. .......... ORONO WEEKLY TIMM ,TRURSDAY, FEBRUAEY l9thi, 19740 The Orono Midgets turned the tables'0Sl the Newcastle Midgets IFriday eveninig.whýen he defea-t- -ed Newcastle inNwate by a score 'of 4-3. The victorýy for Or- ýono was a team effort with every mnember giving thefir utmost. The Orono chlbousatdand ûuthustled the Newcastle club in the first part of the gam-e when they scored three of thir gab- 'The fourth. counter came in the third period about -ijdway. W.- FRANK< REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 Kinig St- W BoWwmanvifle OZS-333 Toronto 9:,3-174 port Hope Office 865-4543 Fer prompt, courteOtuS, cf ici- eut service when buyiÎng Or "i nud for the targ9est Sel- ection of properticu in the anea Contact Oreo bArea Representatfves' Roy Poster 983-5801 Dane Pound 623-3965 AndY Sutcb 981-1119 ROY Stronw 5 r i1 Oxford STONEMASON$ ISvhmahl 983-5606 speclalizilng iii ail kinds of STONEORK nd * FIREPLACES Wc also kdo chimnev thIlrough . Forechecking by the for- ward liues was the key to Orono's victory and in this the local club was relentless. Newcastle did, however, take some of the edge in the final minutes of the sec- ond period and during tlie third periocI. It was not enoughi to over- come Orono's lead. -,Inal .the gamie was well played, and both teamns kept to hockey. The Orono goals were scored by Robin Winter, 1; Randy East- abrooke, 1 and 2 to Ken Part- ridge. Don Rickard was the star foY tlie Ne-wcastle club. Orono held a wide margin in goals iii the first haîf of the gante withi the eeoring gap nar-, rowed to 3-2 at the end of' the second period. Orono came back in the third to score their fourth goal around the midway mark and( it appear-ed that th'ey could then hold off- Newcastle for the remaining eighit' minutes. New- castle stayed, in "the gaine and wýýti less than two minutes to .,ay scored their third goal. Tihis came when Orono was shorthand- ed by two players and Newcastle, pulled their goalie for the; extra forward. Orono held their ground ini the extènded time when the dlock was slow to start on two different occasions. Blaîn Moffat was a casualty of the gaine suffering a sprained ankie and will, no doubt, miss the finalgame of the series played in Orono on Tuesdav evening. Rough Game The Orono-Pickering Bantam OMHA hockey playdown gamne played at the Orono Arena on Friday evenirig was a feature of rough play and fightinc rather 'than hockey. It was not a good example of minor hockey or sportsmanship. fElbows were- high most (a' the nîghit along- with, unnecgssary boarding and other misdemnean- ors. The* cause was not helped any by-the loose refereeing which allowed the temper of the players to mount'to an almost uncontrol- able p itch. This refereeing was certainly lu conrast to the good job done later in the evening in Newcastle where the Newcastle and Orono Midgets played a fine game of hockey minus ail the rough play. The Pickering teamn won the $first gamne of the Bantam series by a score of 2-0 with very littie real hockey being exhibîted- by either club. Pee Wees Bombed The- Orono Pçe Wees were out- HANK'S BAKERY and Snack Bar Phione 983-5203 Septic Tank service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, 'Ontario Telephone 983-526 or 983-5723 Orono Miqldgets Win Over Newcastle 2 ONLY 1970 Models (New) 12 horse, Regular price $695.00$ Bombadier1 Regular price $14.9.5» SkiDoo Covers $4.9 5 ORONO, ONTARIO mov.ed to Millbrook where he workpd on the good roads. Sym- pathy is eiýtended to lis daugh- ters. There was a fine attendance at Kendal Chuirch on Sunday. Sever- al were there from a distance in- 3 ONLY - 18 horse Electric Start cluding Miss Amie Foster of Western University in 'London who was at the Hammond organ and Miss Joyce Elliottol Ottawa. The choir sang welland Rev. T. Suelgrove spoke pertaining to the coming Easter. classed in their encounter -with the Pickering POP Wees at the Orono Rink on Saturday evening by a count of 8 1. This was the first game of the best two out of three series with Pickering in the- OMHA playdowns. The local club found the going just too much against Pickering. The lone Orono goal was ýscored in the third period by Henderson. kendal News The worst stormf of the winter came on February 11, 1970. Visi- bility wîth blowing snow' was at' the zero mark. Someé cars that were left on the road while ýthe owners ýWent for help were hit by buses or, other cars. Somne people could not get home, nor jget a tow truck at midnight, so they stayed in the nearby, farm home and wvre pulled out next morning. Ol hers simply, stayed overnight in a'hotel room rather than risk getting stuck-in a drifted road. Sonne of the Rendal folk at- tended the funeral pf Mr. ýEdgar Thornton of Millbrook ,on Febru- ary 14, 1970. lis first wife was Ivy Bryson, a Kendal girl. They were married in Kenidal Method- ist Church in 1911. Then they went to live on the eighth line west of the 115 highway, where they farmed. They eventually Pence Festival (Continued from page 1) and Federal goverument must be- corne involved as well as associ- ated organizations such as the Provincial Police and the Depart- ment of Health. Reeve Stone was 'also doubtful that the township,. itself, could stop the Festival be- îng held at Mosport. In, this, he said, council had been adîised if such an order was given by the Township that tbey could possib- ly be sued. Reeve Stone again s tated that coun(ýjl was concerned over the protection of property and resi- dents in the commiunity and that they woukt be seeking every means in which this could be as- sured. At 'Lis time it appears that the Province will set forth regula- tions and obtain guarantees for and from-the promoters of the Festival and it'is in this area that today's meetingis being held. DrearyMonthsi, Meet your friends at Noone's for a delicious meal in a warm frien dly atmosphere. We cater to lunch and dinner parties. Sunday Dinners at Family rates. Phone your reservations now Noone's' M"-otel- Restaurant Phono q83-5536 1% miles nortf Kirby on Highway 115 SALE Regular_ $27.85 Tourist Tents $14.95 TELEPHONE 983-9167 We supply flow ersfr all occasions including Hoopi- tai arrangements, weddlngs, funerals; gifts etc. >We would be pleased to bave yen visit our show mont at'the nursery wheve a complel;e lime of plants are always availabie. PHONE 623-5757 Van, BCelle Qardenms i-ghway No. 2, West of Bowmanville LYLE WEST, ELECIRIC Orono: 9813-59 62 Quallty ElectricaI Heating and Lighting Installations and Repaire by Certified Electricians For.M *cso SkIDOO A Free Cover with each machine 1 ONLY A real machine ]Regula price $138.00 TNT, 40 horse, ale, $1095. 399 Nordic S !!ndtirLa - Sale $8 O 24 HOSE PWER* 8 TO LEAR- Reular$1045.00 8 0 SkiDoo Suifs and- SkiDoo Boots reduced a ýfurther 10% Oro-no Fuel & Lumber Limited l'x7l