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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Mar 1970, p. 7

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______________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1970 LI 1 i BY%AS Mâ u, nsuiranicei - PLUMBYNG aud EAIN 1 Sales and Servlee Agency ý4 HOUR BUR-NER SERVICEi fer -GLFiNACN Ail classes of personal Low Int-est Rates aif and hn:I Commercial Coveraees f Office: M in SL, Oronio Troe2365 83-50~3211 Reg. 9à3-5754 Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY RE.MODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS S1Interior Exter ior C HARLES REIL) Orono's Licensed .Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farîn and Furniture Sales Cofflult me for termns and dates PIIONE ORONO 983-5914 Monumenmts oudJ Family Memorials uqr qua1ty and service leaves notbinig t0be des:red Ask the persan who boughllt f;om us, a neighibour, fi-tend. or relative The RUTTEiR GRANITE CO]WP ANy 73 Ontario Street PORT IHOPE Largest display iu Southcrn Ontario a nd Cycle f Oro,, .Pho,, 983-5343 j PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snow Mobiles f McCuliocht CHAIN SAWS 1 jRepairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle f Englues fOTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINEBY j gPIJMPINGOU fSEPTIC TANKSg iBert . Tompkins 1 Phne 736-2552 LYCETT 1Plumhing Ieating "UONEU1 $c3441 iOrville Chatterton [Electrical Contracting j 1 Electrie Heatâni fand Service jPHONE 9833-5546 or 983-5940 Orono. Ontario j ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvail EIý4ECTRICAL CONTI<AUPING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V, RADIO -. HI-Fi FRI4GIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS -~ THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE m amniltons Insurance Service Lif e i Packne P83-5115 52 iBuilnga Ifouse?I for remodelling your present oue, then contact FIeyd NichOlsoo Phone 993-549 ORONO FORSALE Porter Cable Wood Shaper, steel stand and mnotor; 5 blades accessory attaclinents incluided. $7500. Phone 987-4977. a-p FOR RENT Two bedroom, heated apart- ment in Orono. Phone 983-5007. a-c APABTMEN T FOR RE1- Available April Ist. 2 bedroorn ground floor aoartrnent in Orono: laundry tubs,drr in basernent.* Ap)ply 983-5762. a c TENDER NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM 'COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION 335A King St. East >(Box 470) Cobourg, Ontario Tenders are inivited for the General Classroomi supplies. Ten- der lists and conditions are a- vailable at the Board Office. at the above address. 1' Tenders closie at 12:00 noon, May 16, 1970. M. A. MIacLeod, Business Admninistrator and Treasurer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS- IN THE ESTA4TE 0F FLOR- ENCE AGNES B3RIMACOMBE, late ef the Township ef Clai-ke'in the County of Durham,, widow,_ deceased; 11 Ail persons having dlaims. a- gainst the 'Estate of the said Florence Agnes Brimacombe, Who died on or about the llth day of July 1969, are hereby notified to send te the undersigned Execu- tors er their Solicitor- on or be- fore the 9th daiy of Mardih 1970, -thne s-fid ~ an~d fil particulars of thieir cdaims anid the nature of the securities (if any' ) held by themdu11lY yeni- fied by stttory d(ecliation. Imm.1ediatelyv after the said 9th dlay of MVai-ch 1970, the assets of the saîd deceased will be distrib- uited amilong thlfe pnosentitled theureto hvn regsard oly to the dlaims of whichi the Exe,(cutors or: the unde rsig] ed solicitor shall then have notice. Dated at Oronio, Otarlo this 16th day of February' 1970. ARTHIUR WESLEY TOPO Kendal, Ontario GARLAND CATHICART Kendal, Ontario, W. K. LYCETT, Orone, Ontario, Selicitor for the Executors. D. ROG'ERSON ORONO, ONTARIO j WE BUV ANDIE) Old Glass, China, Fine,, Articlesf j Toyz andOdd4lties IF iT'S OLD ... O CALLUS j WE PAY CASH jPhone 623-5342 afier 6 P.M f ]R1CABRD REALTORK 9* Klux St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buyiug or Selling cli WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and Dis- .trict Real Estate Board A NOTICE Reserve the date Wednesday, April 8th. The ladies of St. Sav- jour 's are planning their annual Easter Tea and more later. NOTICE Orono Lanideaiping. Garden Ser- vice and Snlow P1eMving., Phone 9î83-5318. t-f A Traut for' yeu Faitcy Quality Red Delicieus, llýlacîntosh and Spys also FRESII CIDER ICE CREAM C Grade Apples for sale $2.00 bus. Fred's Fruit,' Mudrket Highway 115, south of Orono c ailjouir hicenzed P1umM~no &, Meüchanical Contracter Who mils, Installa .jmd 1 étr--ant. CARMAN PLUMBING A-ND HEATING 983-5207 Oron, ý'OrOnO Building jBrick -Block -. Concrete Stone VWOrk Car»entry - Cabinet Work, S- Floors -.ITle EARN MIONEY IN SPARE TIME, Men or- Womcn te re-stock and colleet monoy from New Type lughl quality coin-operated dis- pen)sersý in your ai-ca. No Sellin'-. To qualify, must have car, refer- ences, $750. te $3,000. cash. Seven te twelve heurs weekly can net excellent income, More full -' We invest with yeu-and establish vour route. For personal inter- view write: B. V. DISTRIBUTORS Lim*,-f 2480 Tecumiseh Road East, Wind- sor 19, Ontario. Include- phone nuinber a-c WORLD DAY' 0F PRAYER Ail familles înivited to attend service on Friday, March 6, in Main Haflef Oreno United Çhurch at 7:30 ReIpesenitatives of. mnany different churches and faithis Ipariti'T»ating. S-pecial imutsic by Ili-c'S. Corne and bring a friend. b-10-c CQMING EVENT Corne to the St. Patrick's Var- iety Night in the Orono United Chureh on- March 17th at 8 o.m. Musical numbers, skit,- do or prize. Sponsore'd by U'nit 3. U.C.W.---- Admission 50c. Children 25c. bS-il-c CARLD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. -Ch.arlie Cooper wish- to expressý their very sin- cere thaniks und appreciation te neighibours anid friends for their many acts of kindnliess, cards and flowers during thIeir recenit iii- nessesz also a specýial thanks te Dr. Mý-eKeiuzie anid Dr. M\.ilis, nur- ses and staff at Bowmianville Meo iafl n ,Ohawa General CARD 0F THANKS 1 would like to spîy- "Thank You" te al of the people who were s0 sweet to me during my stay in Memorial Hlospital; for their cards, gifts, flowers and vis- its. Special thanks to Dr. J. D. Rundle and the nurses and staff of the surgical floor. a-cý Sincerely, Barbara Ann Gustar. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. C. L. Gunter wshsto thank ail those who sen tt cards while she was'a pafient in Osh- awa General Hospital. The kind- ness of se many certainly hasten- ed her recevery. a-p CARD 0F THANKS On behaîf of the Ontario Heart Foundation, 1 wish te thank the citizens of the Village of -Orono for their generous response to the Ueart Fund Appeal. An amn- ount of $35570 was collected by the canvassers who gave se will- ingly of their time and to whom 1 arn most grateful. Ethel Lycett, (CaUtain) BAULCýH MOTORS are now dealers for "CFOX MI-NIBIKES"9 A complete fine of kits and machines from $109.95 to $419.95 PARTS and SERVICE Baulch Mlr RR. 3, Port Hope, Ontario Phone: 416-885-2760 f Box 133 Phone, 668-35M ûlSafford Brothers I Limited IManufacturers o fCeinetery Memorials f31t Dutudas Street Ba"t IWHITBY, ONTARIO Orono Weekly limes

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