ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, JANUARY S'là, B'40 See for Ail classes of personal and Commercial Coveraizes Gerd Sinipsen PHONE 983588 Oronlo, Ontario PAINTING rTRY REMODELLING [RAI, REPIAIRS Exterior CHARLES REID Orono's Licensed Mtuetioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniiture sales Consult mie for terms and dates PkIONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments aindf] FamuiIy Memorials Our quality and service leaves notblng to be desïred Msk the. person wtt. bougiit front îî a nelgfrbour, frieud or relative he RUTTER GRANITE COM-,PANY 73Ontarlo street PORT HOPE~ Lgetdisplay inSothr Ontarlo I TSON'S XMarin1e1i ï and Cycle 0rou.o Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Aflouetite Snow Mobles MClohCHAIN SW IRepairs t. aIl makes of Lawn!i .Mowers and 2 and 4 cyclet Englues IOTACO PILOW POINTS AND 31ACINEZY tPIJMPING OUT ISEPTIC TANKS~ J Bert Tompkins $ Phone 786-2552 4.--n5m 1euir Orou. otaia G~RENE 1PLUMBING ; and IEATIxNG I SaLs iand Service il. f4 OUR BUrPNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates tU Tyrone 263-2650 Onile chtterton ,Electical Contracting and Service PHONE 93-5546 or 983-5140 Orono. Ontario ORONO ELECTRI( Hierb and Gerry Duval EI4CTRCALCONTRACTING ELEUTRIC HEATING ELECI'ICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - M-FI FIMIDAIRtE - KC.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR - GUARANiTED SERVICE I r Insurance Service Package Pohiris fld.IIty Bon d, O Liabilty FrtMortgage Lo"s. îSadie Hamilton i Phone 983-5115 IBox 33 Phone< 668-3552 Stafford Brothers Mfanufacturer. o.f ICeietery Memorials [318 Damia. Street East WIITBY, ONTARIO SBuilding a lieuse?I Ior remodelling your present one, then contact ~ Iy NcosnPhone 983-5049 ORONO 4 0~1 FOR SAIJE 1965, Laurc-. u n;LA1'lia - 410,TPower sieeu<n(g. A 1 C( ('o il u-t P>.M. iLin, 98 M 53( FOR RENT lhoom for ladiy or geritlema Brîakf at provicled. Central. Phoie 983-5541. FOR RENT 2 bedroom aPartment, in Orono. Cenlally locatei. Helatei. Occu- p anîy Jamuary l5th, 1970. Phone 983-5007. a-c EARN MONEY IN SPA RE TIME M 1 n or Womeii to restock andi colulleet money from New Type higlh quality ci eaeidiLs- ps1esini. your area. No selling. 'ýo qualify, miult have e ar, refer- et-ices, $750. tg $3,000. casb. Sevenl to twelve lhoursweeikly cama et excellentintontity income. AMore full bie. We iniiveet [wiith you. FSr peaigoëlal intervîew write: B. V. DISIIRIBUTORS LIMITE!), 2480 Tecunseli RDaciEat, Windsor 19, oitario. Include phlone number.. a-c S~ALES71AN OR AGENT WANTED TEXAS OIL COMPANY hafs op- Dg. enilng in, Oronio areae. No experi- a-p ence necessaTy. Age flot import- -anit. Golod eharacter a miust.We traiel. Air mail S. R. Dickerson, Pr~,Southwestern Petraleum Lan. Carp.., Pt. Wairth, Tex. a-e a-c 1A Trent fer yeu Faucy Quallty Red Delicions, Maclntosh and Spys. also FRESH CIDER ICE CREAM Fred's Fruit Market Highway 115, southo of Orono TENDERS Sua1ed tEýnders, ' cearly xnarked, vviH be receîçved b- the under- signed1 up to Mol(nday noom, Jan- uary 19th, 1970 for the reimnvaI ftom thie preperty of1 the Cak - Publie Libr.ary, the frane bam, on Centre Street, Orono. AI11 Imiaerials to hecoine the propenty of flhe suces4W.hidder whicuh, are to be rencove-d froim the prop- erty bsy JMay 1,tlb, 1970. gLowesýt or amy ternder not nec- essarAUy aecepted. Mrs 0OÀBeav hamp'Sec., I Clarke Pucblic Dibrary, Box 299, Oron>o, Ontarilo. NOfTICE IOromo Lanidscaping; Garden Ser- ncee andi Suow Plowing. Phone '9M3-5599, M- I THIE ACRES RESTAURANT jBOWMANVILLE, RER. 4 g On Saitundiay, ail the Ffsli and I Ohps you can eat for .99e at the Acres uRestactraiËt. t-f t I ORONO, ONTARTO ~' WE BUY AND SELL I.IOId Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys and Odlities I o F IT'S OLD . . . i t CALL US o j WE PAY CASH I IPhone 621-5342 after 6 p.m. Callymw licensed Plumblny N echanical Contractor Who.M s,,instalis CARw'MAN' PLUMBING AND REATING Phone 983-5207 Oroo NOTICE Forget about the Wnlter. Oorrqe to Sý. Saviour's Parish Hall, FPi- djar, J.anwary 9th Mt 8 p.m. anmd injoy a trý,p to Ciaýiaica'~s West Coamt via piecturc-s wilth Rev. Luneh wii'I be serveid. Siliver collection. AH are welcome. a-c ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meetin'g of the lot holders in the Olonio Cemetery Coenpamy wÎll be held in the Cemetery Ohapel on Mondiay, Jan, pary lgth, 1970 ut 2 P.m. a-ýc CARD 0F THANKS Miany theanks for theeards, let- ters aiocl f1owens sent W me xlile in the Hospftal.. Also for the many visis from Mr. Lon, fÊiendg, family and relaitivés. A. s9peedjal thinles also, to the ýDoctors, Nurses aknd *ttherapists of 3rd filor of -tileOrthapaedlIc and Ar-, thýriitàc Htopital. a-P, MVary Quia>ntr ill DIED. PAYNE, Staý1ey-At Memoriaîl HtospfDtal, Bowmanville on FilaY Ja.iuary 2, 197Q;ý Stan Playne of 87 Cianceseibn St.î E., Bownmantvile iù i s 69eh yelar. Dear hughand of D orothy Lynch; dear father of Muis. IC. Dseéyr (Beverley) ,o Brn#toe. Rested aW the Northcu 't-lchtt FuneeljiHome. ý,P rite funerati Seirw4e was held a t il1 &clock- Monday niorning.. Temporaly en- tonbment Latng Veult. .A Traiing Schotol for Duxhbm Counity 4,H1 leaders willI be held fr(om 10 am. tc> 4 p.mi., Jauary 8 and d in, the 100F Hall at Or- oino. The prcoject wil be "Separ- ates for Suenrr" Centrie Join in the fun» at Matts where you meet your friends for a gauxe of billiards. Three moderni tables MATTSI 1LLIMA RD S cilde!Barbersho"%p Orono, Ont. ]phone 983-5310 JACK RICARD REA LTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Selling eaU WIL1.F KAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 98 3-5274 Member of Oshawa andi Dis- trict Real Estate Board 8ANNOUNCEMENT Wrecklug, Yards Anl persons interested ln the above matter take note that at the Session of Counties' Council. held November 19, the license f ee for operatmng wrecking yards, salvage yards, etc. was lncreased to $100 effective January 1,' 1970. Closer supervision and enforcement of the regula- tions under By-Law No. 1792 <which controls the above) wrnl be carried out lu the future. N.B. The Counties' By-Law 'No. 1792 does flot apply in any local municipallty in the United Counties of North- umberland and Durham if that municipality bas passed a by-Iaw for a similar purpose. K. Symous, lerk-Treasurer, United Counties of Northumberland and Durham.'