ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, FEBRUARY 26th, 1.970 PUBLIC SPEAKING <Continued fromi page 1) Mr-. Aeliko DeWîVtt, FR 1, Orono. sPok ý on "Tbe Life 0f The Tree." (Mespeaker-s in the final county otetwoiee Virginia Brdhwof St. Anthony., Pr 1Iopeý Cheryl Crnsh rono Pub- lic School; Chiristina Seiby, New- Irene Rýeitmuellcr, St. Jos,-ephi's castle Public School; Janet And- Public School. rus, George Hamilton School, 'Mr.fi Allan Strike, vice-chairman Welcome; Janlice Doreli, Cart- of the Northumberland-Durham wright, Public School; Sandra County Board of Educationws Hajnek, M. J. obbs School, chairman for the eventingï withi Haptw im J{wke, 7J. J Mr. Douglas Moffatt, prinicipal of the Orono Public School conivenior Hob~Schoolm, 1-lampto;n; and for the evening. Mr. Patter'oni, Suprinendntof Planning for the County Board of Education spoke briefly and presentcd each speaker w7ith an engraved cup as a momnento of the contest. The Oronio Public Sehýool Gcle Chub, cnutdbyý Mrs. Fran Lutnn and Mrs. Wanýinacott, provid- ed a niumbeLr of musical interlud- es to _add, to the evenings enter- tainment. Mr. Douglas Moffat14 spoke briefly at the close of the meet- ing, congratulating the' speakers îrýd pofinted out that the 'success of the contest was not only ln who had won but that everyone had doné really well. CREAN STYLE CGR ASSORTEO PEAS 14 OL CUT WAX BEANS OR TINS3 GREEN BEANS ~J~r,' L~-~~- -________ MGA PISTE W~____ ~ cBakery(7rreats n'UF OER$OFF I.KL P!MPSMDtS 2 ROLLUP PAO. CF i2 f Ï1.1 WA LK ER'S SALTINKS 3PKS POTATQ CHIPS iFOILBAC 9 CRISPY CRUNCH, JERSEY NIK .M1BLl, MIMASSORTED U é LNEILSON'S BARS 0 3BARS Health t-Beauty;Aids (WITII FRE12 DCLITLE, BATU LOTION> MEPINEN BABY MAGIC LOTION vu89 BONOSIZ ( MORE) LADY PATIUCIA HAIR SPRAY sW"iéî' iROAN (MANUF. 12- OFF LABEL) LADY PATICIA 1/ l SIIAMPOO CRENE RINS LSTCT I jÀ4>