ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, FEBRUAýRY, l2th, 1970 Nixon In Opposition For Ail Occasion We supply flowers for ail occasions including Hospi- tal arrangements, weddings, fanerais, gifts etc. We would be pleased to have you visit our show rotom at the nursery where, a complete Uine of plants are always available. PHIONE 623-5757, Vau Belie Gardens Ilighway No. 2, West of Bowmanville Specially Selected - Tender Young - Tenderloîin Portion 3 te 31,/' lb avg. 'LOIN 'O' P 3RK lb. 780 By the Piece - Mild Seasoned EciSSEX BOLOGNA lb. 38 Mlild Seasoned ESSEX WIENERS lb. 58e Hot-Buns 39cLUNCHEON MEATS 16 oz. pkg. 78c Reg. $1.05! 10e off pack Instant Chocolate NESTLES QUICK 2 lb. 79C Twinle Assorted 2 Packet Packs CAKE MIXES save 7c 49c Save 4c!- Save-AUl Waxed Poper 100 ft. 35c Feature! - Evaporated Tali Tins Carnation Milk 2 for 33c Save 4c! - Macaroni , 1/ oz. Pkgs. KRAFT DINNERS 2 for 3.1c Reg. 20c! . ,Freeze dried Instant Coffee TASTERS CHOICE $1.09 White Swan- Save 50c! Facial Tissue 4, pkgs. $1 Rey. $2.09 Value! - 25c off pack King Size Tide XK $1.69 Chef n' Maid - Jumnbo FR&"ENCH" FRIES 4 IL. bagonly 79c Save 35c Red and White LOOK! First Grade Creamery 24 -oz. Loaves5fo$1I67 co IT POLLUTION CONTROL:: Conservative Election Propaganda Pollution Control should re- ceive the saine priority in the 70's that education did in the 60's but clearly the Conservative Gov- erilment je flot. prepared to do this. Just before the last provincial election, the Conservative Gov- ernment' intro duced anti-pollu- tion legielation as a vote-getter. llowever, the goverilment b.ad no Wnention of allowing it to bc- corne law. At the time when former Health Minister. Dr. Matthew Dymond, introduced Bill 71j, whicb clearly sets out a program of provincial responsibility for control and licensing 'of disposai dumps with related Penalties for offenders, Elmer Sopha (Sud- bury) rose on a Point of order and said, .11 submnit to you, Sir (Speaker), that you are permit- ting the Minister in doing what he ils doingto read whiat je in cf- feet, an election document. It is doubtfl. if one reads the specu- lation in the press that this xill ever bp called for Fecond read- in7." (P. 1881 Hansard). A fter Mi-, Sopha termed the, bill a 'partisan document', lic later asked, "Mr. Speaker, may, we hear whether ibis will be pas- sed into laxv before the end of this session?" And Dr. Dymond, rcplicd,' 'n uitile more time to gct on xith the business of the bouse, -I think it xill be passed into lax." (P. 1882, Ransard), Not only did the bill receive second reading, but it got third readling aswl, and at the time Jijim Trotter (Parkdale) express- es our concern thiat thie bill wouîd not be proclainied when lie said, -'And again 1 point out the %veakness - it does not becomte et have better been spent on a campaign to inform the publie of the, harmful effects of phos- pbates. I'm sure that mýany radio and T.. stations would carry anti- pollution commerciale as a pub-. lic service. RESTAURAN.T Hghway 115 and 35 'A mile south of(rono Specializing ini Pizund fective until a day namcd by the Lieutenant Governo-. How long that xviii be, we do not know and it is a problemn that we in the Op- position are highly ýconccrned about. (P. 2135 Ilansard). On first reading Dr. Dymond said, "With the enactmnent of this bill and of the regulations, Ont- ario xii have legîsiation whicli in more advanced, in many re- spects, tban any in the other prov- inces of Canada and indeed, tha 'n in most of the United States.,, Perh-y'-- hat is truc. However, we neyer found out,ý because the bill was neyer proclaimed and it appears it neyer xviii be. If the government xvas really serious a.bout Pollution abate- ment it wvould havc proclaimed this act which was , 'impoc d to mhake Ontaripi a leader in pollu- tion control. N',ow that this billlias gathered dust for th~e past tbree y, ars, George Kerr, a new Minister re' sponsible for pollution, lias an- nounced plans to introduce a bill Inter this month, which according to press reports, provcdes for Provincial responsibility for. con- trol and licensing of disposai dumps with- related penalties for off nders. Unknown' to Mr. Kerr and bi's advisers, lie bas resurrec- ted eseentially the old lill 71 (1967). I cannot think of a clear- er demionstration of'titis govern- 'nent's inability to present a strong and co-ordinated effort against Pollution. Imust say tbat I amrn nt con- vinced that the proposed legisla- tion, as described in nexvspaper reports, le tbe ansxver. On another matter xve. must face uIp to the question of phos- phaâtes. The deelsion le wbiethier xve want shirts that glisten or a gstning Lake Onit.ario, andI,1 believe the people are reary to make tbe sacrifice of a littie whiteness for a 'Lake Ontar~ in, xvhicb you can sxvim agaiin. People everywhere have been asking me xvbat they 'can do to stop pollution. Stop buying deter- gents with higb phosphate con- centrations and xvriting protest letters to ttie maniufarturers are txvo xvays. But I believe that there sbould be strict regulations governing the -sale of synthetic detergents in thîis province, xhich xvould make it an offence to man- ufacture, advertise, seil or distrili- ute any idetergent unless it le pro.ved by govermment stand- ards to be at least 80% biode- gradable. Tbe government spent more than $61 million on advertîsing iast year - more than haîf a mil- lion dollars was wasted on. a pointcess advertising campaign on OHSIP alone. Certainly that money could Phone 983-5240 Oreme AIbert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIES Remember Her (or Hlm), on Sateurdy ebu Say i-t lvih arloe ad STUTT'S PHARMACY Phione 983-5009 Oron o int. Candies Phone 983-5242 ORONO, ONT. Red and White 6 to pk: Now Is Thse Tinte! -~To Order Your Phone' 668-3341 -CoBlect ON DX PREMIUM QIJALITY FUEL OIL Cali Us Today For Prompt, Courteous Service 1 r reserve the right to limit quantities Phone 983-5201, Orono, ont. ýu