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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Feb 1970, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBR1JARY l9thi, 1970 Its Approaching That Time 0f Year Again It's approaching that time of ority of, individual Canadian tax- ye ar again - incomec tax filing payer.s owe nothing on their 1969 timre. income, and many are entitled te A triekie of returns alreadyý refunds on over-payments. lias reac-hed the Departmnent's Last year, more than five mil- Data Centre, but it is flot until lion Canadian taxpayers received early February that they start refunds aliter filing their 1968 in- flowing- into Ottawa in any appre- corne tax returns. ciable valume. Close to 9,000,000 income tax A peak, is reached in early returns are expected this year, Mtarch shortly after employees up nearly haif a million from last receive their T4 Slips fromn their yýear. drnloyers. The Data Centre has recruited Anotffer heavy inflow occurs additional staff and the entire just before the filing deadline of Department, including the 29 April M0. District Taxation Offices, is cear- Since miost inicomie tax due is ed te the fastest pos5sible process- ded(icted at the source, the niai- ing of returns. THE CORPORATION 0F THE Towshp 0 larlke By-Law No. 1592 'NTICIE IN THE MATTER 0F Section 30 of The Planning Act (B.S.O. 1960, c. 296), - and - IN THE MATTER 0F an application by The Corporation of the Township of Clarke for apprQvl of its Restricted Area By-law 1592 passeil the 23rd day of May, 1968 Appolatmnt for Rearlug THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Tuesday, the .3rd day of March, 1970, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Council Chambers of thec Town- ship of Clarke (at Orono) for the continuation of the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing this application. DATED at Toronto this 1th day of February, 1970. SEAL RL SCOTT SECRETARY TUE CORPORATION 0F TUE Township 0». f Clarke By-Law No. 1613 IN TUE MATTER 0F Section 30 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1960, C, 296), - and- IN TUE MATTER 0F an application by The Corporation of the Township of Clarke for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 1613 passed the l3th day of December, 1968 Appolntnîent for Hearing THE ONTARIO -MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Tuesday, the 3rd day of March, 19170, at the hour of eleven o#'clock in the forenoon, at the C.ouilte Chambers of theTown- shîp of Clarke (at Orono) for the coninuation of the hiearing of al parties interested in supporting or opposing this application. DATED at Toronto this l6th day of Februiary, 19740. SE AL1 R. SCOTT SECRETARY TUE CORPORATION 0F TUIE By-Law No. 1653 *NOT i LIC 1E IN TUE MATTER 0F Section 30 of The Planning Act (R.S.0. 1960, C. 2"6>, - and - IN TUE MATTER 0F an application by The Corporation of the Township Aithougli the most up-to-date .computerized equiipment operat- ed by skilledworkers is used, theu pr 'ocessing of tax returns is a la- borious un-dertakinig.' Basically, the problem is one of volume. Almost every return is different, requiring personal scrutiny at some stage even thougli much of the work is done electronically. Mechanized syst- ems easily handie normal, aver- age retjirns. But ail returns are not average nor normal and this is what _causes, delays. Returns with errors, omissions, unusual deductions or exemptions or mis- sing receipts are culled fromn the semi-automatie systerns to i-e- ceive the benefit of human judg- ment. This is the reason the De- partment each year urges taxpay- ers to consuit their Tax Guides and carefully check their returns, and avoid errors that can resuit in delays of assessment notices - and refunds. Sometimes the only way, to cor- rect a return is to have it sent to the District, Office in the region wvhere the taxpayer lives. There the reti;rn is patched up by ref- ereuce to prior years' returns or by direct correspondence with the taxpayer. Then it is returned to &,~e Data Centre in Ottawa for the issuance of the assessmient notice and, if applicable, the i-e- fund cheque. Ail that takes time. These are some of the comnmon errors made by taxpayers: 1. Claiminig exemption for childi-en without givingI their names or ages. ~.Claiming relatives not norm- ally considered dependents. 3. Claiming medical or other ex- penses without substantiating these dlaims with proper receipts. 4. T4 or other information slips are missiiig. 5. Claiming exemptions on the front of the foi-in without filling in any of the details on page 2. 6. A wrong or missing Social Insuirance Numnber. 7. Errors in arithmietic. Rebekah Lodge The regular meeting of Illath- er Rebekahi Lodge No. 334 was held Tuesday, February 10. It was the officiai visit of the Pi-es- ident of the 'Rebekah Assemblyý of Ontario,, Sister Sarah Laidlaw, Hagersville, Ontario. Sister Laid- law wzas introduced by Sister Irene M,,urray, P-,G., and wias graciously welcomed by Noble Grand, Sister Hazel Stapleton. Sistèr Ruth Mitchell, District Dep- uty President, B3owmanville xvas introdued by Sister, Edna 'Jex, P.D.D.P., Port Hope. Brother Art Youngma)n, District Deputy Grand Waritdent wa.s introduced by Sister Nora Smiith, P.D.D.P. fromn Port H1ope. Brother Gien Wanamakerlý,- Port Perry, PRegional,, Dîrector, xvas initroduced by -Sister Jean Rutter, P.D.D.P., Post Hope. Ganarasýka Lodge, ýPort -Hope and 'May belle Lodge, Port Ferryý joined withi Heather Lodge to wel- corne the President on her visit- ation. To inform the President ofthe aciiÀty going on in each lodge the inuiites of the last regular meetings were read from Ganar- asaby Sister MaýIry Broadbent, Maybelle inuites were read by Sister Grace Love and Heather minutes wr read by Sister Mae Allen., Secretary.' AU officers were present ex- cept one, who was absent on ac- connt of illness. We ail wish you a speedy recovery Sister Betty Major. àAdrill lwas perËiformped by eight dent were very interesting, her j .X 'to is SERVICE, 'she stressel visiting the îl and 'shut-ins and stressed -thie point that we should instruct the new miembers and make thiem very wýelcome. Co-op- eration - work together with the Subordinate Lodge to' increase and stre(ngthlen our Lodges. Ser- vice is a Broad Highway of Lîfe and we pass this way but once, quoted Sister Laidîaw. The Presidents special project is t1ýe Eye Bank and Visual Re- search Foundation. There is Re- search bcing carried out and new equipme,2t Is urgently required to carry on. We who have our eyesight should be so very thank- fui. After a few, fittinga remarks from Sister Ruth 'Mitchell and brothers Youp.gman and Wana- mnaker the officers of Heather Lodge vacated their chairs and GaXaraska officers took chiarge of t he Closing exereises, T'ie tibles in the banquet hall were fittingly decorated in red and white carrying out thie theme of Valentinie's Dily. The three lodges cQmbinedl to serve a delic- ious suipper. luvolvem«leut (continued from page 1) they are concerned about what should really be a peripheral mat- ter - cost. They simply do not kniow what is happening in cdu- cation. Mi-. Patterson stated that more and mlore'thle commurity will be asked to become involvedt in ed-- ucational planning. It is extrem- ely important that the community be contacted, informed and con- sulted regarding educational change. Isolation breeds small-' ness, distrust and sclfishncss, he said. In conclusion Mr. Patterson said. "I would add that the com- Imunity must become furthdÉ in- volved in assisting in 'the develop- ment of educational aims and ob- jectives, a study of the education- al processes and in the evaluation- of school programs. The most es- sential 'criteria for evaluation must include the Love of Child-- ren." Peace Festival (continued from page 1) viced and grounds cleaned. It is- possible to provide adequate ser- vices stated Mr. Alexander. It was stated that those in at-- tendance would be well behaved- and cause no trouble. Mr-. Alex- ander pointed out that there was no violence at the Woodstock Festival and that the only com-- plaint and dliscomfort came from. the lack of facilities. Mr. Alexander stated that Mos- port would be advertised through out the world Over this event. and felt that it could not. but be a benefit to the, area. He further- informed us that. any surplus of" monies from' the Festival would be set uip as a "Peace Fund" to- bcelhandled and controlled by a Trusteeship which would be formed. The books, lie saià, would- be open to the public. 4,, I Take a sc o n d oo k Hecre is the fltimaite in lightwih ca swthe Pioncer Holiday IlI. This model has more features than any other light- weight and the price is low. Here are some of the bonuses you get as standard equipment: Automatic chain oiling, Sureguard safety chain, a visual prim-- ing system, large fuel capacity, "uni- body" construction and many more. Dollar for dollar, pound for pound, you won't finci a C better buy! Only349 PIONEER h I RolphlHardwaretd. CHAIN SAWS Spring Clearance Sale Alouette Snowmobiles, end Toto Sleilghs SEE OUR SIPECIALS NOW Watson's Marine &Cycle Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5343 Orono, Ontario main Strëe t

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