ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY,. JANUARY 22ud, 1970 ORONO WEE-',KLY TIME.S Second Ciass Mail Regi2trateu Nuniber 036U Published evcry Wiursaday at the office of pubcation Main Street, Orono, Ontaiio. Phone 983-5301l Celebro~~teAnieay The Northumberland-Durhain County Board of Edu- cation bas 110W been in operatian for a full year and ta this date'one inust say that the operatian of the educational p)ro- grain las carried on without any major eruptions. Prior to the creation of the county boards many'peaple were fore- casting chaos and a long period of liardship in inaking the ,change. The transition has been anything but chaotic, in fact we doubt if anyone has noticed any great difference lu the operatian of their local area school. There was no particular reasan why the indivîdual school prograins should have been disrupted for the pro- grain of the school is chiefly direeted'froin witbin-the school itself and there was no change in this area. The forination of the county boards did not create a condition whereby per- sonal contact was lost because liere again ,the, important contact is with the school not the board. In the past we have supported-the formation of the county area systein and to date we see no reason to change this attitude. The county systeins, or at least the local county systen, lias made inuch progress in the past year in arranging their operation and prograins. The one area in whicli one might have suspected a chaotic condition would have been that of busing when school opened'in September of 1969. But the systein in thîs area appeared to swing into operation with less confusion than when operated on a much sinaller scale. This must note an efficient busing seliedule and aperation. The Northiumberland and-Durham Board during the year brouglit into. operat>i.in throughout tlie whole area a system of kîndergarten education. Here again the operation speaks of efficiency. The Board lias also set forth a large volume of policy statements and this guide, long overdue lu this area, cannot but be a great help in giving direction to, staff and in fact to the general public. During the year the Board approved a complete pol. ýcy -for rental and use of scliool facîlities. In doing sa tliey were mindful that scliools were publicly owned and should be made availabie for use by the public as mucli as possible. Rental rates are, ln the most part, far below costs in arder to encourage full use of the sebools for recreation and other activities. It becomes apparent that the role of the Board mcm- ber is changing under the County systein. No longer is the -iuember involved in the nut and boit operation of'the sys- tein but rather lie becomes tlie media for the establishmnent of policy. The nut and boit aperation is now the duty of the mnaintenanice departinent, the busiag departmnt or the ad- iiistr'ative staff. This iscrtiy a departure froin the' former Towý,nship Boards and lu fact even that of the former Duirhami District Boardi. This, of course, is mnade possible tbroughi the organization which lias beca establislied and is housed! in Cobourg. Ili speakîng of the administrative staff it is noted that tlie Northiumberland-Durham organization lias six sen- ior'officials for the 24,356 students whicli gives a pupil-offic- l ratio of 4,059 to 1. Iu a survey of thirty-fivc areas the. N1orthumb.crl and -Durhiam area is noted as havingtlie high- est, student to) officiai ratio. The average of the 35 areas is 2,929 studentsiu per officiai. This would~ appear to confirm the fact tliat the local 'board bas not gonie overboard in making appointinents to its àadministrative staff. Criticisin las been placed on the board over increased educational costs but this increase lu the Northumberland-. Durhiam area was of'a minor nature in 1969. Agaîn criticisin bas been placed over the salaries paid tlie senior officiais but it could be that lu the majorîty of cases value is being received for the amount bcing paid. -There is mucli yet ta lie doue but th,,ý pragrcss in -tlie past year spcaks wcll, we believe, for the Board'and its staff. Education in this area lias not sufferedand tlie general pub- lic bas flot been forgotten. John Lennon And Towship Last week mach publicity came ta Clarke Township when news staries broke qaating comments from Township officiais in re-- gards ta the p -oposcd "Peace Rally" at Mo.5port planned bv J. Lennon for July 3rd. Sponsors of the festival have talkcd of crowds appraaching 250- 000 since Lennon endarsed the e- vent. HIe said at the tîme that other world famous musieians would be invited ta take part in the event that was designcd ta strike a blow for universai frec- dam froin war. The ncws media repartcd th4t residents say the festival wauld Ibring auything but peace ta the area. "MVotorcycie gangs. drags. c carousing- they were ahl part of tlkose ther 'peace rallies',, said anc -disturbcd resident. MET WITH. SPONSORING GROUP SLàst niglit, Wedncsd ay, Coancil cf Clark'(, did mcet with the span- saring -g1roiq) and representatives ai 1of Mort. Priar ta the meeting Beeve Sttic said that no contract had bucîi signhd between the Len- non grouP and Mosport and that Mosport was as interested as any- one to maintain order anc ta pre- seive their naine in the commua- Join in the fun at Matts where you meet your friends for a gaine of billiards. Threc modern tables Orono, Ont. Phone 9893-5310 Orons Public School Orono schoal was plagucd with- the fia and grip. Iu anc grade there- was as many as thirty-six absent daring thc week. Floor hockey lias been played by 6,, 7 and 8 boys after school. The rink at the school is bcing used for Physical Education. This will inable the students ta have exercise autdaors in the fresh air. The, senior grades are doing an extensive study of Canada's North- land. This study takes lu most as- pects of the region. The, Senior Gîce Club members anxiously awaited for their visit ta the O'Keefe Centre wliere they saw "Fiddler on the Roof" aon Weduesday, January 21st. Gr., 1. 7 The grade 1 class have been making Mfricau auinals frain modeiling cday. Gr. 4 - The grade 4 class are studying the life of the Northland Eskimos. Gr. 5 - The grade 5 class are daing a study on the North and Southi Pales. Gr. 7 - The grade 7 'class have two liens in their classrooin. These liens are used ilu-science classes. The grade 7's had an el- ectrician ln ta speak on his occu- pation. Gr. 8 - The grade 8 class have been working on Art Murals. These murais are on the Norse- men lu battie. Edit or, Bannie Dunlop. Ass't Editar, Edward Clark NEW BOOKS - JANUARY 22 '70 Adut- The Store that ,(Tima'thy Built by Williamn Stephenson (a re-crea- tion of the first century in the iife of Etnsof Canadal) Babllar's SanshLessans by Laurent dc(lerubho)(-ff (Aýduits wlia have a natrg of Spanish, will find this book quite entertaining) Late aiud Soon by Frances.Leg- ity. It was also quoted lu the news media that' Reeve Stone and the four other cauncil members arc unanimous lu their feeling tliey shoulId have saine say an wliether or- nat the event takes place as plauned. Bylaw officer, Hlorace Best sug- gcsted couneil could prevent the rally because the track area is zoned exc]lusively for agricuitural, auto racing and auxiliary uses. "If Mospart is ta be used for a rock festival 1 don't think this in any way could becansidererl an acces- sory ta auto raeing.", Reeve Stone in denying he was ,against aprograin for peace, said lis primary conceru was "the safety, of the people lu Clarke." He agreed with Mr. Best the e- vent would contravene the by- law, The reeve was enîphatic lu lis praise of the Mosport owners and said they had been considerate and reasonable du thc past few years, CONTROL PLAN Authorîties are alreadv drawing a, blueprint for contrai if the e- vent is beld. Gardon Wriglit,'a Northumberland-Durhain Emer- gency Measures Organization of- ficer. said the group will aid po- lice in sucli matters as crowd con- trol and fîrst aid. z H-e said the services wauld first have ta be requestcd by local au- thorities. A provincial police officer lias already been adviscd ta draw up plans for traffic and crowd con- trol, said a spokesman. He said the normal rule calîs for about anc officer for each 750 ta 1.000 pecopie at sîmilar events. ".We have already- consid'ré-d cancelling leaves for that week- end. Interim Tax Bl;JI Township of Clarke taxpayers wil receive very shortly an inter- un tax bill for a portion of taxes whicli wili became duc, and pay- able ;n February 28th. This will lie the first time that the Town- ship bas issued an interim bill or biiled an a threc instalment basis for the year. The interin bill will pravide for payment of an estimated one- third of the truc tax bill which wdli bce issued at a later date, sometime lu late May or carly ,Jlne. At the present time it is Impossible, ta issue the' truc bill as ail estimates are, not in at the tax office. This makes it necessary ta issue, an intenin bill at this time. Penalty for non-paymcnt of the interin bill will be 1 % intcrcst charged the first of cach month starting with Mardhl st- and cou- tinuing until December lst. 1970. The Township is soinewhat farced into thîs, procedure due ta fpolicy cf quaterly payments t the Caunty School Board. The »ecoind instahnent becompes due on July lst with the third on December lst, 1970. gett (a truc and maving, story of a trars. atlantic marriage at the, tamn of the Century) Go ta the Widow Maker by Jamnes Joncs (His best novel since "Froin Here ta Eternity") Castie an the Barder by Bejnary- Isct(a vivid Naývel of post-w-ar The Werewolf Principle by Culà- ford D. Simak .Science,. fictioni navel). t Junior- Liliuokalani -Young Hawaiian Quen by Shirîce Petkin Newman (a Biography) Ice Hockey by Eric Whitehead Silver -Chief - Dog of, theNortli by Jack O'Brien A Crown for a Quecu by Ursula Moray Williams Let X bc Excitement by Christ- ie Harris. Easy Reading and Picture Books The Magie Slippcrs by William Wiesn er (a, stary abot tc an- oient kingdom of Persia and a very sinali Mar. called, ýAlicalibab- uhassan. . ) Tilly Witcli by Don Freeman Ghost in a four roomcd, Apart- ment by Eller Raskin By the Sea by Bertha Amos (a picture book without w ord-l' Olga Be'auchamp The Orono and Bowmanvilleý Tyke teains battled to a 0-01tic on. Fridàiy evening of last week at the Orono Arena. This group of local youngsters provide plenty of act-- ivity in their gaines and provide their spectators witli lots to cheer about. ln the Atoin gaine Mathew Rob- inson sparked the local club byý scoring two of their four goals when they played Bowmanville. Bowmanville took the gane 6&4.. The other Orono goals were by Scott West and Owen Johnston with assists' going ta Doug Han- cock and David Webster. The Orono Bantains ran intx:, soine stiff competition froin Bow- manville wlio defeated the local, boys 7-2. The Orono goals we r& scored by Ted Robinson and War- ren Jolinston with assists to Ed. Stec, Clilf Fee and Steven Cox. Nicky VanSegglen scored' the loue goal for the Orono PeeWeesý when tliey were defeated by New- castle 4-1. fobert Henderson pický ed upan assists on-the play. One of the best gaines of the-, season wasý played Friday even- ing when the Orono and Cobourg Midgets did battle at the local a- rena. The- victary 1-0 went ta Co-- bourg w1lhen they netted their goal in the dying minutes of the gaine. Thisgroup of boys have advancedý in the Orono hockey pragrain0v- er the past few years and are no-xr providing a fine calibre of play- SKIING A mucli greater interest is be-- ing shown at the Oshawa Ski Club' (Kirby) by* yaungsters andf adults alike froin Orono this year. Many acw members have joinedT who are residents of, the village. Paul. Staples, is a member of the- white slalom teain in the Nancy Greene ski Lealgue. Rlis cousin. Steve Wigganis and Kthlerii,, Samutel aremebs of the red team.' These woteains are now practicing* for, competition bath within the club and in other areas. and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN... We have a Sauna, and Whlrî- pool ready for your use. DrQp in and give them a try Group Rates Avallable Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 pin. 16A ONTARIO STREET 72M-460 OSHAWA IIOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30-8:30 Thursday 6:30 -8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:10- 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 a.m. O ro no Hockey Notes Up And Dswn lb. Bock Stacks KIrB3Y CENTENNIAL and ORONO Home P ehoo Club. In Co-cperatAon ýwith Clarke High School PANEL DISCUSSION.'and, DIALOQUE ChagesIn Secondary CLARKE HIGII SCHOOL Parents and students ýof Public and Hizh Schools are welcome :$~to i..