OR ONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIltiPSDAY, FEBRUARY l9th, 1970 iw- - See MilisonInuac fenr klclasses of personal and Commercial Coverares Office: Maisn St., Orone 983- 3M Res. 983-5754 GedSimpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS Interior Exterior CHAiR LES REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer -and Valuator Specialize in Farm .and Furniture Sales ÇCo>tlt me- for terms and d4ates PJIONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments und" Fauîity Memorials' Our quabty and service leaves mothiag te be desired Ask thse pýrsan who b.ught frous us, a nclgb@ur, frlend or relative The RIJTTER GRANITE COM1PANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE LargeGt *Lqplay in SouOera oitalo VWATSON'S 1Marine Io i and cycle t Orn, Phone 983-5343 I PRLINCE"CRAFT BOATS - Mlouette Snow Mobiles i McCullochi CHAIN SAWS I epaivs to ali makes of LawnI Mwers and 2 and 4 cycle OTACO PLOW POINTS AND NACHINEET PUÎ MPIN GOUTJ SIEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompk-ins phffle 7"-Z.%2 LYCETT I Plumhing Ileating ___IM &tri%0&ýî BYAMS IPLUMBING 1a4d ETN sakfs and Service I HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING0 iLew Interest Rates mi -Phone: Tyroue 263-26g50 ORONO ELE(TRIC HeTb andé Gerrv Duvali D83-5108 ELECTEICAL CON TRAUPING ELECflIIC HELATING ELECTRICAL, APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-PI FRIGIDAIRE .-R.C.A. DOMINIONELTRHM INGLIS - THOR - GUARANqTEe >SERVICE,- Hamfiltons Irîsurance Servicej Fi", PackagePode t lâtet F irst MoIrtgage Loans 'Sadie Hamiltoni1 Phone 983-5115 !Box 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers Ceaa'eierY Memorialfi j318 Drna*.S$reet Kait I WHTH~,ONTAIO IBtuilimg a flouse? Ior remodeliag YOur Preseut u ne, tise. contact Floyd Nicholson WANTED TO RENT Three bedroon bouse. Rent ap- proximately $100.,- $110. Please phone Oshawa 725-1801. b-9-p IIELP WANTED Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education, 335A King St. East, Cobourg, Ontario, requires immediately a Senior Secretary for the Board Office. Must have short hand and typing and had experience in executive capacity and meeting the public. Please apply in writing to N. A. MacLeod, Business Administrat- or and Treasurer, stating qualifi- cations and experience. Closing date for applications February 27th, 1970. a-c -FOR SALE Porter Cable Wood Shaper, steel stand and motor; 5i blades. Ac cessory attachments included. $75. Phone 987-4977. a-p FOR SALE G.E. Floor Poijsher, top con- dition. Phone 983-5154 after six. 'a-p NOIC(E TO CREDITORS IN TEE ESTATIE 0F LOVIRN TALBERT 'IIARlMNESS. late of the Township of Clarke, in the Coun- ty of Durham-, Farm-er, dleceased: AIl persons lhaving daimis a- gainst the estate of the said Lgvirn Talbert lHarnress, who died on or about the 9th day of November, 1969, are ereby noti- fied to send ,o~ the under sigcned Solicitor on or before the lst dav of March-, 1970, thieir names and addlress;es and fuil particulars of their daîims and the natu.re of the securities (if a.y) held by them dufly ven-ified by statuitory declaration. lminediately after the said lst Clay of Marchi 1970, the assets of the saidj deceased wýill be distrib- uted among the pensons etitled thereto having regard only to the clainis of whiich the undersigned Solicitor shaîl then have notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this lZth dpy of February, 1970. W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQU WE BUY AND ,SELL IOld Glass, China, Pise Aýrticles Toys andé Odditiesý IF IT'S OLD ... CALL US jWE PAY CASH a Phone 623-5342, after 6 P.M RCAR REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Seluug eaU i WILF HAWKRE TOUR ORONOAREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and Dis- trict Rteal Estate Boer4 FOR SALE 1970ü Ski-Doo, Nordic 399. Best offer. Phone Orono 983-5623. a-p NOTICE Orono Hockey Mother's Annual Meeting to be held at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 4th at the Or- ono Arena. Please plan to attend. A Treat fer tyeu Fancy Quality Red Delictous, Maclntosh and Spys also FRESH CIDER' ICE CREAM C Grade Apples for sale $2.00 bus. Fred's Fruit Market, Ilighway 115, south of Orono Cal) jour llced Plumblns &. Maechanical Contracter Who sells, initalla qiguranteu CARMANi'l% PLUMBING AN»DIIEATING~ Phase 983-15207 orono NOTICE orono Landscaping, Gardn Se-~ vice and Snow Plowiig. Phone 983-5598.t- FOR SALE 1964 Laurentian) Pontiac, in- good dlean condiion. Phone 983-5630. b-pl CLOSED February 23rd to 26th. Lolas Beauty Shoppe 983-5303 CBDPARTY The Horticultural Society is. holding acard party on Thursday.- February 26' at 8 p.m. in the Odd-- fellow's Hall. Admission 7,5c. tv-- eryone Weléome. b-- COMING.EVENT Newcastle Lions, Dance, New- castle Community Hall, Saturday,, February 28th. 1Spot1 dances, prizes, bar privil- eges. $4.00 per couple. b-9-c- NOTICE TO.,CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F FLOR-- ENCE, AGNES BRIMACOMBE,- 1ate. of the Towvnship of Clarke ixk- the.County of D)urham, widow, deceased; A,,prsn haviflg dlaims a-,- gainst the- Estate of the said 1 lre5, Anes Blimadiomibe, W110 diedorneor a1- Ut thelith day of july. 1969, are hereby notified toý send to the undrsgfed Execu- tors or their solicitor on or be - fore the 9th- day of March 1970,. their namies and addresses and. full particulars ()f their dlaims and the nature of the securities, (if any) held by- them dulYVyen- fied by.stituitory declaration. Imfiiediately after. the said 9th da 1o Mrch 1970, the assets of- the said deceased will be distrib- utted jamong, the persons entitled' thereto having regard only to the dlaims of which the Executors or the undersigned solicitor shaI then have notice. Dated' at Orono, Ontario this l6th day of Februaivy 1970. ARTHIUR. WESLEY TIIOMPSON Kendal, Ôntario, I I GARLAND CATHCAR9T 983-5441 ORONO[ K YET Kendal, Ontarioý IIW., .LCTOrono, Otro __________________________Iolicitor for the Executors. IOryile chatterton ,E,1ectrical Coftractingi IElectrie lleatînLr and Service PHONE M-35546 r 983-5940 Orcrno. Ontario OrnoWeekly Times