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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jan 1970, p. 1

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Orono VOLUME 34, NUMBER 4 eeIyTimes OOOWEEKLYTIMES, TIIURSDAY, JANUABY 2Znd, 1970ý Des Newman Would -'," -pt To Join The shawa eginal Area Mayor Desmond Newman ofj Whitby and a leading figure in the Regional Study group of the Oshawa area pointed out the rea- sons and the benefits derived from'the formation of Regional goverirçnns. Mayor Newmpan was. speaking at the Orono 'Chamber of Commerce banquet which was held at Noone's Restaurant-Tues- day evening. The speaker, who has been aceive in community affairs, was, introduced by Mr. Jake Reid' and thanked by Mr. Edgar Mid- dieton. Mayor Newman said that one may a-k what is wrong With our present form of government that' we have'to disrupt it and form regional areas. "This" he said wa-, most difficult fo answer." H1e pointed out however that child- ren are no longer interested in staying in small centres but are leaving for the lar2er urban ar- ea% to continue their education and to seek employment. This trend away from the rural. areas to the urban centres is creating a serions problem, he said. Thé- speaker pointed out there exists in Ontario over a thousand municipalities with at least haîf of- these. have a population of less thjan, two thousand people. These smller centres mu'ýt depend f0 a great extent on government subsàdies to operate within their diminishing framework of respon- sîbility. Here he spoke briefly of the recent move to consolidafe educal3 on under the county sys- tem which, he said, in principal xvas a good move for it had devel- oped a better ecualify, of educa- Pion tloughou)itthPrvne ia o e a safdtîats population in Ontario had in- creased by,23%, employment was Up 30%, income up 95%, produe- tiVilyup 100% and 'cost of gov- ernment up 144% over the past- ten years. The increase in the cosf of government, due to dupli- cation, was out of focus, he said, and it was under pressure of this serions, economnic problem that reglonal. areas are being formed. lie said small centres cannot p'ro- vide meaningful services withont over taxing and we face thîs prob- lem at ail levels of government. The speaker said there was no0 easy answer for people did have a strong identity with boundaries and a- sense of community.. "lthis is our Village, Township. or dity.", However, he said, if you wish to preserve what you have you musf work with your neil i- bours'to maintain yoiir commun- ity, reld to joster its well-beîng, its recreational facilities, services and to fight pollution and social pro'b1"ms such, as drugs. "We seek to create a kind of commun- ity ù.at prox ides the services we wish and still be acccssable fo the people. lIxi or Ný fa.dthat the Oshawa sgr n a s td y Cid, inclade theae 'a ckrn on the wi, to udicudg Ciarke ionui Rte at e poîntd ou fi t or advcate arca îa!ong the lake front hc would have five lecal Councils. For this aýrea rk and 'New- castle could be grouped as one> unit a- would Bowinanyil]e and Dariingto s. Other-, he-z.aid, are speaking of a ar ,-area -that wôild include ail of Ontario cou- t -, -,.art of X ctorýia-and part of aI<~' nd tha,,t it<is area (continued on page'6) Mr. Wayne Bailey, Orono, was recenfly installed as Master of the Orono Lodges, A.F. and A.M., No. 325. The v.eremony took place at the Ma-onie Hall, Orono,ý with Mr. Carl Billings, uncle of Mr. Bailey, being the installing of- ficer. The insfalling team was made rip of Past Masters of the Lodges. Mr. Bailey at the age of 27 years is the y<oungest mason f0 hold the office of Master of Orono Lodge. Other offic, r- installed werc: I.P.M., R. Wint-cr: Sr. W., AI Heard; Jr. W., Robert Johnson; 'Zr. D., Jack Fonk: Jr. D., Klaas Schoenmaker; I. Guard. Roland Batten, Kendal ; Sr. S., Verfal Wil- son; Jr.-S., Bud Archibald, RR 2, Newcastle-, Sec., H. Duvaîl; Treas., C. Billîngs. 17503 Book The Clarke Public Library held their first meeting of the year when R. C. Forrester and E. R. Woodyard were re-appointed as chairman andi treasurer respect- îively. The librarian's report for the library during 1969 showed a to- tai circulation of 17503 books whieh was an increase of 1300 books over 1968. Membership in the library increased from 629 in 1968 to 785 in 1969. Books 110W owned by the library hbas risen to 5,000. The treasurer's report showed receipts of $6129.01 during the year made up chiefly by a prov- incial grant of $1128.00 and a Township grant of $470000. Total expenditures amounted to $6435ý- 84 of which $257202 was paid out for new book 3, $169588 for libra- rians and helpers, $334.88 for 7upplies, $1200. for rent,, $347:13 for maintenance alonfe with other minor charges. The general oper- ation account held a balance of $83988 at the end of 1969. In the building account an a- 'uount of $]1.000.00 was paid on~ the purchase ýof the new property aviug a mrmtgage of $10000. to be paid off during the next five years. It was pointed out that thc Poard still i hed somie securities 'nd an aon in cash in the to arounid $,u0.000 whch if in- tends to use as a start for the ren- w)ation of the Centre Street prop- erty. The, Board is to hold a speci al meeting Saturday, January 31st to formulate plans for the renova- tion of the newly acquired prop- erty. Also at this time they hope to set a policy for the use of the entire building. Consîderation has been given f0 the acceptance of public dona- tions and E. R. Woodyard has been authorized to find out if such donations would be tax ex- empt. The Board is to first set its policy for the building before ask- ing for donations. on Monday evening the Board gaveý approval for Mrs. O. Beau- champ to attend an Ontario Lip- rary Board seminar on picture books at the Inn in the Park, Tor- onto, to be held in May. The chairman and treasurer were authorized f0 prepare the budget for 1970 to be appro4/u by the Board on January 3lst. pionship for nov,,ice dance af Trenton on' Saturday. The pair 1sfarted skating together last year Receive 12 Bids For Demolition The Clarke Public Library Board received twelve tenders for the removal of the frame barn on their property on Centre 'Street lu Orono' which' were opened on Monday evening. The bids were referred to a committee of Messrs. E. R. Woodyard, Llew. Hallowell and Ray- Dickson for furfher sfudy; and with, authority to sign an agreement. Tenders ranged from $100.00 fo $1050-00.- The foilowing tenders were re- ceived: John Evens, Pontypool, $100.00; Watson Bros., Orono $1050.00; Orono Building Confrac- tor $850.00; Edward's Contracting, Bowmanville, $200.00; Orono Landscapîng- $550.00; John Kil- leen, R.R., Bowmanville. $115.00; Mr. Dane Rogerson, Bowmanville, $300.00; W. J. Slater, Orono, $200.00; Keith Tregunna and As- sociates, Or-ono, $750.00; Vance Wrecking Co., Bowmanville $850.- 00; Mr. J. Becker, Orono, $500.00 and Lakeview Landscaping $145. Mr. R. Forrester, chairman of the Board asked the committee f0 complete their sfudy and finalize an agreement wifhin as short a time as possible. anrd eut ccd lUu eem tîLai last Saf~ray aioacs n4 er Crare betwcen six clubs inter i11 Febru- a,-. PFcr Zednik 11l1o won the mien's novice single on Saturday last. (Oshawa Times. Photo) Hetthe Rbek ah The reg-ular meeting of Heather Rebekahý Lodge No. 334 was held Tuesday, January l3th. Noble Grand, Sister Hazel Stap- lefon conàlueted the meeting, as- sisted b-j Sister Julia Jackson, Vice Grand. The secretary, Sister Mae Allen read a leffer from the foster child in Korea. If was written in' Sep- tember when they were just start- ing back f0 sehool. She said how m-tch it was helping the whole famiiy beinfg adopfed by the Lod- ge. The Social Worker also sent a letter of.appreciation. Two representafives were ap- poînted f0 the Board of Manage- ment for the year 1970. The two were Sistérs Betty Major and Gladys Gamsby. Sister Rena Pears reported on the work of the Benevolent Com- mittee. If. was decided to cater to a wedding in March. Final preparafions were made for the President's visit which will be 'Tuesday, February lOth. At our next meeting, January 27th, the degree will be exempli- fied when two will be admitted f0 membership. B3îrfhdav Greetings were ex- tended to Sisters Betty Major, Irene Murray, Laverne Barrabaîl, Lola Kennedy and Gladys Gams- by. Project SchooI1 /To Sko Mr. P. M. Lunn, a director of thie Orono Chamber, is shown poinfing ouf Orono on the map to Mayor D. Newman of Whitby, Mr. E. Middlet on, president of the Chamber and Mr. H. Hoensch, past president. Many became in- volved in the discussion of region- ai government following Mayor Newman's address af the annual Chamber ladies' nighf. A Canadian celebrafion on the Ist of July is not an unusual ev- ent. But a Canadian Dominion Day celebrafion, held in Belize City, Brifish Honduras, is certain- ly unique. The Dominion Day cel- ebration is proof of the strong bond of friendshîp existing be- tween Canada and British Hondur- as- a direct resuif of Projeet School To-School", now over two (continued on page 4) O~Pubâc ULrY Ja te,~>O

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