ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1970 See MillSOu Insurance ASl classes of personal 11 amd Commercial Coverazes Office: Mis St., Oros.* Rois. 943-5754 Gord Simpson PHONE 983-MR8 Oroue, Ontari, PAINTING CARPENTRY. REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIES Interior Exterier CHARLES REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and' Furniture Sales Cofflult me for ternis and dates PJIONE ORONO 993-5914 FomIIy emoriafs Our quality and ser-vice fraves nothing to be desfred AM the perrs<on who bought froni m,, a neigiebouir, friend or rélative Thw RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display in Sothera Ontario 'w ATON'SMarine!I Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATSI Allouette Snow Mobiles fMcCulirch CHAIN SAWSj . gepairs to. ail makes of Lawn I I owers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues OTACO PLOW îPOINTS i AND MACHINERY f LYCE Plumbinz ,TT Heating i JNON& m8 I.) 8 y IPLUMBIING and HEATING- I Saes and Servie h4 HOUR BURNER SERVICEz GULF FINANCING ILew Interest Ratezo Tyrmae 243-3ffl I OvileChattertonJ j 4lectrical Contractinir ii and Service 1 PHONE 983-5546 or 913.5944 Orono. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC, II.rb ad Gerrv Duvail "83_518 ELICTICAL CONTRACrING BLECTRIC HEATING ELECTRIÇAL APPLIANCES TV. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - 1H-FI FRIGIDAIRE.- 1&C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- iHamiîttnsI I Insurance Service: î Life j is Package Ldei lde mamlBond FlersMrnoras one 983-5115ac 1FOR RENT One bedroom apartmnentf for rent. $9000 per month: cludes heat and hydro, frig. a stove. Phone -983-5542. FOR SL 1964 L'aurentialn Pontiac, good dlean condition. Phone 983-5630. ý HELP WANTED Full time help wanted, female, athe Royal Lunch, highway 115. Phone 987-4215. a-p HELP WANTED Would you like to work as a food saleslady, hostess in an a- bove average food business? Full tîme in the summer and f ail, part time durâng the rest of the year? If you have a pleasing person- alitY, like to serve, people; are neat, honest and- in return want wages and good tips, PHONE 983-5560 for an interview. Experience not necessary. Transportation may be provided, if and when necessary. b-c ORONO ART CLASS Art classes wili begin Wednes- day, February llth at 7:00 p.m.- in the Municipal Building up- stairs). For further information phone 983 5664 or 983-5642. a-c AT TENTION H1ORTICULTURAL MEMBERS Bus trip to 'Kýeefecentre on~ 1a ~ AyIl 1'h 0othe Toronto Garden ('1ub Show. Contaict Ms A., MrGill for tick- ets. Thesc cdust- be paid for byý Februar-y '28. Buts fare $2.00. a-c Orono Landsi.,caping,, GaMNen Ser- vice and Sriôw Pkvwing. Phone 93598.t-f THE ACRES RESTAURANT BOWMANVILLE, R.R. 4 On Saturday, all the Fisgh and O0hips you can eat for .99,c at the Acres Restauriant,. t-f ID. ROGERSON j ORONO, ONTARIO I WE BUY AND SELL fOld Glass, China, Pýine Articles I Toy& and 0Oddiics I IF IT'S OLD.. I CALL USI WE PA,%Y CASH j Phone 623-5342 after 6 p.m. RE ALTOR 99King St., E. BOWMANVILLE Whes, Bnylîg or Çenlahg ceau WnILF HAWlmKEII YOUR ORONO AIEA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and DH.- triet Real Estate Board CARD 0F THANKS for in- I wiSh to express my sincere and appreciation for the many cýrds, kind enquiries, flowers, visits and a-c j ansportation during my stay in St. Jose_,h's Hospital, Peterbor- ough, and since my return home.' inAima Cutteli - b-p ATreat fer ye, Faîcy Quality Red Delitious, Macintosh and Spys. aiso FRESH CIDER ICIE CRE4M Fred's Fruit Market Highway 115, southo of Orono Callyour lloensdPluznbinq& M.c.banlcal Contractor Who ScIls, lkutalh apd Iwantur C-ARMAN 1'LUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Oromo Oronoî Building' -Contracter [ Brick - Bleck - Concrete Stone Work Car-nentry- Cabinet Work S Floors Ile NOTICE Dr. P. 1. Maartense mdili. not be- in his office February 6 through- February 20 inclusive. APPLICATIONS WANTED Written Applications will' b& receiveci by, the undersigned 'until. nooii February '16th for the. pos-- ition of by-l 'aw enforcement offic- er for the Police Village of Oronoý which would include traffic con- trol, and/or dog control. Appli- cants may apply for either or bpth. of these pos itions. Al 'applicatiope, will be deait with in confiqence., lime and remuneration to be dis-- cussed with applicant. Edward R. Woodyavck Secîetary,ý Police Villame of -Orono- b-e BIRTH ROGERSON-Craig and Tjabina, (nee Knoop) ,are proud to an- nounce the arrivai of their- d aug.hter Jenny Elizabeth, 8 lbs. 21 oz. on February 3rd, 1970.'A sister for Duane. Thanks to Dr. Brown. a-p.ý BIRTII *BURNETT-Dr. and Mrs. T. C' (Bud) Burnett (nee MarIene Graham) arc happy to announeci the birth ' of their daughter,. Lis& Joy, on January 6, 1970 at Civie- Hospital, Peterboroughi, Ont. A. sister.for Patricia and--Marjiorie,. M<AR RIAGE mr. aiid Mrs. Stanley Bail1, RR, '2, Orono, vish to aninounce the- nmarriage of their daug__hter Carol Joy to MWr. Clarence Asseltine, Son of 14r., and Mrs. Clarence Asseltine, Whiýtby on Saturday, January ;3lst,, in OronoI United, Church. a- DIED BUCKLËY, iJohn Louis-At St. Joseph's Hlospital, Peterborough, Onltario, on. Tuesday, February, 3rd, 1970 John'Louis Buckley of' Peterborugh in his 92nd year., Husband'of the late Maude Buck- ley and dear father of John of' Peterborough; Charles of Toron- toý and Bill of Kitchener. Resting at the Barlow Funeral Home, Park St., Qrono for service on Thursday, February 5th at 2 p. Interment Orono Cemetery. PIJMPING OUJT SRPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkina ftme. 78-2552 t- - v uý 1 l-