ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JANUABY 22nd, 1970 See Agency fe Ail classes of personal and Commercial Coveraze,.s Officec: Main st., Ormeo 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 Gard Simpson PHONE 983-,5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS CHAi.,RLES REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Speciaàlize in Farm and Furniture Sales' Consuit me for terms and cl tes PHONE ORONO 983-5 914 Fimily Meorials Our quility and ervice leaves nothng to bec desired Azk the perso#i who bought froni us, a neigihour, frieud or relative Thle RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT IhOPE Largest display 'lu Southeru Ontario I reoe Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS - Alouette Snow Mobiles I McCulioch CHAIN SAWS Uzepairs to ail makes of Lawn W 11Mowers and 2 and 4 cY rie t Englues OTACO PLOW PO fiINTS I I ANI) MACHINERY PUMPING OUJT fSEPTIC TANKS; B~ert Tompkins ILYCETTI *Plumnb,ing Ieating fwox~$8$4w" IPLUMBING and'HEA'IING ISaks and Service AMHOUR BURNER SERtVICEI GUIýF FINANCING ILow Intret Rates ~Ph.ne: Tyrone 26-2450 i Orille ChattertonI, ,Electrical Contrarfing i Electrie IIeatînz and Service PHONE 983-5644 or 983-5940 Orono. Ontario I ORO#NO ELECTRIC Heband Gerr Duvafi 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING .ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR, T.V. RADIO - HI1-FI FRIGIDAIRE - ILC.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR' -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Hamiîltonsq, service îI I Fidelity Bond, Liahility i Life First Mortgage Loans Phone 983-5115 Bo 133 Phone 668-3552! Manfactui-ers Of Cemetery Memorialsj 318 Diindas Street East 3Buliling a House?I Ior remodefling yonr present mne, then contact fhu 93-5049 ORONO WANTED SALESMAN ORI AGENT Reinrnd boaird for eccntreof-f oI'no. PhSoie 983-5174. PAPER DRIVE The Sigma-C Boysm their regular paper an ..girl in WANTED' a-c TEXAS OIL COMPANYlias op- ening in Orono area. No experi- ence necessary. Age not import- ant. Good character a must. We train. Air mail S. W. Dickerson, will hold Pres., Southwestern Petroleuni nd hnff1e Corp., Ft. Worth, Texas. drive on Saturday, January 31st. Route will include' Ochonski Road, Leskard, Kirby and Orono. h-5-c NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TfhE ESTATEEO0F ROBERT GEORGE STINSON, LATE 0OF THE TOWNSI{I1P 0F mANVERS 11N- MIE COUNTY 0F JRHAM, FARME R, DECEASED AUl pemonns kaviing c-lams a- gadingt thie Estiatte of thie said ROBERIT GEORGE STINSON, M16 dlied Oun ar about t~e l6tih day ofE Octal}er, 1969, are hereby niot- ifiled ýta seid ta the under,,igned Adminýil9imaor, or, her Sointor, nJo or before, the lsit dnüy ofE February, 1970, Ihiir, efniesani addeesâes and full partiulars of their laims and the nature of the securitie8 (îf any) held by them duly vcrifie'd by statutory Imimedialcly after the said 1st day af Fribruary, 1970, the affets of the said deceiased wiJl he dis- tributed ýaimng tihe persans en- IdIller thereto, having regard offly çtjo the cllaims o« whitch the Admin- iStrajtrix 'or tisa, undersïgned Soilci- tiair shal tihen have nitice. DATE!) at Orono, Ontario, this 13th day (if Jainiu'ary, 1970. -I~ZEL'~B: X~C-tESTîNSOýN, -R.R. No9. 2, AdminitraIri -. W. K. 1,YCETT, Oai.Onffario, Soliciti-r for tise AdmnisitraLrix NOTICE Orono Landscaping, Garden Ser- viee ard Snow PIowing. Phone R835598. t-f THE ACRES RESTAURANT BOWMANVILLE, RR. 4 On Saturday, ail the Msha.nd Chips you cgi eat for .99c at tihe Acres Restaurant. t-f Toy aRnO, ONtARI IF IT'S OL ... I CALL US j WE PAY CASH Phone 623-5342 after 6 p.ni. RI1CAIRD REALTPIOR 99lng St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or S elling cali WVILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO ABEA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and DÎB- trict Real Estate Board A Treat for you Fancy Quality Bed Deliclous, Macintosh and Spys. aiso FRESH CIDER TUE CREAM Fred's Fruit Market Hlighway 115, southo of Orono Callyoturi icomd Plumbing& I Machanical Contractae PLUMBING AND HEATING Phione 983-5207 Orono OroncgBuildingI .Contractor Brick- Block - Coi Stone Wo k' Carpentry - Cabinet Floors - Tile 983.5441 HELP WANTED Northumberland and Durhamn County Board of Education, quires a Clerk-T_-pist and File Clerk For: The Board of Educa- tion Office in Cobourg. Apply'in writing, stating exper- ience. and, qualifications, to: Mr. M. A. MacLeod,. Business Administrator and Trea surer, Northumberland and Durham Sounty Board of Education, 335A King Street, East, Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario. not ~later than January 27, 1970. IN APPRECIATION I wish to thank al my friends and neighbours for cards, inquir- ies, visits and o ther acts of kind- ness shown to 'me while in Bow- mAnville Memorial Hospital. Mel Downs. COMING EVENT Aninnal Menberslip DimSir of the 'HoSffiultural Soebcty will be on ýThursday, Januiary 22ihd at 6 inm t the Madm, Hall oîf the ÇChurch. Memu -Po& Luck., Bniing, your farvortte casserole 'o r dessert, A muâicuil program is being plan,. nted sa come and ae4o4y sonie sur- prises. Admission $1.00 for your 1970 membership. b-4-e NOTICE Analia1 Mýeeiii"g"f the D11xlham o talAgieutlturail Scty ait- - uiaJanuary 24th, at 1.30 p.ni. lin th.- Grena Uiitcd Ghudh )i i. a-ce FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr:, and Mrs. Kenneth J. Bail, TIR Nortli , Orono,1 wish to an- noutiqe; the' forthcoming marriage of t heir, eldest daugliter, Bonnie Elizabgtli, ta Mr., Bruce Wayne Mercer,. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer, Kendal, Ontario. The wedding to take place Feb- ruary;14,in.Orono United Churcli. a-e DIE!) WADDLLCatherine Agnes-At nerete theWAemoial, Hospital, Bowman- S ville, Tuesday, January 2th, 1970 ýt W ork Belao ed sister of, Helena Jane Waddell of Orono and George W. S. Waddell, of Bethany, Ontario. Aged 790 years. Resting at the Bar- law Funeral Homne, Park St., Or- ORONO a na for service Thursday, January 22nd at 2; p.m. Interment Orono - Cernetery. >Exterior Interior If you have read this you will, know that it pays ta Advertqse I 1 -