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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Mar 1970, p. 4

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--r.- ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, TIIURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1970 N -D 'Board Supports Proposai To Leave School At 14'Years The North umberland- Durham County Board of Education is to send a resolution to theý Depart- ment of Education asking that legisiation be changed, to pe rmit ï;tudents to leave school at 14- years-of-age wihli a work or a home permit. W. Frank Thom, director of cd- ucation, told the board last Thurs- day night, that 14-year-olds eild leave school with a home permit providing they workcd for their parents, not any other relative, just the parents. A work permit could be'issued if the pupil's family was in,- fin- ancial diffîcuities and needed the child to go out and earn a living. A. A. H. Strikc, vîce-chairman of the board, asked if any pupil could get ither a work permit or a home permit on the recom- mendation of just their parents. Mr. Thom replied that it had to be on ýthe recommendation of the attendance counsellor. The resolution, which xiii also go to other school boards in the province 'also calls for students, who want to ]eave school at 16- syears-of-a ge to bc able to do so whcn they reacli the age of 16, Iiather than waiting for the end of the school year. Mr-. Thom said the present leg- isiation was "a littie unusual" be- cause the student had ho stay in sehool until June even if he be- came 16 in Januaîïv of that year. "But an emiploy er has the right to enIp)LOy a tIIdent as soo-n as he- reachles the age of "sixteeni," he said, "andj( famnil 'y aliowance is shopped ,as soon as he becomes sixheen also. Mr. Thomn said this legisiation was put into effect abouti one year ago but as far as educators wrere concerned it was a retro- grade step. "Some students just don't want to stay, at school and they become nuisancesý, hampering other stu- hents and placing an unneccssary burden on the teacher. Tbey wouldbe better off gettinga job" lie aid. Horticultural Party A successful card party was sponsored by the Horticultural Society on February 26, in the O.ddfellows Hall when 15 tables were played. High lady- Miss Valeria Part- ridge. High Man Mrs. J. H. Morris Low Lady- Mrs. J. Lowry Low Man- Mr. C. Malley. Mrs. E. Couvfer, President, an- nounceci the. winners and extend- ed thanks to ail who attended. Lunch was served by Mrs. W. Wood a nd her committee. Fish Plantings EXTENSIVE FISHI PLANTING TO BE UNDERTAKEN IN DURHAM COUNTY In a Press Rel ease this. week Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham announced that extensive fish -planting will be carried out this sprîng in the Durham area. Plantings, Mr'. Carruthers stat- ed, are çlesigned to (a) maintain a f ish population having insuf- ficient natural reproduction (b) replace destroyed populations (c) introduce new species to suitable waters. Plantings will take place at the following locations: (1) The Enniskillen Conserva- -tion--Area-, Haydon Creek ýand Bowmanville Creek in Darlington Township. (2) The Ganaraska River. Gar- den-Hli Pond, the Wcst Ganar- aska Creek and the Pigeon Creek in Hope Township /(3) The Orono Pond and Wil- mot Creek in Clarke Township., OnIy waters open to the gen- eral Public are stocked, -Mr. Car- ruthers stated, and' since, the hatching product is limited and costly, the number of fish nfiant- cd is suited to the, amount of wat- er and the fishing pressure. The Liqqor Licence Act Notice 0fAplcto Licensing District No. 7 T.êKE NOTICE that Orono Food' and Service Centre Limitcd, operating a premises locally known as The Dutch Oven Restaurant of tbe Township of Clarke in tic, County of Durham, wll make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to bc ield at the Royal Canadian Legion Auditorium, 217 Murray Street in the City of Peterborough in the County of Peterborough on Friday thc Third day of April, 1970, at tic hour of 10:00 o'clock E.S.T. in.,thc forenoon for the issuance of a Dining Lounge Licence for the sale and consumption of Liquor with meals for the f ollowing premises:. a restaura2It of masonry construction locally known as The Dutch Oven Restaurant located on the North East quadrant of the inter- section of.Highway 115 and Taurnton Road, north of the Police Village of Orono andbeing part of Lot 26, Con. 6, Township of Clarke. Any person who is resident iu the licensing district may object to the application, and the grounds of objection In writing shaîl be filed with Mr. I. J. Browne, the acting depnty registrar of the lîcensing district, whose addro,ç~ is 55 Lakeshore Blvd. East, Toronto 2, Ontario, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. DATED at ORONO this Znd day of Mardi 1970 ORONO FOOD and SERVICE CENTRE LIMITED l<nown as THE DUTCH OVEN RESTAURANT, per WILLIAM STORESBERGER, ORONO, ONTARIO., Ottawa Report Russell C. Honcy, Q.C.M.P. Northumberland - Durh~am Thc White Paper on Taxation Rcform (First of f ive par-ts) Taxation reform is like mother- hood. Everyone is for it. The problems arise when we get down to details. Everyone thînks it is fine for the other feilow, but lie would just as soon be lcft alone. Tic dialogue which the White Paper- proposais was designed to create, is unique. It is the first lime govcrnmenh las put forward proposais in the. hope that Can- adians cverywherc, would come forward with their suggestions. Tic oid method was to pass bud- getary laws that imposed tax changes with swiftness and fin- ality, and without prior consulta- tion with the people. The great inherest shown by Canadians, including my constihu- ents, is proof that participahory democracy really works., As yqu know, 1 am now in' the midst of a seres of five constitu- ency meetings spohhed around the Riding. The criicisms -and suggestions 1 have receivcd ln your letters and at these meetings have been most helpful, and I' have passed the points on bo the Government Caucus and the Min- ister of Finance. If you have not aiready writ- ten bo me (whcthcr you are for or agains the White Paper), or have not exprcssedan opinion at a constituency meeting, it would be helpful ho me in my delibera- lions to have your comments.r. In the next four Weekly rRe-_ ports I iii outîine the proposais for tax reform as containcd in the White Paper, and will com- ment as to wliether or flot I am in agreement or disagreement. 1 hope you xii find them of inter- est, and of course, I invite your commenits. (10 be continued next week) The r egular meeting of H-eath- ci- Rebekahi Lodge No. 334 was held Tuesday, Fcbruary, 24, withi Sister Julia Jackson, Vice Grand presiding as Noble Grand apd Sister Laverne Barrabaîl, P.N.G. assisting as-Vice Grand. Sister Mae Allen was named as convenor of the committee set up to cater 10 the wedding March 21st. Sister Violet Dunlop, Jr. P. N.G . was namcd convenor of the commitîe 10 plan for the Birth- day Party supper, Tucsday Mai-ch' 24th. Il was dccided that Heather Officers xiii confer the degre on three new candidates on the night of Mai eh 24. The C.P. and T. committee headed by Sister Mac Allen xiii serve lunch 10 the Co-Op social evening Marci 131h. The Sccrtary was insructed 10 notify Mr. Rutherford re the aw.srd for the most deserving student and a sum of nioney was voted ho bc sent to a trust fund. Business being concluded, lunch wasscrved. At the recent arinual meeting of the Orono District Credit T 'i-, ion a beautiful set of t-ays, don- ated hy Curvply Wood Products was won by Mrs. Wm. Allia. Two First Aid Kits, doaated by Co- operator Insurance Association (Guelph) were won by Mr. Russ- ell Osborne an'd Mr, Wm. Kean. OMS Hearing (Continucd from page 1) ommended that a security fence bc erccted by Mosport. He said he felt he should beassured of pro- t ection and security, Mi-. Conlin on questioning Mr. Marvin revcaled that he was per- said, was done for the major use of the land and feit i t was within reason, He aiso said thatý up un- tii rècently he was not aware of representation from, Mosport. He closed by saying this was the Township Zoning By-law and that thcy would have to stand by it. Mr. Addie asked the Board to consider the choices and suggcst- cd there was no evidence that Mosport was used 'for any pur- pose other than auto racing and accessory uses. Mr. Conlin requested of thie Board that they leave the by-law suspcnded until suci time as ap- propriate language is formulated foi- the definition of use for Mos- port or that they include Mosport in'an Open Space area. He said ih was clear from Mr. Lithle's evîd- enc~e that no study of the utility of the area for Mosport had been given at the time he made lis recommendahion that it be A2. "lIt is discriminating to be restrictive to motor car racing and not so restrictive of other Open Space areas," lie sai'd., Mr. Conlin pointed out that other Open Space areas, even though in public ownership, could be used or rcnhed for rec-- reational facilities and were flotý restricted to the point of the Mos- port property. The Chairman of the Board asked if he would prepare a list of the uses for Mosport which could'be considered.' Again Mr.. Conlin referred to Open Space designation stating that the oper- ation ah Mosport was a recreation- ai feature and of the chai-acter of' Open Space planning. The Chairman of the Board asked if Mr-. Conlin would be sat- isfied if the area was zoned Open Space. Mr. Conlin answered with a decided "Yes Sir." Whcn Mr. Conli n began to speak on an ob- jection voiced perhaining to waher and sewage, facilities at Mosport, the chairman' stated they would' not consider the objection be- cause it had nothing to do with the, present by-law and came un- der other jurisdictîon. In closing Mr. Conlin askedf Lhah Cosport not be paintçd with that Mosport not be painted With candy coloured 'I#tripes while oth- ers in the sarne cutegory arc- painted mauve., The Liquor Licence,,Act Notice 0f Application Licensing District No. 7 TAKE NOTICE-that Gerrit Hendrik Heykoop and Betty Heykoop, hoth of the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, will make application at a Spcc'ýal Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to bc held at the Royal Canadian Legion Auditorium, 217 Murray Stre-,t in the City of Peterborough, in the County> of Peterborough on Friday, the 3rd day of April, 1970 at the hour of 10:00 o'iclock E.S.T. in the forenoont for the issuance of a Dining Lounge Lic- ence for the sale and consumption of liquor with meals for the following Premises: which are presently known as "The Coach and Four Restaurant" located on the east side of Highway 3à and 115, 8.5 miles north of Highiway 401 and being part of Lot 23 in, the 8th Concession of the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham and as set out in reg- istered Instrument No. N40586. Any person who is resident lu the licensing district may object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with Mr. H. J. Browne, the acting deputy registrar of the licensing district, whose address is 55 Lakeshore Blvd. East, Toronto 2, Ontario, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. DATED at ORONO this 3rd day of M-4rcb, 1970 GERRIT HENDRIK HEYKOOP and BETTY HEYKOOP R.R. No. 2 ORONO, Ontario. Thle ALiquor Li7.cenace Act Lîcensing District No, 7 TAKE NOTICE that Thomas William Noone and Eileen Cathrine Noone of the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham, will make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the Royal Canadian Legion Auditorium, 217 Murray Street in the city ofPeterborough in the County of Peterborou~gh on Friday the Third day of April, 1970 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock E.S.*T. in the forenoon forthe issuance of a Dining Lo*npee licence for the sale and consumption of liquor with meals for the following premises: Noone's Motel and Restaurant, Highway 115 and 35, 9 miles north of 401 R.R. No. 2, Orono, Ontario. Any person who is resident in the licensiag district may object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shail be filed with Mr. H. J. Browne, the. acting depnty registrar of the licensing district, whose address is 55 Lakeshore Blvd. East, Toronto 2, Ontario, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. DATED at LINDSAY this 2nd day_ of Mardi, 1970. THOMAS WILLIAM NOONE EILEEN CATHRINE NOONE R.R. NO. 2, ORýONO, ONTARIO.

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