ORONO ffW 1KLY TIMES. TURSDAY., JANUARY Shi94 S4EW BOOKS, JANUAflC 15, '70 Adui-j Pe'iS., Buk A Bbo'9grpb-y by ~LhoeeF. Harris Sir W~li~ai Haîmitian iDvy ~ExVraoqýriinîary by Brian Fother- Merno'~ cfHecte oujty by Ediui AWIisoin TIhe TreýmbOàng Yeî. 's by Ulie The Walls of Joillo by AiAaM (1 ilfilu Th2 Tribe thalt Lwst Fs Hfiad by h½sMonsarriat jImior- Drcap by Drop: a I4Yok zt wateoe W. FRANK RL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanv*iIe Pisrt Hope Toronto 9313-9174 Offloe 88~A543 For promPt, courteous, effici- ent service when fuylilg or sell-g and for the llgs sel- ection of properties lu the area Contact Orono Area Represefttatives Ray Foster- Daee Found R 'itolv 983-5801 6~3-~ 965 9834)119 ~2 r il ~ethanv Oxfordl STON EM fM 4,0N W. ScXxahl Sp !ilng in afl kinds of TONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do eWimuev Revmirs bY- A. H arris Stosne and Bale Ing- Pcanci-me uses of Momie En- ergy by Matin lVann The Admvnntures of -Proccîhio by C. Codtodi Yiý e Yard Fuller by BRob Wells The- Pigeoun Faii by Elizabe.th Ogilvie. E,sy Reading and Picture Books The Life of Jîark Spratt His Wiffe and lHis Oàt by Pfaîul. Gal- dane 'Lindia by Franik Uch The VWientine Cat by Clyde Robert Bulla The Yfence by Jan Baet Oga Beauiehamp TENDER CALL PLANNED SOON FOR NEW COMPOSITE SCHOOL A sVaft Vo contruction on. the town cf Bcwnanvîilte's new 1,600 eude thigh sool should core thks year, says Anan A.* H. Strilke, vice-chairnzan of the Nortlhrubeîr- 1and"Duaan Couinlbes Beard of EduciaUton. MWhUle nldt bMing ablte to give a dfinte dàate, Mr. Strike sauid the go alhe'ad for conestructdon could be given Éi Ite spring or earky sumnier, depeniding on when aU, rhe noessaoey teps in approvâat atnd fiaýnig have- been worked GULt Architet's drawugg for the proPoîsd $4,600,000 schaeoi are miow inthe flit stgages MVr. Strike said, addJng "thiey cotid le pre- seînred to the bo'ard at one o ts Felbrulaxy meetings." Tentvâtve approvali for tîhe fully composite scifioli was given by bot1h the Ontario, Municipal BoDead àand the dePantninît of ed- ucailûn lagt July and its final plans must be re-suýbnitited V o them for approval alter pasîsdng thec counies hoard., After receîiviîng th e govenarent ageincîjeis aipromail for the final plaâs. Jnîders wiIl be caHied for wii construction to folliow alter a ondiact bas been aîwarded. Jehovah, Witnesse s Meet Would you be willdiag Vo sîpend one çkV in, the next siÀx monîtlhs WINDSHIELD IN AGRICUL- Vo learn snmcithinîg that wIlli sqve. TURE, THEME DURHAM CR0? your life? AND SOIL GROUP MEET Th:ýit is the quesition Jîdhomaîh's WItheffles wÙii be aslding thelr n (glhbours thîs weekernid as they make doorto-doîr caflis to off er a freé home Bible study course of 24 one hour stu dy peirlids. The prograin reed'ed special eniphasdîs)aet their semR»-annîual itnisieriali seminiar just concluded at Courtice Seconcdary Scihooci noa Osbîawa. Themîed "Rf*ghit Kînîd of Ministers," the seanîar strissed praicdrg love of nelgh- boa, thrauggh sprtalservice to Mr. Donald Rairie, circit sup- ervisor of 13 ýW*htne s congcrega- ins lIth"l area, saliîd of tihe 24- hiour-study course: "Sinice few ooulid. set aÊide a whlbe day at one trne, we suggest thle 24 hoîurs bc spaced out ait one hour peir week, thus makng it )oî5sýible o tak te 4ilascncourse of major Bbie toqvcsinl just six nionlhs. "'Theire la neted for sSeh study," he claimed.. 'The BIble p WiihVtCiM oua generàiiný as hmiîg in a deait iny4nVeermimng î me, at t1'ie brinik of the BiMiýcal Armaigedd on. Stud- ymîg Gàd's Word the Bible and acting on that inonmertoei dan mean,,tihi differenîce bÉelteen sur- viving as God's serviants inato a partadise eath or sùmpy hot sur- v!wing. Theih.e is absclutely no charge for hs Bile sItudy. It is a free service Voo uir nàîghboîs." The gâthering xvas attenîdeîd by Wït.nesses from cong regatiuns in South-Cenjtpaf Ontario. A peiak ait- tendanice of 1,229 was reîe-d ait the Sumday 'True Wonslhwip pixbMe &c dese, versus The Puse.' dlesaged hlppies. Genûlemen,. it's the aitvtude on the main stretin Cziriaàa. Il well 1borrow on Vhinîg froim tho h'ppies it wiillhie he protest. The p atient who coin- pjaus the moLqt has the, mosît chance for aecveay. "We are, f rced by our igneor- ance, by governmont deýsign aaand Up And Dswm 1he Iook Stacks Corne see thé beller choice lni 1970 snownob fies Choose the modal right for you. For the man who wants. Iuxu.-, theres Ski-Doo Nordlc. For the man who ikes hie action fast, there's Ski-Doo T'NT. And for the man who wanis more than one Skl-Doo, there's the low vriced Olympique 1213. Butdon't wait too long. Better deal now for best choice. the sIgn of the fines! .snowmobiles, sportswear, accessories, k k-01 parts and service.. $kIeDoo. Oronmo Fuel& Lumfber Ltd. ORONO, ONT. PHONE 9839187 Another highly' interesting idea fromni the Commerce.a The Big speed -... stability strength .. .safety THE RELIA BLE ONE Available at Orono, phone 983-5343 paid on term deposits The Commerce pays 7Y4%Y on Term Deposits when the arnount is $1,000 or more and it is for a fixed period of timei greater than two years. Your Commerce Manager has different interesit rates available for other terms. Corne in and see him. CANADIAN 0 PRALý BN F COMMERCE' governuot decolt Vo produce fod, ât wonSiide, prine. I've beeu sbupild and ignoranrt toc o eig Wha a baby cric s they stick a pac!ifir in - his in¶e1th, buk ht doïesnIt îlet forever. "QueeWis Park and Ottawa saw hit's get a commiittee tcýether anid see wheat is wrcng. AUt they have to do is locok but they wosit look PA the tbree thhgcs thpjt have to be donc. "We'rÉe goî-*nîg io have to 9«t th2ý govennment off Our baCk. We're goi!ng to have to mnaximize t1ie a-res on good acres anid Con- vf t the o'uier margial land te hrc elts for clty people. Third- ly we're gcing to demind woerid priccîs on imnports.', LYLE WEST ELECTRIC ()rono:9356 Quality Electrical Heating and LIghting Installations and Itepairs by Certified Electrlclaus q.