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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jan 1970, p. 1

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/62 4,~ Orono Public Library jan, 10, 1969 Orono -VOLUME, 34, NUMBER 3 Week lyý ORONO WMEEKLY TIM ES, THURSDAY. Times, ýJANUARY 15ths, 1970 A Sculpturist In Our Miclst Membership At Orono United Church-ý,,Abc , ,f-btvr TwoYer The congregation od the Orono United Cnhurcla helid thleir anmuall meetÀimg. on Tuesdaiy evening taki- ing the ftorm of a pot luck supper foibowed iby the annual nmeefinig. Rev. B. Lonig chalined the meetng with Mrs. N. F. Porter as secre- tay. Thie report by tihe Session show- ed meabeshIp, holding fast et 473 for ýbotlh resiclent and non- residien. Th!% compares wiltih 471 in 1968. There were 20 chilîdren baptised, 17 mamiages conducted %ndi 23 fume-rals. The finanoiitîl statemenit showed a totali revenue- of $30,686.69. 0f thijs ýamoufft $5,279.70 >was di-eeted qto the Bufilding FunidiaMýd $3,457.76 to tihe Mîisionary ýand Maintem- mice Fund. The bainik lban for the openaitâion and maiùtenanceeof the chuimdh hais inceiaied ta $4U00. from a figure of $3,700. at tlhe enad ôf December 3lst, 1968. Durkng tihe year an ameount of baana on tihe Buibdomg Fund iciih $3,000. was paid agaimst the ban*k reduced fiis loian from $29,000. ito, $26,000. RI wais repoited at the metmg thait a furohier $1,000. had beien paid off this lolan neducing ft to $25,000. .AIR.repoits were received and passed incquding the- choir report ,wMhieh gave dstaibs of both tihe seniorand jufior choir with total membenslhips of tweàitytwn and eighlieen resýpectivelIy. -Tihe Suniidaty Sdhool repoieie an ave-age titc-elidnce ef two hund- red id twenlty-ne. Ttal expend- ftureS from his delpaitrent cdur- iinîg the yèai aoune to $1,684.- 1 5. ~ cqxtimtman 'le Qon- mteerepry(e-d ian t v ve-a havllmg given sur ane wbewe neSssairYv heulothVe va.i'ious depazmerts and segments (4 Vthe tchurcIh. The- report submiiitted VoVthe an- nu£ niI etdln showed miuch aietv- ty in abtotal« f ive junior orëan> imntlonJs. Those inickuded thse Mes- senigerus with a total ennrolhent of twentW wiIh Mais. Doris Loaeks and Mrs. Tbrinaa Vagg as le-adora. The Tye, a group of boys 9 to il (have an enroduenit if Vwenty riviitl leaders, Mffsrs. Alvin Yen, Caa4 !«Inimiet, Hi Gilb.aik, Donnie Mji1rn sd Gordon Werry. Mr. ,Marvgif,. oilviin, beàader oif the Sie- mna C teen age boys. reported an ,e-ViVe y'eir with swimi paaiies, iparenilSs' night, chuicih services anid min-v 'fier aciflVtiels. Mils. Bety Colin r-pcrtd a meaiber- slbip ofe thitylthriee in* tise CG.IT. wkth an average atbcidamee of twerfty-ff eur. Tise Hi-C Gr6up outVumed nm- eius and vaded activilies dunng the yýeePr indtùding the d hunch son- vices witlh Rev. Robeait Rumibeil and Dr. MIcCure as w*elIl as isit- hltg oliher sifh prmisps', ope-noing a boaithi ait tise f aîiz. camping at Pieqton. cnv vngfr' e Blid, and. k ~aid dan cig p altv. Meffnbenlhipin iii the , vwinous twe~enyive 1f e meanbens. Tisel reipocrt defined their aotivitiles i- cludling the lyrepanration of 71 carîtioinIs Vo variovis Mbsions, Hls- tels and ilavens. ReeiPts for the U.C.W. tâtaflled $3,425.71. it was soise ported thewt tihe VacÉtioû Kle'School hedd for a iWo week period i the suner agpin met with muc~h succesqs wiâth a regiiàtnaUotnol 106. The Orano Cirett tdtaI for thbe Mission and Sçrvfee Fud amount- td to $4969A.1 The eongeatibontal meCtinig ne- vived thie Manse Coqmtltee wfth three menihers frein the U.C.W., one fro~m Lesivard, one frein Kïr- by an;d a repIeseniitative - frein the Board oi stewarads and th-e B«ad of True$ees. CRUSH 0F STUDENTS PREDICTED Asstudesýý; aW Duiham CodRege filed baïck to the- seon~d term of ther semneote - theY SÛRI have lots of roioe t-D more arau.iod. Next faiEl maiy be a diffferent stoary. "We eepect qüUte a j" n 'ext faill," says Dr. Gordon WHIley, Colt- lege pres1denit. "We,,may have to go imtoghifts asne mattier how xnany, àudeàts register -- we wamt Vo acommod lite them anld not tum anyone away." The permanlent buiîding pres- ,ently under construction ait Dur- ham wial proqiie :175,000 square feet of flcor §ryce - but thias problably won-it Ibe competed by Septeanlber. Dr., Wlilley estimates another e:qý_anutOf pro>griim may be néer- e sd for th ceele o b y 1974, tcrs patbent of 1ino1orporatimo have been granted to two diitrioit firms. They are: Kimg Creek Invesit- meets Lim lted, WhI-itby,; and Mair- keli Enterpises of Bow,ianvilile HAMPTON MAN LOSES CHICKS IN FRE, A HRatmpnonmain Io&t 6,9W ch1as in a fire that broike out twiceSunday. ~Irenien were first caled to th~e fam of ARan Vexiëma at 8:20 p.m. Surkbya ta quoHl a fire on the third floor of tihe barn. Fire ChWe Jamles Haimon sadd tibis outbreak wais bedReved causeci by an over- heated heatier. k tctl k ine mon plus tandlby ciulty froan equMipmeni of tihe Gala- awa Fire fleppaitncnçt,;to.keep the blaze under control. The fine nWas put ouit, but ait 4.27 , Mondàay RowmanMifte firemen recedved a ae-commd câlil. A depaialtanent gpokesmah said the gas hrýt h'ad been turned bzaikon cmimng spontaneouls eoim- bu§tion and the second oubreak. AbouÉt 3,0W0 chicks were lost in the firtL ire. Neaiy 4,000 cihiiks and the firsi anîd second fuoors of the bi'cdiler house were deeno~Yed in tlhe second. Estiùnated loss is $9,000. Durham Crop And SuGroup NMeet Parmners jat the Duihain counîity soi1l and crop improveent asso- ciatian aimnuai metng Monidny in Orono werc .tuld they s§hould buldi up tiser f armas be-fore hey build out. Speakinîg was George Morris, a isard ,nosed businiessmian and, beef proclucer, Who eperaitet> a 455-iacre f ai-n nelar thie rural communty 0« Merlin, 15 mile-s sorLàhwest of Ohathisaain Ke-nt Coumty., Mr. Morris, wlho is tis ecurrent vice-president of tise Kenît county sýli and crop improoensent asso ci- 'tien.ainsi wlo wiIl step in as président this year, toid tise Dur- ham fawinera tisait they had tise meust eçsseiiad, imdustry in, the weld. "Ini 1970 we mieed -a wide wind- sihield in agicuiture-." contemde-d Mr. Morrpis. "Fer tee, long we have brii usÏng thse relar wýimËdghieid. Tisere is a pot af gold eut tisere, md we are goimng Vo get eue ligens lto It. "Tise crcop and sal imiaprove- metass;oci-atio-n hsot haid en- ou is indihildor imaginatlin," ýa di Vise speaker. "We're always f llomngtradlitioni. Thiat's aur "Tise beljl is tilîg, e wanm- ed; "it's talhiimg fer Vise-mn. We- have 43 p ofethefViegrcss a m- tinal roàuet. But we have a real probblem, low iom.We bave- ta do Fsome crUvethinkin-g. We have Vo cdo it evsie.Tlise h are drmwn. WVe cam taiuse asirRin fon ouir hea-ýdnidises but tisey wil kee-p coaig aCk. "Tise grat n Tkowlst moft tav to avet le. If the 5lip 5iiks the sulof ymur oom-mvuity gaes with lt. Le-'aq svAke erop imipreveienit me-ti- come inamrovemnent. Cnop improve-- ment àloaae rmeains rcas imancVe- niemt, COlwap food for Vise natives, "Tise iligisÉrse, park wltish veV mests andi cars -aIl aoumnd it would otherwse ake 1,200 acre-a Vo bouse Vse-se-peoPlé. Tise-y fou-di thev eouldin't keep affordaig ta do his. "We mleed a bigis-*S l f arin attitude," conteMied Mr-. Moins-is qI taiked Vo a hippy in Çbathmn. Nie saisi we were a buis 0f mrid- <Ooulttne-d page 6) The abive snew sculpture hais be-reie a conviersationali piece in thc Village of Oromo. lt presently, ackns the front yard of Mr. ahd Mmr. Lynin Brown, Mill Street, Or- DDT Holders To Infor.m. Heolth Unit HALIBURTON, KAWARTHA, PINE RIDGE' DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT Ban on Use of DDT effective January 1,, 1970 Dr. Charlotte M. Horner. Mecdi- cal Office-rof Hle-alIbi, Hadmbuton, Kawaaitha, Pie- Ridige Distict THedaIltiisUnt, adMises tisai as of JalnUary 1, 1970 tise use cd DDT ins amy form, untless a speciai per- mfit is obiainýed freintise Ontarlo DePaitanent 0f IHe-ltis, is praliilis- itdi. AiR pensons who have any produiet cotalninîg DDT im, tiseir possession, are r7equested ta keep ài ini a saf e place-, aiway f o hil- dre.n aid aiai.uinbl adivicýe is give- a ;te iI.dsosi itme niat be dijsposie-d (>f lun toiletls or garbage. Persions ,w4tlisamy aunoux-it cf DDT in their posýsession ae askesi te admiisese- ýHýeabh ifsUit, giving à.nfiorniealton as VoVise quantty. Miease phonve Ccoboumg 372-3375, on LIàndsay 324-3569, or write ta IIaM1bu*otn, Kawaaitmha, Plie Rdfle- Diste-let HealtIs1Un, Box 337, Co'bourg. Inforasston wibl be gives te tise public as 400n as lt is available froua the- Ontario DePartneMt of Heaflth, re-garding tise fispasail of stocks on hand. onQo. The artist was Mr.' Broiwn, who-hewe-d tise harses head wth an axe. Majiry marvLat the de-- tail of the work. rwenty-Eîght' Head- 0f, Cattie.Lost Twenttyeght be-ad od nùidk cwSm and aban were desutroyesi by fime laite Mondlay mornàng beiiisg tise, pLnpenty cd Mn. W. Vaider- werf. ist fiamm eiasit ofSIàd Lais- caster's Garage on Higbway No. 2. Tise 28 cows wee-e tise coaple milking be-rd of Mr. Vanderwe-f. Eigihit youmng cajtte we-re siaves out of tise building but it wns in- ps ib taintie tie iik coiws akier tise fine was observesi. Tise fime vms firSt se-n isy a neligihbur w thtie a irmn bedng turnesi in fh~ t" 'o-~n i ir le De-part- ment aratund9.50 The ba-sa w loi be ,- ielre- aitm± vouldi arrive an lIe cias.Ma- bes of the lire dpa-tani - eýved tise liire could have eiart- ed fri de-iee-ive wnag A nearby bara was ubirssed. Tisefine depa-iftae-nit w-asrecal- ed Monday ailtemnocn aind Tues- dpyi ta staump e1t a fine, deep set in thse silo hics vais attahed te thiebamr. Eilhaiated bmssmasemgtle, su- -plies ans ninaiig equ¶mve-i1t a- mumni ts o $12,000.00. Insuaimn wu as aosed. Trip To Wffest Coast Popular Ou,,tiýng At St Salviours Tihe A.C.W. af St.' Saviou's Anglican Church heltd a most in- ter'esting aind successf£Ul evemng liast Friday whqi their Rector shawed colleured silides «- is faiiuily trip o thse west oas, Add- ing to Vthe evening wewe a nuunber of musical nunibers proMided hy bocal talent. .Thse evening was held in tise Pansu Hall 0f -St. Saviour'a whieh was filled o eapacaiy., Theise pi, =elog, grou~p wu sm«re thain plesd wth -tihe tunDt as was the ýaudIencewfth the poegrm. Thse Rev. llayne, rector, showed his ccooed slides of his flanily trip te the weet coast with bis aiu- ffipmce being thinRed wlih thse scee-newy vicwed 4ihroughout the tnlp. Thse poegrajmn was embamce-d by musical mumbers by Mr. and Mirs. Wm. -Buntllg, -viollinmd' piano asg well as paane cetions by Misas Jaoiee Werry, Miss Terny "West andi KimýStaipl"eo. Tise eveno lagcosiesi wftih lghst reifesbmenttsd0 frut bda 04d beveruage. It bas been teumed a frieindy oWng. Mr. A. Dafrymple, an, e -ployee wfth -thse Oatario Depîartmnt of Agriculture andi Food, one of 5ev- en ateciplets 0of Vise Quaatèr Cen- tus-y andi Pin Cetificaite, ls seen be-me receivlng, biis award for 25 years M se-vie-e, from thse Eonor- able Wihdhm A. Ste-waat, Miister of Agr*eulture-aindi Fbd. Mr. Dal- ryxnple grdusatesi froan the Oint- aime Agrienlturai College in 1944 and i the same year joimed tise Deparltnît as Assistiant Agricul- tuem-Rcpreetativej for Grey Oouity. He next served as Actng Agnieultumial Recpresetati-ve for EIgin County, May to December, 1945, Idckm'and Ceunty, Jampary April, 1946 to Februnry 1947. MIr, Dairymplie wnas appoietesi Vo Hast- ings Counlty ait Stàrlhig February 1, 1947 ag AgWicubtural Repreaent- al'ive. Sdnce Jianuwiy, 1958, he hais heen tise, repesîntative for Dur- hart Counly. (Psotograph by tie OmIiario Depwaient Io£ Agricuî- ta Marolis1946, ain York Cousty uee ansi Food.) Receive-s Quarter Century Pin Certificate

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