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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Feb 1970, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l2th, 1970 R eport From Queen 's Park Alex Carruthers, MPP, Durham Bevisions to the Election Act. When the voters or Ontario go to the poils at the next provincial election, they will bce made a- ware of 'a number of changes lu the electoral process, particularly as they pertain to the ballot. The changes nesult fromn rec- ommendations submitted t.,) the Ontario legislature by the Select Committee on Election Laws un- der the chairmanship of Mr. Ed- ward Dunlop, M.P.P.,' Forest 11111., The committee of whicli 1 have the priviiege e ca -memiber, has been sitting between ~sin of the legislature for the past two years, and a large niumber of its recommendations have ai- ready been translated int draft legislation. These include the following: (a) Provisions'for the appoint- ment of permanent provincial, re- turning officers'. (b) Abolition of Election Boards and their few remaining functions assigned to returning officers or to the chief Election Officer for the province. (c) Piovision for a> fixed day of the weel. for nomination day and election day, Thursday is be- lng recommended. (d) Removal of the present section of the Election Act, dis- qualifying judges and crown at- torneys - fromn voting aI provincial elections. (e) Provision for extension of proxy voting to members of the armed forces, workers lu the transportation industry, and per- sons medîcarly certified as being incapable of attending the poli. (f) Provision for enumeration by two,,enumerators of opp6sed politicai interesîs in ail polling Jubdivisions. (g) A new format for the b)allot in which the naines of the candi- dtswill appear lu white on black background with white cir- cles ilu whichIlie voter wiii iu- dîcate lis choice. (hi) Tlie elimination of voucli- ing lu most elecloral districts. (i) Extension of provisions for voters at the advance p)oli. (j) The eliminalion of provis- ions against certain offeénces and corrupt practices whicli actually are relevaiit to the days before ,the secvet ballot. The committee is now involved iu tlie consideration of a numrber ,of other important, factors and proposais related to election prac- tices. The most significant of these are lisîed as followsý (1) The registration of, voters lu place of enumeration witli more responsibility piaced or the voter 10 ensure his riglil Ic vote. (2) The reduction of the votini age to eighteen or nineteen. lation governs the financing of el- ections by candidates and their supporters. (2) Vancouver, where both en- umeration and registration, are used in compiling provincial vot- ers' lists, and where extensive absentee voting is permitted. (3) Portland, Oregon, where a unique system of registration is used whereby voluntary registra- tion. is carried out through vani- lbus public facilities sucli as sehools, municipal offices, fý.ye stations etc. at a moderate cost. Voters lu Oregon register their vote by meansof a special stamp, and the votes counted very rapid- ly by automatic equipment. (4) Los Angeles County. where an elaborate system of registra- tion is used, and where' voting is by means of a punch card and the votes counted by automatic equipment. Discussions with election offic- iais and elected members of pro- vincial, state, and national gov- ernments on these visits .have en- abled the members of the com» mittee to weigh the pros and cons of the varions matters now being considered and a review of these at the next meetings should re- suit in recommendations thal are applicable to the province and lu the best interests of oui ctizens. Report Fro.mâî Ottawa P;issell C. Honey, Q.C. MV.P., Northumberland - Durham This week the Minister of In- dian Affairs and Northern Devel- opmnent, the Honourable Jean Chrétien, announced that the gov- ernment will invest an additional $13.5 million in- Panarctic Oil Ltd. Pananctic is an interestinig ex- ample of goverumllenit participa- tion with pivate indlustry tode- velop Qanada's natural resources and maintain them lu Canadian ownership. Geologists estimate that Can ada's Arctic Islands, the MackeI zie Delta and offshore region con tains 50 million barrels of pet roleum. This is probably thE greatest unexplored area of of reserves lu the world. The cost of exploring and drill ing lu this area is extremeiy hlgh A few years ago it became appar eut that only. the large ier national oil companies could af ford to explore this vast areao oil. Small, independent Canadiai oil companies we re not able t( compete. ic To sol"e this problem Panarec icwas formed. The goverumen put up $9,000,000' to complemen the $11,000,000 raised by a cor sortium-which included leadin, Canadian ohl and, mining compar les. In returu f or this participa- tion of 45 per cent in the first stage of Panarctic's exploration program costing $20,000,000, the people of Canada, througli the Government, heid 45 percent of the common shares and 45 per cent of the preferred shares then issLed by the company. The Departmeflt of Indian Af- fairs and Northern Development adm; nîsters -the expioring per- mits and leases in this area. Pan- arctic presently hoids leases upon about 50 per cent of the area. Shares je, Panaretie have i ncreas- ed many times in value. Through the government's investment in Panarctic every Canadian has a share in the company. Panarctic lias also ensured 'Canadians Ithat Canadian. companies will play a big part in the development of the Aretie. FINE RIDGE CARNI VAL QUEEN CHOSEN * A pretty 16-year-old Grade 12 -student at Bowmanville Hgli 3Sehool was chosen Queen of tlie first Pine Ridge Winter Carnival. Tlie competition was staged in -the Hamilton township village of t Bewdley on the soutliwest corner c of Rice Lake during a mild clear. * niglit. MViss Joanne- Therleli, dauglter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thertell Of 6 Anu St., Bowmanvilie, was Isetected queen from among 10 contestants durine a carnival dance at the Bewdley legion hlal. She was chosen by a panel of -judges comprisiflg Hope township --reeve Gondon Carrulliers, Deputy n1 reeve Orvilie Mann and council- v-lors Murray Archer, Lloyd Wii- Il liams, Elgin Cochrane and Bert Is Hoffman. She is lu a five year arts and science program, is a member of th-e, irls' athleîic as- &_sociation andclieer leader. ýs Miss Therteil was crownied by ýn Hlerbert E. Hoffmann, a tourist -endustry officer with tlie tourist n-industrY deparîment of tourism n-and information. A close runner- n-up was Deborali Acker of Brigt- on, Ontario, a student at East te Nothumbeland secondary school dl Miss Therteli was presented I- complimentary gifts from mer- h., chants in Bewdley, Cobourg, Pet- r- erborougli and Port Hope includ- ýr ing a -wristwaîch, two cosmetic if. kits, gîft certificales, a case of of polato chips and a case of soft n drinks. t- Denis Fnetr manager of rt the Great, Pine Ridge Festival nt said Miss Tliertell wiii represent on- the Great Pine Ridge during the ng year at the Great Pine Ridge Fes- tn- Itival of the Arts lu Newcastle, the Port Hope Fail Fair, the Co- bourg Horse Show and the Co- bourg Highland Games. Mr. Forrester said Miss Great Pine Ridge would be introduced to the directors in April at their annuai meetiing. Hie told the.- dance hall audience there was a chance she miglit represent the> Great Pine Ridge Council at the Quebec Winter Carnival next- year if the directors approved it- The, RIGN-T-WEIGHT' UIGHTWEUGHT chain saw with more power tQ get the job done!. The Pioneer 2200 saws are the ideal lightweights. The New single ring big power piston coribined with Pioneers lightweight guide bar and 3/8" pitch chain give you 20% faster culting. The 2270 model has ail weather automatic oiling for longer bar and chain lite. Ask your dealer today! TEP1ION", 1EER 2200 SERIES Romlph Hardware Ltd. CHAIN SAWS Main Street Orono, Ontario (3) The 1,se of mechanical forms of balioting (voting mach- ines, etc.) (4) The limitation of elçcîion expenses by candidates and their workers and the disclosure of ei- ection> contributions and fina3Qc- ing on the part of candidates. (5) Compulsory 'voting. (6) Absentee voting. (7) Advertising and canvassiig by the caididate and workers on eleclion day. (8) Trhe location and designa- tion of, poling places. (9) Thie factors dçtermining an electoral district and poling subdivision. (10) The qualifications o f vot- ens partîculariy as they pertain to racial origin and length .of res- idence lu the country. 'In order 10 obtain a thorough. knowledge of the above proposais members of the committee ne- cently visitcd the foilowing jur- Msictions and cities. (1) Quebec, wliere the voting age bas been reduced to eiglteen, and where very stingent legis- I I y I i~- Township 0f Cla rke Application for Warble FIy Inspector Applications, for Warble Fly Inspector for the year 1970 will be received bv the undersigned Up to and includîng February 20, 1970. Applicants te state remuneration expected. Duties to commence March 2, 1970. H. DeWITH, Clerk, Township of Clarke, Box 219, Orono, Ontario. m. TO LIVEN UP LENTEN'MEALS; COTTAGE CHEESE On Scale-f FEBRUARY 12-28 Ilb. platin, reg. 39c Now.:32CSave 7c 1 lb. pineapple ,reg.:41c Now 34C Save 7c DELIVERED TO VOUR DOOR OR AT VOUR DAIRY STORE if I's GE R A E It's Il -Z-'ý

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