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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Feb 1970, p. 2

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OR0140 WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, FEBRUARY 26th, 1970 OROMO WEEKLY TIMES J>4lbihed every Thiursday at tli.e office af pubLitioi Main Street, Oono, Phonie 9,11-51301 MOSPORT PEACE FESTIVAL! Concera is mounting in the mnunîcipaiity aven the Possible influx ai over 200,000 people toa Mosport ta attend a Peace Fe stival. Residents can sec notbing but disaster and chaos from sncb an undertaking in Clarke Township and are beginning ta ask \vhat action is bcing taken by Cauncil ta prohibit the event. Council bas held a num ber of meetings, witb intcrest- ced parties and witb various departments of the provincial Igavernment and no doubt are awane of the problemns fac- ing them if the Festival is bcld' at Mosport. Council bas not as y7et, made, clear their stand but-if reading between the lines is ever passible it appears that Council will appose. the holding of the Festival at Mospont. In speaking with Reeve Stone on Wednesday, lie stated that Council bad ta abide by the zonîng by-law in effeet in the Township and tbat this by-law pnovided for only car racing at Maspart. If the O.M.B., followixfg the Marcb 3rd hearing, cames ont in support of the by-lawv it would add further strengtb ta the conditions of the by-law. Reeve Stone said wc have ta abide by the by-law and treat cveryone the samie. Whether or not the penalties of the by,.iaw are string- ent enongh ta be a detenant will bave ta' remain ta be known. Contravention of the by-iaw carrnes a meagre $300. fine and thîs is only peanuts witb suecb an undcrtaking as thc Pence Festival. In fact, if the fine is a one-shot fine, it is today a small amount ta, pay for any eleviation by anyane from the conditions ai the by-iaw. This could be an area in which eo',ncil could give fnrthcr thonght when future changes are made ta the zaning by-law. if ,Council, and tbeybave litti e choice bath from the condition of the by-law and fnom pr.--sure of area residents, uphold the tenms of the by-law and if the promnoters insist an holding thc Festival, the re'sulting battle conid start ont as a David and Goliath. The promioters and sponsors ofthe Festival will rua into the samne pnoblemis of resi stance in other areas if tbey change location sa no doubt, thcy wiii not close ont the Mosport bld too readily. * PUBLIC SHOULD ATTEND There is no easyv way' to ar'ou!se mun-icipal rtpyr of Oshawva and district about the imiportanice of' regional It is almiost on our doorstep. Yet large segmients of the public stiil take a negative apprýoach to it as tfhoughi it Jdoesni't mnatter mnuchi what tbey dIo or say, about it. o Regional governmaent is everybody's business. an are openly disturbed about its serions and far-reacbing imi- plications. Sucb iattitude also applies to many of our muni- cipal leaders, jinclnding those who will soon be asked to 'Take( the b)ig çecisions. Th'le answers to many of the big questions remnain unanswered. They may not even be avail- able when it is tirtie to sit down and miake the final recoin- mendations. Thlis sbonid not be used as an excuse for evading the issue compietely. Each cîivic-minded person bas a re-, sponsibility to learn as mucb about the new system as, he or she can. The need for such knowledge is mncb greater today than previously. 'The first of three studies which wili belp shape the final form of regional'govenment in. this district is available. Tt will be the subject of open discussion at an im- portant meeting in city council chamber Monday night. The public, bas been invited to participate, especially to asjk questions. Mayor Bruce Mackey, controllers and aldermen are expected to attend. They bave made one point ciçar. If thev don't know the answer to a specifie, question (which wiil, of necessity, often be the case) they will make every effort to obtain it. The public should respond to the mayor's invitation to attend. Sucb dialogue betweeXn the public and the elected on a comnplex subjeet, will serve a most useful purpase. Tt is bound Ito remove some of the fog that now surrounds the subjeet. -The Oshawa Times A. Carrithers Repo rts On Festival OMeet Aiex Carruthers, M.P.P., Dur- ham in a press release reports that a meeting ta discuss the pro- posed Peace Festival at Mosport Park was held with the Minister of Justice, the Honourable Ar- thur Wishart, on Thursday, Feb- maary l9th. 1 resent <were the Reeve of Clarke Township, Mr. John -Stone, representatives of Council, the ýownship's solicitor, E. R. Love-' kmn and t4e provincial member. Al probiems relating ta the festival were discussed thorough- ly and proposais were made and steri;, taken to protect the inter- ests of the people of the township and the surrounding amea. Should the present plans for the festival be proceeded with, the necessity for policing, traffic control, b-piti 'facilities and sanitation vwil be. came major problems and the Clarke Township Council in co- operation with the Ontario Gov- ernment is taking every step pas- sible ta insure tbat the situation wiil be controlled. Report From Ottawa WEEKLY REPORT Russell C. on:,QCMP Northumberland - Durini I havereceivedrepresenitations from 1constituients and othiers ug ing, that -the goverilmentdeir "sovreigty"over Ar%1ctic waters. This argumient is adso urg1ed on the governmienit by opposition parties. In mny opinion sncb a, course wonld bc foily. If Canada made such a unilateral deciaration. it wouid be cbalcnged by some country, possibly the U.S.A., ln the International Court of Justice at The Hague. Frankiy-, our case in iaw is not too strong. You nev- er go into court unless you tflink you can win. In sncb a case, Can- ada might lose. We would then bave ta live witb. a decision of the International Court af Justice that we do not have the right to contrai shipping in the Arctic. I think th e mucbi better course is the anc conîtemplated by the government. Sbortly, legîsiation wili be introdnced 'declaring Can- ada's right ta ban fromn the Arctic any ship that threatens ta cause pollution. By tbis means Canada wiil, in effect, declare -sovereign- ty over aur Arctîc waters. Canada wiil permit innocent passage tbraugb the Arctic seas. But such pasage wouid be denied, for examiple, ta warbips oé, anotb- er, nation or ta sbips which might threaten ta cause pollution. A similar situation now e xists in the Northeast pasage in the Soviet Arcetic. Tbe, USSR permnits the right of innocent passage, but reserves the righit ta, deny passage ta such vessels as Ameni- can Coast Guard vesseis. Stirring speeches~ about "'stand- ing up ta the Amnericans.," and baving the backbonc ta assert aur rightsý" sound g-reat on a pal- iticai piatformi, but they do not make rnmch sens;e in tihe context of international law. (Continued from fpage 1.) period. Mrs. N. Allin introduced the gucest zspeaker, Mrs. Bert Colwesll af Bowmanville~, whoýe son, Rey. Ted' CoiweIl, is a missionary in Brazil, mwhere lie Ministers ta five cangrelgations. Mrs. Colwellhad taken a trip ta Brazil about a year agQ, and showed slides of places she badl visited there. Her dammentary was mnost interesting and informative. Brazil is larger than the comi- binei areas of United States and Alaska. The Portuguese languatge is spoken, and'over 90% of tbe Kentdal News Congratulations ta Mr. and M'rs. v 1Richard Fosteýr wC are the proud parents of a soni, Raymnond( Allen, ,a brother for Tmy Kendal Women,-i's Institute met at the home of Mrs. E. Couroux on Tuesday afternoon, February' 24 with seven mnembers present. The mneeting opened with the singing, of the Ode followed by the secretary ýIVrs. A. Low read- ing the minutes. Itwa moved 'hat ten dollars be sent to the new children's hospîtal in, Tor- ontQi and that twenty-five -dollars be given toa needy family- in the cammunity. Carried. Material was given out to be used for the Penny S.ale when 41ade up. Mrs. M. Manders spoke on "The History of Making. Bread." The soleall was "Naine a favour- ite bread or roll." Lunch was provided by aur hostesses Mrs. A. Low and Mrs. R. Elliott. The next meeting wiil be at the home of Mrs. W.. Turansky, in the evening March l7th. Congratulations to mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer who were married, in Orono United Church February l4tb. The bride was the former Bannie Bail. The cere- mony was performed by the Ttev. B. E. Long. The U.C.W. of Kirby provided a fine turkey dinner for the one bundred and nine wed- ding quests. The happy couple wîll reside in ýOshawa. A father and son banquet was held in Kendai sebool on Satur- day evening, February 2lst. There wer'e perhaps twenty-five Boy, Scouts and -their fathers in' at. tendance. The guest speaker was from Peterborough. He spoke on Scoutîng. On Sunday, February 22nd the p)eopleare, of Romant Catholie re- ligion. The inside temperature reaches 1000 in summer, and the weather is ike a Canadian summier day. Sao Paulo is the mQnst mnodemi city with apartm-ent buildings, stores etc. similar to those in aur ctis hs hoe Meows of Rev. ColweIl's churehc anid coggtin is home, typ- ical Brazilian hiomes, al5 «slides of sone of the work belig done thiere by,, the mlissionaries, their familiesi and native cburch mem- bers. Rev. Calwell bias been there for four y-ears and will be home on furlougbi next August. Mrs. Chapmnan tbanked our guest for a most enjoyable tour ofBrzl .3usiness wasý conducted and announcements miade. MrS. W. lrwîn and Mrs. O). Chatterson conferred a life, mem bership in Orono U.C.W. on Mirs. O. Challice and presented bier with a pin. The meeting closed witb the Mizpah Renediction. 88C Ià Listerine, 12 oz.. ... Scope, 12 oz............ Dristan, caps., 1O's. .. 88e 88c 88c Noxema,- 2 4-oz ........... 88e Colgate Tooth Paste, super 88c MeLean's T..Paste, super .. 88e Nivea Baby Powder, 14 oz. 88c flesert Flower Lotion, 16 oz 88c Old Spice After Shave . ... 88c Noxzema Instant Bath ...88e Modess Carefree .... 2 for 88e Kendal troop of Scouts,, Cubs. Guides and Brownies attended the church Parade at, Courtice and Bowmanville. sencd the nl'ames and addresses of yu friends far away who woculd lîke an invitation to Ken- dal Cetnilof Kendalu rc on June 7, to Miss C. W. Ste2wart. The f ollowing 'Fire Slogan was taken from the Cobourg- ,,entiniel Star: Poetry is Janet Valcourt's %vay of advising abbut fire. She says. "Figure ont a way of.escape; Put it an your wall with tape. Remlember how and what to. do. It couid save brother Bill and Sue."y Janet, 11, is in grade 6 at Grant Sine School. Dry Cleaning. We are agents for BoWmanvlle Cleaners Pîkpand delivery every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday M ATIS BILLIARDS and iBarbershop Orono, Ont. Phone 983.5310 Coninentail-Sauna, and STEAM BATH GKNTLEMIEN .. . We have a Sauna and WhWrI pool ready for your use. Drop iie and give theni a try Group Rates Available Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 Sun'. 8 ar. - i p. 16A (tNTARTO STREET 728-2460 OSHAWA Clarke Public LIB R AR Y H1OURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:6»-8:30 Thursday 6:30 -8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5;, 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday, 10:00 - 12:0 am 88c Riglit Guard, king.....88e Yardley ilair Lotion....88e SiLvkrin Co ne. Shampoo Noxzema Deod Spray. 88e 88e IdIiIips M of, M Tabs, 100s'88e, A â35 Rub, 2 oz .......... 88cý Bufferin, 100's.......... 88e Dodd's Pis, '70's......... 88e Blistex, '/2 oz........88 Elastoplast Strip 2'/," .... 88e Yardley Rol-On Deod. 2 - 88e Curade Bandage ....2 for 88c Yicks Rub, sinali, ... 2 for_88e I.Stutt's Pharmacy, Orono

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