ORONO WIEEKLY TLMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY lâth. 1970 - - ~ t m - ea a ,ac See for Ail classes of versonal and Commercial Coveraizes Office: Main St., Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING ÇARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL ItEPAIRS CHR L ES RID Orono's Licenised Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and SFurniture Sales Conisult me for terms anddat'es PUJHNE ORONO 983-5914 Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nwthing te be desired Ask the person who bought from x, a neigkbour, frlend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display in Southera Ontario ad Cycle . Orone Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATSI I - A l o e t e S o M b s I 'Repairs te ail makes o)f Lawnl Moweirs -and 2and f cclý7ýe Bagine OTACO PLOW POINTS f I ND AMACHINERLY î rUMPING 1OUTl fSEPTIC TANKS j Bert Tompkins Phome 786-2552 I: Pnubig leating PHONE 08-50l7 Ou* LYCwETI IPLUMBING and HÉATING Sales and Service 2.,4 HOUR BURNER SERICEm GUÉF FINANCING Low Intercst RatesGaf 'Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 Orvile Chatterton 1Electrilcal Contracting 1 Electric Heating and Service $ PHONE 983-5546 or 983-59401I Orono.Onao Oý'RONO EECRI Herb and CGerrV DUvail 98S3-5108 ELECI'RICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC IIEATING ELECTRICAL APINE T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - IF FRIGIPlîAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROH01OIE INGLIS - THOR -GUTARANTEED SERVICE - Hamiltons Insurance Sbervice l&ute. Fire, g Package PoUiciss Fidellty Bond, 'j Liability j I Life gFîrat Mortgag.eLoans, a e Pihone 98éj3-M51 SBuilding or remodelliîg il aHouse? 1your present n contact ORONO Pc ~n~i'j ~ Ifor c0nteo rono. Phalie iM93-5174. USED 1970 SNOWTMO] FOR SALE Sn.Conmeriler 20 h], i c Si2tt Llo yd 2 eyîIrdel Onl 5 weeîks atid. Goinîg l dand ta , workc. WibIllsuri $725.00. Rolbeirt lerdersoýi, Phane Oromo 983-5764. ý7-Z dAS TREE PICK-UP gir ~ Ch snt5tree3 ,w'ii b3,oýcked gilii up in the Vit 3age cf GOea o où Sat- a urday mjorning, Ja.nu.ary 17th. Re ' 1 durij aie sked to bave the trr-e!s zaît the curib by 9:00 ar. 8ILE Orono Police Tr.istees p. Elect- FRRN ,màtor. ' Small houise for coupleor siral t0 Eng- f amily in Orano. ifice at Phone 983-5915. t-f rino. a-c NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT GEORGE STINSON, LATE 0F THE TOW'NSHllP 0FPiVAN VERS IN THE COUNTY 0F DURHAM, FARMER, DECEA,\SED AMIlpers!s is av½ng daims a- gaunàt the4ae of tb-te said ROBERT GE ORGE STINSOIN, wfto di'ed aon 0or a bhe lhday of 0e'ober, 1969, are hereby not- ified t(o send ta the micerisignied Admiistrd &vor er SôliJetor, 11, or belarg the Lt diay' of Ferur,1P70, their'narnes and jdidresses and fi'l pal-tdeulans af theïreir daims and the nAtue of tJhe se mrit;e.s (if aoy) lheld by them duayve'iie by statutory rn~1iaeIyalierthe sadd lst day of FeýbrixLary, 197, te asseits of the sid eeasd wi LLbe dis- 4ribuied aogthe cpersanis en- tilled thereito, ha'vinig regard ainly fo thie ciaom f wlrih fthe Admin- isJbrlltrix rtunliersigned Solici- tiar s4-hail tlhenhav nofice. DATE~D qt 0 woo uario, thiLs 13&hi day of Jairy, 1970. HAZEL 13L CU STINÇSON, *RR. No.. 2, W. K. LYCETT, Oraonia. Onitailia, So-iditor f or the Adiniinistr?&brix c-6-c NOTICE Orama Landscaping, Garden Ser- viee and Snow Plowing. Phane 983-5598. t-f THE ACRES RESTAURANT BOWMANVILLE, R.R. 4 on Saturd:ay, àfllltihe' Fish and Chips you can e'at for 9a t tihe Acres Restaurant. t-f O ORONO, ONTARIO I WE BUY AND SELL IOId Glass, China, Plne Artiles Toys and Oddities f IF IT'S OLD ... I I CALL US jWE PAY CASHT jPhone 623-5342 after 6 pâ. REA LTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Bnying or Selling cal WILF HAWKNE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 1 983-5274 Member of O-hawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board - - 4 A Treat for yeu Fancy Quality Red Delicions, Maclntesh and Spys. also FRIESH CIDER ICE CREAM Fred's Fruit Macrket Ilighway 115, southo of Orono Cal) your l.cesed Plumbing &. ,Mechanica) Contracter Who sels, instala CARMAN, PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Oreno Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone wS ii Caruenltry CbietWork Floors -The 983-5441 ORONO IIELP WANTED W3e.or farnale, 5,chcol bu& drivers wanted for Bowman ville district. Ap-ply Burl..y Bus LUnes, Simpsoîn Ave., - Phane 623-3811.a- COMING EVENT Annual Meýnbership Dianer of- tfhe llorticu1ùura1l Saeciety will be an Thursdiay, Jamu'ary 22ind at Q, p.rn. in the Maiinç Rai of theý Ghurch. Menu - Fait Luck. Briing your farvonte casGerole or dessert, A musïcai praigraim is beàhg plan- ned ,se came aînd enjay same sur-- Adirnisisiain $1.00 for yanr 19701 nembershuip. b-4-e NOTICE < Anît1 !Me ding !of tihe Durhamj, Cantral Agricultural Saciety, ~l- urrday, January 24th, at 1.30 p.m, in the qrauuo Uauted Chuch Hiall- RECEPTION Mr. alnd M rs. LaîureîiiCeBeal oft 576 Fernhiul Blvd., i0sharwa, would be pleas cd Va reede 1 riends aînd relatives on, Sunday, Jainuary 25tbh frin 3 to 5 anci 7 tai 9 on thd aoe-, casian , af tâeir 50th anmnivinary, CARD 0F THANKLS 1 wî,sh to, thîani<relaltilves and,, friends in 0ran»o and Disriet foi visits and letters ta my husbaind. whilie lue was in Peelorbaough andý Cobourg Hosptal-s. The maiiy acta 'pf kinîdinisîs and expeses f, syinpathy qhawn nuedurhlg MY receint bereavemnent have been muoh appreciated. a-p -Mrs. Annie MýlýcNalllY - Catborne. Sports Centre Jeun in the f un at Matts where yen eet eurfriends for a game ofbliards. Three inodem tables Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5310 2 IBox 133 Phone 6A68-3552 î Staford Broihers j Limlted I Manutacturers o Cemetery Memlorials I318 IJundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO ANNOUNCEM4ENT Wrecklug Ya.ýrds Ail persons interested ini the abaive ýmatter take note that at the Session of Counties' CoÙncil held November 19, the license fee for operating wreeldng yards, salvage yards, etc. ivas increased to $100 eflective January 1, 1970. Closer supervision and enforcement of the regula- tiens under By-Law No. 1792 (which'controls the above) wiIl be carried out in the future. N.B. The C3unties' By-Law No. 1792 does net apply in any local municipality i the United Counties of North- uniberlanad and Durham'if that municipallty has pass d a by-law for a similar purpose. K. Symons, Clerk-Treasurer, United Counties of Northumberlnd and Durham. inted« Exterior