929</6%2&ii> Oroue o ueI Jan~ Shown above are thle ten, con- -i o ih te re, Vrii Cartwright;ý Mary Ann DeýWiftt, dra Ha-ije, -M. J. Hobbs School; testants in. the CO.ity Final Pub- Ba.iýhaw, Port Hoe,1m ,,awkec une-p Kirby; Christine Selby an~d Irene Reîetmnueller, St. - 0 lie Speakling contest hield -n Or- M. J. Hobbs; Janet Anldrus, Wel- i\wc ieCeryl- Cornisb, Or- seph's Public School. ono on Tuesday eveniing.. From corne; Cid amwinnr, JaiieDoirrel, Cartwright; San- Photo 'Caniadian Statesman OLrono VOLUME 34, NUMBER 9 The Orono Police Trustees held their mionthly meeting« on Mon- day eveffing when business at lia-nd was given consideration. tIn b~thecr Soxide a f rom tbie Township Road Super- intendfent reveale2d that a sumn of $3,000 had bee-n allocated in the ,Township Road By-law for main- tenance and also an amount of $9,000 for road construction. Mr. Woodyard dlid state that the 'fin- anci al position of the Village was such that they could not useup the $9,000 for road construction this year, He did report that the balancè owing in construction ln 1969 would be eliminated this ,year. A brief discussion' centred over possible costs for widening some of, the recently paved streets' in Orono and Mr. Wood- yard did say that the engineers had sald 'this would' create many difficulties. It was also, stated that engîneer's costs to arrive at an estimated cost in widening some streets would also be con- siderable. The matter was drop- ped. Mr. Simpson did state that conditions wouid improve when the new parking by-laws were in effect. Mr. Woodyard informed the Trustees that the drafting of the Parking By-iaws wasi now under- way and that drafts had been sent to Toronto for the ir approv- ai. it was suggested that a spec- il meeting be held upon approv- ai being received from Toronto. The Trustees passed a resolu- tion appro ving in principal 'the demàands of the Pire DepartmeIit for increases in remunerations. and this approval is to be sub- mîtted to council. The secretary was instructed to compare these salaries with those la neighbor- ing municipalities before. final approval. çrhe Trustees authorized Mr. D. Simpson to represent the Or- ono Police Trustees when a two- Ùiaa committee fromn the Chnm- ber of 'Commerce meets with the County RoadCommrission over the proposed instituti 'on of par- rallel parking and one hour time limit on the Main Street. The audience for the local delegaition. îs slated for il a.m. march Znd. Mr. E. R. Woodyard was given authorîty to represelit the Orono P olice. Trustees when, meetings were held over air polution ,caused by burning of refuse at ,Weekly. 1Tàeres Ms .By ORONO WEEKLY TIMES~, THURSDAXY, FEIfARY 26th, 19170 I nterested ln ~White Paper To,,ight at 8:00 p.m. Powers School, Port UIope, W. Riebi, C.A., will speak White Paper proposais. Th ing is sponsored by the1 sive' Conservatives. Frida3 Mr. R. ýHoney wili speak same subi ect at the Oron( Hall. Sponsored by Fede. the dumps ln Clarke To Mr. Woodyard said he h ready attended meetings h tween Council and the ment of Health in this Consideration was being for th e construction of ar erator that could handle from both the Township a lage and that such, if consI would be fînanced tbrougb es for its use. It was alsc that Newcastle would r make use of' an incineratQi ed in Clarke. Mr. Woodyard was, aut! to obtain prices for trees would be planted ln Oror ordering of such trees w considered when the bud, thî year is brought down. The Orono Police Trusti ceived two applications fi law Enforcement Officera terviews are being held wi applicants. OronoU.C.W. On February 19th, about 30 ____ ladies were ýpresent tô enjoy va noon pot-luck luncheon in the Main Hall of Orono Unlited Chur'ch. This mi-eal preecededc the Generai meeting wbich býegan at In the absence of' Presideýnt in Dr. Mrs. J. Cook, the mieetingl, was M1Ë, cbaired bv Past1 Pres. Mdrs. O: Mr. G.e Challice., With Mrs. A. Drummiond on thet a t the !piano, everyone joined in Pres eet ngseveral hymnsan ois ,yrogres- Mrýs Challice read a poem "H1ow on netTo BeHIappy." Devotions were onte given by members of Unit . 1. o9 Town ~ Mrs. G. Carson as pianist, rto. hymn 356, "Take My Life" was sung. Theme of the Devotions wnship. was "Hearts and,,Pearîs". Mrs. R. ad al- Chapman read portions of the àeld be- meditation, alternated. with scrip- Depart- ture fr-om Mattbew read by Mrs. matter. F. Lycett. i mcm Sources of pearîs are onthet)( refuse shores' of the Red Sea and in thec and Vil- warm waters of the Persian Gulf tructed ,,a1o in Auqtralla and Japail. Ti'e( icharg. Kingdom of H1eavený is compared ) stated to a Pearl, the lovelieqt of al possibly geins. The ,tate of a man's heart !r locat- is seen throuch tbe words lie speaks. Nothing is so revealinç as words çuoken when the guard is thorized down. Each should examine his whieh own words, as they can neyer bc io. The retr.icted. vill be A duet. "My Task" was sung, ýget for bv Mrs. R. Chavman and Mrs. G. Carson. Mrs. Chapman :(Id in teor re- pae.The offering w'g recelv- rnd in- ehymnd 488 csed. , eSingine o and n- ýmn '88 coqedtheDevotional ith tbe Continued baze 2 Wins At'ýh!etic $100, The Orono Amateur Athi'etie A.ssociationý held their annuai Booster Banquet and Draw on Saturday evening when 185 tick- ets were sold for thé banquet. The turkey dinner -was hehd in the basementof the Orono United Churcb and was catered to by the Orono Figure Skating Club. Following the banquet the eiim- irnation draw was held ia Town- sb1ip Hiall, OrOno.r. Carol Boyd wvas the winnier of the $100.00 be drawn of the one hundred ai-d eighty-five. Othe-r prize winners were: Mrs. *Marg Powell ' $5.00 for the fîrst name be-ing drawn and 'boxes of ch-ocolates for every twentieth number drawn being Mrs. Shirley Black, Mrs. Fran Lunn, Mr. Mar- vin Luan, Mrs. Dorothy Stark, Mr. Charles Hutton, Mr. C. L. Gunter, Mr. Dan Hall and Mrs. Adele Myhes. The Athietie Association was wehl pleased witb the support given the banquet by local citiz- zens and wish to thank ahi tlWse iavolved ia the evening. Young Boy Drowns In Bath Tub A 2'z2-year-o]d' baby boy drown- ccl in a batbtub Saturday whihe b>ý mother was in the kitchea aboLît seven feet away. l)avic Crai.ge Blissenden, son of di.and iVrs. Brian Blissenden, J M2, Orono was found face down ini flb tub betv'een three and five minutes after be had been plac- cd tiicre. .Attempts to revive bimn by his pirents and attendants of the Bowmanvihle 'ambulance were made but be was pronounced dead at Bowmanville Memorial Hospit- ai by Coroner Dr. E. D. llubbard. If youi have n's got your 1970 licence plates' yet, you'd better burry - you've- onhy got until Saturday. The, 196.9 plates become ln- validý at 12:01 a.m... March lst., An application form is not nec- çssary wben apphyiag for licence 1plates, a spoke sman, for 'the de- partment of transport office in Oshawa -said. Thé appJicant is asked to fi out completely bis current motor vehicle passenger permit.,Friends famihy or agents, eau pay "for tbe pla tes as long as the permit is filled oùt eorreetly hy tbe regist- cred owner. Thieves Steal WoIîf Peits Newcastle OPP on Saturday were investigating the overnigbt tbieft of tw,,o wohf carcasses fromi Police said the hiunter, whose rame was not reieased, had shot the wohves Tbursday and bung tbem on a tree outside bis resi- dence. In the morning the hunter a- w.oke to find both carcasses miss- ingi. Police said one of the wohves had aready, been examined by the department of lands and for- ests. The, other. animai bad not beeon turned ia to the department and st ihi carr'ied a $25 bounty. Kirby Student Places Sectond In County Speaking inals It was a woman's world at the Durham County Public SeShool Speaking Contest Tuesday even- ing held in the Orono United Cbircb. The ten finalists for the county were ail of the fairer sex and no boys were represented in the final contest. Cindy VanCamp of the Cart- wright Public Sehool was the win- ner of the Durham County Club of Toronto shield placing first among the ten finalists. Miss Van Camp interested bier audience and iudges with a "Trip To West- ern Canada." Runner-up in the contest was Mary Ann DeWitt of the, Kirby Centenniai Scbool who won the Bowmanv.ille Lions Club Shield. Miss DeWîtt, daughter of Mr. and Continued paze 8 NFU Blitz Successful In Clarkeý The' National Farmers' Union reached more than 97 per cent of the farmrers in, Clarke Town- ship Saturday during a fuli-scale membership drive. Gerry llasiuk, junior director of the National Farmers' Union, saidl it was the most thorough campaign ever waged in Durham County. The b!::tz was conducted by 30 members of the union throughout the Township. Mr. Hasiuk said as a result well over haîf the farmer,. in the area now subscribed to tbe Na- tional Farmers Union. "The change in attitude was unbelievable,I" he said, "even the bard-co re people wanted to tallç." 1As well as the farmers vîho were signed-up as members more than 30 asked the canvassers to retura next week for their deocis-, ion. Mr. Hlasiuk said that regardless of 'whether the farmer accepted membersbip or not the canvass.- ers got ail the necessary details of his farm. "We, now know how much produce. there is in the area and which farmers would participate in a withholding action. These farmers are interested in any action whîcb would get better, prices for -produce," be said. MembPrsbip campaigns will be held next weekend in Hope and Darlington Townships. Mr. Haýsiuk said that about baîf the farmiers In the United Count- les are memfbers of the union, with the strength coming from the nortbern parts. "This is wby we are making a concentrated effort for more members in the soutb, particular,- ly in Clarke, and Darlingtoa Townships,," he said. He believes it is time that far- miers started to take a positive approacli if the union ls to speak- on behaîf of-farmens, it must be all farmens, not haîf. We must speàik with a united voice. F armers, he said, had'to have a national organization if they want collective bargaining. Referring to the NFU brief on' the increases in education tax 'for farmers the youth director saidi it would be presented to Hope Township council on March 6 and to, Cartwright council on March 3. The brief wili also be presented at the next session of county council. -Evening Guide Two Apply For PosiinC0f Orono Enforcement O ficer Generol eeti~g