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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Feb 1970, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY- 12th, 1970 ___ Kendal News The funeral of Mr. Percy Haw- thorne took place in Peterbor- ough on January 30, 1970. H1e came. as a very small lad to Ken- dal after the death of bis parents. He lived with has aunt and unele Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong. 11e received bis public school edu- cation in Kendal. His aunt left him -the house, wben he would corne of age, where Mr. Carl Langstaff lives today. He mar- ried Miss Pearl Rowden and tbey lived in Kendal tili 1924. Then they rinoved to Port Hope and eventually to Peterboroueh where they have lived for 25 years. There were six children. One of bis sons gave bis life in World War IL. Sympathy is ex-' tended to bis wife and family. Kendal LOL. No. 405 beld their regular mneetipg on Febru- ary 4 with a good attendance of members end County of Durbam West officers. Rev. T. Snelgrove was the guest speaker. H1e gave a very in- teresting talk on "Brotberbood." The County Master Fred Grif- fin, spoke briefly, also I.P.C.M. Clarence Bradley, D.C.M. Russell Brown and several other mcm- bers of tbe County Lodge of Durham West. Mrs. Anne Fournier of Perth visited witb Mr. and Mrs. G. Catbcart, the past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. R. Brennan were glad to find tbeir car bad been left on a street in Toronto. It had been taken from their front yard. Last Sunday morning tbe Oromo School News Instead of having Valentine parties, a skating party bas been arranged for ail students. This wvdl t ýk" place Thursday, Febru- ary l2th from 1:00 - 3:00. The grade one's bave been pre- paring for Valentines Day by making Valentines. Apart from doing number stories witb seven, they bave been finger painting and modelling with dlay. Tbe grade 2's are making car- toon characters in art and are, learning to wnte. The grade 4's are fînisbing their study of transportation by land, water and air. Tbe grade 5's are mnakiing pen- guins from igbt bulbs and are still working witb their group projects on tbe North West Pas- sage Explorers. Grade 6 are studying Henry Hudson. The gr.ade 7 lassroom have bad two cblckens in their room for a month and a baîf and so far tbe cçickens bave laid 6 eggs. 'b Grade 8 did paper foldings and are displaying art work in the weather was perfect. Kendal choir sang "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer" witb Mrs. A, Foster at the organ. Rev. T. Snelgrove told tbe eblîdren about 'Lindy' wbo flew tbe 'Sprit of St. Louis' 3,610 miles in 331/2 hours to cross the Atlantic in a single engine plane. People called him "The Flving Fool". The world needs "Fools" wbo bave the courage to do great deeds today. O.M.H.A. PLAY DOWNS ORONOARENA Friday, Fàbruary 13 7.30 P.M. ORONO BANTAMS PICKEING Saturday, February 14 7:00 P.M. ORONO PEEWEES vs PICKERING Corne out and join in the support for Vour Home-town Club Local News Miss Anne Hodgetts, 4augbter of Prof. and Mrs. J. E. Hodgetts, pourcd at a Sunday tea given for frie-,nds at her parent's coun- cry hiome. Air. Cal-los Tamblyn returned boine on Sunday ftorn Memorial fio.,pîtal, Iowmanville. A goodly number from the Orono district, attended the show- ing of' "South Pacifie" in Bow- manville Town Hall last week. Total receipts from tbe produc- tion amountel to $4,600.00. After the last sbowing on Saturday night the cast was entertained at Tbe Flying Dutchman. A break-in occurred at tbe Curvply storage barn, corner of Mill and Main Street, when over $10000 worth of tools were stol- en, along witb wilful damage to contents and property. Mrs. and Mrs. Wm. Bunting at- tended a retirement Party for an employ ee at St. Williams on Fr1- day last. front bail. Grade 7 and 8 are organizing a chess club. Editor - Bonnie Dunflop Assistant Editor Clark. O M H A PLAYDOWNS The Orono Bantams pflay their second game with Pickering in the 0? 1-IA playdowns in Orono on Friday niglit at 7:30 p.m. The local Pe Wees play thcir this! second game in the OMHIA play-, downs against Pickering on Sat- urday night in the Orono Armna at 7:00 o'cloelr. Corne out and 'give these.boys your support! Edward Sp orts Reps. - Tom Moffat, An- na Ciesiepski, Susan Partridge. Grade 5 - Patti Lunn, Ian Mof- fat, Ken Irutton. Grade 6 - Cindy West Gr ade 7 - Jim Moffat Grade 8 - Gaîl Mrrison, Debra Heard. UNITED CHURCH O)rono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1970 Orono United Church- Sunday Sehool at,10:00 Service at 11:15 a.M. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 a.m. Sunday Sehool at 11:00 MEN'S SUITS Clearing ail of ýour Men's Suits at Hallf Price Dark Blue and Charcoal. Sïzes 36, 37, 38, 40, 44. Reg. $75.00 Sale,$75 Men's Coats Ail Men's Jackets and Top-Coats Men's, 3 only, Large size SNOWMOBILE SUITS ail one-thlrd 0ff Ail Men's Sport Shirts at Sport Shirts 50% Off Any dress at HALF 1 PRICE ARMSTRONG'S DX Service Station Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: I1Prerniurn Quality Pout At The Most iteasonable Prices Stove oil may be picked up in any quantity 19.9c per gallon fui Phone 987-4215 ROLPH HARDWARE Orono, Ontarîo Phone 983-52,07 Ladiîes' Sweaters 33% ýREDJJCTION on ail Pull- overs and Cardigans by 'a fam- ous maker. Be sure to see our Half Priée Table wi'th numerous bargains Ladies" Dresses, You can't miss at ba rgains like Township, 0f Clarke First Instalment 0Of Taxes- Payable at the Branch Offices of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Orono_ and- New- castle. Due Date for payment of First Instalment is hereby extended from February 28, 1970 to Mareb 16, 1970. H. DeWITH, Clerk.

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