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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Mar 1970, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY MIARCHl Zth 1970 ORONO14 WEEKLY TIMES Pablished every Thursday at th fie of pubiLomo Matu Stree-t, Oron.o, On"aýo. Phone 98'3-5301 TWVO NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS If we might forget, for a short period, the aspects of the Peace Festival we would like to pay tribute to those in- volved in what we feel were two notable achievements dur- ing the past week. These are both of a local nature and do involve a considerable sigment of the residents of the area., The final payment to clear ahl debt on the Orono rink and artificial ice plant was one achievement. Here the miembers of the Athletic with somne assistance from the Hockey Mothers and other interested persons, have realized the completion of a plan which went into operation a num- ber of *years ago. This accomplishment is due to dedication by what might be called a small band of local residents who were generous in giving of their time and skill te provide a winter recreation centre for the youth of this community. Too often such endeavours are taken for granted and those who spend hours upon hours for community better- ment are forgotten in the shuffle. But irregardless Orono does have today an arena which is free of debt and is 'pro- moted to give service to the youth of the community. Thank you for a job well done. Secondly we cannot but help comment on the nature of the Ürono Public School Open House. To say the least we were quite impressed and de- lighted and wished only that we had allowed more tîme to tour the school. There appears to be a good school spirit and enthusi- asm was evide nt everywhere. Envolvement by the students themselves was on display throughout the wvhole school, not only in school work and'the arts but also indrama presen- tations and many other interesting events. We did enjoy suchi items as grade two's brief coin- positions on the Penguini and those of grade six entitled, "Me, In 1989". In these two offerings il was possible and interesting to note the wide and varying range of thought by the entire student body of the classes. Too often we gain only the opprotuniity to view the best and on this basis many gemis are tuckcd away. Mywe congratulate the stiydents and staff for a mo1st enljoy able and entertaining two hours and also for the insig-ht of our local educational system in Orono. MÛRE PARKING LOST Thle Nothumberland- Durham Cou nty Road Com- m1ission hias reported that thcy are to stand firm in their decision to establish parllel park,-ing, on the east side, Main Stieet in the Villiage of Orono. This decision is being held even though the rono Chamber of Commerce, the business mon and the Orono Police Trustees have requested that anglepakn be miaintaincd in the business arca. The decision hias little regard to the.fact that the area is a business area and that ease of parking, and, ade- quate parking is an important condition for the successful operation of a business. The Couinty has been moivated -to make the change on the premise of moving. traffic only;. The Cdunties lu their letter states that parallel park- ing is necessary fo r safety reason yet we fail to sec where the accidents have been on the Main Street of Orono. Thisý is just aniothier blow to the local business sec- tion who last year saw theit streets narrowed through a lack ofisgh or un.dcrsýtanding of the nature of the area. 'Therc appears to be a disr-egard o the fact that Orono does have a business section. 0MB 4Fl'earing (continuied fromi pageu 1) cluded in the by-law. Bc-law 1653 doûes allow Mo sport mlotor vehicle r-acing and that a ruui to by,-law 1.592 would p)lace Mo(sPOFt hlnd ina on-ofrig la h B3oard furthcr (qstated tihat fujse approval of Ibiýs Portion of the by-law w'ould leave Mos0,port unzoned. The dlecision stated "If port was tascrdfrom ai culture 2 to OenSpalce n1u ing a11so the use as a rc rc that tibis would perit a mù)Ich) widerrag of land use thian the bylaw proposed. The Board did flot reccive comlpicte evie"' to thl nue of afli(hue that Mosport Park Ltd. would carry on"Thle ]reportalso st "Idli the nie the Boar-d is of the opinlion that it is seoasontable bo gîve thie rtpy of this Town- sitii thie protection of these bv- 'lhle Board in their statement said Council shiould first have the dpportuniit.y of' considering any sugetinsfor- amendments to these by« -laws andc that the zoning of MOSPOrt was nlot un 1reasonlable at fistime. A numiberý of furthcr objections .werc noted in the, report as pre- sented to the 0MB hearing and in the great mai ority it was stat- ed that these requcsts could now be placed before Council as a- mendments to the zoning by- There was no assurance, however, that such requests woufld be grantled by Council. In thle deision handed down on Mosport it was pointedl outfha theic Township was apparentfly proü- ceeding towards an Officiai Plan and that this could resuit in a- meu:dmient 's to the, restricted area by-laws. Mr. Curry declined to comment on what Karma would do next, or on whether the Companv is nom, seriously considering any of, the alternate sites referred to bv the president, John Brower, at a Bowmanville pressý conference on March 4th. Reeve Stone on Tuesdav said that he and counceil were well pleased with the decision of the 0MB in approving the by-law. Hie felt they had no other alternative than to give their approval. He said hie was flot aware of what Karma Productions would do nom, but did state that it was rumored that the promoters were r- '*, ting for land only a few miles a- way from Mosport. This of course is onlv a rumor and mnanv have been in the air over the past few weeks. Clarke Township has at long last, a bonefide zoning by-law and with its approval can now advance towards the next step in planning, an officiai plan. Orono Publir Scbool On Thursday, :March 5th Open House was very successful. Monday morning started off ex- ciiting for the grade 1 class. A wild bird had found its way into, their, clasroomi. How this bird P-ot in is a mystery.- The grade 2 claàs are being casual and quiet tabout theiras sembly. We aire sure the rest of the sc.'ool is in for a pleasant surprise. This week gIýrades 3, 5 and 8 are writing th.- Canadian Basic Skill tests. b A study\ of commiunication is be- ingcodce in the grade 4 Pick-up and delivery every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday MIATIS BILLIAPRDS Orono, Ont. Phone 98.3-5310 Continental Sauna and STEAM BATH1 GENTLEMEN.. We have a Sauna and WhilI p.I ready for yoUr use. Drop in and give them a t-y Group Rates Available Mon. te Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. Suin. 8 a.m. - j P.m. 16A ONTARIO STREETr 728-2460 OSIUWA Clarke public LIBRARY HOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 S:30 Thursday 6:30 - 8:8 Frlda'y 2:30 - 5, 6:30 - 8-34 Saw-riay 10:00 12:00 a-. classroom. The grade 6 have completnd a studyý of Famous Autho4rs. Some of the groups have drawn pic- tures. For have' sheets the last month grade 7 been doîng a ssignment in geography on various provinces. They have also com- pleted attractive mosaic designs in art. Square dancing is being held in theý general purpose room dur-, ing Physical Education classes, Editor - Bonnie Dunlop. Asst. "Editor - Ed. Clark- See Your Winter Phol)os Now Clerace Photo Equipment at Cost or below for new Super 8 and Ir eultIr 8mim movies Kodak M-à68 Super 8 l'rolject9r Koday M853 Duo 8 Projeicter $199,50 $130.95 . . 8 7. 730 . $13.3.00 Kodak M12 Super 8 Camera.... *$39. 95 .. 26.60 Kodlak Carousel 850 - 35 mm Projecter etc 153.9di Kodokl Instamlatic 134 Camera Kit $36.50 24.35 Kodak Instaniatie, 124 CameraKit $23.85 ... 15.95 Kodak Inslamatic 44 Camera...$11..40... 8.60 Polaroid 320 Camaera and Flash.. Viewmaster Duto 8 Mlovie Editor . -ý,9 .Argus IV 35nm PreMiewer.......25 M.880. . 52.55 26.60 7 5.85 Similar Savings on Film and Flashi Lamps B STUTT'S PHARMACY Phione 983-5009 Or-oïn, Bob Dest Memorlal MIDGET TOURNAMENT Friday Maroeh I3th. PORT HOPE versus OSHAWA at 6:30 p.m. ORONO versus COBOURG at 7:30 -Admission 50 cent- Tyke Tournautent Friday, March, 2Oth ORONO versus BOWMANVILLE'at 6:30 p.m. NEWCASTLE versus OSHAWA at 7:30 p.m. Corne out and join in the activities at the Orono Arena Dry Cleaingo 6wimwïww liâ wim il li mlëiê , olwd Wil ". ffl oi 1 W.,.-

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