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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Mar 1970, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIES, THUBSDAY, MARCH l2th 1970 As the Easter celebration aip- proaches we turn our thinking more directly to the -person of Jesus who is the Christ. We do0 so with the realization that, as in many other things, we eau eas-, ily :take God, Jesus and the Chiýs- tian faith for granted. Jesus was the 'man for othiers' This was the motivation of hîs wbole life and ministry. In re- vealing God as love be did it by directing bis life to the gr-eatest well-being of other men. H1e was the man of 'love', the 'man of Peace.' We have great difficulty in un- derstanding the nature of bis love unless we keep clearlv -- minds the fact that the meauiug is iu bis 'life for others. Trhe 'new momality', if we under- stand it, is what Jesus was intro- duciug almost two thousand years ago. People who talk about the new morality to-day usually ap- ply it only to sex and lu a way wbich is an expressiou of selfisb- ness or liceuso. Proper under- standing of the uew morality means that it is related not only to sex but to, every relationship of if e, such as busiuess, family lîfe and even politics. Love is the measure of all thiuges and love as, revealed by Jesus was lu puttiug the best interest of others as the first motive in our actions. The nfew morality, if Properlvý under- stood, is a muc& higher and ex- acting course to follow, It meansi living for others. Iu beiug the 'Inan for otliers', Jesus was the man of neace. Peace is mutch on our minds to- day as there is such a stroug move aiong youing people to have donc with war. War i-, ou'- rwn t Pressing problem at present. Ev- en tbough drugs, sexual immnor- allitv. and pollution seemi to. be rapidly destroying our ýcivîlization tbey are 'not the most Pressing oroblems. Concerniug wRi we can miake certain gêne'rai statemeuts which seein to be constantrea1"- Ç wbat our attitude or action in past bas been. They are ais fol- CITIZENS 0F and Districet LISTEN TO, AND TALK WITII RussHoe VOUR M.P. Fr1. March 13 Nightengale Centennial Temple QUEEN ST., BOWMAN VILLE - BRING VOUR QUESTIONS - BRING VOUR COMMENTS - BRING VOUR FRIENDS TIIE PUBLIC IS INVITED The. Liquor Ljicence Act Noice 0f Applcatont Licensiug District No. 7 TtI*KE NOTICE that Orono Food aud Service Centre Limited, operatiug a premises localiy known as The Dntch Oven Restaurant of the Township of Clarke in the Connty of Dnrham wil make application at a Special Meetiug.of the Liqnor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the Royal Canadiau Legion Auditorium, 217 Mnrray Street lu the City of Peterborough in the County of Peterborough on Friday the Third day of April, 1970, at the hour of 10:.00 o'clock E.S.T. iu the forenoon for the issnance of a Dining Louage Licence for the sale and consumption of Liquor with meals for the following premises: a restaurajt of masonry constrnction Iocally known as The Dutch Oven Restaurant located on the Noah East quadrant of the inter- section of Highway 115 and Taunton Road, north of the Police Village of Orono and being part of Lot 26, Con. 6, Township of Clarke. Any person.who is resideut lu the liceusiug district may object to the application, andl the grounds of objection in writing shalbe flled with Mr. H. J. Browne, the acting depnty registrar of the licensing district, whose address' is 55 Lakeshore Blvd. East, Toronto 2, Ontario, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. DATED at ORONO this 2nd day of Mardi 1970 ORONOFOOD and SERVICE 'CENTRE LIMITED kniown as THE DUTCH OVEN RESTAURANT, per WILLIAM STORESBERGEN, ORONO, ONTARIO. The Man For Others Kendal News The clear cold weatlier andi t¾ snow covered fields this week are ideal1 for winiter sports. The sehool cildren will be hoffi- it continues next week when they have their vacation. Thiose lu charge of the ski siopes east. of Kirby expeet a busy 'week be- ginuing March 1.5. Sundy ws aSUI11Y Col(!d da. 11ev T. ueigove Poke on "The rejcte Cris."Th e Saviour Prayed,* "My God, my God, why hast Thou fojJsaken me?" AI- though11 he sceemed to be forsaken God wýýas near 'IThis was donc for sînfufl man. The flowers àt 10,o altar were In memory of Mrs. Chas. Thompson. The funeral of Mrs. Hamilton Boyd took place iu tbe Lang Chapel, Orono on Tuesdav Pfý- noon, March 10. She was boru lu England and came to Kendal in 1933 with ber hushand. H1e pas- sed away F'ebruary 11, 1952. She lived in Kendal till after the sale at the end of June, lu 1952. Then she went to Toronto to live with Miss Ruby Boyd. She bas been lu failing health for several years. Brenda Caswell visited withî Debbie Youngman last week-end. T he United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. E. Cour- oux on Thursday afternoon, March 5. The roads were t- '- On- Wednesday. The president Mrs. Stevens opened the meeting, with bymu 356 'Take my 1f e and let it be eonsecrated Lord to Thee' followed hy a prayer for Our U.C.W. group. Mrs. K. Wood read from Pqh1'5 letter to the Galations, Chapter 5 verses 13, 14. 15. 25 and 28 0'r- then read an article entitled 'Those Mission Balles - Banc or Ble$sing.' Perhapsg there is a bot- ter way of belping the needy. It was then suggested that to send material they eau make into gar-' ments, and wool, they eau kuit into mitts, baby sweaters etc. gives the Indian mother pride in ber skills. Witb our talent monov Our U.C.W. plans to send books, material etc. We will write to Dr. Norman Mackenzie and find out what they need on the reserve near Orillia. The minutes were read. A thank, you note' was received from Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Reynl aert for the gifts received after their home was burned. The sunshine 'offering was tak- en and two members paid their dues, making twelve paid up members. Mrs. Wood read an article writ- ten by the editor of the Ottawa Journal entitled, ."The Indian Tragedy - is andOurs," dealing with the alcohol problem as he saw it wben he visited Kenora. MsA.Low had purchased two gifts. These were presented by our President to the retiring president, Miss C. W. Stewart and to Mrs. W. Mercer who was treasurer ofý our U.C.W. for the past eleven years. She thanked these ladies for their fniifir services to the U.C.W. on behaif' of the present members. The- -two ladies tbanked us for the, gifts. Lunch was provided by IVrýý.K. Wood and Mrs. E. Couroux. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Wm. HÔy on April 1 at eight ,p.m. Miss C. Stewart, Mrs. H. Foster and Mrs. T. Stevens went to the service of The, World's Day 'of Prayer that was held in Newton- ville on Friday afternoon. GodI does flot will war. He wills peace. War is neither creative or cur- ative. it does not cure hatred and it does destroy property. War causes de-huminivitinn. people become things. It crcates disease and destroys honesty. The destructive potential of modern aims mean that there, eau bc no just .war.> Aithougli we have been and maY stili be involved in'.was it is not the way of Christ. Nor have we ever allowed Jesus' way to be tried. The C hristian 'Church did flot grow- in influene because of its i»ower to destroy life, ,but rather because it bad eaught a glimpse of what it means to be 'men for others' even if it does mfean sacri- fice and sorrow. l'le Easter season. cals us a- ga 'in to renewed faith. It cails usý to put 01ur trust in the livinïg Christ and lin bis ways. Ilis way, *iv7ing' forl-~ r'i the mesue nd eidi(e fori, er man', womiani and cbiild iu evryy tille, circumnstanee and rjelaýtioil- ship, and 1 pray that somne day the wvOrld will trY Jesus' way. - Notice To the residents of Orono and area -please note that. the Oshawa Harness Horse Association Ltd.. were in no way connected or responsibl e for the remnoval of' snow from the race 'track in Orono. Sigied Fra È rey, President The Liquor Lic'ence Act NouÉtice' f Application Lieensing District No. 7 TAKE NOTICE that Gerrit Hiendrîk Heykoop and Betty Hleyk -oop, both of the ToWnship of Clarke, in the County of Durh1-am, wili make application at a Spc1al Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to b ,held at the Royal Canadian Legion Auditorium, 217 Murray Street in the City of Peterboroughi, in the County of Peterborougli on Friday, the 3rd day of April, 1970 aqt the hour of 10:00 o'clock E.S.T. in the Iforenooni for the issuance of a Dining Lotuge Lic- ence for the sale and consumption of liquor with meals for the following Premises: which are preseutly known as "The Coach and Four Restaurant" located on the east'side of Ilighwýiay 35 and 115, 8.5 miles north of Highway 401 and eigpart of Lot 23 in the 8th Concession of the Township of Clarke, iii the CoLintyv of Durham and as set ont in reg-, istered Instrument No. N40586. A1nv pcrson w ho is resident in the. liceusiug district mnay objccet to the application, and the1 grounds of objection in %vrîtîng shal be filed with Mr. H. ,J. Browne, the acting dceputy registrar of the licensing district, whose address is 55ý Lakeshore Blvd, East,, Torouto 2, Ontario, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard., DATED at ORONO this 3rd day of MWch, 1970 GERRIT HENDRIK HEYKOOP and BETTY HEVKOOP R.R. No. 2 ORONO, Ontario. The Lisquo --r Licence Act Notice f Application Licensing District No. 7 TAKE NOTICE that Thomas William Noone and Eileen Cathriue Noonie of the Township of Clarke lu the Connty of Dnrham, will make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the Royal Canadian Legion Auditorium, 217 Murray Street in the city of Peterboroughi in the County of Peterborongh on Frîday the Third day of April, 1970 at the hour of 10:-00 o'clock E.S.T. ln the forenoon for the issuance of 'a Diniug Loune licence for the sale and consumption of liqnor with meals for the following premises: Noone's Motel and Reëstaurant Highway 115 and 35,> 9 miles north of 401 R.R. No. 2, Orono, Ontario. Auy person who is resideut in the liceusiug district may object to the application, aud the grounds of objection in writing shail be filed with Mr. H. J. Browne, the acting deputy registrar- of the licensing district, wvhose address is 55 Lakeshore Blvd. East, Toronto 2, Ontario, at least ten days before the meeting at wbich the application is to be heard. DATED at LINDSAY this 2nd dayof March, 1970. THOMAS WILLIAM NOONE EILEEN CATIIRINE NOONE R.R. NO. 2, ORONO, ONTARIO.

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