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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Feb 1970, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAy, FEBRUARY Zqth, 1970 Sec Agency for Mll classes of personal and Commercial Coveragzes Office: ýMaln St., Orono 983-5032 --Res. .983-5754, Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS Interior Exterior CH'-ARLES REID Orono's Licensed Auctionee-r and Valuator Speciaize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms' and dates FRONE ORONO 983-5914 SMonuments and' FanmiIy Memerials éur quallty and service leaves i n.othlng te be desired .Aýsk the pexsGn who bongit froin us. a neighbour, frlend or relative 1%ec RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY M3 Ontario Street PORtT HOPE Largf st dlsplay in Southerik Otarie IWATSON'S Mioel andcycle Oreno Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS M louette Suo6w obiles McCullüch CHAIN SAWS I epairs teo ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle j Englues, I O TACO PLOW POINTS 'AND MACHINERY PUMPING OUT SIEPTTC TANKS Bert Twiipkins pheae 786-255 't. i i i f PLUMBING and HEATMINU O Sales and Service M i HOUR BURNE R SERVICE -GULF FINANCING U ILow. Interest Rates g Phone: j Tyrone 263-2050 I ,Electrical Contraeinz 1 Electrie Heatînir and Service jPHIONE 983-5546- or 983-5940 Orono. Ontario i ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerrv Duvýali * 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRA(,IfNG ELECTRIC IHEATING ELE.TRICAL APPLIANt2ESlý, T.V. - COLOUR TV RADIO - HI-PI FRIGIDAIRE - R.CA. DOMINION ELECTROIIOXfIJ INGLIS - THORt -GUARANflEED SERVICE- i iamiltons Insurancei f Service Iâ ?ack&ge PoliciesJ g First Mortgage Loafis 'adife Hamiltonl$ c Phone 983-5115 Stafford Brothers i manufat:ers off ICemnetery Mepmrials f 318 Duads 5Srj4 Bou te WH1TEY, ONTARIO f I -~ WANTED TO RENT Three bedroon bouse. Rent ap- .proximately $100. - $110. Please Phone Oshawa 725-1801. b-9-p WORK WANTED Student, 17, desires week-end bouse work. Will look after chil- drenand do light house work. Phone 983-5972. a-p FOR SALE Gendron baby carniage, play- pen, crib without matress and Gendron stroller. Phone 983-5937. a-p FOR SALE 1964 Laurentian' Pontiac, in' good' dean condition. Phone 983-5630. b-p NOTICE Dress miakiing services and ai- terations. Phonie 983-5071.a- NOTICE Oronno Larkdscaping, Gardea Ser- vice and Snow PlS.qng. Phone 983-6W58. tM NOTICE TO CREDITOR S EN THE ESTATÈ 0F FLOR- ENCE AGNES BRIMACOMBE, late of the Township of Clarke In, the County of Durham, widow, dcçeased; Ail persons hlaving dlaims a- gainst the Estate of the saidi Florence Agnes Brniacombe, who died on or- about the llth day of July 1969, are hereby notified to send to the uindersiglned Execu- tors or their Soliceitor on or be- fore the 9th dlay of March 1970, their, naines and addresses and1 fuli o hTs f thitr 'ctatia and the nature of the securities (if any) heid by ýthi duly yeni- fied by statittory deelaration. Imm1-tediately after the said 9th dlay of March 1970, the assets of the said deceased >iýill be distrib- uted among the persons entitled théreto having regard only to the dlaimis of which the Execuitors or the un.Iersigned solicitor shafl then have notice. Dated at Oi-ono, Ontario this 16th day of February 1970. ARTHURJ WESLEY THOMYPSON Kein4al, Ontario GARLANLI CATHCART Rendal, Ontario 'W. K,. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Execiitors. I D RGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO j WEBUY AND SELL fOld Gla"schina, p'Lne Articles I Toys, and Oddlties f F IT'S OLP,. fCALL US j WE PAY CASH jPhoiae 623-5342 after 6 p.m NOTICE Orono Hockey Mother's Annual Meeting to be held at 8:00 Wednesday, March 4th at the Or- ono Arena. Please plan to attend. A Treat for yeu Fancy Quality Red Delicions, MacIntosh and Spys also F RESH CIDER ICE CREAM. C Grade Apples for sale $2.00 bus. fred's Fruilt Maurket Highway 115, south of Orono lkensed PIumbing & Machanical Conractar Who sei>installe CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono Orono Building Contractor Brick Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpeutry- Cabinet Work Floors -Tile 983-5441 ORONO Box133 Phone 668-35e2î LYCETT Plumbhing Heating ter rewîodellihsg your present' one, then contact FIoyd Nichoi>sco P one 983-5049 ORONO RICAJRD REALTOR 99 King st., E. BOWMAN'VILLE When Buylng or Selling - Cai WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and Dis trict Real jEstate Board BAULCH MOTORS are now dealers for "FOX MIN1131KES" A complete'hne of. kits and machines front $100e,95 to $419.95 PARTS and SERVICE Baulck otle ors- R.R. 3, Port Hope, Ontario Phone: 1416-885-2760 L ý lâ ý;È , 1 ý, eýe NOTICE The. Senior Citizens will meet-, in the Oddfellow's Hall Thursday, March 5th at 2:00 p.m. Newcast]le, Senior Citizens will witli us. Everyone welcome. a-c, CARD PARTY The Horticultural Society is;ý holding a car~d party on Thursday,ý February 26 at 8 p.m. in the Odd-, fellowes Hall. Admission 75c. Ev-, eryone welcome.b-- COMING EVE' iT Newcastle Lions Dance, New, castie Community Hall, Saturday,, February 28th. Spot dances, prizes, b ar privik, eges. $400 per couple. -e, WORLD DAY 0F PRAYER, Ail families invited to attenii, service on Friday, March .6,, in Main Hall of Orono United Church .at 7:30 p.m. Representatives of- many different churches and faiths -particýating. Special music by Hi-C's. Coma~ and bi'ing a friend. b-10-s, FORTHCOMING MARIRIAGE Mr, and Mrsý. fRoss Patton of- Kendal, Ontario wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their- daughter Shirley Ann to Jen Edward Carscadden, son of Mr, and Mrs. Johni A. Carscadden, Northi Orono, Ontario. The mar-, iage to take place in Kenidal Un- ited Chiurchi on Saturday, March 21,-9q0<a-p CAR» 0F THANKS The Orono Athietie, Associationi would like to thank everyone wio~ attended or bouight tickets to the Annual Hockey Booster Banquet on February 21st, and we do hope. that everyonie enjoyed themn- selves.,ae MEMORIAM HARNESS: In loving memaory of - our dear daughflter Wendy Diane,. age 10 whio left us February 25,. 1967. There is always a facee before us, A voice we would like to hear. A' srnjle we will always remem, ber 0f a dear daughter we loved sa~ dear. Our hearts still ache' with sadnessa Our eyes stili f ili with tears; God only knows how much we- miss her' As it dawns thiree long Ionely- y ears. So Çod.keep ber in your gracious. care, Till the day that we get there, Thon give her -to us please once-, more, Anid 1Jet us, love,-her as, before. Sadly mlissed by Mommiýy, Daddy- Ioetand Lisa. - "1 1a-p, !BOX 133

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