Orono Pubie LIbrary Jan le, 1969 0MB Board Decisior,, .This Week The major issue at the Ontario Municipal Board hearine held 'in Orono on Tuesday regarding the Township of Clarke Zoning by- laws was centred around the zon- ing of the Mosport property in bv-law 1653. In this by-law Mos- nort is classified under a ~e Special Provisions, with the area being dQsignated 'A-2' and "ma y be used for the purposes -7a race track for motor vehielpe-," Fôllowing, the Mosport ca-"i" Board Chairman statod that they would n)ass down a decision some- time titis weekend in this con- nection. Mlr. Conlin, acting on behaif of Mlosoort -conlended that the'nr mitted use- in by-law 1653 was too restrictive and gave no a"1' in the operation for his client H1e pointed out that in the prev- ious by-law, heard Iast summer, Mosport was in a zone designated agriculture which gave a wider scon)e for its operation and noýr- mitted such uses as parks and playground. 11e asked that Mos- port nowbe designated as 'Open Space' to 'which 'his client woul'd have no objection. This wo1' e-1- low such operations as private or public park, camping facilities MVr. E. R. Lovekin , acting on behaif of the Township of Cla'rke presented Mr. Derek Little of Municipal Planning Consultants. who was retained by the township to assist with by-law 1653, to outline the varions areas on the mapos and specially pointed out those areas designated as 0--n Space Mr. Little stated that "le Space was in public owner-hin. On cross examination b- Conlin, Mr. Little said that hb understood Mosport had be-n in existance, for perhaps ten N,,,ars 11e also stated that Mospo'-I - '-- been left out of by-law 1592 but on bis reçommendation if ;1 Orono Weekly -Times VOLUME 34, NUMBER 10 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1970 Orono Bo'y Snew moMbile Champion Brian Black of Orono came near to a dlean sweep of ail four e- vents in the Saracens Car Club Snowmobile rally held at the Or- ono track on Sunday. H1e drove Tony Mitchell's Motor-Ski machine to three easy wins in the three events he xxas enfered. Brian was follewed by Russell Major who also drove a Moto- Ski in the three events. Brian won the C Stock, the D Stock. and the final Tropliy Dash of ten laps aronnd fhe track. His machine appeared to have the power to stay abead of the b est in the class and bis abiliity te ne- goliate the icy corners gave hlm a wide margin in ah bhis races. Herb Rlobinson of NPwcastle wvon lte opening race, B Stock, i n bis Ski-Doo. Tony Mitchell hcld the lead in this race for thie tir t tw, laps but then fell be- hind. Tony then miss judged the South turn and flew ont over the banli suffering a shonîder separ- ation and being sent to the Bosv- manville hosptal. Somewhere between 150 and 200 were in attendance at the, meet. Members of the Saraçyns Car Club were somewhat embit- tered in the fact that snow had been remov ed from the track down f0 the hare dirt. This was unclertaken on a portion of the back--tretch. Mr. C. Reid was the announcer for flic afternoon. Shown above are Herb Robinson winner of the B Stock and Brian Black (on the riglit) winner of the champion Trophy Dash. Durham PP' Namned 'Whip' If abrasiveness is au indicafor Premier John Robarts lias flie righf man for bis Conservafive parfy's chef whip. 'Îhe whip, spur to parfy a-etion, is Alex Carruthers, MPP for Dur- bai. 11e was appeinted Tuesday on flic opening day of flic third session of flic provincc's 28th legislature. Mr. Carruthe'rs succeeds, Leon- ard Reilly (Eglinfon) wlio served as chief whip in the first fwo sessions. Appointed depnfy whips, a position frein which Mr. Car- ruthers was, pmomoted, were Leo Brer(Kenora) and R. D. Ken- Ydy(Peel Soufli1). Few Other Objections Other than flic Mosporf objec- tion fo Zoning By-law 1653 few ofliers cxisfed. A few, of those speaking; before the Board liad misinterpreted thte by-law and fouud that they liad lu fact no objection. The major portion of the ob- jections presenfed to tlie Board were lu the area of, wanfing te sub-divide properf y but due fo zouing in by-law 1653, were not able to do so.' Others wanted smaller lots than called for ln the by-law. The Clarke Township Ratepay- crs' Association were represent- cd at tb.e meeting by Mr. Addie wbo was supportine flic condi- fions of fthc by-law on hehaîf of the Association. been included in by-law 1653 with its conditions. Upon questiion Mr. Little sta ted thàt he had nQt made any enquiries of Moz--'4 to the intended uses of the orop- erty in Clarke and further agreed it was bis analysis of the the property. Mr. Conlin then- a--ked it would not be reasonable to -des- ignate Mosport as Open Space or to extend the present definition of the conditions under '" - thev must operate? Mr. L ittle said thîs would not be in accord with recommendations of the fîrbt instance but that it wp-'-n an unreasonable request to ex- tend the use other than race track. He said he agreed in principal but "Ithere are- some us- es on which Council would de- cîcte." Mr. Conlin pointed out that other operations in the '1 ownship sucii as a golf course and a camp- in~g area which were designated as Open Space alloWed iany other operations on these proper- ties other than golf and camping., Mr. Cootes. of Marshall, lin and Monogban, was intvocbîc- cd by Mr. Conlin, and outlined the broader zoning regulations governing the Greenwood race 'racks in Toronto and i n his op- inion feit that an Open Space des- ignation for Mosporf would be more in kecping wifli its opera- tion. The 'Board Chairman called un- on tliosc in the, Audience ' who wîshed to be heard either in the, Support or in opposition to the by- law as regarding Mosport to pre- sent their views. Mr. M. Veltri, Oshawa and owner of 49.5 acres adjacent to J losport asked that bis land be uesigzutzdJ as Open Space çq- he could carry' on parking and overnighf camping. H1e said it was now cla.ssified as Ar--" bat M'es in no twav 'id ricultuire and big oclassifjed he could not carry out parkingý or camping. He said he had pur- chased the land as an investment because of its location to Mos- port but under present zoning he could do nothing witli it. Mr. G. Marvin. owner of "YQO acres near Mosport suoke i, -- our of the by-law as amenderi -le stated fliaf he had had ncihing bu', trouble when races were lield at Moport and outlined people camping, and parking on bis prop- erty as well' as cutting bis fences and liaving to chase people out of his barn. 11e also strongly rec- (Continued page 4) Enrolment Expected Up By 20 Percent Enrolment at the Clarke lligh Scbool is expected ýto increase by almost twenty percent this coi- in,~ September according to re- cor ds now on file at the schooL. The enrolment figure expccts ta reach 441 ln September 1970 wbich compares -with 369 in 1969, It can be considered that the non-graded systein to be started in Clarke this year bas sfimulated a greater interest in Clarke and is most reqponsible for the ln- crease in the potential enrolment. It bas been poînted ouf that flirougli the non-graded systern the teacher-student ratio wîll this coming year be mucbhîglier than in previous, years. 'illere is a more economical use of botl facilities and staff alike.. Few problems have arose out of the change-over and if is ex- pected that timetabling can soon be undertaken. Following' this students will receive their indlvi.- dual time tables. A. few courses have had to lie elimina ted front the original pro- posaI but these have littie effect on any oftfle students. Clarke expects to have'one .more teaclier this year and lias asked the board for an additional twû portables. Roy inter Ke ndail Macenager The newly formed Intermediate basebafl team at Kendal who will be perf-orming in the Lakeshore Lea~u thi summr hed their Sundlay a fternoon at Eddie Cour- onux's -in the village and it ýdrew a' good turnout of intercsfed people. Main item on the agenda was the appointmnent of a field man- ager and they secured' a good one in the person of Roy 'Wink' Wint- er of Orono who had a 26 year so- journ as a catcher. The teain executive were away recently purcliasîng' uniforms for the new club. Next meeting will be for ahl players in the area, not the prop- erty pf either Bowmianville or Port Hope, and will be held at the Newtonvil]e CommuniII7liait on March 22nd at one p.m. Iark Players Win stival Awards Cobourg District Collegiate In- stitute' - West, wecm the hosts on Frîday February 27th and Satur- day Fehruary 28th. for the Ka- wartha South Draina Festival. The adjudicator was MVr. Roy Hig- gins, and bofli nigbts played to a good audience. On Friday night, there were three entries - 12B Group from Clarke 111gb School with Shaw's "St. Joan". 12A Group from Clarke witli "Twentieth Century Lullaby" and the Courtice Sec- ondary Sehool Drama Club with "Crawling Arnold". Safurday niglit, two plays w meý presented "Red Carnations" by the Junior Draina Club of Cobourg DCI. West, and "The Form" by Bow- rnanvi]le Higli Sehool, f >110v ing whicli Mr. Higgins gave bis final adjndication, and announced bis decîsions on the award winners. The award for best snpporting actor wenf te Deug. Luxton of Bowmanville and the award for best supporting ' actress was givcn to Jean Bell, aise of Bowmanville. Donald Mc1Çcnz'i', with the 12B Goup fmom Carke, received the Special Adjudicatoî- Am7amd, for the combination of bis work as Student Director of "St. Joan," and the strong per for mance lie gave in the flav'as XVtrw i-,)~ Canadian Play xvas cntercd, and the award for "Best Prodluction of a Canadian Play" wa: ,ti-mceforc not attained by any group. The runner-up award for Best Actress went to Caroline Johnson who played St. Joan in the 12B Clarke. pîoduction and fthe Best Actre.- i;2.ivard was won by.Laur- ie Lambert wlio portrayed Miss Sympathy in Courtice's "Crawl- ing Arnold". The runner-up Besf Acter Award also went te a member of the Courfice Group - Mr. Mark Stephenson, for bis pai t as Artiold, and thec Best Ac- tor wa, Dennis Fratrciqvv n- Mr. WhimbV, ln Pow 'îanville's "The Forin" T',ý finale of the award.3 saw double bonours go to flic 12A Group froma Clarke, wben Katby J o-cki received the award for the ""- Student Director", and tb<e n1av "Twentietb Century Lui- lab'," won fthe "Besf ýOverali Pro- duction" award. This production 'viii nev go forward to cempete in the semi-finals at Lindsay in the n"ar future: fthc succcssful fflay etùfthe semi-finals flien enfer- ims the finals of tbe Simpson- Sears Drama Festival at Water- loo.- Our good wishes for continued success go witli fle Clarke Play- ers te the semi-finals, and Mm. Higgins expressed the opinion that fhey liad a very sfrong en- try witli flicplay. Mr. Robert Porter of Oshawa was presented hast week with flic keys to a Nordic Ski-Doo which lie had won on Februaiî' 2lst. The presenfation was made by Mr. Jerry Hasiuk, director of the draw was' made at the Farmer's Union dance in. Pontypool and L.he presentation made at Orono Fuel and Lumber. (1 to r) Young Michael Porter, Mrs. Porter, Mr.' Porter and Gerry Hasink. The winning ticket was a gift from National Fariner's Union. The Mr. Portcr's brotlier-in-law. Wiins NFU Snowmobile - w- - - -M gmýso ý«M 1 Il - ... . .. ..... . .. . ...... 16