ORONO WEEKLY, TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th,_1970 kw4 See Milison Insurance Agency fer AUL classes of persona'. andi Commercial Coverazes effice: Main St., Orono 983-532 Rei. 9U3-5754 Gerd Sms PHONE 983-58Ul Orone,, Ontario PAINTING (,ARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS lIut CH'ARLES REID Oreno's Licensed Auctioneer andi Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult Me for ternis and dites PHONE ORONO 983-5914 monuments id FmflIy Memoriauls Our qualit y and service leayes nAothing to be dfeslred Ask the ptrson who hought from va, a nelghb.nr, f rleud or relatîye The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontarie Streot PORT HOPE, Largest dlsplay la Southor Outaiie aid Cycle I Orene Phone 983-5343 j PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Ailuette Snow Mobiles I mcCulloch CHAIN SAWS Repairs, to all makes of Lawn Mewers and 2 and 4 cycle Enginesj SOTACO PLOW POINTS IAND MACHINERY IP1JMPING OUT "PTICTANKS Ier w Tmpkins ILY CETT I JPhuimbiug lleatingr PLUJMBNG aad HEATING j Salqs and Service IM HOUR BURNER SERVICE J GULF FINANCINGI Low InteIrest Rates u: Phone: C Tyrene 2,63-2650 I Electrical Cointractjng 1 i Etectrie lleatînir and Service 1 PHONE 983-5546 or .983594 Orono. Ontario i ORONO'ELECTRIC Hci-b and Gerry Duval 1983-51U - ELECMU.CAL CONTIACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V, - COLOUR T.V. RAPIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE- - ILC.A. *DOMINION EflCTROHOME LNGLIS - THORt -GIJARANTEED SERVICE,- Hamiltons Insurance Service irt MotaeLan ae altoli p Phore Lan115 Boe, 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Boter Maudarerm Of Ceuieery Memorials 38Dundat Street Bi WHITBI', ONTAIO MuilDg a Housc? or remodelling yeur present o«e, then contact j Floyd -NihoIson Phme 9mâm549 ORONO WANTEJ) Babysitter, preferred to corne to rny home from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 pým. to care for 2 pVe sehool children, ages 2 and 4. Call after 5 Orono 983-5723. a-p HELP WANTED Woman to help with house- work and care of 2 children. Good wages. Cali Peter Mundinger Orono, Saturday or Sunday. Phone 983-5554. a-c HELP WANT7ED Would you like to work as, a food saleslady, hostess in an a- bove average food business? Pull time in the summer and faîl, part time dur4ng the rest of the year? If you have a pleasing person- ality, like to serve people, are neat, honest and in return want wages and good tips, PHONE 983-5560 for an interview. Experience flot necessary. Transportation may ho provided, if and whennecessary. b-c NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F LOVIRN TALBERT HARNESS. late of the Township of Clarke, in 'the Coun- ty of Durham, Farmer, deceased: All persons having dlaims a- ganst the estate of the said Lovirn Talbert Harness, who died on or about the 9th 4ay of November,' 1969, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned Solicitor on or before the lst day of March, 1970, their names and addresses and full particulars of their dýaims and the nature of thé seur i s -(i any) held by them dlyý verifiedc by statutory declaration. Immediately after thie said lst day of March, 1970, the assets of the said decea sed will be distrib- uted among the pcrsons eptitled thereto hgving regard only to.,the, dlaims of whichi the undersigned Solicitor shah1 then have notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this l2th ~ of February, 1970. W. K. LYCETT, Oronlo, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. THE ACRES RESTAURANT BOWMANVILLE, CR. 4 On Satalrday, âaE the Fish andl Chips you can ont for .99e at tihe Acres Restaurant. t-f De ROG%(ERSONH I ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES I - WE BUY AND SELL IOld Glass, China, Pine Articles I Toys and Oddities i IF IT'SOLD .... CALL US WE PAY CASHI Phone 623-5342 after 6 p.nî. JACK IR1CARtD REALTOR NKing St., E. BOWMANVILLE Wheu Bayig or Seflng call WILF HAWKE NOTICE Ann's B'cauty Salon will be closed every Monday. a-c A- Treat fer yeu Fancy Qugllty. Red Delicious, MacIntosh and -spys. als» FRESH CIDER ICE CREAM Frd's Fruit Market Highway 115, southo of Orono C al jour 1lcennd Plumbi Ln . M.chanicaI Coetractor who.m s li,>sta&l irm5uoate CAIRMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING phone 983-5207 Oronoe Oro a SBrick- Campenti 981-5441 entractor' l Block - Concrete Stone Work Floors - Mue NOTICE Orono Landscaping, Garden Ser'- vice and Snow Plowing. Phone 98M-598. - FOR SALE 1964 Laurentian Pontiar, ink good clean condition. Phone 983-5630. b-p NOTICE Re -designing Fur Coats also de- signing and making wedding out- f i ts. Phone -983-5494, Mrs. Popadich, Orono. a-> CARD PARTY Kirby Centennial School willI' hold a Card, Party sponsored by the Home and Sçhool Club, Sat- urday, February 2lst at 8 p.m. Admission 50c. Ladies bring lunch. Good p4izes., b-e- COMING EVENT Orono U.C.W. General Meeting - xiii be held in the Main Hall of Orono. Church Building on Thurs- day, February 19th commencing at 12.30 p.m. with a pot luck din.- ner and the meeting beginning at approximately 2 p.m. 1Guest speaker, Mrs. Bert Col-. wel of .Bowmanville, who xiii show pictures of Brazil where herz son haS been working. Ail ladies welcome. a-e CARD 0F THANKS I would like to thank the Or- ,anizationS and fiiencis that sent me cards and fIowers during my stay in Bowmnanviiie Hospitai. A. special thanks to Dr. McKenzie and al the Nurses on 2nd floor xvho gave me so much kindness and consideration. a-c- Carlos Tamblyn IN MEMORIAM ýHICKS-In loving memor of MY dear husband, Elwood ani our- dear. father who passed away FebrLiary 9th, 1969. The blow waf great, the shock se;(vere We litti? thought the end. was- near. And only ,those xvho have losk can.Illtel Th)e pai;. of p.rting without fare- well. More. each day we miss you dear, Friends may think the wound is. heailed 1 ; But theylittie know the sorrow, Tbat lies in our hearts concealed. AIway;ý- rem.embered and sadl.y missed by wife Jenny, son charles and daughters Sheila and Mar- grret. .a çs I Orono Weekly Times - . liq 19, "q'- Qâ-âmeQý