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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Feb 1970, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLYMTMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 1970 ORONO Dîï,WEEKXLY T IMEý i 1 ia~Mail on umber 0368 ,bz e eyry nttot (iJe of publîc-latioli MaËn Street, Orono, OntaBio. Phone D83-5301 L~ET'S START HOMEWORK ON REGION SET-UP NOW Mayor William LeGros of Ajax-, ike so nmany in the district, admits his vision of the regional governmiient pic- ture is blurred. Too many of the big questions can't be answered at least until completion of the distnict study, hie says, and Pdds: "The answers may be delayed until after the region is laid out." His recent comments did much to re-emphiasize the confrsion that currently exists. Once favorable to an Oshawa-based regional govrnment set-up for hîs commun- ity, he now has misgivings about suci a miove. The town is 1leaning toward a Metro merger because it knows far more about it than iL does about Oshawa, hie says. Several parts of the study demand further investigation, he added. It would appear these answers will not be available in suffic- ient detail at the time a decision is required on the study recommendations. If the provincial government casts Ajax in the Osh- ,awa region, Mayor LeGros would wisely fîght for a five- borough system. Ajax and Pickering would be two separate boroughs to balance Oshawa. Other boroughs would be Whitby, 'Oshawa, plus the East Whitby area to the north and Durham. 1His counicil and planning board members will soon launch a public information program on regional govern- ient by visiting service clubs and other organizations. TJiis is sound policy, but alone it will not supply the need if the publie is to be kept reasonahly well informed. Public meetings - such as the one scheduled for Oshawa counicil chamber Feb. 23 at 8 p.m. - are also need- âd. True, as Mr. LeGros points out,,the public will not be too well informed by that date. But if can make a reason- able assessment of phase one of the district study and the elected representatives will be around to answer at least some of the onestions. If these publiç meetings are ail to be held in a cluster next summer they will defeat their purpose- There will just be too much information to be ab- sorbed in too short a time. -The Oshawa Times BENSON'S WHITE PAPER The Federal White Paper on tax niform is surely get- ting a combing froni almost ail sectors of the country. Thi_ý was predictable because anytime any government widens lthe ta.x basis or increases taxation as they propose in the White Paper, ail affected parties aire, going to holier. Mýembers of thec Ontario Provincial Cabinet are pre- dicting gloom- if al proposals are eventually îhrought into law. The business sector, facing an increased corporation tax are also on the defensive andorganizations are spring- îng up in opposition to increased taxation-in the mriddle in- come bracket as well as those who feel they will be ad- versely affected by a capital gains tax. There is no doubt that there are some areas, where modification'in the White Paper is necessary and will, in ail lîkelihood, be made. The White Paper. is a new ve4ture in proposing change in taxatioil and has given the nra public an opportunity to participate in this changenel would suspect that Mr. Benson, knowing that change was necessary, did institute the White Paper not only as a pro- posai but also a vehicle from which hie could j udge the temper of the country to this change. There 15 1no doubt that sopne of the opposition to the White Paper is based on logical thinking but there is a lot of irreý ponsible- discuýý,ssion being distibuted and is only ad- ding to confusion, misrepresentation and ill-feeling. Conflicting reports are the order of the day as dis- played when Ontario Trueasurer -Charles McNýaughton stat- ed that 'the White, Paper proposais would double the in- crease intaxation to that predicted. Such statexnents must be. cleared up because either McNaughton or ]Renson is wrong. To thiis end the two are tio meet to reconcile their figures but aready Benson dlaims hie bas found a $200 mil- lion error in McNaughton's figures and presently the Ont- ario government is asking for a delay in this meeting. The White Paper proïosals are such as to extend the tax basis to gain further tax revenue and to tax some areasi which have in the past been given relief. Capital gains is just such an area and we do believe that a start must be - qade in this area to, extend the tax basis in order ta level out the taxing program. This will be necessary if goveril- ments extend their social programs as they are and wîll continue- to do. Taxation will be, with us for a long tîme and we- will see a number of changes'as this tîme evolves. The Whitq, 1 -laper proposai is such a change and one in which an en- deavour is being made to broaden the, tax basis and .to ex- tend a fairer spread of this basis throughout our present4 day society. (iarke' Drama Festival The fourth annual Clarke High School Drama Festival was held at the sehool last Friday when a total of eleven individual plays were in competition. Each class from grade 9 to and including grade ý12 were iinvoled with a play in the competition, This ina- voled: a good majority of the stu- dents in the sehool both on and off the stage. Mr. M. De Sourdy of the Ryer- son Institute, Toronto, was the adjudicator. Grade 12B was the winner of fie competition presenting an The Orono Midget hockey team olitscored an Oshawa team by a score of 3-2 on Friday 'eve-ing at the Orono rink. Randy Easta- brooke, Ken Partnidge and Bob Tennant were the local scorers with assists going to Robin Win- ter, Ken Partridge and Steven Boyd. Bantams Win The Orono Bantams took a de- cisive victory over a Bowmanville team last Friday, 6-i. Ed Stec and Warren Johnston counted four of the six goals with each scoring two. The other goals Ted R9binson. Assists went to were counted by Stephen Cox and Mark Carman, Clfford Fee, Ran- dy Nàxon and two to Steve Allen. Tykes Win V'he Orono Tykes took a 3-2 win over .aBowmanvîlle team on Friday nîght with the Orono goals going to John West, Ron- nie Taîsma and Michael Mitchel. Michael Mitchel also gained two assists on the other two goals. David Hutton and Preston Long also were in the assist depart- ment. This same club travelled to MllbrÔok Saturday morning and took a donnybrook in a 10-0 vie- tory, over the Millbrook Tykes. David Hutton scored two of, the ten goals with single counters to Tom Gustar, John West, Ron Tal- sr#-a, Ross Stutt, Bob Myles, Stev- en Clarke, Billy Clark and Mich- ael- Mitchel. Tommy Gustar and Ross Stutt both claimed two as- sists with John West, Ron Taîsma David Hutton, Billy Clark and Danny Mitchell picking up one a piece. Orono Atoms Win Two The Orono Atoms weqre unde- featefl over the_ weekendc when they defeated Aiillbi'ook Friday niglt in Oronio 5-0 and -ewcaistle 3-1 i onSaturday. Scott West scor- cd two goals againsýt Millbrook yvith assists on both to Matthew Robinson., The other goals were by Peter Boots, Charles Quantrili and Davi.d Webstel. Charles Quantrili lead the Or- ono team against Newcastle with two goals and assisted on the third goafl by Doug Hancock. David Webster- assisted on one of the Quantrill goals., Pee Wees Win The Orono Pee Wccs held up the record of the Orono teams and defeated Newcastle 3-0 on Satuýday. Robbie Henderson, Chris Robinsorn and Ed Clark were the goal getters with assists to Barry West, Nicky 'van Seggel- en and Jim Estabrook. 'Epiloque from Saint Joan by G. Bernard Shaw. Those in the cast Were ,-Caroline Johnson, 'Angela Chard, Jerry Murphy,! Gary Van Overloop, Ralph Barnett, Frank Ciesielskî, Erilie Wilcock, Julia Neal, Grace Hloîstage, Harry De Jo-ige, Hans Lugtenburg and Heather Hbar. This winning, play will compete with others outside of' the Clarke SclýooI which comPetition will be held in the near future in Co- bourg. Rivalry in the festival was keen and students did enter the festi- val with vigor. The grade 12A play placed se- cond in the competition. Grade 12B also> produced the best actress of the festival when Caroline Johnson took this hon- our. Theo es upotig cres OPP Report The Newcastle Detachment of the, Ontario Provincial Police dyring the, week of February lst to 7th, 1970, investigated 15 mo- tor vehicle collisions in which 6 persons were charged. However, we are happy to report that no mne suffered personal injuries. Also investigation dttring the same period of time were 42 Gen- eral occurrences. Three of these occurrences resulted in loss of property by theft. One person has been charged with a criminal code offence. Know The Law Many drivers, being in a hurry, often forget to obey a stop sign, and as a result, creep through an intersection, without bringing their vehicle to a full stop. Don't forget that the police are on the lookout for this type of offence. Section 64 (a) Highway Traf- fie Act states that: the driver of a vehicle, upon apprpaching a stop sign at an intersection, shahl bring the vehicle to a, full stop immediately before entering the intersection, and shall yield the right of way to ail traffie ap- proaching the intersection. from the opposite direction. Failure to obey this law could result in a fine of flot less than $20.00 and not more than $100.07. D riving Tip One of the problems of winter driving is road splash. Make sure you always wipe road splash, off headlights, windshield and wind- ows. Road splash can eut head- light efficiency way down. Make it a- rule to ,cean road splash off your headlights before and after every tnip. See Better, be seen better, and be safer! FOR VOUR VALENTINE Boxed Chocolates, Watches, and otherftimely Gifts MAIS O'BILLIARDS an'd Barbershop Orono, ont. Phone 983-5310 Continentalsun and STEAM BATH GENTLE MEN ... We havé a, Sauna and Whirl- pool ready f or," your use. Dr>p in and give tliem a fry Group Rates Avalable Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m.i a.m. Sun. 8 a.m. ipa. 16A ONTARIO STREET 728-2460 OSHIAWA Clarke Public LI"lBR AR Ym HOURS OPEN:, 'luesday 6:30 8 :30 TFhursday 6:20 - 8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5, 6:30 - 8:20 satirday 10:00> -12:00 am. k I h TOMS & Sonis L THÉ FASHIION STORE FOR TUE WHOLE FAMILY NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO LADY GALT 3 and 4 ply BIend of Wool COR VAL and NYLON 3 halls for $1.00 1 oz. bails Many colours to choose front Cettons BY THE YARD, plain colors and Prints LADIES' and GIRL'S AlI-Wethr Coats 50c 25% Off MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS and White Dress Shirts Regular price $5.95 $2o989,2 fer $5 COLOUR Reg. 95 Dress Shirt & lie New $6095 OrPono Hîocke'y Note

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