGgs) Up And Down The Book Stacks LYLE WEST ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quality Electricai fleating and Llghting Installations and Repaire by Certified Electriegime OW',Do Chamberof Com'merce Annual Banquet' Ladies' Night Tuesday, Jan. 2Oth Noone's Restaurant Dese Newman Mayor of Whitby,.Speaker Tickets now available $3.010, from members of Oreno Chamber of Commerce Limited number being sold. Corne see thec licter, clice 1*4 1970 snowrnobfies Choose the mode! right for you. For the marn who warts' Iuxury, lhere's Ski-Doo Nordic. For the man who likes hi$ action fast, there's Ski-Doo T'NT. And for the maen who wants more thari one Ski-Doo, there's the l0w Priced Olympique12/3. But don't-wait too long.' Botter deal now for best choice, tIOS~the aîgn of 1h.efInes! snowmobiles, sportaweoar, accessories, kk-f paria and service. Ski -Ooo.L 7 * "là3? -. Orono Fuel & Lumber Ltd. ORONO ONT.PHONE 983-9187 For Ail Occasion We suppiy flowers for ail occasions including Hlospi. tal arrangements, weddings, funerals, gifts etc. We would be pleased to, have you visit Our show room at the nursery where a complete line of, plants are always available. PHONE 623-5757 Van Belle Gardens Highway No. 2, West of Bowmanville lioe -114 *Mi ORONOONT.