iâoNOIVEEKLYý TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15th, 1970 H1ANK'S BAKERY and Snack Bar Phone 983-5203 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Services - 9:30 a.m. Holy communion- First and Third Stm!days Second and fqiurth %unday Roly .Baptism by ajpointmeiit with Rector 9q"--'745 The Rev. H R etHayne, B.. TI. FOR 2 WEEKS ONLV JANUARY lfth- 24th Tropicana O'(rangàýe J uice 4,9 Save Se' Reg. 7c (Hoiiie Delivery Only) Glen aeDairy HeIp BDeat Winter' s Drea'ry Months 1 Mee t your frlends at Noone's for a deliclous meal ini a warni friendly atmosphere. We cater to lunch and-dinner ,- n parties. Sunday Dinners at Family rates. Phone your reservatioîns Noon'syMtel- Resarant Phmone 983-55369 1% 1kMiles north'of Kirby on Highway 115 in, the Oiionlo areia durng the New Year seiasoin. Mr. ainiMes. C. F. Dunin o f Otitenwa cel1cbrýlted tihieir a(diýn weddirig annivewrsary, Decemnber "TAKING STOCK" (Coninïuied fri Page 4) aini"When, they took stoick thiey fou-nid that hey bnci a 1«t «agforhem. ,h(it or' ýt ta be the exierlenie0 af a Cfi -tian. It doies niat mpter or Plný Ci hI î eUc Orta morethm nytîn isetihat can ha au~nt hm. ie uglht ta0 look farw~d w½ aritnipati oa a roafrnt al w~t Lîf. Miayibe in tIs nextpn yeae iniaglhpcopie wii athît gr""îit idwom(didiu ch2,me.s cani ake pae.Heure is a tefliùnig comni-mïit. -The peicsure secking pisuitaof the sîitàtins are &ilo g'lvi.ig wî fy, aid by mid sev- enties, we can expecita, mioraddity baýsed ona a a, silbe ImidIlie grouLjind htWeen the exitcemnes of, astierity aindc of the mndIeLns self- irdu1geune, The breaikdown isa- cieýty Tcouseg vhen peoPle eanîniot rccognîze amnY Pubie nbltiidOB beyomiA lheii r aiileis." Seifi5h- ne8s, creiainig sij-,,tÎioMS in whhuicih evea tlhe farilv wdlbe datoî if i were it for the pîopll wlr can acceupt repos 'ili ad look taO a greater poiwer, Titis ecangý,e oan be aehieved nýIytiy hroLig1h indlIvlduaàs Wlio have tjiie conraige te nench out to nihers nlai mcn enDounîter.TifUwe aiepreipared liairealize tat for everythhig Vitlis aglitus, there is a greater Pîiower wlbth us, and lot nur lîlves be thiose wbîici are if,11tue' ,with 'Jesus Christ, thoin al thc Poiwer ofi GOd i« av- aabk VotfuLaw tbrougfnus. UNITED CHURCH' Orono Pastoral Chargae Bey. B. E. Long' SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 1970 Orono Unitea Church- - Sunday Schooul aI 10:00 Service at 11*15 a.m Kirby- Morniîng' Service at 9:45 aan. Suntday,Sehool at 11:00 SStock Tu LADIES' GLOVES Lined, nylon gloves in black, brown and white. Sizes 61/ to 8. Reg. $1.50 SALE PRICE - 99e per Pair LADIES'GLOVES Broken Unmes in good quality gioves. Brown, beige and white. Sizes 6% te 8. Reg. vaines to $2.95. VOUR CIIOICE - $1.39 per Pair KNEESOS A quantlty of knee high socks for girls. Stretchy nylon or wool and n ylon. Sizes 9 to 11. Reg. values te $1,'50. VOUR CHOICE - 75e per Pair BOY'S SOCKS Good quality socks in wooi and nylon or ail nylon to fit sizes 6%/ to 10. Regular values to 95c. SALE PRICE- 49e per Pair 25,, as gueisî4ts af Mr. anîi Vrs. R., 11, Raîisberry Wiho are wdntering ait Ecigewatew, Florida. Mr. and iVIers. Rîainsberry were ceeebrating tihcie 39ith ariaiversary Chrisîtnais Local News Mrs. Leota- Maude (MeEiroy) Zavitz of Peterbo.rçugh died on 'Ihurisdiay, Jaaiuary '8, 1970 ait the Peta-rborough'Cii Hospitâ. Mrs. Zavitz wvas 80 years aId anid a mnrer r ~ fOoi.Sewi the ifenf~h~1ieDr: 7: M. M ~Zavitz She was preder' ased by adauglhitr largarcit, M-Elroy.) S'urvivinig is a son Dr. Keith M&c- Elroy, Birnxivllie, New York. Fmi,- ecii w2ýs fo St. Paul's R esbj;- t eiîaa OhuahPeiteibar nugh on Saturday at '2 ooo Interment Lanig Van!bt, Qianîn , Mr. aind iVrs. R lice Teninint and fâmily have movei ito tueur home on Churci ' Street north. Mr. :anid -Mrs. Mai wyn Deniniis aid f auly, orei~y ifOhureli Street qouiïih have rarývùd irito thelr home piusedfrom iir. aiaid Mrs. TninIanit, oùNLliii Stieet. Mr. anid Mrs. George Jacks and sain oif Mmkham vilsi ted witîh Mrs. C. Seýal reice'ntb. Mes. ' -A. MeN'a, O .oIlorne, v is,; lIdreeiatdiy wuthJ lier siteir rs. F. LelIIA ani teu rli ve a 'Ile datocyrred on Sumday, Janiuar'y llt0, 1970 of Mr. Melvilîle Jo~hnirns,. 1103 llltop Stre!et,, Peterborough, Onit. Funmeral serv- jee wîas held Tuesdiay, Januùary 13 «t 2:30 p.m. fromn the Comstock Fuoiecaq HomeWith the Rev. Nor- muai Kelly cffiating. lntermen± Orono Ceîmetery, Mr. Burns was * t'hieý husband aif the late Beatriice HIam wlho Predeceased hlm asnme years ago. Mvrs. Bilattoni Stiîisain of Callen- der and Mrs. J. Navery anidc'id rein of Mainreal vIsdte'd reee¶nfly wiitih Mr. and Mrs. Roîbert Glan- vllle. "'Fr. mald' r.John Plumb of Wlilloiwdlale were receinit visiton7s w 'th Mils. George Morton. Mr- ati Mnr. Kenaieth Tamblyn, Californula were hoIlidiaiy visitors Orono, Ontario Phone-983-5207 I i I Towelsand Face Cloths .Printed terry bath towels and face -loths 'toiniatch. White ground with design in colour. PRICE: Towels. Reg. $2.25 SALE PRICE. each - $1.50 -4ace Cloths, Reg. 65c. SALE PRICE- 45c APRONS Ladies' Cobbler, aprons in, stripes of bine' andý white or pink and white with applique trim. Reg. $U.0. SALE PRICE, eoch - $1.98 GIR.L'S'SHFELLS .Sleeveless bouclé sheils in pink, bine yellow, white., Sizes 10 to 14x. Reg. $4.50 SALE PRICE - $2.50 GIRL'S SLIMS Stretchy nylon slims, machine wash- able. Green and bine. Sizes 10 to 14. Reg- ular $5.95. SALE PRICE -$35 MANY MORE BARGAINS ROLPH HARDWARE' Why not try the finest Florida juice I wihie on sale. Be good tu your f amily. PX S'rvice Station Highway 35 andl \1ý just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quallty Produets At The Most Reasonable Prices -~-~ Stove ohl may be picked np ini any quantity 19.9e per gallon Phone 987-4215 A STOGS -MI S (111-1, 1