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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Feb 1970, p. 5

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ORtONO WEEKLY TEMES, THUTRSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1970 LOCAL EASTER SEAL OBJECTIVE $6700.Wê An objective of $670000 hi been set for the Bow.maavi] Area Easter Seal camnpaign whic exteads from Februiary 261 March 29. The campaign is conducted 1( cally by Bowmanviilký Rotar Club in conjunction with thre Or, tario Society for Crippled Child ren. l3owmanvilie Area campaigi chiian is Mr. Keuith Jackson. Over-all objective of the 197( Ontario Easter Seal campaign i, $1,600,009. Mr. Jackson cmphasized that hiait of the funds raised bore re- main in the comrnity for the directL assistance of needy local hadi pped children. "These unds," ho said, "enable Our ctlb to assist these children ird th1oir families in 'a great miany wvays, such as financial help in thepurchase of artificial limbs or special oquipment such as braces or, wbeelchairs, camping fees' and transportation to and from camps or'linies." "In addition," ho said, "the club has a continuing Visitation Progra n which both assures us that evcrything possible is being done for tIhe children and re- assures the chldren and their, parents that they are flot alone ia facing their difficulties." "The balance of the funds rais- _r lièrc go directly to the Ontario Society for Crippled Children. There they are used to support the bandicapped youngsters in this province through one of the 1world's Most comprohonsive treatment and rehabilitation pro- granis." 'Thé Society operates 21 Diq- niet urngOffices throughout Ontario staffed by 37 speciallv trained Publicealth nurses, fa addition, the Soecty , wo iking with local Easter Scal service clubs sponsors a series of special clinics across Ontario. Medical specialistq whose assistance would flot otherwise be a.vailable local- ly, take prtin these celinics which eac year examine neaýrlY Tfice more ,t'han 14.ý0û00hanidi- ca1pped childrn iiOntario also benefit from tlie Societyý's -oni- tiningi,, support of the 18 treat- ment,ùcontres located throughout Ontar io. Many of the children also attend one of the five sum- mer camps owaed atnd operatcd by the Society. CAPACITV CROWD AT LEGlON VALENTINE DANCE A picturesque setting of cupids, hearts and streamers provided a delightful atmosphere for the on- chanting music, wbich was play- ed by thre Royal Amrbassadfor', un- der thre capabrle leadership of Ray Walker, in the Rloyal Canadian Legion Hall, Bownianville on Sat- urday _evening. The numerous cuests -were pre- sent from Detroit, Mchigan, Ton. onto,' Windso, O shav a, P -u~' Bownawaaille and many otlier cen- tres. Door priz . anrd Spot Dances were offered during the evening. Thre wianers are as follows: First door prize, clothes hamp- or won by Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Therteil,' Kendal; Second pnize, 2 stacking stools donated by Nest- ing Furniture, Orono, won by Mr. and Mrs. Caýrl Forbes, Toronto; Third door prize, canaistor set, won by 4T. and Mrs. Bruce Chad- wick, Cob ourg. Gifts were pros. ented to MVr. and Mrs. John Brooks, of Detroit who were pres- ont from the, furthest distance. 1Fïrst Spot Danco picked by Mrs. John Brooks, won by Ana Foster, prizo donated by Linda and Frank Perry, Oshawa, Fàsh- las Doar Editor':" le in answer to the letter ýby E eh R. Lovekin1 re John and Yoko1 to b d la1 for their own Publicity aa . trie fj'ancial bc-rofit of 1Moport o- ', truly believe that this is hiý Y greatc. ,t, effort at raakiùng word: I-tirat do not make sease. 'Tbis sit- uclitron has nothing to do with ai] ýn levels of goverament and socioty. It is a homo-baked problem, and ocould become bitter hre'ad. In fais Pos itioa as legal adviser to the Council, of the 'Township tof Clarke, 1 would like to suggest *that Mr. Lovekia's time could bo much btter spent on. making an effort to remember (quote: why we bave ail that ]and planning legisiation). (i.e.) Land Use By- law No. 1653 - Page 12, Section 10 - Sub-section 10.3 - (b) in ad- dition to the uses referred to in Section 10.1 hereof those parts of Lots 33-34-35 - Conc.- 9 which are designated A-2 on Sehedule A may be used for the purposes of a racetrack for motor vehlicles D Eoes 'Mfr.' Lovekin believe that anyone should be ailowed to con- travenea Law for the purpose of mprvîngtirir own financial status? Could not CQuncil be ad- vised that their By-law may make a restraining order possible? or, faiiing that the promoters be re- quirod to post a bond committing themn to indemnify al daims for damnage to public and private property in Clarke, and adjoin- ing municipalities. The inference that the Immi- gration Departmcnt will ho inter- ested la Mosport on1 a July 4th weekend, that Provincial, Fedenal or Police power could hoc used before tIre area is in trouble, is either wisbful thinking, or' just plain malarkey.. Do es the good lawyer really believe tbat (quote: - no modern government 'stands back and lots private enterprise croate a bill of expenso?) That theony - suooeests that ]and, water- and air pollution beavesterdlayVand will ho cor- netdat 13o e b)ese o ire pub- lic. If tIre Council of Clarke is on top of this problem it is their duty to do everything la their power tQ provide protection and aliay tbe fearsof the residents of this and ahutting muaicipalities, and to make the results of their efforts public at the earliest Pos- sible moment. To the residents of this munici- pality, you cannot expeet those whom you elected, to oporate suc- cessfully without ovory kind of support you inay ho able to offer, hy letter or petition to your Council, wbo have no othor way to serve their position, than by tIrir own judgmeat and some knowledgeof your opinions - - Do not complain if you cannot help. Mr. Lovekin, it may ho possible for 200,000 people iaterested la Joha and Yoko visiting Clarke for thnee or four days in July, that no more tban 2% of this aumber spread out ru the Pine woods that surround Mosport for. many miles in every direction (with Sleeping bags, a handful of pot, a c.c. of speed, a few cubes of treated sugar, and a portion of hooze). The world will suroly Irear of the Great Pine Ridge, and perhaps see or smell the smoke from it. Ia losing, I believe that it is btter to, look for 'trouble, than have it sneak up on you when you are not looking. Yours truly, A., Low, Kondal, Ontario. Letter To The Editor Local News Mus. Harold Snell, Toronto, spenit ile weekend with Mns. Ken Mr. Wmi. Tamblyn, Mr. George Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bill- Ings and Ms.John Rickard at- tolsded th-e Agicultural Conven- tion, Tononto on Wednesday of this week. a four way contest. Trent busin- r' -,rnn Gerald Weaver was the choico of the Convention Nomin- ating Committeo. Dm. Wilson was nominated from tIre convention floor by Northumberland-Durham M.P. Russeil Hoaiey and bis nom- înation wasý secondod by Miss Marguerite O'Connor from Ontar- i0 -Riding. Fehruary 23, 1970 hlocentiy a dance was held at Clarke Ifigh, School, and bourg a (vrduate frora Ciarke I nover thougbt that 1 wouid ho refused lad rfttance. We vcr~e refused adrmittance on the grounds that our sponsors v'cre not there, anrd not planning to attcnd. The Gucst Card that I held States that the authorizod s1Poiîfï i'ttake full nosponsi- bilily for is ýe actions of the guest duPing the special activitY, but did not state tire sponsor had to oscort tlire guost to the dance. I do not uinderstand why a Papor could not ho signed by the guost on the nigirt of the dance Stating that the guest is rospons- ible for their own actions and agree fo pav for damage caused by their misconduct, if not oc- coinpaniod by a sponsor. I would llike t tlraak thiose ne- sponsible for thre new unannoun- ecd rule that the guest must ho accompaffied by their sponsor, and mjany tbanks for their hos,- pitality on Fohruary 20.- Yours sirwerely, Bian J. P>uckley. NORTHUMBERLAND -DUR- HAM LIBERAL ASSOCIATION, D r. Ian Wilson of Cobourg was elected Directon of the Ontario Liberal, Par-ty for Eastern Ontar- .o at the annual convention in Ottawa, last woekend. Dr. Wilson ii sit on tihe Party Exocutive with three other Regional Dinec- tos andnowlY elected Liberal President, Jean Richard. Dr. Wilson was suiccessful in UNITED CHURCH- 01ron10Pastoral ChargÏe Miaister Rev. B. E. ILong SUNDAY, MARCH, lst, 1970 Orono UnI:eo Church-. Sunàmj Schoôl at 10:100 Kryse,-Vice at 11:15 a, Morning 'Service at 9:45 a.m. Sumrday Scihoul at 11:00 r- -~ I ~11 Looking for a baby gift? See our Chîldren's Department. Lots of aide aew things for boys and girls. BABY DRESSES Several new dainty styles in dresses. Pink, blue, yellow and, white. Sizes 6 to 24 months. Priced from $4.00 to $6.00 DIAPER SUITS Cute diaper suits for boys and girls, including stretchy nylon. Pink, blue, yel- low, red and green. Sizes S, M, L,, and XL. SLEEP AND PLAY SETS Stretch nylon and stretch ter-ry one- piece setsia shades of pink;, blue, yellow and aqua. Sizes to fit Up to 24 -montbs. Pri ced fromd $3.00 to $4.00 BLANKETS Beaver brand blankets withý wide sat- in border. Polka dots or stnips. Size 36" x 50". Predominant shadès of green, yellow,, pink and blue. Priced, each $4.98 BUNNY BLANKETS Bunny Esmond blankets ýwith whip- ped ends. Size 36" x 50". White with main- Priced from $4.00 to $5.00 Prime each S2.59 STOýW Kirby Card Party The Card Party at Kirby Coni- tennial School was very well at- tonded on Saturday, February 21. Thene wene 13' tables of Euchre Thre pnizo inners weme .HIigli lady, Joan Danîlko, pnizo donated by Tom'ý, Newcastle. HigIr gent, Chanlie Taylor, pnizo donated by Mns. Jim Ard. Low lady, Rhonda Johnson low man Mrs. Suteliffe, prizes donated by Mrs. Lee. Two door pnizes were won also by George Carson and L. Ado- geest, donated by Johnson's Drug store a nd Mrs. Betty Spry. Kir by 1-i0re ani School Club wi'qh to tbank alI who donated prizes and Ireiped to make tis a success. Thre next card party wili, ho held at tire school on Satur- day, March 7th. Please note, al Who attended Saturday nigbt, we ENCH wrench. .1w ontact 01n four creased tooth rk.Tiin nose. rwire cuttef. VRENCHES 'op-forged, ai- tuiiy polishecd. e9 Sara"mens CrCu SNOW OBIL RCES> Orono îRace Tirack SunayMatch lut Weather Permitting Races at 1:00 o'clock Entry fee $2.00 Admission $1.00 takea front 9 until 1 Open to Clarke Township Residents only.

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