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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Feb 1970, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l9th, 1970 InRUriO WEEC--KLY TIMES Seond Cla.. MilRegistrationi Number 06 Publiuhed every Thursd'ay at th.e offiee of~ to M ain Street, Oronoý, Onta»io. Phone 98-MI0 WE HAVE IT Mr. D. W. Patterson, Superintendent of Planning for the Northiumberland-Durham Board of Education, in an ad- dress to the Orono Homeý and School Association stressed the need for community involvement in education. He ask- cd that the community become aware of the changes being made and that they take a part in this educational change. This involvement, lie said, guards agaitnst mistrust and other factors whieh would bc detrimental to the educational sy- stem. It is quite true that uines of communication must be wide open between ail factors in a publicly run institution. This institution must have the goodwill of thc public in general if it is, to serve the community betterment. There must be an understanding of the objectives and aims of the institution and it must also be geared to provide these ob- jectives and aims. When County Boards of Education were formed there was a feeling that local involvement would be lost and that the individual would lose contact with the sdhool and its operation. This, however, has not happened in this area and it appears that citizens are now more aware of the cdu- cational process than ever before. This concern is ccntered more on education as sudh rather than on costs or whthcr or not thc building is insurcd adequately o r other boit and nut problems. 0f course costsmust be a consîderation but also the process and degree of education is the major issue. In this area the formation of Home and Sehool As- sociations as in Orono, Kirby and the P.T.A. in Kendai have opened uines of communication with the individual sehools as they have neyer been opened, before. Tlirough these medias thc mass of the residents can become involvcd in the educational process. The schools themselvcs ha ve also taken steps to open lines of communication with parents of students and in Kirby a monthly news letter is circulated to the parents.' This procedure cannot but lielp increase- the liaison between the school and thie ublie. iThe Kirbv School intheir letter docs at times; ask the opinion of parentsand are Men to suggestions from this interested group. T he Orono Public Sehool student- provide the public with. a weekly news report of their activities and] this does open some doors which would otherwýise be closed. Another factor in promot'ing edlucation has been the formation of the Counity Board and evecn fter the first year of operation there appears to be a g1reater co-operation betwecn the elementary and .seconlcary levels. Certainly the lines of communication have been widcened with. a lot of- thc extention'being due to sucli men as ýMr. Patterson. Clarke Higli School lias ad ded to the inveilvement pJ-ogýramn when recently they sent teamns ofteachers to cx- plain the non-graded system to parentstudent gro ups of every publcblool in the area. They also provided these teams- to othei' intcrested groups and during' the -wlI)le prýomotion dlid keep in close contact with the principals of the various public schools. Certainly the tempo of involvement and understand- ing, is at a higli level today and this augers well for the local educatiofial system. We doubt that this was* obtained in the past whcn units were, in our opinioni, isolated frà 1m one an- other andi the individual boards were occupied te, a greater degree in in tanc ing and the. type of hand towel -to use. The Unes of communication are presently wide open and it is to be hioped that this condition does remain. LETS HAVE IT The Federal-Provincial Conference held the forepart of this week appears to have reached a new plateau in co- operation according to reports issued on Tuesday. The con- ference dealing with inflation and pollution lias been term- ed a success and initial reports did not include the general bickering and joc keying for politîcal position as lias liap- pened in recent conferences between these two levels of government. I{owever on Wednesday the tone of the reports did change and it appears that we are back on the samne plain again. We believe that the time b.,s come when the citizens of this country would appreciate and should demand a mul raerdge f c-ïpration etwecn the two levels Home und Schoel Newcastle Orono Home and School Asso- ciation was held Tuesday evening with forty-four in attendance. Mrs. W. Bunting opened the meeting and welcomed visitors from Kirby aîd Bowmianviile. Minutes and correspondence were read by Mrs. B. Gustar. Mrs. E. Milison reported on the Nov- ember meeting of Northumber- land and Durhamn County Council of Homd-and Sehool Associations. Mrs. K. Mackenzie,' vice-presi- dent of the Council for the, west- ern district proposed having a Council meeting ini Orono in ivarcli. A motion was made that thîs be done pending further ar- rangements with Mr. Moffatt. Mr. Wm. Carman introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Dave Pat- terson of Northumberiand-Dur- ham County Board. The speaker was thanked by Mrs. Dorothy Robinson and lunch served undei- the convenorship of Mrs. G. Lowery. Kirby Association anonnounced a Euclire Party to be held' at 8 p.m. thîs Saturday evening, 2lst at Kirby Centenniai Sehool. Victors Tuesday evenîng at the Orono Arena and before a record crowd over the past few years, the New- castle Midgets took the final de- cision aginst Orono in their piay- down series. Prior to this game the series was ail tied-up at one game apiiece. The victory for the Newcastle Midgets gave tliem the right to proceed furtlier in OMH- A piaydowns. Orono could flot cope with the heavier and larger team on Tues- day night and. were defeated 5-0. Both goalies piayed weil tlirough- out the game with the Newcastle netminder receiving. support from lis defensive duo. The Orono net- miinder ýwas often ieft unprotec- ted. Mr. and Mrs. Wmà. Todd and family have moved from Tyrone to a house on Mill Street, Orono. Phone 993-5009 Oreno, Ont, PUBI Driving Tip Whenever you drive your car... there's no0 time when you can saf- ely ignore highway warning signs and pavement markings., They warn you of curves, intersections,, railroad 'crossings, sehool areas, and other conditions where extra caru" is needed. Don't forget - Highway signs and pavement markings can be your guide for safe motoring. Dry Cleaning We are agents for Bowmanville Cleaners Pick-up and delivery evèry Tuesday, Thursday, Friday MATIS BILLIARDS adBarbershop Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5310 and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN .. . We have a Sauna and Whirl- pool ready for your use. Drop in and give themn a try Group Rates Available Moir. bý4 Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sun. 18 amr. - i p.m. 1AONTARIO STREET 723-2460 OSHAWA >Clarke Public L 1 KRAR Y BOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 8:34 Thursday 6:» . 830 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:."0 -8:M Saturday 10.-0 -12:0 an. MEEl:MTING FRIDAY, EEBRUARY 2c'th aï t- 8 p.m. RUSSELL HONEY, M.nP. will speak on topics affecting rural people. Farmers and smnall businessmen are invited to hear about the White Paper on Taxation. White, Paper On Taxation Sp.nsor.d by Durham Fedoration of Agriculture' Protect Health One of 'your most chierishced assets is your health. Good hcealth attributes miucli to your life and the lives of those whio surround you. We are dedicated, along witli your doctor, to the protection of your 'health. OÔur prescriptions are dispensed with care and coin- pounded fromi the freshest f quality dru-gs. sTUTT'S PHARnMïAqCY

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