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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Feb 1970, p. 6

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ORONOWEEKLY TIMES, THURSDA'V, FEBRUARV Sth, 1970 A report, number 4, by the Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd., Toronto, who are inves- tigating the possibllity of region- ai government within the IUJnited Couinties have filed a cunc1usiOei that thie United Counities coe.,~ formi a functional unit by most «citeria as a regional area. It was pointed eut, that Peter- ~borough, Belleville and Oshawa %I REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King St. W. BowmaniR*I «3-3393 Toronto 9Z3-0114 Port Hope office 885-4543 For promxpt, courteous, effici- ent service when buying or selling and for the kargest sel- ection of properties ini the ai-ca Contact Orono Aiea RepresentatiVes Roy Poster 983-5801 Dane Found 623-3965 Andy Sutch 983-91191 Roy StroIî 52 r il Reéthany Oxford 'I RICKLAYERus STONE ASO NS 983-5606 spneciallzlng in. ail kinds of STIONEWORK and FIREPLACES Wc aso do chimnev Reeairs As aareas would likely take in por- stions of the United Counties. The report noted that opinion varied in different sections of the Unit- ed Counties dependfin'g on their proximity to the three above Lmentioned areas. The report didi state thiere was a pesibýility 'that the Cobourg - Port Hor, ý area could grow faster and surpass the Peterborough ar- ea. It did however state that there was ne present signs that this was happening. In f&,rthier discuissing the Ce- bourg - Port Hope area die report stated that it \vas reJatively small and net near the province's re- gional criteria. In a cnldn paragranfh the report pointed out that the pop- ulation of ýNewceasl-e and Clarke Township wias uinder the 8,000 mark recommnended byv the Pro- vince as a lower-tier imunicipality "If miglit seem locgical ta attach these fwo municipalities with Darlingfon and Bowmanville. Local Museum? Someý interest has been shown inth municipality towards the establishmnilt of a'localmu". n this iatt a roequest wvas made te the Clarke, Library Board to set aside> space in their new pro- perty for such a purpose. The Library Board i5 110W in- terested in kno\ving, how wide- spread this interest may be be- fore taking any dcl mite action in rcserving space for a museum. flhose interested in takiný_ part in such a- project arc asked te contact Mies. Helen Schmid, Or- ST. SAVIOI ANGLICAN Established I1E Regular Sunday Wi Services - 9:30 Holy Communion- First and Third St Morning Frayer- Second and Fourth HfoI.y Baptism by app with Reétor 987-4 The Rev. H Robert 1 B.A., L.Th. HANK'S' BAR and Snack Bar Phone 983-520: Septic Tan service GENERAL PUMP] 24 HOUR SERVE~ LORNE HAR' Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-52( or 983-5728 Pass Skating Tests ln Orono A number of members of the Orono Skating Club were suc- cessfui in passing tests held in Orone lasf Sunday under thé aus- pices of the Canadian Figure Ska- ting Associ ation. Those passing their Prelîmin- ary, Figures were Paffi Lunn, Jo Ann Me.rcer and Margaret Mof- fat. Diane Boyd pased her First Figure while Craig Tennant pas- sed lis Second figure., In the, Junior, Bronze division Patti Lunn and Netta TaîsMa pas- sed their Fiesta Tango; Neffa Taîsma passed the Ten Fox; Tracy Stuf t and Mcridy Williams passed their Willow Waitz. In the Junior Silver Dance div- ision Craig Tennant passed the Rocker Fox Trot. Another set of tests will be heid sometime during mid March The carnivai this vear is 110w ex- pected to bc held on Mardi 20th and March 21sf, a Saturday even- ngand a Sunday afternoon. Locl Nw s Wednesday afternoon the Clarke Fire Departmien± wa~s called to a fire at the properfy of Mr. N. Lombarde, south side Highway No. 2 at theNo2- 115 intersec- tion. A barn on the property was destroyed along wlth some farm machinery. The property is be- ing rented by Mr. and Myrs. Rich- Rs ard Wilson. ýUR The firemen wcre called toe fire around 4.45 in the afternoon W9 and returned at 8.00 1).m. VorshipThe fire departmient's concern Torshî was in keeping the house safe from the barn fire. Both the ;andays Clarke Township and Newcastle .undays Fire Dejartments previded pro- Sunday tection for the living. dwelling. polntnient ART CLUB ---------------------- 4745 An Orono Art Club has been Rayne, formed with the first meeting f0 Haync, be held -on' Wednesday, February llth in the upstairs room in the ________Orono Hydre, Building. Weekly meetings are to be held each Wednesday evening. It is* understood that at least Tf/fffiftc'en local residents are infen- jEASE,1 ding f0 jein the' newly formed ouiLY club. A qualîfied instructor will assist the members in their >UTfr wrk associated with Art. EASE __________ DDT Disposai Final arrangements have been made for the collection and dis- -- posai of, DDT stocks 'at present being held by residents of Victor- (ER% y ia, Haliburon, Northumberland Medical Officer of Hleaifh of the Haliburten, KawAartha, Pine1 Ridge District Heait-h Unit and the pub-, lic health inispection staff. Dr. C. M. Horner,,foliowing jcollection of exisfing supplies of k IDDT, arrangemePnts wiil be made J for disposai by burial, in accor- dancue with the advice of the On- tarie Deparfmenf of Healfh and Waste Management, Department IGof EnergyanReurs Manage- [NG ment. CE It is agaîn stressed thaf under DY no condition should DDT be dis- DY osed af in toilef s'-or household > garbage. *6 .An advertisement in thspaper lists the collection p)oints for thl'; - area, and ail residents arc asked e Littie Future 0f U ited Junior- 1The First Book of Electricity by Sam and Beryl Epstein Punch and Judy by Ed Ember- iey (p play for Puppets) Iligh Courage by C. W. Ander- son The Basebaîl Trick by Scott Corbett. Easy Readiiîg and. Picture Books Josie's Buttercup by Evaline Ness Spring is a New Beginning by Joan Walsh Anglund Abu Kassim's Slippers by Nancy Green (an Arabian tale re-told). Black Black Beautiful Black by Rose Blue. Olga BEa4uchamp ICorne see the beaue chýo*,e fi 1970 snowmob fies Choose the modet right for you. For the man who wants, Iuxury, there's Ski-Doo Nordic. For the mýan who likees hie action fast, there's Ski-Doo T'NT. And for the men who wants more than one Skl-Doo, there's the Iowpvriced Olympique 12/3. But don't wait too long. Better deal now for best choice, W s 7 the slgr0te tîfnest snowmtbiqs, sportswear, accessories, I8f~,U parts and service.. Ski -D oo. -4 n31 -. Orono Fuel.-& Lumber Ltd. ORONO, ONT. PHONE 9834167 Wvvillia'M C. Hall, B., COMM. Chartered- Accoudtant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday SKI DOOING? STOP IN AT NOONE'S RESTAURANT for Breakfast or Lunch Hundreds of miles of good Ski-Doo Country at our door step SPECIAL RATES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Make this your lleadquarters MÉET ALL VOUR FRIENDS AT Noone's Mote- ReTarn Phone c583-5536 11/ miles north of Kirby on Highway 15 ~ee NEW BOOKS FEBRUARY 5, '70 Adut- The Land and People of Ice- land by Erick Berry Birds Beasts and Relatives, by Gerald Durrell My Dearest Love by Emilie Loring, Breakfast With The Nikolides by Rumer Godden (a first rate novel) to co-operate by taking their sup- ply to the most convenient loca- tion, as soon'as possible. We wish to thank the individual, muivYi;,nl eouncils and others involved in this project, for their co-opera- tion. eional Area Up And Down The Book Stacks LYLE WEST ELECTRIC Oroio : 983-5962' Quality Electrical iIeating and Lighting insalatinsand Repaire by Ceritified Electric ians

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