ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAï' JAUAY 15th1, 1970 Taýkinîg Stock Taiken frnm ia rarn n preiaphed_ byte1ev,BalLog ynews, l ri ot, iue where-.,a coultr meît~nedwar located, 11e tiptoed i rito lis litite -boy 's bendrooam tg get -the map o f the wold mflictie l-obe. As ie go4t o thie dco" ýwth it, a sleecpy voice, gaid, "DCaddy, where !,,-e y nu goCeg wiîih my w ld"Thpit is wviît we waît to ttalk aboiut. Maey pEicple have bripn ekn,"Wîheî'e is Ri oal goûnig Vo leiaîd? Wîh2 jappejný 10 aour wrl?"1Vis ithe fdirsît 0f file-yeîar so we e want to take stock of 11he part lecade. On th e de'îtý'd,'bie r' Ï5a de- pressIng newsipaper account, "Is it proîress wheeciltizees are a- fraiid t-) wilk withuîn toeks of their aovn lhomes afer daîk? 15it proîgnei s to speeîd i lli ons t'O put a ninoantlie min hile on thihs aolie i ae. Itenili!lion peo- ple ae iriýldequcîtely feici anid twuejnty inî' Fwlii innivejehvelis anid sfhacks? Thidîr is an age cýf ret the big cop out. lV is the' age of le irnwas;hed ad i(l e udrsd the bi'urrf i g cf Vhe riexes. Youiîng rebels rpi' t in the face of on(,formu- ity anîd stase uis dowe wiwth eyes like hypodeemniic eodes.Some fîear we are heacling: for sockiýa de- day, goling 1Vie waîy of Vtle Romanis and Babyloniians. 'Others applaud the new mhoîallity aind danîce on the grave of phony piiiadm ,They heraqd the rex revolutton as ayotýemiatdc of ia matuiing snciety whàh diwM ,, cîneourage ereiativity anîd promicite beter menitali beialth. Membhers of the "niw" generaý Vdon, are seardhiei for druigs Vo exypaîijàthe rmI'ndg, Whei je re- ality t'hey,;have merely opteid to drug tLheethelvesagne tihe pan of growiinhg upw) enid acceptlgëie- ýzilfSlbThty." That isnoit a nîlce picturp yet Vhere is a grett dîeal of truth Vo it. Then »pieoplýe aiae ceenedanld frigltenied ïabôîut Llhe h*ligh rate of heaîilt dîiseuse, canicer and othear ,ïti1ents that ar.e sucli a tIreat 4i sieîy.Howaiewe go oigt wiater po!lluio, cîven iith- soiR Pnd f rom ie -?sîoîjil jnto tle prios- aide? 'hat!x îs a frPighteeiJi,,îg pit- uiretoîo. Then we have hear5,,d diseourag-- ieg Vhinîgs about religion. "<Rod, 19 déad". Mlaey Ohirehes -will be- dosed. OhrlrtdanËily is noVf influ-. eneniýg Sioeiety in a mwonhwwîle waîy -iiymiore aend 1ronui te way' OUÏ ait.Aonle wîih ami conscience Cainiciat shut his minid to Vhie dev- att&on of poverty ie m'arnT aeas of Vthe worffd So svhenl we taike stock oin the deibît or loiss side, ,the Estcf'- things couiid miake us feel, "Whalt is tise ume cd tryng?" But if we take stock in Vthe prop- 'Or WaY We will look on Vli e ther side aînd See wia we have gcîeg for us. Air far as rilkness anîd the dreaid diseases are coneerned an aOrficle sgays, "In the neermlte whîile We wili uneover moire caus- es cf OPnICer je th ise eninmena. The caizicis aigadint D.D.T. anid cy- elimiate arle rmaâl exaýnples cf that srýof it c ng, anîd lregiardlers of whpt Vhe olgarettie oýmaies ray, Vhe case Tý-jiLr-îSVsmoking has beemn pr'ove'd. !, 'tl probably be Ostr-baliIed ' .t vu-uses are the cause cf cancerg. This;willl le a major step lenVise figlitagaulnist lhens. Rdseun'aatsm and affluîiis nxaw bebeatenin, jeten yeals. There is an cpitlm)*stic ne about poilu- Iian. "'Peioxpý,e are now showiieg a desire o contribute 'andsiSt in eîvery wey posthle je a massive lean up prOarnre.. This graw- hig iarmy from aid leveRs cf life should eake Vile seventles a dec- aie le wihich mac at lesaist elevat- es ileff fnom tIhe mire- of bis Own âakieg." hufnîdîeid moveid ,iinlo Pa"îkwîood United Ghiurîch ïVo share the hbure cf woi ship. In *wo yeas Vilere lias noit been. a ýsîini e i poblePm be- tween the Vwo èbci lèié ùicrjh use the rame altai-. 1ev. Johin Aimbrose, paitor of Parkwooid Un- Îîtcd iy. lie ls, deliighted wiihth îe ariraegemneinit.TeChurch is not deîA by aey memirs. Wîhî ni- we tîhink 0f-nMan's place there is a word of eeieouriagemeet, adîvice and wisdom. "The Chiurch ia' haiiig djfflicuiity pairt1y beicausie lit hais nut acjusted to bhe times, aînd Vo a grîiater 2exteint becausbe seiculiar miain tîhbnks he cen wor'k out bis own salvailtiin." Tie 1Bible is nîit oulft of date but beciause ru 41emiP'raery mianedioeg noit keow hoiw to worisihiip, he lis bewliuierd aindisiayls we hiaVle gol togeV rid of ail arcihiadc expression. If we have to do tilatit u is no comipl- mnciriltq< tcthe minîds of siOcP-tY- "Whicin Vhe preacler say.,x' 'Lr>ft up yoîur. eîyes unto the huis 3f rom whenlee cones youir hellp' these wordis ,-bve, noe minlinîg for onie wlio ets his help froim- a gym lub and l.s jii rVce i a a y'ajtiei. The plieach&r, iflie is true Vo hiS goa,]lias fîo aUfenate pe»plie epdid challenjige hem:toale- the niarroîw way. If the .,Church- iowerg 'ils' standard&s Vo accommo- date thiore' wllo have no, stand- ards, lt betraYîs its' Christ anid ls' whîn the sokiers came to aw- rest Jesus, 11e raid, "Do you think thae 1 canmiot appeial Vo My Fabher and He wàil at once senîd ten leg- IobÉs- ofý 1anigls?" 11e i. saying, "Do you Vhunk I'arn>' Ilibeîd' in pow.r indthâat I could niot ovýer- corne ithi5. through the6 power of Gdod,,if ndîce6ssary?" But Hie went the vay, of the wàIfl of Gc>d. I do noit oare wht yoâ thiuk about ~ag5hut Jesixs was sayiînig, "H1e hois wCitîh me is/ more than al thï13e o are againsit me." H1e mlio lias his hand in tlIe baiid of G2e,,d har more wkih him Vlhan thiat whicl is agiainsit hii. 11e has more on the, crediit ride of the le1dgeîr tlian there is on the diibÉlt Aftiei Jelrus was huiog on a cross tihe word w'eint out, '"He is deîad."1 Just like the rumour these p"isit feiw years lIait 'God is dead.' His frllenis becane dîîreoraged, di ihcartened, dlisitliusiionieid. Then came abiothier rumour 'Heie j not deiaid! H,- jr aliLve." The Chriisie Ohureh calern baciton aet thiat pioL nit.ey mreized there, wis <q poweri with Jeisuis that even deîalih could îneût doeat, Because 0.f tliat, th.ey hai,,d bouitiless lave, courage, hope anid power. The Chiech lad a pcower tiat al Vthe worlid cov{Id not defeîjt. q) tihe pasit ten yeiars young peinple havre reibelled, destrîoYed >aînd demaidieid changes. Li his account tîhe, Warden anid Fellows of wclaim cofilege itn Oxford were writing to a group of siud- eWts who had given' Vhekn a list of rn-m iegoltiable demiands aind treaitened reib eliio ainid de struc- Ibîoin. "We note your threlat to taike what You càall direct aï-ITOfn uinier's your demandîsjare isemiedi- ately met. We f ee thait it jrs onl.y sdiioeitipg 'o It you knuw tîhat our Govenriînîg Body iictuder ithree experts in Cihemaijal warfaire, Vwo ex-coimmiaridos skilleid in dyvnian- ite and in itoi tur&inîg priisioners, four qualified marksmen in, both smi-9l11axmis and rifles, two ex- aiitleiuy men, ocee holder of the Vîictorîiîa Cross, f our kaiate ex- peits and a Ohalan. The Govern- inig Body lias authonized me to tell you tihat we lo«k forward wdit enondefee to what yoiu eSU a confrnalioân anîd I m}ight say we lodok forward even wiii anfiicii- (Coxtlnued Page 5) SeptcTk Service (jENEItAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 It's timat tinte of year again Save2 m35%' up to 5Oý Sllale Starts- Janïuary 159 1970O Ail Sales Final Ladies Coatsf,, Dresses,, Blouses,ý Skirts, Slacks 25 % OFF Long Siceve Jerseys, Babies size 9 months to 24- months. Girls and Boys sîze 'i-16 years 25% off CIIILDRENS, COATS and SNOWSUITS. 25%,*OFF Slini Cut and Plare, 4-14 yrs. Girl's Slacks with 'matching, tops '25 O off Men's and Boyis SUITS AND SPORT COATS OVERCOATS, CAR COATS CASUAL PANTS, DRESS PANTS GLOVES, RATS and SWEATERS Boys Lined Pants, size 2 - 6x 25%OFF Men's Coloured Dress matchîng tic Reg. $9.95 Shirts with Now $7.50 Mens Sport Shirts and Jerseys 25% off Dress White Shirts2~ price, Ladie Nigtgows Reg. $2.95 Now$18 T Sons Girls Leetards baif price Wvuinter Footweo r FOR EVERYONE 25% OFF Reg. $395 Now $2.49 Ltd.0 William C. Hall, B. COMM., Chartered Accountant <Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday