NEW BOOKS - MVARCHI 5. 1970 Aduit- Speak Now by Frank Yerby. Tie latest novel by this author is a contempora:-y and controversial one, concerning a romance be- twcen a coloured jazz musician and a white Southera girl,' during the time of the student riots in Paris, 1968. The Mask of Apollo by Mary Renault - another fine historical novel, set in Greece of the fourti century B.C, Triple W: Witches, Warlocks, and Wcrewolves by Rol SerliXg - twelve taies of the unexpected, coliected by the man who wrote Stories from the Twilight Zone. Stamp. Collecting as a. Pastime by Robert Bateman. And Always Tomorrow by Sarah E. Lorenz - one famîly's searcli in the universal problem world of adolescent mental iii- ness. Junior- Lightning and Thunder .by Hecr- bert S. Zim> - a book for anyone, young or old,,who has ever mar- velled at a dazzling flash of liglti ning or a deafening peal of thun- der. The First Book of Mountains by Francis Smith The Brave Riders, by Glen IBalh - a thrilling itory of the old West The Mystcry Key by Jean Both- well - an exciting mystery story. Easy Reading and Pieture Books The Little, Sail Boat by 'Lois Lenski Babar Êoses bis Cri rent De Brunhcff Tirce Little Kitter -a chids first nurserý John Tabors Ride Lent - based on a iý sea legcnd. ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THIJRSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1970 cks Russell Honey M.P. Speaks .'w yLau- At Orono Meeting, -q ji 1VaIa 'y story by Blair Ner England Kendal News On February 27th at tic Ken- dal Euchire Miss Joyce Drinkie of Nccatl on the door prize. Iss Iene gercer was hîgli lady. MrI's. R. -Elliott, was low lady. WAlYne 1owery was ,higli man, wiile Mrlis. S. Cooper,,,playing as a, gentleman wo'n the consolation prize. The next Euchre wili be lield in the orange Hall, March l3th. Sunday the weather was per- fect. March came in like a lamb. Wc were giad to have 'a good turn out at churdli. Miss Pcggy Foster sang as a solo "Tliat's WliY 1 Love Hlm," accompanied by her aunt Mrs. A. Foster. Rev. T. Sneigrove continued bis East- er series of sermons. 11e spoke on the subjeet "Tic Devotcd Christ,," Christ speaks from the Cross. Mr. Eddie Couroux, Ray Cour- oux and Mr. Cari Langstaff went fishing to Cashe Bay during the wveekend. Ti c Bow Scouts of Kenadal wili be eollecting bundies of papers BEST BUY GREEN GIANT Large, sweet fancy Peals 14 oz tin, save 21c BEST BUV! Delsey 2 ply Tissue, 4 for 89C 16 Roils $1 Mr, Russell Honey, last Friday evening- held'the second of his consti tuency meet ings in the Or- ono Town Hall with a lZood turn- out Of area residents. 1He outiined bis work witli the government 811d policy being enacted at Ot- 11n his report he said the big- gest concern ýat Ottawa recently h4ac been inflation.1He was of the opinion that they were making headwNýaY in this and, said thatî the g«overnment. would have a $455 million surplus this year, the first in 13 Years. Mr. Fo"'ý'v also cojnmented that there was a great ai of co-operation between the paries in, Ottawa. Mr. Honey stated he had work- ed- for, the establishment of Na- tional 'Marketing Boaids to estab- lish marketing on a national bas- and bottles on Saturday, Mardi 7. Please have tleie ready when thV all HAt4ICS BAKERY and Snack Bar Phione 983-5203 BEST BUY! Miracle, Wliip Salad Dressing 32 oz. jar 58c Reg. 59e - RED and WHITE 24 oz. size Apple Pries 2 for 89C Best Buy! Save 16c. Red and White 8 oz. jar INSTANT COFFEE $1,19 Pre-Priced 5 for' $1.00 Crystals, 314 n'z. swing orange 5 - 89C Sweet Juicy GR APIE FRUIt 10 for 79c Specially Selected - Fresh Picnic Style Shoulder (4 -5 lb av.) Pork Ro sts, lb.53 Always Tender - Lean - Meaty Pork Butt Roasts lb. 65je LEAN - MEATY Mleaty Pork Hlocks lb. 39e) SC!L-YEIDERS Pure Pork 'Sausagemeat 1lb. 571c is and in this legisiation lias been drafted to be sent to parliam.ent H1e pointed out that a eut in sub- sidy for industrial milk had been instituted in, an industrv -. there was overproduction.,1He spoke of the difficulty of seliing Skim milk produets on tic ex- port market'at 20 cents a oound when the world market prîce was 6 cents. The White Paper was a con- cern of many in the audience and ili this prop osai, Mr. Honey -allot- ted miost of his' time. He --' that ever.-one had to agrec that there1 was. a need for change in taxation and that' the White Paper was such a proposal. --Te was 'critical of pressure rouns- Who were against the 'proDosals and said, that objection Fhlorild be reason'able and- that ---' sliould not be carried away by hysteria. Mr. Honey pointed out that û.n-. der the White Paper exemntions would be'încreased for a single person from $1100( to $1650 and a, married person from $2100 to $3050. This he said would take 750,000 off the tax roll and would furnish a reduction in income tax to a furthcr three million n- He said a married Persion Davs less 'tax under the White Paperý on an income up to $9100. H1e ai- s0 pointed out that the lar- 1- crease amounted to $6"" '-4 week and that those affected by îireasq. represented about 10 Percent of the taxnavers. In speaking on capital gains tax, lie said, he feit that the ad- ministrathion of some of thi,; f'a- ture was far too muci. 1He saîd he was satisfiied that there '"h have t0 be chaniges in this and es- p)ecially, on personial property and the private home. Ho -,J say there were many instanees where capital gaints xvas able. On questiion, Mr. Honey' said, bhis opinion on use of tobacco 1-ýas qulte clear. H1e said evidence a- gainst the use of tobacco wA- cer- tainly sufficiient enougli for him to support Munroe's legisiation in this matter even thougli it may affect the tobacco indu'stry. Also on question Mr. Honey stated, that the white paprr - ro- posais were not socialistie legis- lation. He, said that even thougli the- higli income group had their rate of income tax i owercd t11at this would not be the case '" th capital gains tax was addcd as taxable to thîs income çroarn In connection with holding the Present rate of corporation tax he said this was now being abus- ed. The change as noted in the wvhite paper would eliminate alot of the abuse and bring un- ncorporated businesses and cor- porate businesses in uine as far as taxation is concerned. Mr. Honey was asked whv it vas necesary to increase taxes vlien they now had a surplus and Up And Down The Book Stuc PEOED Set of 4$135 4 colours in a set Pre-potted in growing trays Begin them now, for plantinli luYour garden. IViddletons 1 Phone 983-5242 ORONO, ONT. Al bert's ,Texaco GZNEAL REPAIRS Phono *33-5Z49 Orue Now l The Tiame!9 -~To Order, Your FU EL ON DX PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL Cail Us Today For Prompt, Courteou Service William C. Hall, Be. Comm. Ckartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wedntesday and Saturday Best Buy! Save 29c. Rose or Tulip Brands Margarine 4 for 89c Feature! - Long Grain 2-b. cela pack RICE QUICK KOOK .39c SAVE 14c. Dr. Ballard's Champion 15 oz.ý Dog9 Food 6 for>79c Reg. $1.1.5 value - I2& off giant pack CHEER DETERGENT 89c PRIMROSE BEEF Sl TEAKi E TT1E S *1 I'CO.NIH'SRED& WH-ITE We reserve the right te unit quantities Phone 983-5201, Orono, Ont. why did the gQvernment them- selves eut back on spendinj. Mr. H-oney said the tgoverrnment laad eut back on spending but he said it must also be, considered fl-t there was an increased )oipula- tion which meant increased ser- vices and payments. 1He referred to the fact that a number of civil servants had been laid off ac' aa means of cutting expenditui-es. The sp,ýaker stated tbat there were some areas where the'v had littie control and lie noted that in 1965 the federal eovernmiwot had, paicd $200 million, to Univer- sities and that, in' 1970. thîs , reacli $800 million. MVr. Bruce Tayolr stated that the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture dild agree in nýrincinai to the proposais, of, the Whte Paner but did make some1 reservn4+;_q' onl some of the conditions. In the matter of high. interpst rates Mr. Honey said if the "y ernment had xnot taken off ceiling'money would fot be a- vailable at ail at irlis time. the-right to limit quantities Phone 983-5201, Orono, Ont. 1 POTTED E n Phone 668.1