OROÏNO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH lZ2th 1970 Open House ýcontinued from p-ýa2e 'of th(ý,e presentations the method of study was outlined and brief classes were held with discus- sions. Parents were given a con- ducted tour of the library with students outlining the various ac- tivities and describing the opera- tion. The general purpose 1 room came into full use for floor hock- g j ey, folk dancing, glee club, chor- ai reading and rhythm band dem- onstration -and rope climbine. it wasapparent in thie latter thia we do have a few monkeys in the commrunity who can with ease shinny up the rope. Open House ran for two1 hours in the afternooni and a similar perîod ini the evenijg. It took a f uli two hours to inspect the dis- Plays and to catch the various activities as they were scheduled FIGURE SKATING CLUBR PRESENTS CANADIAN, HOLIDAY ON ICE MARCH 21 and 22 SATURDAY PERFORMANCE 8 p.m. - SUNDAY 2 p.m. GUEST: ELAINE RICHARD NICROLS and BEVERLEY TENNANT William C. Hall, B. Comm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday ONE WEEK ONLY No. 1 Creamery BUTTERIL.67< SICO Pure 48 oz. tins AppleJie3fr$ it te on theprogram-. Parents could also actively par- ticipate in the Open House with thé' promotion of, "History Tests for Parenits". This was coniducted by the students who turnied teach- ers and judges for the occjlsion. Stuçients were mhost active iii the whole operation of the Open House. lt's Ail in Province's Hands The future of the Diamond Tri- angle area and the continued ex- istenice of an independent region in Northumberland and Durham are contingent on the economie growth policies of thec provincial governiment by one of the United Counities planning consultants. Pierre Beechmans toîçi Th1-1 gates at Saturday's Diamond Tri- angle workshop that the Port Hope-Cobourg area could he comn- bined with either Belleville, Pet- erborough or Oshawca in thec new regfional governmnent structure, or it could be the core of an area on its own. "It ail depends on Whether the provincial government adopts a definite poiicy of growth poles," MA NK'S -I8AKERY and Snack I4ar Phone 983-5»3 (Red Steer> REG. $1.19 VALUE - 10e, OFF PACK Blue Bonnet Margarinle 3lb. l93 SAVE 4c. - LIBBV'S FANCY QUALITY F-ruit % C;ocktaol33 SAVE 4c. LIBBY'S COOKED 19 oz. tins Spagahetti s fr e MIX or MATCH FEATURE CORN FLAKES 16 oz. - SUGAR Frosted Flakes 12 oz. MeINTOSH Large Can Fcy Quality. APPLES l.5 5c JUICY Sunkjst Seet and Seedless ORANGEdoz. 49c SA/%TURDAY, MARCE l4th ONiLV We reserve the right t. Ibnit quan.tities Phune 123-5201, Orono, Ont. Mr. Beechinans said local bod- ies shouild not just waît for - cision fromn Queen's Park. To, do nlothing, wouldi definitely be det- Mlay*\or Michael 'Wladyka of Port Hlope a.sked Mr., Beechmnan if liewould reconimeind nimei- atell, mtinof port lHope, Cob)ourg fanid Dparts of J4 - -- Township, in order to establish fuill ity services for the arý SThe consuiltanit replîed thiaitat doý notlhing would be detim)ental, ,A joint planning board was min- imumi requirement and "perhapsý oushould do more." The consultant presented a sr le o Iap sowing the natur - al regionis in the area, based on face- tors such-i as travel habits,. On motof the mnaps, demiographic klatal succeeded in coloring, Port Hlope and Cobouriig and the area i betweenl as one uniit. "rma planing' poit of view, Port Hope and Cobourg are one urban centre and sthoffld bu, jointly planned," hie said. "A natural region exists. ini- cluding the townships of -Hope, Hamilton, ,Haldimand, Alnwick and Cramahe. Clarzke Township couild be in- cluded if the Diamond Triangle has a faster rate of £grow7th." Mr. Beechmans saidj the smailer region around Camapbeilford coid go with Peterborough. Bell. eville or with Port HIope - C-,a bourg, while the smnailer, region around Bowmniiî,ll,, çould r,()witb Oshawa- or Port Hope - Cobourg, lie said bis studies showed iPeterborough to bc the outside city with the ciosest tics tol tl,ïs area, but the link was not strong. Hie noted that the Ontario gov- ernment's Smith Renort 1, - shown Port Hope - Cobourgý as, part of the Belleville-centred re- gion, while the Oshawa study considered attachingz this area fo Oshiawa. Mr. Beechmans said that dif- ferent eovernment departments used different region.s for admin- Mstrative purposes, but hinted that single reeionals"- mi ght be established on the initi- ative of ad.ministratoiZs if no pol- itical initiative was taken. A civil service committeoç he said, from 20 governm6nt. dePa.t- ments, was workirn fi" -ro- ordination of the administrative regions. he said, "but the nresent ýf"4~'f- Les showing the recent population growth of the United Counties are still below the Ontario. average." HOCKEY NOTES The Orono Tykes pflayed a not- ableIne last Friday, even tho' they wr defeated 7-1. ýTheir op- positioný came from the Bowman- ville Ail-Stars which is a power- packed teain froin our neiglibour- iang larger centre. Stephen Clark scoredýî the lone Orono coal atssistf to David Hutton. The Orono Atoms were aiso defeated by a. Bowmanville team 4-0. 1The local Pee Wees defeated Newcastle on Friday evening by a score of 6-I. RobertHe-'- scored two goals whiteNck Van Seggelen, Richard Roberts, Douglas Black and Jim lB-o~~ scored the remainder. 1Chris Robinson pulled'the hat trick against a- Bowmanville Pee, Wee team Saturday morning bult this effoi t of three goals was flot enough toscr a win. Bowman- ville were the victors 4-3. The 0Orono Bantamas defeated Port Hope Batams 5-1 on Friday evin.Stephlen Cox- oe two goalswihinl counters; by Ed Stcc, Ciff Fee and Warren John- stonl.Asit wenit to Jim Boo3ts 2, Cifi Feu, Kejih Powell, , David, ýArd anid Ian Brenlnan. Th)e .OoôMdgets were givenil a lesson1 in hockey by the local. cdachýes when ithle coaches won 6-2 in an inèrsin ame. The thiree Orono goals wýere scor-ed jby, rBlain Moffat, Bob Teni- nant an!d Ranidy Tennant. The coaches' goals were by Geraid Robinson 2, John Mather 2, Du- \ie Webbter- and John Withrr- îdgle, Assists 'went to Vie Bridger 2, Charles Hutton 2 and John Witheridge. P0T T ED' BEGO NIA BULOS Setof14 $1.35 4 colours ini a set Pre-,potted ini growing trays Begin them now for planti.,' in Yvour garden. EA"STER PLANTS may be ordered MÏddletons Phone 9M-5242 ORONO, ONT. A NEIGRBOUR ig A PMRoN 4 WHO euNGET TO IoUiR POUSE IN L.ESSTIN A MINUTE AND TAIE9 AN IIOUR OOo 00I'oE! Albert's Texaco GEMNERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Or.n* - I Hind Qua- ters of BEEF 79c Cut und wrapped for freezer I "Voui Save Twice with Trim and Price" l b RIB STEAKS 'Tender Juicy lb. 99e SPECIALLY SELECTED - "The KinI< of Roast" PRIJME RIB ROASI Short Cul Chef Style 'IL 8 9c Now Is The Tinte! Phouet6-334j -coller', ONDX PMMQIJA,ýLITY CaU Us Today For prompt, Coeies service We reserve the right te Ihiiit quantifics PhDne 983-5201, orono, ()nt. 1