ORONO WEEKLY TIMÜES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1970 (I îSonda- afternoon the home of Ed Cous oux pi oved te be the b;-tlbplace of the Kendal Inter- mediate Bac ebail Club. Wib~v al keen baseball Pi -i oatt.u ' ce an executive w as e(bdard some commïittees set up 10 begi ! the season. The Pre,'dent for the 1970 Scason îi-,('rant Wade of N wv- toiivill1,. . Wade's executive coasit Ilof4,'jeter Maartense, Vice- Prccie it: 7ra,er Wallace- iec- r ta~ i~ rer; Roy Foster, Genra lVî'agr;and a Bo,ýid of Dct sincluding ,Ewart. R(.')o, bn it?ýe popular Ah West, ýand( AnodWade. l'iessr. Foster, Maartense, Wal- lace, Wst and Wade were an- poi11tnd to i Comrittee wbich will1 intervicw pro spective spon- sors. The next meeting will bc hald at the sarn, location on Sunday, February 22, 1970 at 1.00 p.m. At that time,;' is hoped that a field manager wi]l be appointed as Peter Maartense and Ah West are acting on a committee look- ing into this. The general feeling of the meetng was that the outlook for the 1970 season in Kendal is ex- ceiýtiunallî goud. On January 3th at the Euchre party held in Kendal Orange Hall Mrs. Norma Moffat won the wo-. men's high, xxýile Doug Mercer wvon the men's high. The consol- ati on prizes were won by Mrs. H. Cooper and Mr. E. Robinson, The door prize fell to Mr. Joe Jilisen. The next Euchre party will be held Friday evening, February 13 la the same place. Visitors with Mrs. R. Elliott the past weekend were ber sisters Miss Clara Senes of ýPeterboroueh and Miss Margaret Senes of, Ot- tawa. "Th- hippies are coming to town." If I were a 1hippie and fl somle onle tojd 1me-to slee'p at MofiSport 1 wo0uld sýay I ba)ve a bote iea. We woufldcro 11th road and travelnortbtilve fouad a beau- tiful bcd of pini eneedIles on the warm sand in a Christmas tree posed of in accordance' requirements. CAMPBELLFORD HASTINGS VILLAGE WAIIKWORTH MURRAY TOWNSHIP ORLANI> BRIGHTON CASTLETON COLBORNE GRAFTON COBOURG PORT HOPE HOPE TOWNSHIP MILLBROOK' FRASERVILLE BLACKSTOCK HAMPTON BOWMAN VILLE ORONO NEWCASTLE BETHANY CLARKE TOWNSHIIP ROSENEATH r... School News January 23rd was a big day for tle people takiag part la the Pub ic ý,palk îg Contest. In tue Ju J'or Dlvi ion, the vAnners rePatti Luno and Maureen Shetier and in the Senior Divis- ion, Cheryl Cornish and l3onnie Pït,ànetr. The wianer of the sen- ior d'vision will speak la Port Hope, Fcbruary l7th, and theý junior vinaer spoke in the Legion Public Speaking contest last Sat- arday. January 31st. Thýe county finals will be Tues- dayv, February 24th, 8 p.m. at the Orono > United, Church for which the Senior, Glee Club ýis br pnaring musicail numbers. SPORTS: In sports, the bouse league teams are -considering whether to play volley hall, floor hockey or basketball. Classroom News:- The grade 8's had a sock hop on Friday, January 29tb. Grades 6, 7 and 8 were invited and quite a few attended. The dance was quite succes'sful. Grade 6 are working on mak- ing news presentations more ia- teresting. They are also studying plantation. 0f course we would remember'to put out our last cigarette as a fire from Mosp)ort to Pontypool would be too mucb' for the forestry boys, to handle. If 'there cornes a heavy raja and\ severe electric storm like they'had in 1957 and 1961 we could just get into the old "jalopy" and lîead for a farmer's barn filled with new mown hay./ They tell us Orono Fair'ground would make an ideal camping ground with its -grand stand for our program on "Peace." By the wythere mioht be some spare tires la Orono that the wealthY citizeas cul spare,. ihey -te1 us that Caniadian girls are crazy about ]-Iig fhair. Maybe we could marry a rich one, and live happy ever after. with Ontario Department of Health Campbellford Municipal Office Seymour Municipal Office Trent Feed Milîs Ltd. Miunicipal Office, Town Hall Municipal Office, RR 1, Trenton Municipal Office Municipal Office, Town Hall Newman's General Store Municipal Office Municipal Office Health Unit Office, Counties Municipal Building Poýrt Hope Municipal Office, Town Hall Municipal Office, 70 WValton St., Port Hope Municipal Office Fraserville General Store Municipal Office Municipal Office Health Unit Office, 108 Liberty St. N< Municipal Offices, Town Hall Clarke Township Office Municipal Office Community Hall Municipal Office Elliotts Garage, Highway No. 2 O. J. Robins, c/o Bey. Robin's GeneraI Store, Roseneath Mr. Earl A Robinson of Osh- awa died at hîs hom-e Saturday., He was in his 64th year. He is survived by his wife, the former 11bthColbert; three daught- ers and six sons. One son, Gerald resides in Orono. Local News Miss Sally Staples, Aima Col- lege spent the weekend V-411 hir parents Mr. and Mrs. Donald Staples and amiiy. Mr. and Mis. Chas. Cooper are both patients in the Bocmanville HospitaL Mrý. Carlos 'Tamblyn cas taken to Bodman,11vîlle Mvemnorial Hospit- ai on Monday last. Mrr. an-d Mrs. C. Billings, M rs. Il. *aiteyvisited 0on Sunday with Mr. and iMrS. Gelorge Cole, Por-t Mfr. and Mrs. Mel Dowas are spendîing tbree weeks with relat- tives ýin, California. Mr- and Mrs. Junior West are spending holidays in Florida. Mr. and NMrs. Orville Chatter- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. D)ouglasý Allia visited iin Sault Ste Marie over the weekend., Mr. Douglas Moffat,' University of Guelph sPent the weekend wihMr. and Mrs. J. D. Moffat, Blain and Ian. Raddisson and Groselliers and how they fouad ed the great Hud- son Bay Company. In Science grade 5's have been studying Constellations. Every- body mfade a project and ba nded it in. This study was immensely enjoyed by most of the grade 5 pupils. The grade 4 had their assem- bly on Friday, January 29th. It wac very successful and enjoy- able. It consisted of riddles, jokes and plays. On rainy days grade 3 play, bingo at recess. Editor - BonnieDunlop Ass's Editor - Edward Clark UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastora~l Minister Ný 'It ,Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1970 Orono United Church- Sunday School at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 am. SundaY School at 11:00 i~~~ SI fCir se SNOW SUITS and JAKTS Big reductions- in ai l childre ns Snowsnits and Jackets, Ail sizes fromn 12 months to 16 years. Reg. $7.98 SALE PRICE- $5.49 Reg. $10.95 SALE PRICE- $7.29 Reg. $12.95 SALE PRICE S 8.75 CORDUROY JODPH URS Llned cordnroy Jodpurs la pinjk, bine and red. Sizes 12 and 24, months. Reg. $2.98 Reg. $2.98 SALE .. $1.98 BOY'S VESTS Sleeveless cotton Vests in sizes 4, 6, 8 and 14 years. Reg. 85c' Reg. 85e SALE PRICE 45e BOY'S SPORT JACKETS 2 only, tweed Jackets both in size 6 years. Reg. $6.95 Reg. $6.95 , SALE .. $3.75 TURTLE NECK SWEATE1ÜS Orlon turtle-neck Sweaters with long steeves for boys or girls. Navy and red. Sizes 4 to 6x years. Reg. 3.95 Réýg.; $3i95 SA'LE ... $2.75 ~only, two-tone turtie neck Pull- overà hbr boys, sizes 4 and 6 years. Reg. 4.25 Reg. $4.25 SALE ... $2.98 BOU'S SUITS Boys' pants with knitted shirts to match. Navy and. brown., Sizes 2 to 6x yrs. Reg. $3.95 Reg $3.95 SALE ... $2.75 GMRLS DRESSES and PANT SUITS 25% reduction in ail girls' dresses, jumpers and pant suits. Bargains in children's headwear, T.shirts and socks. ARMSTRONGS e. I mn M Mrs. Milton Green and Mr. Vance Allen attendedthe funeral sevcJanuary 30th- for their cousin, Mr. Norman Moffatt, whicb was held in the Chapel of Little Lake Cemetery, Peterboro. NOTICE D1T COLLECTION POINTS Ail resîdents of Northumberland-Durham Counties are asked to che ck their supplies of Pesticides. Please take ail products containing any DDT to one of the foliowing collection points BEFORýE FEBRUARY 8, 1970, Ail these supplies will -be dis- ROLPH HARDWARE Orono, Ontario Phione 983-5207 DX Service Stati'on Hlighiway 35 and 115, ' jst north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Produets -~ - ~ At The Most Reasonabie Prices Stove Où may be picked Up in any quantity 19.9e per gallo.n * Phonç 987-4215 DUIGREGULAR OFFICE HOURS NOTE: Do NOT put out in garbage Do NOT dispose of ii toiets Pack well to prevent, spiiiage Mark ALL parcels - DDT TOUJR CO-OPERATION NOW WILL HELP PREVENT POLLUTION IN THE FUTURE ........... . . -